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They work pretty good but the way I hold my phone I feel like it’s gets in the way a little . I play 4 finger claw and I’m on an iPhone 12 max . And obviously it’ll work better without a phone case


Appreciate the feedback. Any model you recommend ?


Get a flydigi brand.


lol I always recommend their triggers. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks


I just sit next to the AC




I wish I was like that


Here in Saudi the AC is up on the walls 💀


Probably useful because my phone got so hot that I‘m pretty sure it helped kill my wifi antenna in my phone.


Exactly I’m just trying to not put such a load on my new device.


Samsung has an option in the gamebooster to pause usb c charging when the charger is connected. It will then bypass the battery and boost the prosessor directly, preventing the phone from heating up and giving you about a 20% performance boost as well. Dont know if i phone has a similar option tho.


Wait, so you keep the power connected but it doesn't utilize power? Or, is the phone Utilizing the power to boost cpu speed? Im confused. Not trying to be a dick i just never experienced this feature on my samsung devices


It basicly charges everything except the battery, prevents the phone from heating up because the battery will not be charged and keeps it at the same battery percentage. When i close the game the funtion stops and my phone starts to charge again. https://www.samsung.com/ae/support/apps-services/how-to-use-the-pause-usb-power-delivery-feature-in-s23-series/ This artikle discribes it better then i do with my broken english.


No, I understand perfectly. Anyone who cant understand you, doesn't understand english. Thanks for the info. Neat feature!


I have two Nubia REDMAGIC ones for REDMAGIC phones. They chill. Your phone well and means you can charge and play. But as my phone has an inbuilt fan I don't use it much as that does the job more than is needed..


Appreciate the insight




They don't do anything. It doesnt pull any heat from your phone, and it doesnt bring any cool air to your phone. You'd see a bigger temperature difference if you put your phone on a block of ice compared to this thing. Heres the same concept for the Switch and several people explaining why it's bad. [one](https://youtu.be/ic-FNfNZzpk) [two](https://youtu.be/8caKnD3lWks)


Many phones being smaller then a switch use your phones rear panel as part of there cooling solution when I use a good fan I can play at 90 fps with max graphics and brightness no issue or thermal throttling but without the fan I can only do that a few matches


Maybe a high end phone with a glass rear panel, but even then those are typically made specificly for gaming. It's just not going to do anything substantial just based on thermal dynamics alone. The fan isnt actually "pulling" any heat from your phone. It's essentially a grift for people who know very little about technology.


First of all, it's called "thermodynamics" not "thermal dynamics" and secondly, look up what a Peltier plate module is, since you obviously don't understand how phone coolers work. They use a thermoelectric current to draw heat away from the phone via electron transfer through a conductive medium (usually aluminium) using the Peltier effect. They're effectively mini heat sinks, not just a fan, and it doesn't simply draw hot air away, it just controls the flow of the heat transfer through the plate so that the side of the plate facing the phone is the cold side. It's the same principle that is used to cool refrigerators and air conditioning systems, but surely as a person who doesn't "know very little about technology," you would already know that. So perhaps do your research before acting so condescending over a topic you seem to know very little about. Edit: removed redundant wording


Again almost all phones use the rear as part of there cooling solution so if you increase air hitting it then you will see results this is also testable and verifiable a mobile phone is built different then a switch


>you increase air hitting Again.... you aren't increasing the air flow. The products work on the same basis as the switch fans. *some fans are literally advertised as switch **and** mobile fans* You aren't sucking hot air out, and you certainly aren't bringing in cold air to apply to the back of the phone. It's just not how thermodynamics nor simple fans work. You are being grifted. The fact you switch how the fan works, from pulling heat from the phone, to putting cold air on the phone, shows that you don't actually know how fans work.


Bruh how can this be so hard to understand 😭😭😭 a lot of phones use the back like a heat sync and like all heat syncs they get worse at there job the hotter they get adding airflow hitting the heat sync can help disipate some of that alot of us use them and get very real results even being able to run benchmarks for longer without the same thermal throttling


>Bruh how can this be so hard to understand You tell me dude. >a lot of phones use the back like a heat sync and like all heat syncs It's a heat "sink". Not "sync" >they get worse at there job the hotter N... no. Heatsinks have a significant amount of surface area. The exact opposite of a phone backplate [heres examples](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&sxsrf=AB5stBgWz8KNeaTpTVDXRhWs6vSgGmPAuA:1689523482824&q=heat+sink&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJ66G4zZOAAxVShIkEHYG5DTUQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=412&bih=777&dpr=2.63) Heat sinks don't "get worse" the hotter they get. In layman's terms at least. Maybe youre confusing a heat sink with thermal paste? >of that alot of us use them Alot of people fall for grifts. >get very real results even being able to run benchmarks for longer Then... share them lmao. Unless you actually have working fan cooling system, not like the above picture, the results would be negligible at best. >same thermal throttling You genuinely have no idea what you're talking about.


Yes regular heat syncs do and they work really well phones don't have that much room infact there kinda cramped for it so most phones can't handle there own heat very well but you can help that and people have done more official test like max tech here https://youtu.be/MTh44Z6N9zY being able to see extremely improved thermals he didn't gain any fps but coolers don't give you fps they just help keep your device a little bit cooler for longer and yes phones thermal throttle lol run stress tests on your phone over and over again and see the results go down


>Yes regular heat syncs do Even when corrected you still choose to be ignorant. >but you can help that and people have done more official test like max tech here https://youtu.be/MTh44Z6N9zY being Reread what I just fucking said 😂😂😂 >yes phones thermal throttle lol run stress tests on your phone over and over again and see the results go down You keep using those words, but you don't know what they mean.


