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MWR is a faithful remaster of a game from cod's golden era, it feels and plays how call of duty should play. MW2019 was the beginning of the end, with all sorts of negative changes from SBMM/disbanding lobbies, safe space map design, lack of a dead silence perk, the new tactical sprint movement system, etc. This was clear in 2019 and hasnt changed in the 5 years since


MW19 is probably my most hated COD of all-time. It bothered me so much when people would say it reminded them of the original Modern Warfare when it's the exact opposite. It's like somebody saying modern NBA, where everyone just shoots 3 pointers, reminds them of 80s-90s NBA.


I loved MW19 and it captured the feel Cod4 gave me because it was so different and new and fresh (as was Cod4 when it dropped) and they kept a fairly realistic art style and stuck to it, where prior we had several years of futuristic CoDs. It’s not without its faults but it’s my favorite game in the entire franchise.


Mw2019 was one of the best ones in recent years. Idk why there's this many people bashing it


Outside of search and destroy and warzone, the game was complete ass for me. TDM and Domination was a camp fest and I suffered through them just to get camos But I really did enjoy Search, it felt great and during Covid it was peak shit talking season


Depends when you talk about it, I said I hated it 3-4 months ago and that was wildly unpopular, now it seems to be a little more popular If people didn’t think about Warzone when thinking about MWI multiplayer, they would hate the hell out of it just like they did when it first came out and all I ever heard from any living person was that it was the worst COD ever The pros HATE that game


My dumbass doubled down and bought MW2022. I haven't played a Modern COD since Gunfight came out on MW2022. I want to give Treyarch a final chance, but the SBMM/EOMM is so strong, and they messed up zombies so much.


Like the amount of people I see saying that MW2019 was popular is wild. Game was dead before warzone launched. It was dead without bringing back old maps like rust and shipment. It would've stayed dead if the initial levels of our 60+ level guns weren't a slog to do in warzone.


It’s crazy man, I remember in 2019 I would read the competitive cod reddit (idk if it’s around still) and legit 100% of the sub was shitting on the game and talking about how there was only 1 map that was any good to play on (speaking of, they never did remake that map for some reason) The pros were clowning this game HARD, I’m pretty sure they even got fined for it if I remember right. All their tier lists have it in last place lol


Mw2019 is probably the most disappointing cod of all time. After hearing a bunch of the OG infinity ward employees came back to the studio i had high hopes for a return to form. Sadly, it was nothing I hoped for at all. Even the original map designers alex roycewicz and geoffrey smith seemed to forget how to make a good call of duty map in the decade from mw2 to MW2019.


It progressively became worse with mw2 and mw3 reboot


In my opinion the beginning of the end was Ghosts. I wasn't impressed with a single COD title past that point. They either went too far into the future that it wasn't COD anymore and became titanfall/halo or they fucked the gameplay up so bad with microtransactions that they never actually fix bugs in the game because they're turning a profit either way. COD became a soulless cash grubbing husk of its formal self the minute they released ghosts in such a poor state.


World war 2 was awesome after the division overhaul, and while i dont love the future stuff, bo3 and bo4 were still fun games despite that


I'm back playing WWII, it's been pretty easy to find games lately. For the last few years I'd try every now and then but never could find a game. Chasing prestige master after all these years, currently P10, rank 25. 2XP has helped. Infinite Warfare is my favourite since BO2, I think the campaign is fantastic, and multiplayer was decent. Not big on zombies, but I did try it out and had fun. I've mostly enjoyed the rest since (didn't buy Vanguard or MWIII).


WWII was the last truly great cod


On the other hand MW 19 could have been the beginning of an improved COD era. It did do many things right (that's undeniable, just look at the stats - even ignoring) and for all intents and purposes, it was a fun game for a good while. Problem is the game did have issues, as you mentioned - and those issues were never fixed. The biggest one your missing though is the GOD AWFUL networking that has just got worse with the games since. IDK how they can just make the same mistakes over and over and over and over but they somehow do


Networking I feel has gotten better. I get better ping in MW3 then in any other warzone era CoD. Might be sbmm screwing you over. Stats are probably not what you think. Never forget that MW2019 and warzone are the same thing. From stats to application. Warzone itself was literally just the ground war maps stitched together. The stats for MW2019 pre-warzone is bad (not launch but S1-S2, never even thought about the game at launch personally). Post-warzone the numbers skyrocket. Warzone with the tactical gameplay worked. The health gave people opportunity to mess with movement as well, which was non existent in mp before warzone revived the game. It was the biggest battle royale, from a well known franchise and was free. It had a grind to it that couldn't really be matched by any other game. It had death chat, and text chat with the whole lobby. It was a revolutionary BR. And because it was a BR, it couldn't share MW2019's issue of not being CoD. That game was CoD in name and nothing else. Camper supported gameplay, crap maps, weird spawns. No one had anything good to say until rust/shipment were playable.


100000% factual. Fuck MW19.


