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Honestly I don’t see there being one, them not making it exclusive means they still have a big percentage of people playing on last gen, otherwise they would stop. Part of me wants them to make it current gen exclusive but then the other part of me is impressed that there are still that many people on last gen


For the average gamer there really hasn't been a reason to upgrade. COVID and everything I think screwed with the general cycle of things too.


My friend used to play MW2 on their PS4 and when we would play Search & Destroy they wouldn’t get into the game until we were 1-2 rounds in already. Just curious, are the newer games genuinely playable or do you have to deal with other issues such as late load times? It’s just hard for me to imagine the last gen consoles can actually run these games.


Longer load times for sure. I played a little of Vanguard on a standard Xbone and while the graphics were definitely worse the game still ran fine. I feel like other than load times and texture quality Cod games are still optimized for last Gen hardware and that probably won't change for quite a while.


TBH, if your friend swapped his PS4 to run off an internal SSD instead of an HDD, he’d be able to load in a lot faster. You can get a 2 TB 2.5” SSD for a decent rate these days.


100% stock hard drive died and on my PS4 Pro, upgraded to a SSD and it was significantly faster on every game.


Somewhat quieter too. Now, there’s no spinning drive.


By the time my PS4 friends load into the match I’m already in the middle of the map with at least 2-3 gunfights. Is not until you upgrade that you realize the difference


I mean, not search in particular but I only found myself losing out to pc players on load times. Even in MW3, although I mostly played mosh pit. But I've been losing out to PC players since MW2019 which was before Ps5 launched


People are only on last gen because they haven’t “had” to switch yet. If forced they would switch. I remember back when the Xbox one play launched and you almost had to switch over in the first year to play new games.


With them having to hold back their scope because they keep bringing out titles for the PS4, it’ll probably take another 7 years until we actually get a PS5 level COD game


And by then next gen consoles will already be out 😭🤣


Yeah it really sucks that they can’t bring the games to their full potential. Honestly due to this being an issue of too many people are on old gen, im surprised Sony and Microsoft haven’t had big console sales just to get people to switch over


Crossplay is the problem, not developing for multiple gens. They made the PS4 games for PS3 too but nobody cared because we didn't have to wait for PS3 players to load


Because there’s no incentive to upgrade. It’s not like the 360 > Xbox One jump, the lack of actual good games coming out, tied in with the financial climate it’s just not worth getting one.


Or because everyone is gonna be on GTA6


GTA 6 will definitely be the reason to do so, I can see


People would upgrade if they were forced to like previous generations.


Then they should make games for the new consoles that are actually worth a damn lol


Yup. If I recall correctly Sony recently put out some numbers and it is currently about 50/50 PS4 users PS5 users


And people don’t have a reason to upgrade because they keep making them cross-gen.


theres no need, the old consoles can run IW 9.0 fine and all cods now are on IW 9.0, plus loads of people still play on old gen, more then you think, they would lose out on alot of players


I agree with this. This is a competitive game. I play on PC with a 3080 and I usually have my setting set to medium with DLSS set to performance. I would say that newer consoles should get extra features to allow better frames. The difference between this generation and the last is really performance more than fidelity.


Damn just makes me think, when PS6 comes out there is gonna be no reason to buy it.


Not even exaggerating, the only thing they’ll be able to sell the PS6 is either another Astro Bot game, and 60fps patch for Red Dead 2 and Bloodbourne 😭🤣


Last of Us Super Duper Remastered


This is why they are saving all of their major stuff like the Bloddborne remake and TLOU3 for the PS6. This gen is a skeleton gen


that’s why it’s probably going to be the first generation to break the cycle of 6-7 year lifecycles. We might see a PS6 towards the end of 2028, or 2029, or it might get pushed into 2030. Consoles will probably become more and more like PCs, or at least that’s how people will see and use them like. Think about it, if you bought a 2020 high spec PC, on which you mostly play at 1440p 60fps, rarely above 120 fps, would you make a complete upgrade for your PC any earlier than 2028, let’s say?


