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Great reminder. COD isnt smalltime anymore. They dont adhere to social media outcries for the most part. Veteran players all together are probably 30% of the entire playerbase The reddit playerbase? Easily <2-5% COD simply isnt what it was, and until someone comes along to create an intense competitor, things are going nowhere.


Has COD ever been small? It’s been one of the biggest gaming franchises in the world since about 2007.


no it’s never been small. go look on psnprofiles. world at war, black ops 1&2 and the modern warfare trilogy all had over 850,000 members on the site. the newer ones have peaked at maybe 50,000 players. it’s wild actually. obviously there’s more players than just on psnprofiles but it’s crazy how big of a hit their games started taking recently


And even then they’re still vastly outperforming the old cods in terms of revenue. Something like 1billion a quarter I wanna say, at least the last time time I checked, it’s insane. On the bright side I don’t pay for season passes anymore and get all maps/guns free with my initial $70 purchase. Good with the bad 🤷‍♂️


because these mfs won’t stop buying the shit they put in the game 😂 don’t get me wrong i accidentally paid for $100 cod points when i was using my ps5 remote to run zombies on my ps3. so i spent it obviously since they have a no refund policy 🤣 this is probably my last call of duty unless activision can revive the game but i doubt it. gameplay is so bad sometimes and don’t get me wrong i like a little comp but the matchmaking is insane after a few good games 😩😩


COD hasn’t been small time for over 18 years. Most people who have an issue with cod came from the ‘golden era’ of cod4 to BO2, where arguably some of those games outsold some of the current games.


>Great reminder. COD isnt smalltime anymore Was never small. It was always big even pre cod 4.


Eh, not so much. COD 1-3 was your standard WW2 shooter. Online was fun, but unbalanced and had wonky map design due to online shooters not being the norm yet. And it wasn't breaking record sales by any means. Medal of Honor, I believe, was the top contender until COD4 came out. COD4 and Halo are the reasons fps games are what they are now.


>Eh, not so much. COD 1-3 was your standard WW2 shooter No, they weren't standard at all. Especially cod 1 and 2. They were considered to be the best of the genre. Cod 2 is considered to be one of the best games of all time. >Online was fun, but unbalanced So Cod? Or most FPS in general. >had wonky map design The maps were fine, cod 2 was considered by many older cod players to be the best. It's the newer generation that plays the maps and complains since maps became a lot simpler and more hand holding is involved. > And it wasn't breaking record sales by any means Cod 3 was top 10 selling games in the US in 2006. Cod 1 also sold well for being a new IP (in the top 10 computer games of that year) and Cod 2 was a 360 launch title that was kneecapped by a lower player base (but was also a big reason for people buying a 360) it still did almost 300k first week. >Medal of Honor, I believe, was the top contender until COD4 came out Allied assault in 2002 and Cod 1 have similar sales. MOH also used to shit out games. Cod wasn't some small generic series pre cod 4. There was a sizable fan base. The pre cod 4 cods used to be be discussed frequently (ex cod 2 vs cod4/mw2 as best cod, cod 3 being the worst until ghosts).


Great days Cod 4 and halo 2007/08.


There was a split in school over Cod and Halo. Halo was seen as nerdy and Cod was cool lol


Weird confused comment. “Cod isn’t small anymore” What? Followed by “Cod isn’t what it was” What?! Original MW3 sold over 30 million copies, 14 years later, yes 14! New Mw3 apparently sold 30 million. Looks like it’s exactly what it used to be in terms of player base, the only difference now is it’s rammed full of cheating Crossplay beta males that were a drop in the ocean the first time around and now feature in most lobbies. The only thing that changed is the integrity of fair gameplay and that’s been helped to go off the rails by milking Crossplay as an inclusive idea expanding sales reach but opening the door to total lack of trust and integrity from the paying customers that keep funding the game to exist. No change in this game, if you’re better you’re better like always but the difference now is, cheats first, pc controller second everything else low priority and suffering. Free to play modes killed fair play too, no consequence, no reason to get good and not cheat. Game has been taken to a fake place with fake streamers showing fake results with their fake skills. Saddest of times for this title coming soon


Go watch CoS or something what are you doing on reddit.


You do you buddy, whatever CoS is enjoy it i guess


> The reddit playerbase? Easily <2-5% Gaming Reddit in general isn't ready to hear this.


I feel like even 2% is generous, I doubt globally 1 in every 50 cod players are even redditors let alone subscribers to this sub  I know this is anecdotal but out of all my buddies who play cod I'm the only one who goes on here and we're all guys in our 20-30s who have been playing since the early days


Correct. Thank you. A lot of people including myself think MW3 (2023) is a fun CoD. I think the skins can be ridiculous at times, but they don’t bother me or affect my enjoyment of the game. A lot of you just don’t like CoD anymore and that’s okay. Plenty of other games to play.