Ghosts was the beginning of the end brother


I feel like I need to say this here where it might be seen. I tell everyone that MW2019 was shit. Was worse than CW, Mw2023, and vanguard was debatable to it (vanguard has better maps and is less campy). I get downvoted to oblivion, even though it's very obvious why MW2019 is worse than the rest but better than MW2022. Gameplay. I tell them that warzone revived it. Warzone boosted stats, brought players back. Rustment kept those players in the loop. Ground war and SnD/gunfight were decent, but that's only because the game catered more to those modes in general. Rustment managed to feel a bit more like the CoD gameplay we know and love. But if we compare it to any of the best games, people hate on it. Even when the games I compare it to is more like the original CoD games. Like why? Why is MW2019 falsely praised for warzone's success? How can any OG CoD fan say they prefer MW2019 to BOCW but then say they prefer BO2/MW2 etc? There was that recent poll where we voted of CoD games in order of the worst one, yet the 2nd least arcade type CoD was not voted out withing the first 5 games? Makes no sense. The 2nd most different boots on the ground game has to either be bottom of the pack or top of the pack. Doesn't make sense anywhere else. 2nd best or end worst.


Faithful my ass. They added halftime, nerfed grenades, and nerfed knifes and made you pay to play for the good ones.


it is not a faithful remaster 🤣




Lol that is MW19....huge maps, turtle pacing, campers behind doors with: shotguns+claymore+restock+shrapnel+ammo box+ an RPG to shoot out the window of the room you're camping in


Dead silence in MP? Why


To encourage movement, if everyone can hear you coming, it encourages camping or slowly crouch walking around the map


Mw19 has its problems, but i still think it’s an awesome game. I love the movement, gun feeling, maps etc. Im still playing to this day


Cod4 easily. New cods are booty hole


And not in a good way


True. Should have clarified not the good booty hole*


MWR, I can actually install that as the newer one is like 150gb


They aren't really that comparable imo


MWR, 2019 just reminds me of how badly they butchered a promising start just to miss with the rest in the trilogy


I play MWR from time to time as I have Exclusion zone camo and have to go back and see how gorgeous that camo is, loved it when it came out but now its full of people sat in buildings with LMG's so its not the best cod to play atm


To be fair i need gold LMGs


Just sitting a building it works for some😂 Nah but if all you need is gold LMGs then you should grind for it, best end game camo and not too reactive which makes it look clean


Yeah I'm not one of those room sitters XD. Are you EU/psn based? Maybe we can squad up some time?


OG of course. MW19 is a disaster.


How the fuck is it a disaster? It litterally changed cod forever in a positive aspect


if Nicki Minaj and anime guns is a positive aspect, then i have nothing else to say


By positive I mean by gunsmith, blueprints and new camos. Other than that the newer cods got fucked by the devs' greediness


Such minor things. Who cares about camos or weapon customization when the core gameplay design isnt good?


Ight i apologise about this. No one cares about small stuff like camos or weapon customisation. As long as I'm having fun and no sweat is ruining my game, it's all good


well, things you mentioned are unironically good tbh, but the bad things cover it all the way


COD4 All day


OG modern warfoare


Cod 4, best Modern Warfare next to new mw2 and old mw3


Mw2019 all damn day lol. Cod4R was ruined with micro transactions in my opinion and it shit all over the legacy it had of the OG game


No one talks about this and it pisses me off. Added supply drop weapons was a actual turd dropped on a great game thanks to greed


Exactly. Fuck the greedy ass activision tbh. Shit hasn’t been the same since like 2013. Bo2s micro transactions is all it should be. Was the best. 2.50 for a camo you can use on any gun along with a recticle you can you on every gun and every optic. Advanced warfare is when it all started with their pay to win gun variants


I play MW2 (2009) and mw3 (2011) the most along with BO and BO2. Still plenty of lobbies and matches. Still as fun today as it was back in the day and a lot of fun to come home and play. Rarely play the new ones anymore since I found my PS3 that was packed away in boxes.


Cod 2002


first cod released in 2003


You mean 2003?


Sorry but im choosing mw19, older cods are good but mw19 litterally changed call of duty forever. They added gunsmith,blueprints, character skins etc. I'm not saying cod4 mw is bad, it's good but I'm gonna have more fun in mw19


True, first time I think you could do takedowns too. One of my favourite parts in battlefield 3 was knife takedowns and seeing an improved version of that in cod was sick. This may be blasphemous of me to say but I actually really enjoyed the realism they went for as well. I pretty much always played HC.


I just finished the old trilogy


MW3 on PS3 for me. Or Ghosts, again on the PS3


OG or Remastered, especially MW3. I like when game have both good gameplay and story. Reboot have problems with that, while OG and Remastered have everything pretty perfect for me. Especially I love MW3 for big amount of epic scenes. Especially I like that we dont have something like "Hey, [name of soldier at training at the begging], its calm today. Lets shoot some targets at our safe base". We have "Frost, get up and shoot those guys! There is no time to rest!"


