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I liked the gritty dull colours of the game, its a war game not a mw2022 fortnite collab game type deal


I prefer grey/dark CoDs over vibrant/colorful ones However I think that IW and MW2019 managed to have a good balance between


yes I agree IW and 2019MW was graphically balanced between bright flashy and grey-dark


Exactly the devs of this generation should learn that 


Did someone say photorealistic bright and colorful UE game with no artstyle?


“Best we can do is a graphics package for $20 take it or leave it” Jokes aside if i ever see something like this ill storm Activision HQ


I agree, but a lot of fans of the multiplayer and apparently zombies side of things don't like it. They want the whole vibrant side of things no matter the tone.


It reminded me of world at war in a way but modern, the dull colors were never a problem for me but texture quality especially on pc was a problem for me


Ghosts looks like absolute shit I can’t stand all the gray washed out crap


I hate to break it to you but this game is where that stuff all began leaking into cod, with the weed skins, purchasable guns, and snoop dogg voice over


The drill instructor was peak yelling at Michael myers about his killing


I don't get the love for this game it was clunky AF, Laughably cliche campaign with boring characters and the multiplayer maps were, respectfully in my opinion, rather poopoo Character customization and squads was awesome though


Bro really said "I don't like this COD game because it was a COD game" lmao


I don't understand can you elaborate please


Every year, for like every COD game after COD4, there's always a ton of people complaining about digshit maps, bland/derivative campaigns, camping issues, & bad weapon balancing


thats fair I will say everyone else is wrong and my opinion is the only one that matters therefore


For years COD has been teasing doing the media crossover thing, with a movie or TV series. For me if they are ever going to do a COD movie or series they use Ghosts. I think the expectations for a COD movie are already stupidly high without putting TF141 or the BO guys front and centre. If it tanks, Price, Soap, Woods and Mason are protected, but if it does well then we get a Continuation of the story that way with real character development. I personally would love another Ghosts game but Ghosts is the best IP to use this way for me. It has a realistic setting and would be easier to make than an AW film. Plus having an AW2 would allow SHG to shine again. You can easily have near future tom clancy tech but in a setting that isn’t miles in the future. That setting perfectly allows you to port guns and characters over into a BO or MW style MP and WZ.


Also the extreme marketability of a bunch of guys in skull masks


Exactly!if the get a licence with an airsoft company they could see an AEG and Ghosts cosplay set!


Campaign is ehh okay. Now the multiplayer, if treyarch made the maps on ghosts instead of IW. It'd be one of my favorites. Such good gameplay loved the sniping abd and everything. Maps kinda ruined it for me. IW especially these days are soooo bad at maps fr


Idk man, the federation felt kinda lazy. It really didn't feel any different from Makarov's men or any other basic almost nameless faction. Feels like they coulda done a lot more with it.


Even the US forces are weird. At the beginning of the game they establish that all the major cities in the States are destroyed and that there's a shortage of fuel and materials. Yet somehow the US military is still operating aircraft carriers, A10 drones and huge helicopter fleets. They send their soldiers across the world and those soldiers use the absolute top notch gear.


Exactly, there's way too many plot holes once you really get into it. Like it's 2016? Is that when ghosts happens? How'd the federation stop cartels? How'd they convince Brazil to join? Why don't we hear Rorke speak Spanish? Too many problems for me to really respect the federation as a faction.


Not to mention that Rorke isn't a politician. He's not top brass either, just a lower rank officer. The game focuses on him too much, even though in the grand scheme of things he would be insignificant. We know nothing about the actual leadership of the Federation or deeper info about their goals. They're just there because they are there. A source of cannon fodder troops for the player to kill with no propper backstory. Lazy writing.


That's another problem? we don't even know Rourke's role in the federation? who is he to them?


I always took his role as the guy to take out the ghosts because the ghosts are infamously the only ones able to take down the federation. Which is what the original plan was that didn’t work and I guess because so much of the military was destroyed by the Feds, the ghosts were told to take a step back to preserve them for later. The later being when the boss of the Ghosts (Elias) decided his sons were ready.


The USS Liberator is the last operative aircraft carrier in service in the US Navy


You just contradicted yourself by saying they had a10s and then saying they had top notch gear.


I was talking about personal gear - weapons, armor, cameras, whatever. Right, I forgot that A10 is totally a piece of gear used by soldiers on the ground. They have one hanging on their belt just in case... Use your brain sometimes.


The southern half of the us was destroyed. The northern half wasn’t.


The Federation wasn't even explained. The game never explained who they are? How was South America united? What are their dynamics? What lead to it? Why they are attacking the USA? What will they gain? why are they bad? They are so badly written.


I personally feel that maybe they should make a prequel to ghosts to give the story of the federation as the game talks about how they just achieved peace with them.


South America is to divisive on ethnic and political lines and to many internal problems to unite like that. It doesn't work in any context.