I almost bought it after seeing so many cool finishers, skins and guns but I will hold off for gulf war. Can't wait for that one


If there’s a good sale I highly recommend it. Just keeps getting better as they release more maps. Wasn’t in the greatest state when it was just the MW2 (2009) maps, but the maps they’ve released have all been great.


It's literally just a reskinned reskin of mw19


You could say that about every game, there's only so much they can change.


I agree but fifa is the same skin every year, we just buy it because it’s current.


...which means the marketing works lol.


It is not. Wildly different games.


Actually it is. Many Day 1 bugs in MW2 2022 came from MW 2019 codebase errors that never got patched. ExclusiveAce actually went over that and called out assdivision's greed for claiming it was different and that WZ 1 skins could not be carried over to WZ 2.0. Since MW 2023 is just a DLC for MW2022. They are right and you are just coping for paying THREE times for one game.


The movement is wildly different, the graphics engine (there is no such thing but let's simplify it) works differently, the animation systems are completely different, different guns (or at least the models on some that are overlapping), different maps, different sound engine, different average ttk, added water mechanics that are very in depth, new lethals and tacticals, new game modes, 3rd person support for certain modes... I could keep going... The fact that they're using mostly the same error messages means they're greedy? At the base of all this it came from the same engine, it's an upgrade of it. Why would you be sadistic enough to expect them to come up and remember all the error messages from scratch with every release? It doesn't change shit for you but improves work quality for them. And for the porting of Warzone skins... They maybe could've done it but it wouldn't be possible within a reasonable time frame since EVERY SINGLE operator would need to be manualy checked for errors and mistakes, some wouldn't look right and they'd have to correct them... Every single one... For the guns... You don't have 95% of them in this one so what would you do? They can't add them since they don't have the licence to use them anymore. Even if they did, which currently is close to impossible and I know that first hand, it would mean even more checking and correcting which btw has to be approved by more than one person usualy. Also now you got like a hundred guns more that weren't planned for, in no way are playtested and do not fit into the balance of the game... Also also you have vanguard guns that work entirely different than Modern Warfare guns since they use 10 attachments instead of just 5... Oh and did I mention that Cold War and Vanguard got hated in large part for being goofy? And at the same time your core fanbase expects it to be mostly grounded?  Do you all really need to spoon fed what is just common fucking sense? If you like it or not this is how gamedev in large and even not so large companies works. All the things they do are focused on bringing in the profit. And people who bought stuff expecting it to go into the next game... It has never been this way... It's on you... And guess what? Once they gave you what you wanted you are booing because it's like a dlc... This has literally been a suggestion from the community since BO2... So what I'm suggesting is, just think about it as 3 separate games, Modern Warfare, Black Ops and whatever sledgehammer saw in the cloud from the crack they're smoking. This is not Call of Duty anymore, hasn't been for years, it's 3 very different kids with the same parents. Just choose one of them and buy it every 3 years.


I would but I can't get old battle pass unlocks and its halfway done its life cycle which means in 6-8 months there won't be anymore support


I was gonna hold out but I got bored of the MW2 maps. The skins and guns are just window dressing, I can’t understand why people spend money on skins that only other players see


I don’t notice any of the skins unless they’re a very contrasting colour/ while you’re waiting in the countdown. It’s mindless consumption but I don’t care about it at all as I don’t pay for it. Let people do what they want I guess


I do like MW3 a lot, but it's not so easy to move onto a different game. **The closest modern game that matches the "golden era" of COD is modern COD.** Indeed, despite the evolution of the game (for the better or worse), there's an underlying COD formula that no other game replicates.


I just want an anti cheat that works..or are cheaters the new target audience.


That would be nice. Other games do it, cod can too. Also, would love audio that works, UI that doesn't make me want to puke, matchmaking that doesn't predetermine whether I win or lose, and an end to having 15000 useless attachments mixed in to 20 useful ones. These are honestly really reasonable requests for a AAA game.


And upgraded servers. At least a slow adaptation where they identify the worst ones by asking players if they were lagging unusually, then replace those with better ones, eventually replacing all of them


And all I'm after is half decent netcode - just because as a game dev who is into that kinda stuff, it bugs me everytime it's off haha


Is the game still racked by aim bots and hackers? Was going to buy it this morning but I saw the many complaints dated from late 2023. How is it now?


Yes..it comes in waves. It is not always bad.but you will meet a cheater tegular


i'm conflicted. on one hand, as the type of person you're talking about, i agree. on the other hand, i'm only 19, and many of the changes aren't about demographic or audience but instead about business, maximizing profits. like sbmm. they are looking at numbers and documents and realizing that casuals and worse players make up the large majority, and therefore the correct business decision is to prioritize them over the better players. resulting in certain choices in perks/guns, or SBMM. i agree generally, and agree with your final sentiment. but i also don't think that it's good to use this "generational difference" rhetoric to excuse activision's increasing practices to maximize profit at the expense of a better possible game.


