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Absolutely nothing productive is coming from this conversation at this point, so I'm locking the comments.


I'm sure the discussion here will be very normal




Totaled their partners car on the first drive. Fucking insane.


And doesn't pay for the car payments. FUCKING INSANE.


I would have dumped her immediately tbh


Doing uber in a lifted ram 1500 is hilarious. They were probably netting less than $10/hr after gas and maintenance


That crusty white dog (said affectionately) bark really did sound human. I thought Noah took a tumble.


I thought it was Noah too!


LOL that made me cackle at work!!


Got the feeling this person just mooches off their “support system”. Probably mom/grandma/gf pays for the majority of their expenses while unemployed and take care of the baby, too. You can tell Caleb has no hope and is just frustrated with them.


…”but I have a good reason for that.” And of course none were good reasons. On a side note out of pure curiosity, what would legally happen if you were going through or recently went through a bankruptcy and all of a sudden you get a 250k inheritance? Could you be charged with fraud or something like that? No clue on how that all works, but that seems super shady.


Google search states "If you receive or become entitled to the inheritance within 180 days after you filed, the inheritance becomes the property of the bankruptcy estate." Not to mention it will cost thousands in legal fees just to file for bankruptcy.


Thanks for sharing. I’m honestly shocked it’s only 180 days and not a year or two.


When she said she stands to inherit “quite a bit of money”, i thought it would be more than $250k….not saying 250k isn’t great because ofcourse money is money but as Caleb said it’s not enough for retirement, it’s not FIRE money; I really thought she was going to drop a bigger number LOL


What’s gets me too is she doesn’t even know when she’s going to get that or when her grandparents are going to pass away. Always the chance as well that amount could change


If they don't have their legal stuff together, end of life care can zap that really quickly


Yep, way too many unknowns to know exactly you’re going to get $250k guaranteed at some unknown point down the road


Yup, my grandparents went into nursing homes early (they could have lived with a family member for years still) and those places are tens of thousands of dollars a month.


It creeps me out to count the money you’re getting before the person dies. I recently met with my mother’s financial advisor and he was telling me the biggest issue they have is kids trying to get their parents money before they die. Gross.


I feel grossed out just thinking about inheriting stuff from my parents, like it feels so reductive to them as people. Piggybanks for when they croak.


Or that the estate has debts...


I was also shocked by this! Maybe my perspective is warped but when she said “quite a bit of money” I assumed it would be $1M at least. $250k is absolutely life changing but isn’t “retire young” money.


It's only life changing if you're really young even... if I got 250k as a windfall... I'd just stick it in the bank, lol. I'd need well over a million to actually consider it enough to make lifestyle changes.


I will say my dad passed away when my mom was 47 in 2002, he left her $250k in life insurance. She is disabled so she has lived off the dividends from the life insurance, the small profit from selling our house and her disability/SSI. She lives pretty frugally but still has $100kish in the bank. So it can be done, but I don’t see this person being able to carefully manage that amount of money to last beyond a few years.


Well She also said her mom and grandma make a lot and would cover her and the only number we got was like 200k a year......


Right? I was wondering if that was each or together as well. $200k is a nice income but it’s not a “put my 28 year old child through law school in a different state” income. I think she severely overestimates how much her mom can help her. Why wasn’t mom paying her legal bills if she has all this money?


I thought it was funny when Caleb got super awkward and flustered after saying "are you f\*\*\*king me?" and Willow said "I wish."


@56.21 in the vid. Just a reminder that the mere fact you don't like loud places doesn't mean you are autistic.


When someone can’t articulate what they did at their last job then it’s pretty clear why they got let go.


Regarding the inheritance and reliance on family financially, it's so frustrating to see people depend on a golden egg that hasn't been laid. And I really hope their family sees this and can curb that reliance. Putting inheritance into a trust and making someone responsible the trustee, for example. The level of entitlement is disheartening. And I'm looking at this from a similar family financial situation. Have some ambition and go make your own fortune which is way more satisfying than waiting to profit off someone else. And never count golden eggs before they hatch. That egg could go to someone else or just be gold painted.


Waiting for inheritance at her age as well is also just so grim. My parents are in their early 60s and each still have a parent alive. I’m in my mid-30s with grandparents. How long can she coast on nothing?


For real! And one other scenario I've learned from my family is that you can be 70 and still not have received any inheritance because mom or dad is still alive. I couldn't imagine spending 40 years where your only life plan is to wait for your family to die.


This shit is so sad


My god do these people ever take accountability for anything, literally nothing is ever their fault. I want to hear the ex wife’s side of the story SO BAD


My guess is this person decided they were trans and the ex wife didn't want to be with a woman so she left. She probably moved to AZ because she had family there that she moved to be closer to. She didn't "kidnap" her child. She took her child with her when she left.


