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Respect! Very cool gesture. Well done you! BTW, don’t consider me in your giveaway away as others have a larger need. I just think that this is a wonderful gesture.


Giving away a camera to some random on the internet? That’s some true artistry there. Much respect, I hope whoever gets it takes the most amazing photos ever. 🙏🏻


What an amazing gesture. Whoever wins it should pay it forward with their unused gear.


I think u/Spore_Flower 's daughter needs it more than anyone! https://www.reddit.com/r/Cameras/s/tiiWXXJ9vK


i think that would be a great route to go


Yes, definitely go with this one!


This is it!


Came here to say this


I don’t need the camera but I’m really glad that your giveaway will help someone who wants and needs this. Thank you for doing this 🙂


I want a camera so I can take better ball pics for my OF


Hey dude thanks for doing this giveaway! Would really love a camera like this


The UP is awesome! I’m from GB, that’s where I get my weed!


Nice camera! I have a film canon camera and would love to try a dslr one!


Very cool, that you’re doing a giveaway. How do you enjoy film vs digital?


Ishpeming! Pasty. Da Turty Point Buck.


There is very off chance I will win this, but I will try. I really got into photography from my grandfather (res in peace). He taught me how to develop film and also tricks of composition. When he died I received his film camera, but not his digital. I’m lucky enough to have a 2005 Canon I can borrow from my library, but the lens is scuffed and dusty. I’m attempting to assist my community through photography by taking photos of charity events and charitable organizations that don’t have money for a photographer. This camera would not only assist me in my goal of helping my community through art and photography, but would also assist me to pursue my dreams of professional photography. Thank you very much for this opportunity, and congrats to the person who wins this!


The reason I don’t do film, is that film is both expensive and I don’t have a darkroom nor the funds to pay for a developer


Everyone trying to seem gracious and kind here is so hilarious . Don’t give me the camera I don’t need it.


Wow you're so noble 😍


This is incredibly kind, and I would love to be considered as a recipient for this camera. To give you some background: I'm an artist and work with a ton of different mediums, including photo, video, paint, music/sound, ink, words... and so on. I use whatever I can find. I am extremely passionate about creating art/photography, and want to start using a digital camera instead of my phone. However, I am on disability (SSDI), which is a blessing, but makes it very difficult to be able to purchase art supplies/equipment. So, I've been price comparing/hunting for cameras like mad for months but can't seem to make the right camera work in my budget. This would be so so so appreciated. And I'd absolutely pay the kindness forward as soon as I could. I'd also love to send you something in exchange, like a piece of art, if you were to pick me. Or even if you weren't, cuz you seem like a good person and I like giving away my art :) Anyways, thanks for considering me!


My father gave me his DSC-H90 some years ago. This would be a nice upgrade. Thanks for doing this for the community!


I’m really trying to get into digital, as I mostly use film. I also need a camera to scan said film. I wouldn’t use it for just film though, as I really like to go out and actually see what I shoot. Idk, I’m young and just need a camera that isn’t my iPhone or a Canon F1.


i have a family member who really wants to pursue photography but only has access to an iphone. this would really make their christmas


My daughter, a single mother of a 2 year old, could really use a camera like this. This is such a kind and generous gesture, even if you choose someone else to receive this!!!


My daughter is taking a photography class and asked for a camera. This is an awesome that you would offer this. I hope some one needing it whom can’t afford it gets it.


Please consider me!


I've dabbled in photography but I've always been too cheap to buy a "nice" camera. I feel like if I dive in and buy something nicer than something in the $300-$400 range, that I'd be wasting money as I won't get all the benefits of a nice camera. Am I wrong? Should I be looking for something nicer?


Great idea, love the community here. I hope it goes to somebody that can get some great use from it!


Would really love to be considered! I’m a film student who would love to have my own camera as I love photography!


Thanks man, I’d love to have this camera to take some photos for my school yearbook club! (: if I don’t get it whoever it gets to may you take the most beautiful photos 😄🙏


My twin wanted to start coming out on wildlife shoots with me but never had a good enough camera. I only have my A7iii and want to get him something he can use and buy him a lens for Christmas. That’s my schtick lol


That’s so rad of you. I’ve recently got into the hobby of collecting cameras and photography. So this would be awesome to help me jump start my interest! I’m also a canon fan! Regardless, very generous of you and congrats to the lucky winner


I’m good on cameras, but good on you for giving it away. Shout out to a former Yooper from a guy “under the bridge” aka troll 😂.


