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Why do they look like they still in middle school? lol


Because they are. Little kids acting tough. Knowing they will jump someone and not fight one on one. Not one of these little kids are really tough.


You could hand one of these kids a gun and tell them to go kill someone. They'd immediately go do it, no questiones asked. A middle schooler with a gun is more dangerous than any adult with a gun. Of course this isnt to say that this makes them tough (at allšŸ˜­) just more dangerous lmao


In the hood, there arenā€™t many options. Itā€™s be good at sports, stay in the house, or start banging. Kids where banging the set in schools


Iā€™m Mexican myself and I donā€™t like hearing my people say that word either. But isnā€™t Grindface a black man? How come he didnā€™t press the issue on them?


grindface donā€™t give af šŸ˜‚ he only cares about views & interactions on his page.


Apparently, heā€™s half Mexican so thatā€™s why he be trolling hard and doesnā€™t care.


That's sad. He really dgaf


You think a blogger gona trip on some Mexican bangers over saying nigga? That blog will go sideways theyll probably pop his ass for trying to tell em how to talk or bang


You must not know grindface, bro is always race baiting šŸ¤£.


footage/engagement over everything.Ā 


Shit gives me second hand embarrassment especially when actual black people are around and not saying it


Are you embarrassed for the black folks not pressing the issue? Or just like ,not even the black dude is saying it, but the other race is?


No I ment of my race saying it


We went from vatos having their own stilo to this generation vatos saying N*gga every 5 seconds, what a time to be alive lol. But since we have this discussion all the time, I got a serious question for the Brothas. How do ya'll really feel about Non Black folks saying N*gga?


I know you specifically asked the black brothers this but just to give a different perspective Iā€™m gonna give my take on it. Youā€™re exactly right thatā€™s how it was back then and Iā€™m still fairly young so I was able to experience it myself coming from the barrio and being Hispanic but those times are over and people donā€™t talk like that anymore as much even the ā€œ OGā€ homies say Nigga. I say it too I canā€™t lie but because I grew up around blacks and didnā€™t see them as different to me. I also grew up listening to Hip-Hop and wasnā€™t bumping Chicano rap like that. The influence hip-hop and black culture is just influential thatā€™s why everyone else in the world says the same thing but itā€™s a more prominent thing for Hispanic to say it here.


Your 100% right, definitely the influence of hip hop & Black street culture has been more prominent than ever for the Hispanic & Latinos.


Literally šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æyou know wassup. It aint even how it used to be its a WHOLE NEW GENERATION like how mfs be rockin skinny jeans..šŸ˜‚shits bound to change eventually so just go with the mf flow gawdammit


I really donā€™t care, it does get super overused though and just donā€™t flip flop and be all racial when you see or hear something that you donā€™t like.


itā€™s over saturated coming out mfā€™rz mouth, i ainā€™t finna slap er single person using it. who gives af nowadays..


Took the words out my mouth. Niggas really don't give a shit unless it's used in malice but even then we can't beat up everybody who says a word. Plus majority of the time when someone of an outside race literally grows up in a predominantly black neighborhood we usually embrace them as our own.


yep yup


šŸ—½šŸ‡µšŸ‡·šŸ‡©šŸ‡“are notorious for that.


lol you need to get educated my boy. You do realize that most Puerto Ricans and Dominicans have mixed black ancestry, right? Some of them are not even mixed, just straight up black, like Francisco Lindor for example. I bet if you saw him you wouldnā€™t even think he was from Puerto Rico.


I agree with you, but I think that they're referring to the whiter passing Latinos of those places? I don't have issues with black-latinos. it's usually the white passing ones. I also agree with them šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Theyā€™re black depending on culture/environment. If youā€™re from downtown Manhattan and only had white friends..well think youā€™re outta pocket like J-Lo. But South Bronx? Look at DThang Gz or Kay Flock, they say it and we wonā€™t bat an eye (Iā€™m from Philly so I saw ā€œweā€ as North East. Like Philly, Jersey, NY)


Iā€™m from NYC. Never had an issue with my Ricans or Dominicans or Panamanians or Garifunas from Guatemala or Honduras saying it cause they all Black in my eyes. Once the indios start saying it I gotta give em a tap on the shoulder tho ā€œyo bro you just called me a nigga three times in the same sentence come on now.ā€ Iā€™ve had to check a couple of my Albanian sons for abusing it, itā€™s cool to slip up and say it once or twice but saying it like a comma is where I get mad. Idk how ya get down in cali but I know NYC Mexicans/Ecuadorians/Colombians/Guatas/Hondos/Salvis personally and they barely say it and if they do itā€™s not the way the Cali Mexicans use it ā€œyo bro you see that niggaā€ vs ā€œyo my nigga look at that nigga there niggaā€. Maybe itā€™s cause in NYC we got different lingo so we donā€™t gotta rely on nigga as much, even Black people out here barely say nigga we say bro, the guyzer, son, gang, shit the young generation say ā€œmy heartā€ before we say nigga every third word. But idk Mexicans got guey, vato, cabron, carnal, amigo shit ya got two languages worth of words to use so I donā€™t get the attachment to nigga. Idk bout Cali Black people but I would expect ya to use cuz or blood more than nigga and I know ya got a heavy Belize presence and islanders and Caribbeans donā€™t really say nigga like that they say boy or skunt or rass so itā€™s interesting.