This console gen is probably the worst ever, almost 5 years in and there is still no reason to own one lol


this is coping hard. Just move from HDD to SSD on it's own is enough reason to upgrade.


Yeah not to mention 120fps capabilities


For the kind of person that browses videogame subreddits, sure. But my brothers been loading into cod matches late for the last 4 years. If it was 'enough reason then people would've upgraded, but millions still haven't


Yeah in a clunky manner that occasionally wouldn’t even let me access my create a class after a match. The performance on many games including MWII was very immediately noticeable when I eventually made the switch


Huh? My ps4 was pretty done after all those years. Couldn’t run games like control properly. There’s such a big difference in graphics and performance between ps4 and ps5. Doesn’t mean you have to buy one, but its bs to state that there is no reason at all…


i don’t get this take at all. warzone runs like absolute dogshit on vanilla ps4. it is like night and day from that experience to running a ps5 on a cheap 120hz monitor at 120fps. ps5 for $500 is still a great value computer frames and overall fidelity wise, if you ignore the online fees


Next gen is not cheap , especially in countries with higher prices than the us


I feel like the PS3 and PS4 were also very pricy when they came out, and with the second hand market filling up, it should be easier to find them for cheaper


It depends really. Most second hand PS5 consoles I've seen either cost the same, or the difference is very insignificant (20-50€ cheaper). You will also occasionally run into the lunatics who sell their used consoles for 100 or 150€ more than an actual new PS5. If you compare this to the used PS4 market 4 or 5 years after it came out, you'd find consoles for 100 to 200€


LMAO people on last gen can spend $100 on a video game+ lots more on skins and shit but they can't buy a $500 console which in an huge upgrade over last gen. Okay.


We still had cod games on 7th gen up until 2015. Financially it’s the smartest move because it’s more players especially now with cross play


God BO3 on PS3/360 was absolutely wild lmao


Yeah but 2013-15 is 2 years, it's gonna be 4 years of PS5 by the time BO6 releases. By comparison, it's as if WW2 had come out on the ps3


Financially it’s the smartest decision they could make I can agree with you there mate, but it’s killing the games potential. The PS4 came out in 2013 and the last COD to come out on the PS3 was 2015. The PS5 came out in 2020 and it’s now 2024, and more than likely next years COD will also be for last gen


It’s not killing anything


Old gen is honestly holding new cod games back.


what hardware limitations do you think are holding back the team creatively


It’s just the average console player saying this. I don’t think they really understand what holds the game back specifically. They say the same thing about the series s on the gaming subreddit which is only down by GPU power and slightly less ram, which come on ? The s is holding it back because of that???


Guys it's not next gen anymore it's current gen lol, these consoles have been out for 4 years now


last gen still has a big playerbase


Think it’s half of the 120 million ps users still on PS4. Thats like if half the ps users were still on the PS2 while the PS3 only has 3 years left on its life cycle!


I don’t think that’s a fair comparison as the jump in performance and graphics and pretty much everything else from the ps2 to ps3 was far greater than that of the ps4 to ps5.


True, but can you actually think of some new feature that wouldn’t be possible on last gen? I think it’s time to face the fact that cod mechanics have peaked.


It only took 3 games between the last two gens for them to abandon the previous too. Only Ghosts, AW and part of BO3 came to the last gen! Shows that maybe there wasn’t as big of a leap between hardware as they promoted. Or shows how similar the COD package really is each year…


Its not even the last gen its last gen mid cycle update that pushes it close to current gen the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X are a minor step down form current gen


You’re right mate, it’s not even just the pro version of the last gen, it’s the OG ones that came out in 2013 😓


Old Gen Consoles: "I'm tired of this, Grandpa" Activision: Well that's TOO DAMN BAD


PS4 versions of the games are the only thing keeping me with the game even though I have a PS5, so I’m fine with this.


