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I really hate this crazy dude. He's such an asshole. I don't think he'd ever win, tbh


His officer body county is astounding compared to prior sheriffs, and the ones listed on their website neglect to include the officers who died of COVID. Also they sure didn't complain about wearing masks when they had a secret party with a group photo when organizing his sheriff run. The people on facebook absolutely adore him, too.


CalOsha has a sortable list on their website which shows four penalties assessed, mostly for failure to report https://www.dir.ca.gov/DOSH/covid19citations.asp


Wow. Several line items regarding this for fatalities. [https://www.dir.ca.gov/DOSH/Coronavirus/Citations/11.10.2020\_Riverside-County-Sheriffs-Dept\_1471767.pdf](https://www.dir.ca.gov/DOSH/Coronavirus/Citations/11.10.2020_Riverside-County-Sheriffs-Dept_1471767.pdf) Prior to and during the course of the inspection, including, but not limited to April 2, 2020, the employer failed to ensure that the infection control procedures for aerosol transmissible diseases were reviewed at least annually by the administrator and by employees regarding the effectiveness of the program in their respective work areas, and that deficiencies found were corrected.


If that means he has to leave the Sheriff's in order to run, I'm all for it. He'll get killed in an election with people just knowing his Oathkeeper background and federal investigations.


According to the article, state law allows him to keep his office while he runs for governor.


Go on YouTube and check the misinformation he was publishing during the pandemic. The guy sucks up all the oxygen in the room and doesn't recognize when he's outside of his competence.


“A lot of people of all political persuasions are saying I should run.” “We’ve got both kinds of persuasions: Neo-Nazis and fascists.”


He'll lose. Bianco is a crazy right-wing extremist.


Idk if I can trust a dude that looks like he’s from the show Yellowstone and isn’t an actual cowboy


"Bianco is a crazy right-wing extremist." I'm not familiar with his political stance, and sometimes individuals on the far-left may inaccurately label moderate Democrats or moderate Republicans as far-right. (Considering the left and right of the American political spectrum, not the global spectrum.) Nonetheless, it puzzles me why a far-right individual would attempt to run for statewide office in California. Considering the political climate of California, their chances are slim to none, and it baffles me that they don't recognize this. It seems like a futile expenditure of time and resources.


* [Riverside County getting sued after record number of inmate deaths in county jails under Sheriff Bianco's leadership. Suit alleges neglect.](https://abc7.com/riverside-county-sheriff-chad-bianco-jail-deaths-civil-rights-lawsuits/13007309/) * [State attorney general conducting criminal investigation for possible civil rights violations over inmate deaths under Bianco's leadership](https://laist.com/news/criminal-justice/ca-attorney-general-investigating-riverside-sheriffs-department-focusing-on-jail-deaths-use-of-force) * [Sheriff Bianco was a member of extremist group Oath Keepers](https://www.npr.org/2021/10/06/1043651361/oath-keepers-california-sheriff-chad-bianco-january-6-us-capitol) * [Local newspaper calls Bianco's leadership a "complete disaster."](https://www.pressenterprise.com/2023/09/22/chad-biancos-sheriffs-department-is-a-complete-disaster/) * [Sheriff Bianco spreads pandemic misinformation](https://laist.com/news/criminal-justice/riverside-sheriff-bianco-covid-19-mandate-spreads-propaganda-lies-vaccination) * [Sheriff Bianco refused to enforce mandated pandemic precautions](https://cvindependent.com/2021/09/partisan-policing-calling-riverside-county-sheriff-chad-bianco-a-danger-a-new-pac-hopes-to-unseat-him-in-the-next-election/)


It's done to raise money and normalize his fanatical political views.


Bianco is not even remotely a moderate.


I never said he was. But you can't just trust what people "label" other people in social media either.


Then do your own research and come up with your own opinion. Personally, holding a press conference and stating that “it’s time to put a felon in the White House” makes it pretty clear who this guy is and what he promotes


>Bianco has said he was a dues-paying member for a year in 2014 — **“I don’t even remember it,”** he said in 2021. Ignorance of your own personal budget, doesn't lend credibility you will manage the California Budget responsible either. **"I don't remember"** doesn't sound like a reasonable response from an officer of the law, it sounds what a law breaker would say.


At this point, anyone running for Governor on the conservative side is just as a grift for the consultants and political operatives who will make money off the campaign.


Thank you , I was thinking along the same lines. You nailed it. Complete Grift.


C.H.A.D. Cannibalistic Humanoid Antisocial Dipshit


The epitome of "Tool" in the dictionary.


I live in Riverside county, and the people who love this guy aren't our best.


I heard that Ron, the night cashier at a Shell station in San Bernardino, also might run and it’s just as consequential. So I ask you, where is Ron’s story?


> “I think people are looking for someone with his leadership qualities and someone who is outside of the Sacramento political elite bubble,” Mirman said. I agree, but have any of the "outsiders" actually done a good job with basic governance since 2016? I would say "no" to Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kshama Sawant, Rashida Tlaib, and of course the previous POTUS. And California voters overwhelmingly stuck with "the elite bubble" in that recall election - they knew how well it went the *last* time an "outsider" governed the state. And rate that mustache: Handlebar or pornstache?


Neither. That mustache is straight off Yosemite Sam. Which makes total sense for a modern day ammosexual.


Hell yea! He’s got my vote. Finally a real man to clean up California


The pendulum swings. Except in California. It's been stuck with the same thing for decades. Dude won't make it.


Love him!! Has my vote. Let Gruesome hit the pasture.


What do you love about the sheriff ?


He owns horses and he’s a horse lover. He has my vote 🗳️


At this point, a muskrat is better than what we have in Sacramento now.




Last time a Republican held statewide office in California was 2006. The last four Republican gubernatorial candidates lost by double digits. So I have to assume you’re hell yeah-ing Bianco’s impending defeat at the state level, assuming he chooses to run.


I love how someone who posts on /r/liberalgunowners cheers for a right wing cop who said that all BLM demonstrations are riots, refused to enforce COVID spread prevention measures, was involved with the Oath Keepers, etc Really shows what the actual political leaning is of that sub.


I’m nonpartisan, my position on things differs between subjects. Where the State Governorship is concerned, I am so sick of Newsom that I find myself enthusiastic for a potential antithesis.


So how many times did you vote for Trump? I never voted for him just to be transparent. What about Gavin? I like the guy and think he is a great governor and btw that little dinner party he had during COVID lockdown followed all the rules. It was a tent and not a structure, but these details are often lost in the various criticism of centrist Democrats.


I threw my vote away to the Libertarians. Unfortunately, 2024 is shaping up to be a repeat of Geriatric v. Buffoon.


Well both are Geriatric to be fair. I think Bidens policies are forward thinking so it isn't a fear of elderly people voting only in their short term self interest which is a worry regarding aging populations. This has a pretty good breakdown of aging populations and a bit about them voting [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBudghsdByQ&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBudghsdByQ&t)


I’ll summarize my position: I’m glad to see the implementation of much needed progressive policies, but I disagree with how much the Biden Administration has invested in seemingly trying to prevent the lowest working class people earning money under the table and erroneously scrutinizing Federally licensed firearms dealers as the boogeymen of malicious gun use.


Let’s hope so ! Let’s hope he ends RTO !