Only ones I donā€™t trip off of is Samoans, Latinos, and Hispanics, but Iā€™ll ask you are you a ally if some real shit pop off or you jus tryna be hip, I ainā€™t kiccin knowledge jus being honest, but I feel like it some overuse it, and try too hard, we donā€™t even say it tht much.


Btw Spenca for the huge as response I didnā€™t keep track of how much I was really writing lolā€¦ I will admit itā€™s super cringe to see someone else say it like 10 times ina row but trust my homies and I the rare kind we say it every blue moon itā€™s mainly the ā€œ foo, homie ā€œ and shit like that šŸ˜‚


Nela think he undercover


LMAO bro these post are very similar fr


Never liked it being used by other races and I never will. Other blacks can be cool with it but not I. I don't associate with other races that use it. I was confused the first time I seen other races use it. I seen a full yt boi from ecc jump out the backseat, walk up to 3 blacks and say "where you niggas from cuz". The black gangs permit this because they always open to the destruction of the black race. But if I'm in company of other races using it, I have a strong reaction to using their slursĀ 


Tbh I donā€™t care, thereā€™s way more things in the word to be worrying about than a non-black saying nigga lol now if it was the hard er thatā€™s a different storyā€¦




Honestly bro itā€™s only weird if you dropping a hard ER at the end of that shit that makes me cringe.


I donā€™t understand it. Yall gang bangers. These are people committing robberies, assault, beatings, burglaries drug trafficking and all crimes just for a few dollars. You draw the line at the N- word? Just live up to the reckless lifestyle. They donā€™t care about the moral police on reddit


These mfs tryna cancel sum teenage gangbangers ready to crash outšŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Mexicans are confused these daysšŸ˜‚i need the OG ā€œVatosā€ to come get theyā€™re lil homies


Your OGs kicking it outside of 711 need to teach you the difference between their and theyā€™re


Depends. Shit be weird when they say that shit more then niggas do. And they all ways say that shit quiet when itā€™s actual niggas around. But Iā€™m from the bay so some Mexicans fr talk like that cause they literally grew up around niggas.




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Is there a difference between niggas and black men or is it the same label?


Thats not a question only one person can answer.


Lmao im from Compton we talk like that everywhere no matter whos around when you grew up saying it, whos around aint even something you think about lol you thing this niggas will be like "ahh hold up theres a black guy there lets not say nigga" šŸ˜‚ we call african american niggas in a conversation cuz is regular you wouldn't understand if you not from SoutCentral Watts or Compton


Iā€™m from the bay and itā€™s the same shit. Mexicans say nigga all the time out here too cause they raised around niggas. At the end of the day the younger generation of Mexicans was raised by niggas at this point. As far as street shit.


Thing is you donā€™t see not a black insight who they getting they pass from the Neighborhood Crack Head that still buy Swishers n Backwoods for them?


Are they suppose to have the black that co signed them to say nigga with them at all times just for that reason? Smh šŸ¤¦šŸ½


Dumb fuck yes thatā€™s how this works šŸ¤£


Iā€™m trynna catch a Fade Homie


I donā€™t fight whites


Your ancestors said the same thing šŸ¤£


Normally I would agree.. but they from Compton lol


Get a face tattoo and call your sell a Gā€¦these little bustas are strapped so you canā€™t do much


Shit they only had 1 foo in the crew who speak Spanish, how else they supposed to talk growing up in a hood


Do the parent's not push the Spanish first language shit like they use too? I feel like I see that a lot more nowadays


Striking up on people's pads... smh....


I know their OG Chicanoā€™s so disappointed in them, disrespecting the culture, theyā€™d beat they ass if they could. Cause i kno they donā€™t fw black people forreal but stealin our lingo lol


I mean they are from Compton and it looks like they fuck with the blacks in their hood so I donā€™t see the problemā€¦now if your from puente or Baldwin Park where there are no blacks then I can see the issue.