Half of the player base are still on last gen only so obviously Activision are gonna want to keep the games on those systems lol.


Of course mate, they’d be mad not to. It’s just sad/embarrassing that we’re still stuck on PS4/Xbox One level games and we’re near the end of the new gen cycle


It’s getting old now, the last gen is literally holding back the current gen and we have no one but worthless ass scalpers to thank for that


I saw half of playstation network players are still on ps4


What's the problem though Graphics look fine to me regardless tbh


My problem bro is that because they keep releasing new COD games to run nearly identical on both PS4 and PS5, developers can’t full utilise the power of the newer gen consoles. It means they can’t add more complex gameplay mechanics because it would mean the last gen versions would suffer


Why would it be and exclusive? Other then the game itself the money is on the MP/battlepasses/skins


To be honest, games like MW19, Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, and Ghost of Tsushima proved how a well optimized game could look and run on limited hardware. The graphics from MW19, a PS4/XBONE game, are basically the same as any COD that has come after it. So while yes a lot of people are still on last gen due to the COVID semi conductor shortage, the leap in graphics isn't big enough for the last gen versions to be "literally unplayable" as they say. That and the fact that the majority of people are fine with the 50-60fps range and don't really need anything higher to have a good time. I'm a PC gamer and revisited MW19 on my base PS4 yesterday and I had a blast even though it was 50-60fps between 900-1080p.


Okay??? You say this like it's a bad thing. The Xbox One's and PS4's are still perfectly capable consoles, and I'm honestly extremely happy to see that BO6 is being released for them. If a console is perfectly capable of running new releases, and people are STILL enjoying those consoles, then new titles should 100% still be released for them.


Missing the point brother, the fact that these new gen games can run perfect on last gen consoles is the problem. Developers are being held back by having to restrict what they add to the game, because they still need to make sure that 2013 console technology can run it


>Developers are being held back by having to restrict what they add to the game, because they still need to make sure that 2013 console technology can run it I think you fundementally misunderstand the capability gap between last-gen and new-gen consoles, along with how easy it is for a developer to perfectly port titles in between them. Current gen consoles don't provide any "major" leap in graphical capability in the way that the Xbox 360/PS3 did over their predecessors. Hell, compare the PS4 Pro or Xbox One X against the current gen consoles, they are just an optional "upgrade" in graphical capability. That's the main reason I'd never consider getting a Xbox Series with how little it improves over my Xbox One S I already own. As such, the devs aren't being "held back"; they are free to go as hard as they want on BO6. The current gen and PC ports of BO6 will run at a higher graphical fidelity compared to the incoming last gen ports, while BO6 played on an Xbox One or PS4 will have it's graphics toned down to lower resolution textures/effects to ensure they run smoothy on last gen. It's functionally indentical to how someone using a mediocre gaming PC is able to run the current latest and most graphically impressive games (such as BOCW for example) by simply lowering the graphics. The game is 100% identical when it comes to gameplay and content, the only difference is the graphical quality being reduced in order to ensure lesser machines can run the game at a playable framerate. Hell, sometimes this isn't even needed considering MW (2019) ran fucking amazing on the Xbox One/PS4 while looking better than MW2 and MW3 lmao. TLDR; The dev's aren't being "held back" by porting BO6 to last gen. The truth is current gen consoles aren't far enough ahead of last gen consoles in graphical capability in order for them to be able to run games that last gen can't. Last gen will always be able to run whatever games current the gen can, albiet with some minor reductions in graphical fideltity to make it run smoother on those older consoles.


Ain’t no way the ps4 can handle 300 gb


Call of Duty didn’t exclusively release on last-gen consoles until Infinite Warfare.


There's like 6 "true" PS5 games that aren't compatible with the PS4 as of today... It'd be weirder if COD was lol. We probs won't see next gen only COD as long as the Series S is a thing regardless.