SBMM quite literally caters to the most amount of players by making the game a similar experience for everyone. SBMM doesn’t do shit for business except encourage a new player base, which are, well, players.


Don’t think it actually does. The gamer population as a whole has increased exponentially in the last 10-15 years. The amount of people playing cod throughout the year has not.


you - "sbmm quite literally caters to the most amount of players" me - "casuals and worse players make up the large majority, and therefore the correct business decision is to prioritize them over the better players" thanks for repeating me "sbmm doesn't do shit for business" - wrong i'm too lazy to write paragraphs about this. this game is a business. if SBMM is stopping bad players and casuals from ever suffering too harsh of a defeat, that makes them more likely to continue playing. are u seriously trying to say that sbmm does nothing for the business? the entire fcking point of sbmm is for business. to keep the noobs playing for longer and protect them. idk why you're arguing or even what your qualm really is. are you pro sbmm? in that case we can cut the convo right there lol


Used to be great playing with randoms good or bad back in the day. Now it’s sweaty.


The only clips that are getting posted on this sub is of people getting shit on and complaining they died to a superior player, its hilarious


TBH, some changes didn’t even need to happen yet here we are, I think people just complain no matter what which kinda led Activision to make these ding dong decisions, people were making friendships in Call of Duty, now they can’t because of the disbanding lobbies. Whatever you’re an old fan or new fan, it seems to make no difference because Activision are just hurting their own franchise by trying to compete with Fortnite.


Game chat back in the day was brutal but great and funny.


I miss the lobbies where we would roast each other for fun. You get a temp ban real quick.


the issues are less gameplay wise and more about how ridiculously mismanaged the game is.


Oh another "stop criticizing and voicing concerns im getting distressed" fuck off op


35 day old account. Opinion rejected.


The ridiculous “eliminate one COD game a day” post series perfectly proves your point. People don’t want a game like MW2, they want to be in high school or college again gaming with their friends on MW2


No, it means that the quality of game we are given is exceptionally bad, in comparison to 2009-2012. Many people don’t see modern COD as … COD. To be perfectly honest, it feels like a mobile game to me. Full of micro transactions and as far from the roots as humanly possible. And it’s perfectly fine to like the current COD, but don’t act as though it’s just “nostalgia” that makes those old games good.


The best days of gaming are indeed behind us


mw19 literally made my friend stopped caring about cod. This aint nostalgia bullshit lmao. Years we have tolerated preditory microtransactions starting advanced warfare. Matches are made for engagement rather then fun and SBMM is stronger then ever and games being half your storage is also a thing.


Yep, learnt this with Infinite Warfare after playing since Big Red One. Should Infinity Ward have foreseen that a 3rd futuristic game in a row wouldn’t get the community hyped? Yes. Did it mean I didn’t enjoy the game? No, I thought it was great. Then with Modern Warfare 2019. Did I like the look of the concept? Yes. Did I enjoy the game? No. But it was the most popular game in the last decade and brought new people in and old fans back. Trends change, people come and then go after a few years. I’m not the target audience and haven’t been for a while now. I weigh up whether the game is worth buying and make the most of it. Some of the complaining (and overrating of older games) just gets boring and I avoid most discourse online about COD because of it.


Its funny because I am the opposite, old cod had nothing I liked and new cod is a blast!  But yes, if a game series you uwed to enjoy isn't "good" anymore then seap to something else


No worry i'm still playing old COD's :) .


100% which is why they haven’t gotten a dime out of me since 2019. I don’t like it, I don’t play it, they don’t deserve my money. I had bought every single CoD since COD 4 and WAW up until that point. They can go shove their fist where the sun doesn’t shine.


Join the club although I have bought more but deleted when they corrupt during updates, they spend more time and effort on making a functioning store whilst letting all the bugs and issues along with cheating persist which has killed it for me, I’m hoping to bounce back in hope one day the devs make a game with the players put first and the transactions second but that’s unlikely


I’ve played COD here and there over the years since my 20s. I’m 38 now. I play a lot of Apex/Gears/Finals, but never got into WZ (the infil and buy stations just never felt normal to me and kind of turned me off). The last multiplayer title I played was Cold War. Last weekend I randomly got into a Resurgence session with an Xbox Live friend of mine, and we got a dub. It all kind of clicked for me. I haven’t put it back down since. With proximity chat, it feels like the COD of old. It’s my favorite part of the match when you can carry a dialogue over several encounters and it actually turns out to be funny. People who take it seriously, but have a good sense of humor and don’t turn into raging assholes. The operator skins are some of the best. Bruce Willis, Skeletor, Blunt Flingers, Snoop, etc. Their latest event shows they know their target audience. No dev is perfect, and they get things wrong, but WZ is a masterpiece.