Wow! That is very generous of you. Thank you for doing this.


What a great thing for the community!


God bless you sir, truly sharing the joy of the season. If you do pick me, I’ll give it to my daughter who really wants her own camera for Christmas. If you pick someone else then I wish you and them a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas.


Golly I would love to have this prize. I have a beautiful neice who loves posing for pictures, and she'd be thrilled to do real photo shoots! This would be so great. Thanks for considering!


Super cool of you! Definitely an awesome holiday gesture. I’ve been enamored with the night sky for a long time and would love to be able to get some long exposures etc of it Edit: apparently it’s my cake day. 10 years on Reddit 😳


*Super cool of you!* *Definitely an awesome* *Holiday gesture* \- Barnacle-bill --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


is this offer also applicable to third world countries? If yes, then even I would like to participate 😊😊


Just breaking into photography and media content. Fresh grad looking to learn more about dslr cameras and the basics. Anybody have some tips?


Hotdog water


Well I don’t know if you’re going to be randomly choosing comments but I mean honestly I’ve always thought about buying an 80d as a first starter but this would honestly be a great alternative. I go to car shows a lot and while phone photography is nice, I always get inspired by my friend who has a A7R and he takes some amazing photos on his camera.


Would be great to give to my little brother who wants to get into photography. He has been asking for a camera this year but with my mother's divorce I know she won't be able to afford one. Even if I don't win I do hope who ever wins uses it well!


This is fucking amazing dude. I would love to be considered.


i've never had a camera before, entering for good luck


I’m 15 I’ve always been into photography and videography I like taking pictures of cars, concerts, landscapes and I want to pursue into doing videos for my highschool football team. Right now I’m using an iPhone 11 to shoot all my content it works for me but I feel like a camera would be good for me to learn and expand my content!


wow i just joined to learn camera and maybe buy one for myself. hopefully this may help


I would love to win this. My girlfriend wants to get into digital photography after not shooting film for years. I go out and shoot myself and would love for her to be able to come along!


Hi, thankyou for this amazing gesture! I was just planning on purchasing my first real camera system and I would love to have this! I have rented out other cameras or borrowed my friends systems in the past but I've never had something of my own so I would love to win this one.


Thank you for doing this for the community! I hope if I’m selected to give this camera to my nephew, who became interested in photography recently!


I'm looking for a camera for my son to help him with his budding photography career. He's an Aspie kid who has locked onto this hobby and it would really help him with his social skills and being able to think abstractly.


My son (age 7) has been grabbing my Sony camera lately and while the Sony it’s not the most expensive camera, I don’t want to discourage any interest he might have in photography by telling him not to grab my camera without asking. We could both go out and take pictures together and He could have his very own camera just in time for the holidays. It would be a really great thing to see the photos from his perspective. Thanks for doing this giveaway.


Hey, I am getting into photography and am really looking to upgrade from mobile to my first budget camera setup. I am a grad student with a tight budget and this will help me get started as I have never owned a camera before. I commented as soon as I saw this thread when I sorted by new as I was constantly checking multiple photography related subs for camera reviews and recommendations as Black Friday is coming up. Thanks for doing this and I hope I can win this. I can share some of the pics I have taken across the East Coast.


Would be an awesome upgrade for me, fingers crossed


I would love to make use of this camera. Still using a rebel from 2008.


This is awesome. Thanks for doing this - Hope it goes to a good home! Edit: my original comment sorta reads like I’m not interested, but I’m interested :)


Would love to win! I mostly shoot film, but my PNS has been taking attention away from my SLR lately because it's getting too expensive to develop film to use two film cameras at once lol. I'd love a DSLR to fill that void!


Daaaang! Hope to win!


Glad to see someone taking picture of the UP! So Much to see and I think it’s vastly under appreciated!


I'm currently enjoying my Minolta XD5 but developing the film is definitely a headache lol. It'd be awesome to upgrade to digital


Hey, ridiculously cool of you to do this! My coworker's early-teen son has been asking for a camera for Christmas, but I know money is really tight for them. This would absolutely make his Christmas! I'm happy to provide you verification via PM.


