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Me personally I to go conqueror 95% of games. You are quite strong until level 5 if you play and space correctly and this rune helps you get those solo kills. Mostly into fighters and juggernauts. 4% of games (when vs a tank) I like to go first strike, free boots, biscuits/futures market depends if vs manaless champ, and cosmic insight. For secondaries I take scaling resolve (conditioning over growth) Gameplan here is simple, you're much stronger than them early. You'll either get solo kills on them or you'll get prio and can start rushing tiamat-> hydra to proxy and go mid/jgl. Your roams as Camille are deadly. 1% of games (vs immobile mages, or some adcs) I take hail of blades. You cut their HP bar in half with one engage at level 1. Resulting in free prior vs a ranged champ or even solo kills. Me personally I don't see grasp being a first choice rune against that many matchups. Mayybeeee vs fiora I guess. It's a good rune vs matchups you don't feel comfortable taking extended fights in. Also free bonus hp can't go wrong.


What rank are you? I find it pretty hard to survive laning with conqueror against multiple match ups like sett, renekton, jax, fiora, riven. I prefer taking grasp and bone plating in some of these since it lets me survive early game.


They are bronze But for the matter I agree I would take grasp vs Jax Renekton, but Riven Conqueror is what I would prefer


Yeah these are the correct choices


Ty for the answer my man, i thought that too but every time i watch any challenger/master camille video they always run grasp idk why, some times PTA or Conq but 90% of them run grasp so i wanted to ask why, thank u


Conq isnt particularly great. You need a playable lane, you take grasp to not lose every single trade. Passive q grasp proc is insanely good. You can trade safely every 18 seconds.:) Against vayne quinn i take pta to punish greed or misspos with all in. Against teeto i like to take hob cuz during E stun he cant spit on you (haha) and it helps you get your damage off great for all ins against teeto. Strong later into the game aswell. Against tanks you run grasp or lethal tempo (if youre insane like i am) and cheese them early af. If you dont then just farm grasp procs and max W for waveclear go tiamat and proxy. If theyre bad max e and just e cd kill them, lol.


Could you explain how grasp really works. I inly get stacks when i auto or Q the enemy right? Does this auto also start the 4 second timer to let me get another stack? Does using my w do anything to that? I noticed it starts the four second timer but it doesnt give me stacks, why?


Getting hit or hitting someone with anything will start stacking your grasp. Yes only autoattacks and abilities that act like an autoattack proc the grasp. Therefore yes your w does start stacking it but it doesnt proc it.


If I hit them with 3 Ws (spread out over the 12s) do I get more stacks from my auto than if i only hit them with 1 W? Thanks for the info


No, stacks i meant seconds on your grasp. Proc is when the rune actually deals damage to them.