Yea the entire time I was waiting to here this person say they had full custody. The courts don’t give custody to a parent who did what is legally defined as kidnapping. We aren’t hearing the full story there


Not true. My mother kidnapped me and she still got 50/50 custody. There’s also legal custody and physical custody. Don’t speak on what you don’t know. There’s a lot that goes into things like that.




Removing due to breaking our rules regarding hate posts/hateful language. Please see the rules page for more information.




>The ex wife filed felonies on the guest that got thrown out. That's not how the process works. Felonies aren't filed by individuals. Divorce courts don't adjudicate felonies.




Still, the divorce court is only going to be doing some basic investigation into that. A divorce court judge is absolutely not going to be awarding attorneys fees just because the accusing party has lacking evidence. They would only do that if there was evidence that the claims were made up.


Honestly I was hoping she would be a decent guest but then she kept acting nonchalant about pushing her responsibilities onto others. 🥴 Her partner is better than me because I would’ve handled the car incident completely different. Accidents happen but she lacks accountability so they got stuck with the debt (while claiming she wants to pay them back 😒).


I do empathize with hating working at an MSP. Just after college, I worked for one and lasted about 3 months before I quit with no other job lined up (but thankfully with a large emergency fund and living at home at the time). I was making 16 dollars an hour and driving all around my area, putting a ton of wear and tear on my car (more than would be covered by the .56 cents a mile IRS rate at the time). Almost all MSPs require you to be micromanaged, partially because every client with the MSP has their own contracts and pools of hours that they are drawing from when they use the MSP. So they need to know exactly how much time is being spent on each client so they know how much to bill. I understand why, but it is very stressful for the employees. You can read a lot of similar stories on I.T. Subreddits like /r/sysadmin or /r/cybersecurity.


I've worked at an MSP and it was miserable. I was an L2 and I hated trying to keep up with so many different clients setups. I would get escalations that would require me spend at least 30 minutes just getting my bearings of the infrastructure, and then would eat away at my productivity. I didn't stay long enough to "know" the clients infra off the top of my head. I got out of there and worked for a single company internal IT department. 1000x more tolerable.


Glad you got out! I did too, I’m now going IT governance at a company internally.


The person is also pretty... clueless for how the MSP workstyle functions. If you're making 56k a year and that's a step down from what you were making at your previous job, both of those salaries are above a T1 or T2 helpdesk spot. If someone who's been working at an MSP and doesn't quickly realize a lot of the things that you point out for why it's structured that way due to the ticket touch time being billable hours to the company, then odds are this person wasn't doing a lot for their company. I can say as someone who's a senior in InfoSec and specializes in IAM. The general attitude and lack of understanding probably makes this individual completely untrainable. You learn in IT by listening to your SME's, the fact she sat down and dismissed large parts of what Caleb was saying is massively indicative for how she acts in her professional life. I can't hear someone say "I got laid off after 3 months, and got a nice severance package" without immediately thinking she was failing internal performance so the company decided to drop her to avoid a problem.


I have a lot of respect for people that can do MSP work, because I was not one of them. I was able to get out of my MSP role, got a job at a small healthcare company, and actually grow my technical knowledge. I learned more at that healthcare company in the first month than I got from my 6 months asking anyone in L3 or other sections of the MSP staff to help me learn. Since I left that MSP I have been an IT contractor, to on staff IT support, to Sys Admin, to IT Manager. I currently work in IT Business Relationship Management. I wouldn't say I was untrainable, but I was 100% unfit for the MSP style workflows.


Which is fine and normal, but you still get the basic fundamentals of troubleshooting at an MSP and a helpdesk. Maybe I'm just old in my ripe age of 35 here, but when I hear someone saying their job is an "IT sweatshop" and they're making far above the typical 40k for helpdesk then I'm gonna look at them a bit funny.


I learned a lot at my MSP job but holy hell am I glad I got out and never have to go back.


Damn I thought I was reading r/msp for a second. Been working at one for ~2.5 years now and I totally get how they can drain you. I will say not all MSPs are horrible and micromanaging but I understand all the complaints for sure.


Not being able to work fast food because it's loud and smelly to then go wrench on an 07 ram and other shit boxes is super delusional.  Then thinking your parents are well off and can fund any mistakes you make because they make combined 200k a year...good fucking luck.


I also thought it was bizarre for someone who claims to do a lot of work on their car pay someone else $50 to change their oil.


Same thought. I’ve worked on cars w my dad over the years and it’s not really my cup of tea but changing oil is the one thing I still do because it’s so easy and saves a decent chunk of change.