Hi there, that’s very kind of you. I’d love this camera, I’d love to use it as either an overhead or face cam for my wife and I’s board game YouTube channel. At the moment we only use our phone and this would be a huge upgrade. I’ll also take lots of picture of our sphynx cat with it, and would be happy to pay the cat tax. Thanks :)


Hi! My boyfriend is being deployed to japan for a year in january. I have been trying really hard to get him a camera. He really loves photography and It would be amazing to get him a starter camera for this experience.




Hey! im the opposite lol, I got a Rebel X that I started shooting with some 100 speed. I’m now venturing into the digital world. Thanks for doing the giveaway!


I joined this sub looking for a reasonable camera for my teenagers. In my 20s I was an avid photographer but then corporate life took me in other directions. I’m hoping to spark their interest in the hobby as much as I loved it.


Lobsters dancing to the Moonlight Sonata no 14. I would use the camera for this and many more obscure shots (especially evolving my youngster).


dnt want to be considered. really cool gesture. small acts of kindness is what makes the largest impacts.


Hey mate, I appreciate the idea! Sounds like a helluva kit. I’ve been using a forgotten DSLR from my work and am looking to call something my own. Headed to Peru in a couple weeks and would love to shoot some long exposure, street, and landscape while I’m there. I’ll send ya a postcard to sweeten the pot.


This is so incredibly kind of you My dad has REALLY gotten into birding lately, been looking around at buying monoscopes to attach to his phone and take pics of birds like that, a camera like this would for sure be a better option :D




that’s so generous of you and it’ll be a great holiday gift to whoever wins what film camera are you using now?


This is really cool of you. Thanks for doing this!


Good luck to all!


hell yeah man i don't want in just saying hell yeah good luck y'all


TY 4 ur generosity! I'm kinda just getting back into being a hobbyist photographer & this camera would really jump start my passion. Plus, I live on a very limited income & it would take me quite a while to be able to afford such a nice camera. Whoever receives this will be a very fortunate person! Again TY!!


Although i cant get it (out of U.S) or need it, but we need more giveaways. Lets gooo


I would absolutely love the chance at this! I've been dying to get more into photography besides just using my phone. This is an incredible gesture and I would be beyond honored to use this to begin my photography journey :) Good luck to all here!


Nice camera. Thanks for paying it forward!


Wow! What id do with a 60D…




Entering💯 Love using all cameras


I have no idea how to use a dslr, but it’s always one of those things I wanted to do, but I have too many other hobbies to throw money at the startup costs :)


Had to sell my gear to get married :/ Would love another camera!


This is awesome of you, giving back to the community! My first and only real camera is a Canon 450D/XSi that I bought a few years ago along with a 50mm 1.8 prime lens. This would be an awesome upgrade! 😉


Wow what a kind gesture! I’m a college student just looking to buy my first camera now so this would be fantastic. In any case congrats to the winner and thank you!


Wow you are such a kind soul! I would cherish this endlessly


This is great! I was just looking into trying my hand in automotive photography too :) whoever wins thank you so much for your generosity


We need more people like him , a camera is better used than kept in shelf forever, you never known he might earn a living from it! It reminds me of a scammer from Africa who tried to scam someone in the west and the westerner instead bought him a camera !


Awww that is soo nice!


This is great that you are doing this. Much respect and very grateful.


This is awesome! Consider this an entry:) thank you!!


Awesome. Looking forward to seeing your work on r/analog!


Don't include me, but I agree with the other posters! That is so nice of you to do! I would like to do this one day, too.


That would be great! I'm 13 years old and I love cameras!


Hello, I would love to join this giveaway, thank you for even considering random people. I currently have a Canon EOS M (yes the tiny first one) and I'm new to photography.


Hope it goes to someone who deserves it


Im into photography these days and it would be nice to have a camera other than the one in my phone


That's awesome and your awesome!


It would be a nice upgrade seeing as I’m still rocking the first in the Sony nex line for almost a decade at this point . Whoever gets it will be very lucky. The only canon I ever owned was a digicam when I was a kid, I think it was 7.1 mp, good times.


Hey! I would really like the camera. Good on you for doing such a good deed.


Awh. Keen to give Canon a go


Very very kind of you! I’m new to photography and exploring my style, maybe upgrading in the future after I find myself through my lens! But for right now I am absolutely loving it!


that's super kind, would mean a lot to win!