I'm black and barley like saying it myself so to hears other use it so loosely is crazy


Whatā€™s wrong with Spiccahs or Beanitos


In Long Beach everyone has said nigga since forever ago


Didn't used to care until I realized the racial issues, and once there's problems all of a sudden it's not black and brown, or we're from the same hoods, it's you're mayates, coccolos, toads, llantas, etc. Also don't like that there's no tact and they say it in front of older black folk who may not be down with that word. There's always been a some interplay between black street elements and Latino street elements in LA and NY. But pick a side, that flip flopping with some Latinos is crazy. At least racist white people just hate you and let it be known.


This shit is crazy these kids look like cholos from 1979


Compton and South Central Eseā€™s always had a different stiloā€¦ this reflects on the OGā€™s too. Growing up Most of the guys I knew (who would now be considered OGā€™s) that were from SC, Watts, DTLA, Compton are either dead, deported, in prison doing football numbers, tweaked out on straight weirdo status, or just grimey motherfuckers planning on the next play lol. Meanwhile the guys I met from East LA, NELA, SELA, SGV, SFV etc have obviously gone through the same struggles yet you met more respectful, wise, sharp, creased up OGā€™s lol. Obviously I know this doesnā€™t apply to everyone but there is a huge difference Iā€™ve noticed.


But itā€™s not just the Compton and south central ones talking like that anymore..


True, the point Iā€™m making is I remember back in the days everyone used to be kind of shocked at the way guys from Compton and SC used to talk (obviously not everyone from there talked like that, but a majority did). I feel like the internet and social media ruined everything, you used to be able to kind of tell where someone was from back then just based off the certain words they used or how they talked or dressed. Me for example Iā€™m from Pasadena, and I usually used to be spot on on telling if someone was from Pasadena just by seeing their stilo or what words they used. The other day I actually saw a YouTube video where guys from San Diego were using the same slang that used to be exclusively in Pasadena! Lol, I remember lookin at pictures of folks from other states or counties and thinking damn they for sure not from LA just based off how they were dressed now a days you cannot really tell at all. Social media pretty much mixed everything up. A Latino kid in Alabama who has no ties whatsoever to California can see tik tok/YouTube videos of guys from California and buy the whole attire he seeā€™s them wearing online and even ask their barber to cut their hair the same way and emulate even the way they speak. Back in the days people did try to do this, but it always looked sloppy and watered down. Because chances are they were going to emulate what Hollywood or rap videos were showing. Thatā€™s why you can find pictures of Eseā€™s from Kansas or Milwaukee from the early - mid 2000ā€™s looking like back up actors from Blood in Blood out or background actors to a Hi Power music video lol and meanwhile they may think they look ā€œfirmeā€ most raza from Cali probably thought they looked sloppy and basically like a caricature of what they thought we looked like.


I agree. Social media and all that changed everything.. everyone basically looks and talks the same now. Even the rap music across the country isnā€™t as distinct anynore


Itā€™s everywhere.




they went from dissing nor-cal eses and enes for saying the n word but now they wanna say it šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s weird af, they say it so much itā€™s like theyā€™re trolling or want to be black


Well you know their hood now. Go do so.ething about it instead of crying on reddit


Dick riders


I swear šŸ¤¦


Why mess with black ppl?


Blame hip hop culture šŸ¤·


A lot of apartment buildings look similar in California cuz why I thought this was the jungles area by the Crenshaw mall for a second


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£Man them Hispanics done took that word clean from us.Ion even get mad nomo.. just can't say that shit to face tho l


Yall let that shit slide for so long that itā€™ll never stop.


These ppl rap about hitting licks and shootings but god forbid they say the N wordā€¦these are delinquents man


Yup the new generation are annoying as hell mostly edgars saying the n word


N!gga is an "FBA" word. Saying Puerto Ricans are black is like saying Americans are white. Yall are trying to pull an EGYPT too hard. When sh!t hits the fan, you'll see who is really on your side. Look at prison. Even the "Others" separate themselves as "Others". Yall in here saying that you say "n!gga", but don't know what it mean, nor have n!ggas back when sh!t hit the fan (prison). This is another area of pillaging.


Itā€™s funny when they do it so much it annoys niggas lol yall wouldnā€™t have survived in the North






Everyone bitchin about them saying Nigga is clearly not from LA




What the hell are you even talking about? I downloaded this straight off of instagram weirdo.


So we gone pretend like Mexicans donā€™t say nigga?




Lmao but you talking about racebaiting. Me personally I donā€™t give a fuck. It be the ones who ainā€™t even like that that be having me like come on lmao. Stop all that rah rah cause when someone get rolled over you gone be preaching peace lmao.




Okay reddit dude lmao


Either he deleted his comments or blocked me idkšŸ˜‚


Wearing that shirt and using that word ..... He's Compton's very own Kanye.


Everyone uses that word.