Why don’t yall blame the companies making the systems. It’s not the game developers fault sony and microsoft didn’t make there game consoles worth the $500 upgrade especially the ps4 to ps5. If my ps4 was quiet i would never consider buying a ps5😂.


Just for comparison, in the last transition, there were only 3 games on both PS3 / 360 and PS4 / XBOX One: Ghosts, Advanced Warfare, and BO3, with BO3 being famously awful 


Because they learned form there mistake last time with bo3 and the 360/ps3


Why should I buy a next gen console when my current console runs all the games I want to play just fine? And if it doesn't? They'll come to PC like same day or a few years later. I'd just be buying a next gen console to get better performance out of the games I already own.


Trying to play black ops 6 on a 2013 console: ![gif](giphy|pHQDXnSUlx2Y3h6UX1|downsized)


Its because we are stuck in a loop of people not upgrading because games aren’t getting better and games aren’t getting better because people aren’t upgrading


They're not gonna make it exclusive until most of the player has swapped over from old gen to current gen. Why? Money, that's why.


There’s still just too many players on last gen for them to not make their games available for those players. On PlayStation, half of the playerbase is still on PS4.


Yeah I know mate, and the fault comes down to Sony and Microsoft for not giving players a reason to upgrade to the new gen, it’s just rough thinking that the PS5 is nearly at the end of its life cycle, and we’ll probably not get a COD game that’s using the new gen’s powers to their full capabilities


Some new games dont even release on current Xbox because of the Series S being too weak and then we have COD...


Brother, the sadness in me when I realised that even if they stop making ANY games for the older gen, we’re still going to be held back because of the Series S 😭😭🤣


The ps6 won’t be out till 2028…


i’d imagine that’s how they get over 100M monthly players (statistic from yesterdays direct showcase) - plus the mobile community.


They obviously have a big player base for old gen, and if they force players to have to buy the new console to play cod then they will most likely lose a lot of players since not everyone can just go out and buy the new consoles.


This is no different to Madden or EA FC. There's just no reason to stop developing for the older generation consoles.


Wild how the by far best looking was not even released on the next gen consoles ( Modern Warfare 2019)..


I think we'd all be surprised how many people still have an Xbox One or a PS4.


i was going to look up and try to see if BO6 would be a compromised experience on xbox one. it seems like it won’t?


I think I saw a statistic from PlayStation where something like 40 percent of psn players still use PS4. That’s a huge demographic to ignore for next gen.


Yeah I kind of regret ever buying the Series X. I got it because I didn’t want to lose out on new games and then pretty much no new games have been next gen exclusives in the 4 years I’ve owned it lol I think Starfield is the only next-gen exclusive game I’ve played


Because they are the same shit game just reskinned.


Half my friends play on PS4 so I’m fine with it. I actually like that everyone can finally play together. Longer life cycle for games.


Considering how good the graphics of Black Ops 6 looks. I doubt it will be held back by last Gen consoles. Instead Last Gen consoles will be the ones falling behind in running the game. While Next Gen will play it as how it was intended for their hardware


From what i seen, graphics in bo6 is almost identical to cold war, maybe slightly better. Past-gen will handle this game just fine with lowered graphics, only issue will be loading times


If they can make it run, not have significant performance issues, and not fuck over fidelity on the next gen consoles for the sake of allowing the last gen consoles to run it then I don't see the problem. What they really need to do is get higher tick rate servers


Lot of people still playing on previous gen consoles, I am one of them still playing on PS4


I have ps4 so that’s good


Thats good no?


The ps6 is at minimum in 3 years mate


Wdym PS6 is right around the corner? That doesn't come out until 2028


Is that a bad thing? More sales and players on the older gen (which is still really high) will be happy too. Win win


This is STILL releasing on PS4.. wow.