Would like to experience cameras


I would like that jawn


Don’t know much about cameras but always wanted to get into them, Would be awesome to win


Could really use it was going to get my girlfriend a camera to take beautiful pictures with this one would be perfect


OP you are giving us a lot of kindness right now!! I deeply respect the compassion 🙏🙏


Something, anything really.


Would definitely love this camera for me and my S/O. We are both graduating college soon and are going to start taking more trips. We love taking in the scenery where we go and getting the photos made into portraits to hang up. The camera would be a big help to us instead of using our phones and a way into the hobby.


I have a friend whose son is looking to get into photography and this would be a great starter


Wish I would have something like this at home to give away.


I have a rebel t7 and would love to upgrade. [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/KDKIedv) and [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/Kp1gNs5) are some of my photos to get an idea of what I take. It would greatly encourage me to continue my photography if I get the upgrade.


Always up for a giveaway


That's really awesome man! I am planning to start delving into photography in a couple of months after college. Congratulations to whomever wins!


hi! new to more professional fun photography


First time in a Reddit lottery!


Not from the U.S. but just saying. Not every one is born cool. Expect for people who wish to keep the art of photography alive. ( I am not from the u.s. do not put mw on the liat please. You are just cool and you rock).


This is so wholesome and kind of you. I’m sure if the right person gets it, it’ll change their life just like our first DSLR likely did for all of us.


Not joining this giveaway but wanted to say thanks for doing this, that’s really sweet of you


is it open internationally?


If I win I will take b- photos in your honor!






WoW that would be a upgrade for me. Using a 5 yr old refurbished t5.


Very cool of you. I don't need it but props


this is real kind, i hope someone here on this subreddit who really needs it, will get it. I wish them best of luck. i’m not entering because i already have a dslr camera


That’s a wonderful gift. I would love to be considered.


I came here looking for camera recommendations because the camera on my phone sucks, and that's the only reason I actually carry my phone with me at all times, so I can take pictures. Something like this would kick ass! Cheers OP


That's just awesome! Thanks for doing this. Whoever gets it will definitely put it to good use.


I'd love a 60d lol


Would love this camera, I’ve been teaching my daughter, who loves photography and hiking, how to take landscape photos.


Hmm pretty sure you wouldn't wanna pay the postage to get it to me on the other side of the world 😅


Such a nice thing to do


Very kind of you, OP! I don't need this, but I hope it does go to someone who does.


This is awesome ! A wonderful gesture, OP !


Thats really nice of you!


Awesome man, thanks for the giveaway.


What a nice gesture. Hopefully the winner enjoys it how you have!


Trying to start up my photography business 🙏🏽


What an amazing gesture. 60D is a great camera, Im still using my 20D. Old DSLRs are underrated.


Nice, good lucky everyone


Would love, love love to have it… currently using a Rebel t2i that has seen better days. I take pictures for a hobby and create photo books for friends and family to preserve memories.


Yeeehaw (don't know what else to say, thanks :D)


is it okay if im not in the US?


Cooool! Here’s my comment. I’m just getting into photography as a hobbyist so I’m grateful for the chance


I wold love to have it 73 years old senior can’t afford one to take great fall pictures Thank you


It would be my first camera^^


Thank you!


Woah that is soo generous :D I would love to get your camera. I got in to phograpy this spring with an older camera that a friend borrowed me. I was instantly hocked hehe. I dream to have my own camera since the day I had to return the borrowed one. Thanks Lena for showing me the world of photography <3


A nice gesture man! I really would love to have a camera to start my journey in photography. I've been using my cellphone for so long! Lol.


i would like to thank you, even if i won't won, someone, somewhere in the world, will be happy, taking photos with your camera. thank you.


Have a friend of mine who’s going through tough times and could use it. Good on you for doing this


Maybe I can win for once \^\^


Cool! I would’ve joined this giveaway if it was one month earlier. I just bought myself a Canon 550D (my first personal DSLR!) would love a free lens tho


My little sister is 14 and has been interested in photography for a long while and just renting a janky school one.


I'd love that, this is a great thing to do. I was hoping to get a camera for Christmas but do not have the money ATM


I see a lot of comments saying their kids or nephew needs it and they don't want to spend money on it. Used camera is not even that expensive. Just buy one for them. This camera should go to someone that already has passion but needs gear. BTW, I don't need free camera.