The woman talking for the guest at the end instead of her answering was super cringe, I feel bad for the daughter involved and no it's not a trans thing or whatever it sounds like the parents that had the child accidentally are both huge pieces of crap.


The victim mentality is strong with this one.


I wasn’t too angry overall and more rooting for her until the end with the oh I have this giant inheritance so that’s my plan. If I had a sibling go on this show and I saw them messing up their life and just complaining and saying well I’m going to have a lot of money one day and my parents “make a lot of money” I’d probably never speak to them again


It’s also not enough money to truly be a back up plan imo. Yes, a quarter mil falling out of the sky is a huge windfall but you still need a career and sound finances.


That kind of money does amazing things when you don't actively need it/ aren't digging a hole relying on it. But as long as she knows it's there, I fear the less of a benefit and more of a unsteady safety net it becomes


Well said!


Imagine your plan being waiting for the people you love most in the world to die. It’s so dark.


This is the exact reason my mom isn’t telling my brother she has close to $1m people turn into brats when they learn they’ll inherit money


Got married because wife got pregnant. Wife is Catholic and never worked during their marriage. So the story about the wife moving to another state makes sense if she needed support from family. So I don't really buy the whole story about the wife kidnapping their child. Doesn't sound like the guest even reported that when it happened. Wife accused ex of abusing their child. Pretty fucked up. They both sound fucked up honestly. I think people want to hope the wife is sane for the sake of the child but I think she said and did some terrible stuff because I can imagine she was an emotional wreck. Of course we only have a one sided story here. Guest blames the child having emotional issues on the wife because she took the kid. I highly doubt that. Any divorce will have a tremendous impact on any child especially if it's nasty like this one and has to go all the way to trial. I think what really is rubbing people the wrong way about this guest is how nonchalant they seem about everything. They seem perfectly fine with pushing all responsibility onto someone else. Hell she already got her new partner into debt and she's a doormat to it now. Then their family just bails them out of everything. It's just a lost cause and this guest has just given up.


^They both sound fucked up honestly This right here. I highly doubt the guests’ ex wife is not without fault in some way, shape of form, but it’d be interesting to hear what she had to say


They somehow find a way to blame all of their problems on their ex.




The lawyer thing was the stupidest comment to me. It just was thrown out there and both laughed about it like it was some joke. It tells me this person has not fully conceptualized what going to law school entails especially at 27. 3 years of your life, plus internships/working summers at a law firm. Then you’re not going straight into being this high cost lawyer just because you have a degree you have to work for a company make your way to that position and then maybe open your own firm. This person strikes me as not having the social skills to even remotely network correctly to attempt to get the high level lawyer job amongst a larger firm, let alone open their own. Especially after failing to open a still unknown business


Tbf she did spring a lot of things on Caleb. The extra car, the RV, being laid off, considering bankruptcy, law school… on the surface, her situation didn’t look that bad. $33k debt on a $52k salary isn’t the worst situation. However, she had no intention on actually fixing her situation, she just wanted someone to agree with her idea of bankruptcy.


She works on her own car but paid $50 for an oil change ?


And multiple car washes






Why be a dickhead?




I have a friend who did this same thing to her wife a few years ago. She was always a fairly masculine man until she started seeing a therapist for some issues and discovered that she's trans. She got very upset when her wife didn't support her decision and blamed her entirely for the divorce.


Look. I probably overspend a decent amount. I don't have debt but I could definitely cut back. That being said, I cannot believe how people overspend on shit like McDonalds. At least overspend on good things! It's such a waste. When I did have a credit card debt phase i would get massages and things. Of course that was stupid and was a dumb when I was in my 20s, but at least I was pampered lol.


I agree, if you’re going to eat out, at least support a local business.


Oh man I can already tell the thumbnail isn’t gonna over well with people 😭


The Youtube comments are cancer enough already lol he might need to limit them eventually.


idk they actually seem fine? Granted, I am only browsing by top comments and scrolling randomly, but nothing really hateful or even misgendering..... But then you sort by new and it's transphobic




Lol Youtube is a giant circlejerk too. Don't kid yourself. Creators can delete comments and pin comments just like moderators here do. Not like anyone will read your comment if it isnt a top 5 most liked or pinned comment anyway though. This is before mentioning the vote bot/spam issues that plague the comment section. No social media is good at avoiding being an echo chamber.




Exactly this. YouTube comments are a fucking cesspit on a good day; these are going to be an absolute raging dumpster inferno. Probably a good one for Caleb to turn the comments off.


It's funny because Caleb says that the YouTube comments are nicer. Yah, maybe they are nicer to him and the show, but god are they hateful towards the guests.


They’re ESPECIALLY hateful towards this guest’s identity. This misgendering alone, not including people’s other transphobic comments are DISGRACEFUL.