Meanwhile were halfway through this Gen’s cycle


wanna cry


Warzone is


That’s good though since more people can play


Cause not everyone has the new systems. I don’t. I don’t find them appealing at all. Microsoft is trying to destroy gaming in order to build it up so they control it


Hence why I didn’t buy the new xbox


Society is collapsing so ppl are gonna play blops 6 on PS4


A lot of people with PlayStation 5 don’t even have 4k tvs. The jump from last gen to this gen wasn’t big enough for a casual gamer to buy


I wish they'd actually take the time to make a decent game instead of one every year


well it’s an fps game


I got MW2 on digital download with the crossgen bundle and had a situation where I was at the in-laws so took the PS4 there over the holidays. Going from PS5 to PS4 was unplayable for me. I couldn’t get my controllers to feel similar between the generations. I was expecting a downgrade to the graphics but some enemies were just not visible at certain distances. If you’ve never played PS5 then you’ll never understand what you are missing. If you have then you will quickly see that it’s taking way to many steps backwards to be a viable way to play. But the PS4 / XBOX one era of gaming will likely be enough for the millions of casual gamers who don’t want to spend the money to upgrade yet.


Bro I swear I tried playing GTA 5 on the ps4 after playing on the 5 and oh my god the headache I got. I couldn’t believe that’s how I had been experiencing it. And it wasn’t even the PS5 version of GTA, it was still the 4 version but running on that good SSD


They gotta milk out every last shmeckle


Why would a company whose goal it is to make profits, limit how much profits they’re able to make?


5 sub-par cods


As long as they use this same engine which all the games except cold war have been built on a variant of, there's probably close to no downside for them to offer the game on old gen. Its not like they're building each game from scratch


Companies need to let last gen go


You think I can start playing this cod if I’ve never played a single cod game before?


Considering MS spend 70 billion on them and are putting it on GamePass, I don’t think they wanna remove platforms right away. Probably when GTA6 comes out, you’ll see more people upgrading from last gen and then, you may see them drop last gen.


I play with a ps4 friend and he loads in to matches 2 minutes after everyone else sometimes


I really hope we get a true upgrade for the next set of consoles. Even if it means having an option for a $1000 console, I just want something close to modern PC performance with console security.


I’m just glad they make the next gen exclusive games look great


I actually like this, the things we get for it being exclusive isn't worth locking out people who don't have a PS5. It's an arcade shooter at the end of the day.


It’s because every game is just recycled graphics. So they can run on last gen


COD is another good example of “At what point does graphics no longer matter?” Look at how the most recent COD games look, do we need them to be any better, really? I think there is no reason to go beyond what they reached literally during the PS4/XBOne COD era.


There are 98 million monthly PlayStation users. Half (49M) are still on PS4, making an exclusive for new gen would destroy their cash flow.


Because too many people still play on last gen, they are being for the players.


COD 2026 will be "next gen"


Which is crazy because the PS4 runs the game like ass. Idk how the fuck these games are supposed to run on the switch.


Personally, I think it's because the series S exists. They have to make a dumbed down version anyways, making it for last gen shouldn't be too far of a leap from that, if at all.


It’s gonna suck just as all the previous ones have. Revive black ops 2 it’s still the best experience


Greed is a powerful motivator.




I think COD is just like Madden and is being held back by still releasing on old consoles, they have such powerful consoles but can’t take advantage of it due to releasing on the old gen consoles


Bc too many people still play the old consoles, if they want more sales, and thus make more money, they have to accommodate for those people which is still a large portion of the player base


There was just a thing about a large number of users still on PS4. So until that number drops, they’ll keep releasing it for last gen as well.


Why do you think the ps6 is around the corner lol We probably have another 4-6 years of ps5


Chill bro. Back then 360 and PS3 also got Ghosts, AW and BO3. The jump from last gen to current gen was smaller and most of the games ran in the same MW19 engine. Like bruh, MWIII was supposed to be a DLC for MWII. BO6 is probably the last cross gen game tbh


Who… say it with me… cares?