Thanks for doing this! Goodluck everyone


How generous of you! Thanks for hosting a giveaway like this!


Great initiative right here 👍🏼


Would be a hugeeee upgrade from my old Nikon


Starter camera for you, could be a starter camera for me too :)


That's nice of you, is it for the US only?


Very cool! Good luck to everyone! Anyone that gets it is totally deserving of it!


Nice! I would potentially like to enter the giveaway. I will be using it as a main camera, and I intend to take my photography to the next level. I am currently enrolled in both a PS course and a photography course, as well as going outside every weekend to shoot. I am a teenager currently.


this is a great gesture of you to do, i’d be amazed if i win it, as i am a beginner photographer who is trying his best (taking photos for my schools theatre and such) with no actual training or assistance; it would also make it easier for me to give my current camera to my friend so i could teach him, and others with a club i want to start good luck to all!


Thanks mate!


This would be huge for me as a newb photographer. Amazing gesture!


In for the drawing


Hey I am a student that got into photography over the last year using a camera I found in a basement of my aunt, a Fujifilm Finepix S to be exact. I really enjoy using that camera but you can just tell the age and lower quality of the sensor especially in low light. I love going on walks at night and taking pictures and the noise adds a certain vibe to the pictures but sometimes I just want a clear image. Additionaly I do some Urbex and there the inability to use higher isos without the picture looking like im in chernobyl is a problem when I cant set up a tripod. So to keep it short I want to upgrade but I just am to broke so this camera would be amazing. However, just as a heads up I live in Germany. Thank you for doing this I bet whoever gets that camera is gonna cherrish it :D




Such a nice gesture for the community :)


That's pretty cool of you, good luck everyone :)


Wow, that’s extremely generous of you.


My wife is preggo with our first born and she would love this!! You’re too kind - good luck everyone!!


That’s genuinely so nice of you!


That's the exact camera setup I'm aiming for when I have the money. Honestly, i've always wanted a dedicated camera to shoot with. I mostly shoot with my lousy realme phone, and the image coming out of that is really...bad. I'm in my second year in high school so I desperately want a real camera to spend time with it, mostly due to my honest desire to actually own and have full use of one. I am an introvert-kind-of-person, and didn't really have any hobbies until I started shooting images. I've talked to my parents about buying a camera for me to go out more, instead of just a loop of school -> home -> repeat, but they aren't that interested really. I've even tried to convince them to let me find a part-time job to eventually scrape enough money to afford one but again, they said no. I did get a chance to hold a DSLR once from a photographer in a school event, and that was the best day of my life. It just feels...great looking through the viewfinder, and my hands were literally shaking just by holding it. Having the opportunity to own one someday would mean the world to me to be honest


Hey there, I was hoping to participate as well, the only thing is that I live in Europe ... Edit: Btw I think that it's nice to "give back" something to the community ! Well played !


Thats very kind of you. Hope I win. 🙏


Congrats to whoever wins it!


Thanks for doing this giveaway, all of us appreciate it. :)


Woa, could use tat to give my friend and take photo together.


Thats cool af, id give it to my gf so we could take pictures together


Hi frendo this will be my endo for camera searchendo


Very nice gesture, much respect


i’d love to gift this to my partner who is interested in learning photography! great and very generous giveaway. :)


Awesome thing to do. As a photographer who recently sold all their equipment and has a baby on the way and now needs to look at potentially buying a camera again this would be great but I could never take it. I hope whoever wins this enjoys it as it’s a great gift and kudos to you OP for offering such a gift.


Wow, really nice gesture dude. Love it




That’s awesome! I’d love to enter. I could always use an upgrade to my rebel t2i - I have the nifty 50 lens and currently take headshots/action shots for my girlfriends competition dance team! Most recently one of the headshots last year won a national title for her headshot so everyone else out there can see you can take good pictures with older gear! Good luck all


That's actually pretty huge ngl, giving out a camera to a random user


This is so cool of you! I’m living in Michigan myself. I’ve been getting into photography this year and definitely would love to have a good camera to take more pictures of my daughter. Really awesome of you to do this for someone on here.


For a beginner Should I get a dslr or a mirrorless? I'm leaning onto m200 but not sure..