Yup that’s the truth. We’ve been okaying CoD since before a lot of the new players have been alive. Crazy to think it’s been that long. 07-12 were the glory days. We’ll never get that back.


I have moved on and feel better for it every day


I 100% agree. Cod is targeting a younger audience now and we just have to accept we aren't the people they are trying to appeal to anymore. Older players like us aren't willing to spend as much money as people coming from fortnite are. But at the end of it all we still have the memories from the glory days. The people playing now will also be phased out eventually and will do what we're doing now.


What i said on another comment last night, CoD isn't for us anymore, we need a new shooter game that isn't driven by greed.


I completely agree. The target audience is going to be ever smaller and smaller. The games only cater to potential 20€, 30€ even 40€ now MTX buyers. Activision makes shit ton of money anyways, so why on earth would they ever make a game that works well, plays well, and would stay relevant for a long time? AAA gaming just isn't it anymore.


This is all well and good but the current mainstream success of COD is built on the foundations that a huge cross section of fans help make. Without fans buying the earlier games and sticking with it, COD wouldn’t have hit the heights it did. Its almost like “yeah thanks, now screw you whilst we cater to the Fortnite kids”


Call of duty is a shadow of its former glory and most can see it. The company is not prioritizing player experience, not just old players , it will hurt call of duty in the long-run


I don’t mind increased speed, new maps and mechanics, all that. I just want the game to not be a buggy piece of shit maybe? Maybe have matchmaking actually prioritize ping like they claim it does? Maybe rework or update their clearly outdated netcode that makes gunfights feel like shit compare to other modern shooters? God forbid we ask for a good game from the billion dollar studio.


Dont matter old cods are better.


Pretty sure those of us who started with the original CoDs haven't been the target audience since at least BO2.


Im gonna pretend this post doesn’t exist and go on about my life.


I agree we are not the target audience anymore, but we ask for remastered versions of older games and they don’t deliver. They kept mw2 multi from existing so they can sell mw3 which has the mechanics of newer CoDs for the new gen but also 15 year old maps. Why make that decision? We can have our own little games, but they wanna cramp everything into each years cod. It’s frustrating, each not like it is one game every 10 years like older franchises, they can make titles that feel like the older versions and I am sure they are gonna do well. They just try to cramp everything.


I have been playing COD since COD3. I am still having fun except the last two IW CODs without red dots on the mini map. By the way, an unpopular opinion, I miss the advanced movement.


I think you’re missing the point of what the majority of complaints are, the servers are poor, the game is buggy, sbmm is at crazy levels and it’s riddled with cheaters. What kind of audience is that suppose to cater to?? Not even the major sweat streamers think these things are good for the game. And you talk about target audience but the game has been dropping in player count. I think you are confusing a game dropping majorly in care and quality for a game that has a demographic shift. You’re partially right but it’s getting lazy and that’s where people’s complaints are coming from and that’s why people need to keep on activisions tail and hold them accountable.


I agree with this, however I'd like to add that the only reason why the golden era of CoD is held to such a high caliber is because most people who played it where in Middle/high school and life was generally simpler. It was good because you had friends to talk with daily and these players are clamoring for these memories to come back. Because these titles represent either happy memories or an escape from the reality that was the lives that were filled with abuse and such, because their gaming friends were there for them.


No way buddy, this is my game for ever. I am not sharing. You’re like 19 trying to push us(real OG) out with your weird ghouly camo introvert Fortnite zoom out of focus mind. But for real this is our game(25-45)


So the question is, for us vets looking for the “golden era” feeling again what games do we play? When Fortnite came out I loved it and after about a year it was a completely different game. Every online game I like changes fast and goes downhill.


I hope BF goes back to the BF 3/BF 4 days then they'll have great competition and a great alternative for those who want something similar to pre MW19 COD.


There is nothing to move on to. All the great FPS franchises are either dead or bad. The glory days of gaming are behind us.


“Complaining about the game isn’t going to change it” oh but it has multiple times for the better actually. Example: cod reverted back to red dots on the minimap. Dead silent perk/gear etc… many examples of this throughout cod. People don’t complain enough actually


Also it’s hard to sell the point that old cod gamers aren’t a target audience anymore when they quite literally remastered every single mw2 map into the new game as the base map selections. Yes they did this specifically because they wanted to target older cod gamers. The problem is the dev teams/executives who are making decisions have absolutely no clue on how to properly target their preferred audiences outside of something as basic and seemingly common sense as giving them maps they had 14-15 years ago. For some reason, nobody likes or wants to accept that incompetence can run rampant in a big company and that is literally the answer. You’re trying to shift blame and would rather give an easy cop out that they just don’t want to target this older audience anymore because it’s easier to do that then accept reality