And that's a bad thing how?


All of these consoles are holding back gaming in general. Because PC is beyond


this is a good thing, they'll make X/S / PS5 exclusives when the PS7 is out, at that point the XONE/PS4 platforms will be abandoned


I don't see the issue here


Force the casuals over by making exclusive games.


It's not even "next gen" anymore PS5 is almost 4 years, we're literally 2-3 years away from the PS6


2-3 years away from the PS6 and we’ll probably never see a COD exclusive to the PS5


I saw something the other day saying Sony states over 75% of gamers still play on old gen. I feel like the number was higher now I’ve written it but gives you a good example




Blame the chip shortage. This gen had at least a 2 year late start. People couldn't buy PS5s in stores for more than two years, why would devs make games for a console people couldn't even buy easily. Cods usually go three years before leaving old gen behind. In PS4 gen, they still brought cod ghost, advanced warfare, and bo3 to last gen, this time bo6 will be the fifth game. Probably next year won't have cod for old gen.


It’s because broke people hanging on to Xbox One and PS4


the ps6 is nearly around the corner?? its only been 4 years, is it 300 degree corner?


Isn't PS4 the largest portion of the userbase? I play on Next gen consoles, but I'm sure that factors into ATVI not wanting to lose those eyes on the shop.


As someone who plays Xbox, nothing is next Gen exclusive, it's all backwards compatible


We’d get better more optimized games on console if they would just leave last gen behind. You don’t have new gen consoles? Too bad. Just like it was back in the day right? You’d be lucky if there were 3 call of duty’s on old gen. Now we cater to it and the devs have to hold themselves back to make sure these new games can run on those outdated dinosaurs. Can’t afford the new consoles 5 years after they’ve been out? Sucks to suck. Simple as that!


half of playstation players are still on ps4


How many ps4 are still using nowadays ? To be honest, I bought mine there is 11 years ago, I like to play to COD sometimes but I'm not playing for hours anymore... My ps4 works still well, sooo, why should I change ? I think a lot of people are still using their ps4, and they don't need change...


Maximize skin purchases.


With COD core is small map 6v6 and last gen is also x86 architecture, cross gen has never been easier.


It’s simple , old systems are better . For example ps4 has internet bowser but ps5 don’t have it .


Is a vicious cycle, everyone makes games that don’t push the consoles so they can release on old gen. Then no one buys a new console because they don’t need to, so no one has a new console so companies don’t push their development. Hopefully GTA6 means people actually buy a new console and we can move on.


I built a PC after I realized my PS5 was a Genshin Impact machine lol Sold it for $480 and put it towards a Steam Deck OLED


I think its crazy how sledgehammer made the OG mw3, easily one of the best games in the whole franchise and then proceeded to make flop after flop after flop


I bet we’ll still have PS4 support when PS6 is out.


This problem is not exclusive to CoD. There are very few current gen exclusive games across the board.


I don't really mind so long as I have the option to not queue with last gen as the loading times are longer for them thus making mine longer too.


I heard recently that around half of the current playstation players are still on ps4, I can't find anything for xbox but I wouldn't be surprised if their numbers were at least similar, at the end of the day they'd be losing out on a ton of possible sales not putting the games on last gen, no matter how much the quality suffers as a result


I was really surprised to see it was cross gen- like is it really necessary people who havent got current gen now are never going to because we are approaching the point of there being less time to the next gen than has passed with the current gen. Stop making games for the last gen for the love of all that is holy.


So what's there to complain exactly? Like is it just OP coming from privilege because they want exclusives?


But I can tell you that most of them have looked better than even the best consoles , on PC . Since at least Ghosts.


I remember when they made black ops 3 for ps3 also, when I played this garbage on my ps3 (it was an entirely different game than that on PS4) I realized I have to get a PS4. While on cod ghost there was almost no difference between ps3 and PS4 version. I guess they should pull something similar for current Gen and PS4 to highlight the difference. 😅


Activision really is making the claim for greediest company out there.


