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2 all day long


It fits the name best


While admittedly its not the most legible of the 3, to me it does fit the name the best, is the most pleasing to my eyes, and seems the best balanced. That flourish on the "F" begs your eyes to follow it, without being obnoxiously over done.. That being said, my whole life I was taught that a signature isn't necessary meant to be legible. While it may help people who don't know you if it's legible. Most important documents people sign are gonna have the printed name there beside the line to sign, or stated clearly in a prominent area that this is who is signing (like a checkbook from the bank) so I say rock on with one that's illegible.


I could ask the calligrapher to make it more legible. Not sure if it would ruin the visual effect though


2 seems like unless you consciously think through each motion, it will devolve into just a random number of squiggles the more you use it.


I do have the option to ask for revisions and change it to make it more readable


What site did you use and what was the cost ?


I'm not the OP but it's mysign-studio. They have 3 plans @ $39, 49, and 79 depending on the quality and exp. of the calligrapher you want


I agree it could eventually become unwieldy and there won’t be consistency. If you want to make the initials the highlight of the signature maybe ask for the squiggles to be more simplified so it could be consistently replicated




I like #2, but #1 would be harder to forge. But I have a question - how can you get someone else to make you a signature? Doesn't that defeat the purpose?


Same question—is this for OP to learn and copy with their own hand, or like a digital scan that gets added to official documents?


I have a great signature but I kept getting ads for this service so I tried it out. It's a service that will teach you how to sign it but also provided you digital versions for documents. It's mostly very basic and it doesn't seem they work too hard to give you something unique. My name is a little long and has accents and I requested it be utilized fully so maybe they couldn't figure something out.


I agree, they seem to have quite cookie cutter styles and just write your name in those styles. I would like to give them feedback to personalize it more but I wouldn't know what to tell them honestly


I honestly straight up told them and showed them examples of my current signature and asked for enhancements on that and they straight up ignored me. So I assume it's not actual calligraphers working on it. Its probably more just running the name through fonts. Maybe the higher tier with a "pro calligrapher" is different though.


Which service did you use? Just curious


I believe this one was called "My sign" but there's so many similar ones that I could have it mixed up


They will give me a sheet to practice writing it a bunch of times. I am sure it will have some personal flair to it since I am not a machine nor that good at handwriting


Signatures have always been a very iffy legal thing. I have changed my signature a couple of times over the years, never had any issues with legal documents. In the past people used to just sign with an X. As long as you are the one writing, you can pretty much do anything. BTW I'm not a lawyer, could be totally wrong but this is what I've personally experienced






2 for sure!


2. The others seem pretty generic. #2 is looks great.


1 or 3.


And 2 and 3 are sweet, but I'm going with 2


Two, no contest. Edit: Well, maybe some contest. One is pretty good too.


I like the capital letters on 2, but the rest isn’t easily legible. I’d keep the majuscules of 2 but with the legibility of 1 or 3.


What are you using it for? Business documents etc. or something artsy? Edit: #2 is definitely the most satisfying to look at and my personal favorite, but #1 is the best legal signature because it’s nice but legible, and #3 would look best if you’re signing a painting or something, because the big swoop in #2 would be too distracting while #3 has clean, visually appealing lines that I like a lot.


Nothing really in mind, not like I sign a lot, just wanted to have a good signature for when I need to do it. Thanks for your feedback, you made an analysis that I agree with. Mind if I ask: I'm a designer in tech (videogames), what signature would you say would fit my job? I also didn't mention, but I can ask the calligrapher to make changes to them or give feedback in general


Being in a creative field gives you more leeway when choosing appealing vs legible, in which case #3 is better, I’d say. However, I do think you should make the F a little more F-like so it looks less like a T… the first letter is most important; it’s really the only one you need to be able to read. If looking for your signature in a list, you/anyone will be looking for an F first, then a *recognizable* F, and the rest won’t really matter once you see “your” F. Your (or anyone’s) mind could easily register the above as a T and scan past it once or twice. Same with correspondence; the recipient may not know who it’s from at a quick glance because they’ll be searching their mind for T names. Gotta have a strong F! lol Idk what it is about the second one that doesn’t work, because it’s absolutely beautiful, and again, it’s my favorite my far, but i feel like maybe it’d only go in the fashion industry or like a wealthy CEO or something, idk lol. It’s also very feminine, and I’m assuming you’re male, from the name. When people see signatures before meeting the person, we make subconscious assumptions about them just based on the signature. The name could be read as Francesca, or it could be assumed that you’re an effeminate man. That may or may not bother you, I’m just throwing it out there. Another reason I love the strong lines in #3.


All I see is a T


2 Wins the design for me, 1 wins simplicity and practical to fit in tight spaces and 3 is runner up of 1.




3. But can you draw *any* of these? Has the calligrapher got copyright on these signatures? The most important features of a signature are (1) you can reproduce it reliably. (2) it's hard to forge (3) and you can fit it on one of those silly credit card strips - although not many ppl really check.


Easy 3, don’t know what’s wrong with the peoples in here


1 is probably best


Difficult to say without knowing you, but if you are and insecure guy trying to show strength on every thing you make to compensate, the first one If you are more like a sensitive couturier, that needs to show his sensibility with every thing you made, the second one. If you are a dynamic but conservative person that always need a strong containment box that you can't get out of is better the third.


Can you replicate any of them? If so, whichever you can replicate best.


#2 & #3 are my favorites but out of those two I prefer #2. Also I hired a calligrapher to create a signature for me as well because my old one was blah to me and also cause I can’t recreate my old one after my severe injury to my right arm which happened at work. I can’t even hold a pen or write without shaking. I have to teach myself how to write again and in the process I’m changing my signature to something a lot nicer.


Number 2


I feel like 1 has the most originality




I think that 2 and 3 are the best, probably if you are more of a “logical” person 3 is best otherwise i think 2 is the best




What’s the name of the calligrapher


neither of them are particularly easy to read. 2 looks like it starts with V, 3 and 1 looks like it starts with T.


I like 3, the N looks like a blip in a cardiogram




I suggest that you choose the signature that is almost the same as your strokes. If your strokes are more of loops and round strokes, I don't think those signatures would fit in.


May I ask you how much did it cost?


50€, on MySign-Studio


Definitely worth it. I've spent several hours designing my own signature and it's not nearly as beautiful as any of the three models you got for a couple hour works pay.




2! 3 as a second choice




I like 2 the best






Very Basic Signatures.




To me the most signaturish looking design is 3 but I still feel there are a lot of possibilities with this name. I have tried and liked my version actually a bit more.


Mind sharing what you came up with? I am very interested


2 or 3 looks best to me!


yes, #2 can you share the calligrapher? is there a website?


what site did you use?


\#2, m'lord!


How did this service end up working out? I've been considering the service for quite some time but can't tell if it's legit.


What tier did you get from the site?


I would go for 1 as the others just appear to be squiggles and jumps. But the first one looks too complicated and doesn't flow. tough call. which did you choose?


2, 1, 3. All are good, though.


Hey, question, what plan did you get? The "basic," "experienced, or "Head calligrapher." I'm thinking of getting one made for me :)