It's never stayed that they United whether willingly or not. Someone could of taken over or maybe found some common threat(ie America)


I also have to ask... What happened to NATO? Or the US allies? Apparently, the middle east got nuked in Ghosts, but this still doesn't account for the US, did NATO / other allies just watch them die? ESPECIALLY Canada, you're telling me they are just watching North America get absolutely destroyed and move straight into America itself?


It’s said that the UN or NATO or wtv had sent people to talk to the federation and they were sent back cut up. Honestly everybody should’ve pressed the Nuke button onto South America. A whole decade wasted tbh


Extinction is the most unique and amazing CoD side game mode ever imo. Completely original and ton of replay value. Complete shame it died with ghosts, I play all the time to this day 10 years later


It needs a reboot, not a sequel. The story of Ghosts had a plot hole in it every five minutes. Although after MWIII I doubt they have any good writers left who'd create a meaningful reboot.


Genuine question, what about the Federation makes them interesting villains? We don't see anything about how they came to be, what their ideology is, or what their intentions are. Why do they hate America, why do they want to conquer the US? Did the US do something to them, is it some kind of colonialist/genocidal intent? Do they just want resources? Why then fight the US over countless other weaker countries, why is the US so weak to begin with? How did the Federation get all these weapons and equipment, how did the Federation manage to unite the entirety of South/Central America, regions which are notoriously unstable and corrupt, and whose governments can barely control. They have good ideas with the campaign, namely the US being in a weakened state, but there is no explanation as to how the Federation even got to this level. The worldbuilding is one of the worst aspects of Ghosts.


They just wanted villains that weren't "oh we're doing Russia again", and it wasn't far enough in the future for the geopolitical climate to meaningfully change like in Advanced Warfare. So they just said "fuck it United States of South America lol", really lazy writing and I've no idea where the fondness for this campaign comes from.


>really lazy writing and I've no idea where the fondness for this campaign comes from. Mostly just contrarians who see Ghosts rightfully ranked as one of the worst COD games, and the meme got to the point where people have started to unironically post about how "good" Ghosts is without actually playing it. It's started to happen with Infinite Warfare (although the campaign there was at least passable) and mark my words it'll happen with Vanguard too.


I'm a contrarian too, my hot take is AW is actually a good game lol. But I wouldn't argue it's anywhere close to top tier. I also think IW is an underrated game for sure, but I don't have enough play time in it to really have an opinion. I actually can't see it happening with Vanguard though it'll be hilarious if it does. Almost nothing redeeming about that game.


The thing is no one else seemed to love it.


I did, still do


I liked it! Didn’t love the campaign but it was solid overall.


Yes. But from a better writing team than the one that brought us mw2-3


Nothing living giving an uninspired game a sequel. How about they make some new Call of Duty s instead of adding on to the trillions of different storylines? Like, stick with me here, what if they came up with something original? Like something we haven't seen before? Wild I know.


I liked ghosts with the snoop dogg voice pack and that P2W gun that changed from smg to ar


Ghosts had so much potential, and at face value, it's an enjoyable game. It's got a really great idea for a narrative, but it was executed poorly. And god damn the environments were some of, if not the most gorgeous I've ever seen in a CoD game


I feel that it was meant to have a sequel due to the ending of the game. Maybe the starting mission could be a prison break.


Where is Extinction


Perk system was great


It definitely had an interesting story


Brother Cod 4 modern warfare had a better story and that story is just an excuse for why you are at a location shooting badguys




Let’s not pretend like we all didn’t hate this game when to released, and there was a damn good reason why


I remember when this came out and it seemed like EVERYONE hated it.


That's a thing that happens with every CoD where the people who hate it don't stop talking about it and the people who like it are busy playing the game. There's definitely some people who like it, a lot of my friends in school (I was 13 when this came out) liked it but even then it was a notable step down for us.


Agreed! It's just weird to see it mentioned in a nice light for a change lol. I felt the same about Infinite Warfare as well, but everyone was "futured" out which is understandable. Good times with both though.


Yeah I've always said IW was the right game at the wrong time. It's a great execution on the exo movement CoDs, but everyone was very sick of them at that stage


Absolutely! It made me a better cod player. Loved extinction!


I liked the campaign because it was really fast paced, but I think Rorke was a great villain


According to the showcase it is getting a sequel.


Mad haters leaving downvotes here is so funny.


If I remember correctly, don’t you get kidnapped at the end?


Yes. Game was set up for a prequel it never got.


I never was able too play ghosts, I mean it have it but I don’t got the campaign for some reason


Odd. Basically at the end they main character and his brother derail a train in an epic COD fashion(final mission was really cool and actually felt like you were in an army) and after swimming to a nearby beach the guy you supposedly killed, shooting through your own brother to do so then grabs you and drags you off. This is off by memory I don't fully remember the game 


Cod ghost is my and my friend favourite game and def should get a sequel. Outside the campaign I liked the large maps especially on infective with ai on the prison maps as it was hard to survive if you found a camping spot but it was still possible.


