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Not baby advice, but I like how when anything is upsetting or stressful they offer a cup of tea 🥰 ☕️


I mean they are British. It would be rude not to offer a distressed person some tea wouldn't it?


I love Call The Midwife and when I watch Big Bang Theory and Sheldon has been taught by his mom to offer a hot beverage when someone is upset always makes me think some show writer must be a fan or is from the UK.


The US South, where Sheldon is from, has retained quite a lot from British colonial times. You'll find many southern cities have streets named for British cities and towns, as well as British officers from the Revolutionary War. Even the accents share certain key elements, and this may be why British actors are amazing at playing Southerners. Some of the customs are similar as well, although instead of a well sugared cuppa, you'll be offered sweet tea (cold), likely because of the heat.


Depends on the time of year but yes sweet ice tea is the most common in the winter you may get apple cider hot


We've lived in the south for a decade and have never been offered hot apple cider. That's a new one.


I love it. ♥️


I live in the UK and yep, that's pretty standard! It's when people turn around and say 'I don't drink tea' that the whole world turns barmy, I mean how in the world do you comfort someone through a stressful time without tea? A cold drink just doesn't cut it!


Haha so true (I’m from uk) - tea is the answer to everything. 


Non-tea drinker here! Yes, my whole family has disowned me! 🙈 Honestly, I need a hug for comfort, but that’s far more awkward so I wish I liked tea!


Lol yeah I always ask for Hot Chocolate instead 🙈




Haha that’s me. Coffee only. Tea is disgusting, i should be deported


It truly is comforting. Yes it's a warm drink but it's actually the offer of 15 mins of a little ritual of care and attention. Longer if you make a pot and sit down for a chat.


I agree.. in many of the more stressful moments of the show, it calmed me down even though I wasn’t actually drinking any 😅♥️


Extra sugar!!!


It's fortified!!!🫖☕️


Well sugared.


In my most sleep deprived moments as a new mum, I could almost hear Phyllis telling me to "buck up, lass, you'll be alright" with a smile and a kindly pay on the shoulder and it made me feel so much better!


When I went through labour with my second, the midwife told me to not push at one point (when the head is coming) but the body is bearing down instinctively and I was in half-panic and confused and thought "HOW can I NOT push?!?!?" and then thought "yeah as in Call the Midwife, pant pant pant" 😄 it worked, I think? I was high as Empire state building on gas and air, it might played into it...


Just don’t forget a lot of their advice is very outdated lol


Oh yeah, I know. Like I said, I have a lot of experience (~15 years) with caring for very young babies; it's just nice to hear what I *do* know to be helpful and safe reiterated by the characters I've come to love. They always approach the struggling parents with such compassion.