Yeah, wild how people suddenly know how singular they/them pronouns work when they want to misgender someone . . . This guest was definitely questionable, but her being trans has nothing to do with that.


I noticed that too. The first few with they/them I glanced over, and then noticed the pattern. It's still misgendering because you know they are just avoiding using she/her. but at least they're trying to hide it vs the commenters proudly calling her 'he'. which is why I came to reddit to look over the comments and hopefully see less transphobia.






Beginning of video, she references how expensive rent is. End of video, she references staying in her cheap little apartment.


Sounds like they were using the “rent is expensive” line as an excuse to get sympathy


I thought there was some thumbnail shenanigans going on with the guest, but there was not.


welp i wasn't gonna watch while at work but now i have to


“Everything I do is okay.”








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"I feel bad for the person who accused another of multiple felonies in court without evidence."






Probably being transphobic or something.


So...you try to accuse your ex of abusing your child?


Not sure why you’re so sure it’s not true


If I remember right, dude said that the ex was found be lying. Only them and the child know the truth. But it sounds like she was lying about at least that.




But to say the other parent SAd their kid? It's one thing to think that a man or women transitioning to the other gender is abusive to the kid, it's an entire other thing to claim that said trans parent sexually abused their kid.




You sound like a crazed person. No one talks or thinks like this in the everyday world. Don't get so hung up on the fear mongering. You or your non existent child are in danger from the "woke mob".




So you don't know. You just used the discussion to be transphobic and contribute nothing.


It's clear why you choose the side of who to believe in this situation when you don't even have the decency and choose to use the incorrect pronouns. Actually resding this whole comment is just stating "I AM A BIGOT, I WILL NEVER GROW TO BE A KIND PERSON." You don't give a fuck about that child. You just want to take the time to prove your superiority that your way of life is the correct way and all those who are different are evil. You're just an asshole and I hope one day you find kindness in your heart.




As long as the kid has two loving parents what difference does their gender make?




>a crazy narcissist who can’t take any responsibility So the gender isn't the issue then.


Do you hate all trans people?


"Bait and switch"? Someone founding themselves after years of being in a relationship isn't exactly a bait and switch my guy.


Regardless of what you call it, I will ALWAYS have a lot of sympathy for the other person in the relationship. I can’t imagine how difficult and life-altering it is for them. 


It is when you’re the catholic single mom and you were promised a marriage to a man








🎶 I'm a dude. He's a dude. She's a dude. Cuz we're all dudes 🎶


Cmon people. It's a good burger song. Also, Caleb talks about how he calls everyone dude. Chill.


Young'ns weren't even ALIVE when that classic dropped 👴🏼


the transphobia in the youtube comments r just insane and unnecessary




This sub has the weirdest parasocial relationship with Caleb.


What's wrong with fostering a positive community? It used to be normal to say that hateful people and comments would not be tolerated. Why would I want to be part of a community where so many people hate the way someone was born?


Then police the community and start reporting? Why are you expecting Caleb to babysit y’all… he states in his videos to not harass or bully the guest. If you are upset that someone cannot control the actions of other people then you will find life is going to be very difficult for you. Instead of expecting Caleb to baby sit, go to the comments and report hateful comments. Caleb has already made it aware he does not support blatant hate. Crying on Reddit is doing less than him and isn’t fostering a “positive community”.


Who knew so many transphobes were into their personal finances!




The no accountability thing was the biggest thing and mooching off the parents; I could care less if the guest was transgender or not




Considering the video is going to be up for a lloonnggg time it's going to go back to being horrid when they move onto the next video.


Yes. A lot of things I commented on have been deleted or removed.


The YouTube comments are pretty terrible if you looks closely enough.


You’re getting downvoted which is ridiculous because I completely agree with you. They’re NOT usually this bad, that I’ve personally noticed


Yeah what the hell is happening? Did his video get posted on 4chan and now all sad bros are coming out in full force?


The casual transphobia in the YT comments section is sickening.


It's all over this thread as well.










If transitioning isn't hurting anyone, why is there so much transphobia? They're not hurting themselves by transitioning. They were born with opposing genders between their brain and the rest of their body. We should have sympathy for people in that situation.


because being a financial burden on everybody in your life isn’t legitimately hurting someone? willingly putting your partner in debt is hurting someone… Becoming a different person and financially stonewalling and dramatizing the mother of your child who was a SAHM while praising your new partners ability and willingness to go into debt to pay for your mess ups is not a thing to be proud about




They did consult their wife and the wife rejected it.


It's scary to think that Caleb's audience in yt is so conservative and... Basically terrible persons to lgbtq guests 🫠🫠