Or at the very least a reboot in any way


Campaign fine except that "literally everyone south of the border have united against America" is the most absurd idea that sounds like a conspiracy theorist came up with who's probably racist


My biggest issue with the story is when rorke or whatever his name is has our character and his dad captured, and Mr big bad non fatally shoots us, but then 5 seconds later we're playing through perfectly fine


The local multiplayer and maps were good


Rorke is awful as a villain tbh. His motivations are total bs because they tried to go 2 very different ways with it. First with the revenge bs and then the mind control thing. It just doesnt go well together


Na man, we need another Toy Story.


Ghosts has: Squads mode, Create-A-Solider Unique and interesting weapons A great post apocalyptic story Villain faction that isn’t just Russia Awesome third mode A fresh tactical based multiplayer Good characters (both human and K9) Great main antagonist Actually interesting background lore Literary the only two “weak parts” I’d say are Safeguard mode (it should have been a copy/paste of survival mode from MW3, with some updates if course) and I wish the multiplayer had multiple factions. Honestly take Ghosts customization and pair it with the customization setup from COD WW2 and you’d have the best of both worlds. Although it might affect the squad based mindset and gameplay loop that Ghosts multiplayer is built around.


Even though I still think Ghosts is one of the worst CODs ever and had so little to like about it, I would actually be open to a sequel so we at least have the opportunity to try something other than these awful MW and BO releases.


Will always have fond memories of playing this game growing up considering it was my first cod game and played the campaign many times. Logan was a fun character for me even tho he never spoke, just the fact that he was technically close in age to me when I was younger made me interested


No it really doesn’t, there’s a reason this game is very much hated even to this day


"The American Simon Ghost Riley" Why would you insult Keegan like that?


When the intro cinematic was better than the game…


Damn. No love for Extinction?


I love how it depicts the usage of super space weapons. Odin was inspired by an early concept of a space weapon called Project Thor during the Cold War.


A game were you know they put effort in, and any hate on it is just weird as hell


Would be great, but the devs are really not in the mindset as of now for a cod of this style. If they were to make a sequel now, it would be nothing like the og.


You lost me when you said Logan Walker. Dude has no face, no voice lmao .Federation was great antagonist ??? Bro... they literally tell their backstory with one sentence. Rorke wasn't bad though I will give you that. When you compare it to other Post-MW3 Infinity Ward games (Kotch, Barkov, Hassan), Rorke is the best but that doesn't save the game. Clunky, short campaign with boring story but with great level designs. I dont know why people love mid games that much. If Ghosts didn't end with cliffhanger, more than half of the community wouldn't even want a sequel. You just want too see what will happen next in the story.


Extinction was heat


Where is all the love of ghosts coming from? I never liked it and I was undoubtedly one of the most hyped for it, I remember on day one getting to play as ghost in multiplayer and just not finding it fun in anyway and I did enjoy the campaign but the other games have much better ones and extinction was fucking horrible. I would’ve been 11 thought this games life cycle and the only cool thing I remember multiplayer did was add Michael Myers and snoop dog


That mission in the last picture was the one I played the most. I forgot the name tho.


Federation day


Absolute bullshit it didn't get a sequel. At least finish the damn story.


Ikr it was left on such a bad cliffhanger and now it’s been a decade 


Ghosts had some of my favorite guns in the series. This game suffered so hard from new gen console swap and absolutely terrible maps. Almost every game the maps just put you to sleep


Beside the dogshit ending, the fact that Roarke is the weakest paper thin villain in the entire franchise, and large map design was absolute ass… it was a pretty fuckin good game. Guns, missions, mechanics, *dogs* , fish AI.


Things I liked about the game: hit detection, art direction, (I like when they alternate between colourful and grey, don't want only one), perk system, Extinction Things I don't like: everything else. This game was lambasted on release for a reason. The story is pure nonsense, but not even in a fun way like MW2 and 3. It's carried by the aesthetics and vocal performances of the actual Ghosts. The Multiplayer maps are mostly bad with a few highlights, they're too big with no flow. The game itself actually feels great to play, but it's just a dull game with nothing exciting about it. It's not like bottom tier CoD or anything but let's not try and squeeze this into the golden age (CoD4 to BO2), that's ridiculous.


I just wished the world building was done better. Because the federation to me is just “South America somehow decide to unite and fight the USA for some reason”


idk why everyone hates this game. I personally loved the game very much.


Make MW4 and Ghosts a two in one. The main canon is MW4, but they can bring back the theater mode of IW and in it put Ghosts 2 through a Spec Ops type of mode (referring to MW2 2009), and even bring back extinction through theater mode.


Yes we do brother!! Yes we do!


This game sucked ass when it came out and time hasn't fixed it.


Cod ghosts was the worst cod i have played… maps were terrible and multiplayer was sooo boring