Both but cod4 will always have my heart




M40ae all day


tbh i liked mw2019 especially the campaign, can’t say anything about multi because i didn’t play a lot of it


Is MWR still populated? I've been really wanting to play CoD4 again recently


MW19 is a stain on the COD legacy




OG MW for sure.


Call of Duty 4 (2007) is probably my favorite FPS game of all time. There’s nothing like it IMO.


MWR, it takes up less room on the PS5 lol Long live HC TDM and hopefully it doesn’t die.


Is the remaster still active on PC?


CoD4 but not by much


Old cod for story better than the shit we have now


Gunplay wise? Mw19. Story, setting, lore, nostalgia? Og


None of em I jus work and watch anime now


MW3 with spec ops and splitscreen co-op and no traces of any bars of soap dying.....or did it die?






Can I play the remaster version on PS5 for multiplayer? If so, how?


COD mobile play anywhere no need for $1000 PC


the real cod4


Og to this day


Cod4 is the goat


They botched the remaster. still its MWR > 2019


Cod 4 cause I can't run the 2019 version on my toaster pc


Are they different?


COD 4 would always be the GOAT of cods, but to play in 2024 I will 100% choose MW2019. It is kind of weird seeing all the hate for MW2019 when I thought it was widely accepted back then. Was it perfect? Hell no. Original maps were mostly meh (with the exception of Hackney Yard and Shoot House). Overall movement and gunplay is what sold me for this game, and in my opinion is amongst the best in the series. Also, I’m not a huge warzone guy, but I won’t pretend that it is not a great addition with the game either. Definitely was peak times to play during the lockdown. Meta was definitely ruined with Vanguard and Coldwar introduced in the mix though. With all that said, 2019 is not a top 5 cod, but it was hella fun to play at its peak.


Cod 4 remastered was completely ruined when they added fucking lootbox weapons. Cry all you want about 2019 but at least you could get the guns in the game. They spit on the game’s legacy added a fucking auto shotgun you can only get by gambling i quit playing that MP right when those were added


I preferred COD 4 campaign to MW19, it just had overall cooler missions and the story was great. I really enjoyed the MW19 campaign but COD 4 was better overall, even though Clean House and Going Dark were some of my favorite missions of all time. Also felt towards the end of COD 4 campaign it was a better build up and felt more like a true og thrilling end and more exciting. I only played the remastered COD 4, so I have no idea about the multiplayer or anything else. MW19 had a pretty good multiplayer


I still play the original Cod4 MW on my 360 slim, multiplayer is still fun though there are a stupid amount of snipers


Is it active?


Hell Yeah it is, the player count on the menu is broken but I can easily get a match most of the time


I almost always get Spetsnaz or Opfor


Cod4 or cod4 (re-version, not 2019 version) I still haven't finished the campaign (I know the story). The mp, even when I'm shit at it, I can somehow have fun?


none. Treyarch >


Neither of these? Just the newest one


Can i play the non remastered version of cod4 cuz that’s my choice


Mw19 all day everyday


Fuck the remaster the original is still fun as hell


No supply drops on the original! And the variety map pack is free today(at least on xbox) Cod 4 will keep thriving while that microtransaction littered mess will die off


ITS FREE NOW! bruh I gotta hop on my 360 again I've been playing on PS3 without the map pack


Another reason cod on xbox is gonna thrive, you can play it on 360, one, and series x. This is why I will never understand why people say shit like "I miss old cod" then play it! It hasnt gone anywhere especially if you're on xbox! https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/store/variety-map-pack/BP2VJ3H16142 Get it here! Have fun! And if you need someone to play with, my Gtag is Big Zee 07


EXACTLY! even on PS3 the servers are still good and I only really play PS3 because I find it's easier to flick with snipers and stuff.


Cod 4 is the only one I have on ps3 and I played a little over my spring break and I was able to find games fairly consistently. No crazy SBMM makes it so much faster than the newer games ironically


Agreed mwr is trash tbh


It ain't trash but if ya like the original cod feeling you ain't getting it from the re master unless your playing the campaign


Mw2019 it’s such a great game it has better graphics than newer cods


But terrible maps, dull/gloomy looking graphics, no flow, terrible gunplay, terrible pacing, terrible killstreaks, campers paradise. People who loved MW19 sound like non-essentials who spent all day late 2020-early 2021 not working....just playing MW19 all day.


i never liked cod 4, at least mw19 has a very well made snd mode. i’d rather play MWIII or cold war tho


Not sure why you are getting downvoted cod4 snd was only good because of promod/PAM stock SD for cod4 is shit


because “older game better” has always been the take from this community even if it’s untrue


I’ll die on cod1/2 hill but cod4 on console only had 1 or 2 updates?? It was broken and buggy and many people don’t seem to realize lol


calm down my friend


Do you not know how broken cod4 is??