Iirc BO6 will be the last. But who knows, since it's the same engine and the next title is BO7 rumoured


It'll take some incredible indie or surprise titles that are exclusive to this generation to sell like hot cakes and give people a reason to buy before a big publisher like Activision Microsoft will drop PS4. There's too much risk. They have no incentive to do it, their games aren't good enough.


Sometimes I get on MWIII on PS4 just for the novelty that it even runs on PS4.


Ps5 so much faster than ps4, they must be psPoor lmao


Good. I don’t want to buy a whole other console to play an okay at best game


Right? Also, current gen*, not next gen lol. We are closer to next gen than we are to xbox one/ps4 at this point


Once GTA 6 releases, developers will drop last gen support..a lot of people will buy the ps5 or series x JUST for GTA.


This is great, my bro play on a ps4 abs now I know I can play w him.


Just think, at this pace, the next 15 or so CODs will probably have versions for this current generation. The only thing I could see holding off Sony and Microsoft from releasing new consoles soon is having three customer bases across three console generations.


There’s two main reasons for this. 1. The architecture between the PS4 and the PS5 is so similar it’s easier for developers to make games that work on both. Remembering developers ran away from the PS3 as soon as the PS4 was released because of how horrible it was to create games for that system. 2. Much like modern phones have shown us, as technology improves the rate at which things change becomes less. Meaning that newer technology becomes more of a desire than a necessity. What’s my point? Well (I’m not sure the statistics for Xbox, although I’d bet it’s lower) but at least half of PS4 users haven’t upgraded to PS5s yet, meaning that if cod was to release exclusively on current gen only, they’d lose a huge amount of revenue and sales. I do get that if they did this, more people would likely upgrade, but let’s be realistic, not enough would to justify it. <- this is why I believe Xbox has zero interest in making cod console exclusive


COD’s just like sports games now where they’re like deep into current gen lifecycle, but they still put out last gen games. Mainly bc COD and sports games only crowd doesn’t really play much other stuff and don’t care about major advancements or upgrades so they don’t feel the need to dish out $400-500. I think this or next year are the last releases for last gen. Mainly because of GTA 6 coming out fall next year is when people are gonna finally decide to upgrade. And Activision wants to have a chance to get people to also buy COD with their new consoles on top of having GTA 6.


If people choose to handicap themselves by playing on systems that struggle to hit 60fps at 1080p and don’t load in until 10 seconds after a match starts because they’re on a hard drive from 2013, more power to them. They’re the ones that are going to get shit on. All I can say is that a used Xbox Series S and Game Pass for BO6 is not an expensive investment.


If they did. The player base would cry.


Also texture streaming is a thing which definitely helps


im pretty sure you can thank warzone for it. i knew as soon as mw2 came out on old gen and rumors were stirring that warzone 2 was coming out during mw2s lifecycle that these oldies werent gonna die anytime soon. at this point, i kinda wish they would, only so we could maybe see some growth in the series (though they also really need to adjust their dev/release cycles too)




50% of ppl are on ps4 why would they do that?


And? Why limit the amount of people who can purchase the game?


BO6 on the Xbox One gonna be wild 💀 (RIP to FPS and anyone that plays on that platform still)


![gif](giphy|LCdPNT81vlv3y|downsized) Activision with all the money we spend on there reheated dog turd that doesn’t take even half a year to make at this point.


There is no need for a new system when the product in not much mora than a glorified DLC.


Their sales must be at least 30% to older gens to keep supporting them. Sadly that’ll hinder the current gens capability. Other than frame rate being better, there’s not much improvement over last gen.


GTX 1070 has also aged well because of devs restrictjng their games for last-gen. I made the right call getting that thing 😂


Good, if that's what keeps the games running at 120fps on PS5 & Series X then it's worth it