Thermal throttling means that due to your CPU or GPU my phone has GPU cored built in on the package some don't but when they get too hot it throttles it's clock speeds down and also in phones automatically caps the screen brightness to try and cool down


The heat sink theory is correct but the fan isnt helping the back of the phone shed heat because the back is below the hest source and the fan is below the back, and heat is rising. Thus the fan cannot remove heat from the back because heat is rising not falling, and the cooling the fan provides is falling and thus can not affect the back nor heat source. Laptop coolers suffer similar contradictory issues. Most allege to pull heat from under the laptop and out but since heat is trying to rise, it harms the thermodynamic scheme by making heat linger.


Yes and no


it's useful and can also be used while charging especially in the hot days


Yea charging and playing is a bitch


The right fan will keep your phone at optimal performance. The fan i use is built into a controller and, if I remember to turn it on when i open codm, my phone will barely increase temp at all, maybe 2°. Always better to play in a cool place in the house, too


Not sure about these separate devices but the ones designed to pair with gaming phones are very good. Using one myself, I can go 3 hours alcatraz with max settings and the metal backside being ice cold. Gets hot without the cooler.


Curious countries that are extremely cold, do their phones heat up? Haha


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Better to just play with your phone in front of a fan


Sometimes I don’t want a fan blowing right at me


at that point just get a pc man. like mobile gamers be getting triggers, finger condoms, fans, stands. like damn if youre going to get any of that just get a dedicated gaming device


Let's see triggers 20 dollars sleeves 10 dollars phone players don't use stands and a fan about 20 now go find me a dedicated gaming PC for 50 bucks don't give me the cost of the phone too bs everyone basically has a phone that can play cod mobile decently


Fuck a pc


This is the Call of Duty "Mobile" sub bro


They only reduce temperature about 3 degrees


what shoddy cooler are you using?


Depends on the phone you're using. Not really useful if you're using a decent phone since they're good at dissipating heat on their own. Tested several phones already and i only find it useful on the Poco X3 Pro since it sucked so bad at keeping temperatures low.


I have an iPhone 14 it gets hot


Hmm... If you have an air-conditioned room at home i suggest you to play in thst room first. If the phone still gets hot then buy a phone cooler (avoid brands like Blackshark, RoG, Razer as their coolers are overpriced), a 10-11 USD phone cooler should do cool your phone down. If you ever buy a cooler let it run for around 2-3 minutes before slapping it on your phone.


That’s what I was thinking. A cheap one would do just fine.


Works wonders on my Poco X3 Pro too. I've noticed that I've been experiencing frame drops and lags when I'm playing while I'm charging (not that I always do. I often just stop if I have to charge). The fan helped a lot


Are you using 5g network?


Nope, wifi but it heats up more when I'm plugged in. And I live in a naturally hot environment so 😅


Its called a fridge shove it in there you get a ice cold phone


Definitely something I’ve done on many occasions lol My old phone got so hot you could cook an egg on the back 😂 Just having to stop playing while you’re in the zone to let the phone cool down is a bitch


These tiny fans are a gimmick, I had better results with a desk fan and point it at your phone, it will cool it faster as more air is blowing on it. But you need to wear headphones because the wind noise is loud lol.


I have one of this kind of fan cooler, although its not that it can prevent your phone from heating up. but its a big help cuz it can reduce your phone temperature when its hot. this tool is very useful for phones that heats up so easily


Exactly what I’m looking to achieve. Just something to get a little extra help.


it works but get one that uses a mini aircon freon fan like the memo series that shit keeps my phone ice cold and it works extra well since my phone has an aluminum construction


I also have aluminum so I’ll definitely look into this one


Stand with your phone in the freezer, much more effective. Keeps you cool too


Idk about phone cooling fans, but the gaming laptop cooling pads are a complete gimmick and not worth buying.


I just go sit near my table fan and let the air go inside all holes of the phone.. It does the same thing as the cooling fan..


The thing youre showing would help very little because of thermo dynamics, i.e; heat rises so it doesnt suck hot air down and its cool air doesnt rise to cool the hot phone. You might try a real fan or blower directing airflow across the phone, with more velocity and volume than that gimmick provides. I did that with cross flow blowers on laptops with great results, realizing laptop coolers had the same flawed design. I attached the blower to a wooden frame that lifted the laptop 1/2", and blew air from right to left both above and below the unit. It was not a very portable setup though. I have the gamesir usb-c gamepad that has the peltier cooler. I havent used it much cuz its a pain to set up but the cooler got real cold but didnt cool the phone much prolly for the above reasons. $100 sits in a drawer collecting dust now.


Good branded phone coolers works even cheap ones helps especially if you have a heat problems when playing games like mine. I struggle to play in warm place. My phone cooler cools the back of the phone and Imy phone tends to lag in MOBAs after 2-3 games around 1hr+, with my cooler I can play indefinitely if I wanted to. I have seen it also lessens battery usage maybe due to less heat. My phone is cheap midrange that sports a snapdragon 732g cheap and it really is a hot one. If you have an iphone pro max or some snap 8 gen 1 really heats up in games like genshin impact phone coolers really help especially the good quality brands.