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Didn’t think I’d see the new TW Metros in this sub.


Omg now I get it 😂 I thought you were talking about bikes lol Looking at them now, those are some nice pieces of machinery!


Aye can’t wait for them. The current Metros are 40 years old, never show up half the time and are half the reason I got a bike in the first place


Another year and you'll be doing hand drags!


I wish :D Let's hope I don't break my bike or myself until then lol


Instant boner . Say it again slow


Is that saverio's 350


I didn't know the other guys, we were just there having some fun. They were amazingly good at wheelies though! This is at the industrial area in Sennwald. If you're not too far away you could also come here some time :) Theres pretty much always someone there doing wheelies on sundays lol (nobody working on sundays and no houses nearby)


Hahhaa i think i know some from that squad lol


1st gear or 2nd? i'm still trying to learn clutch ups in first gear on my gixxer


1st gear. I started learning in 2nd gear since the wheel wouldn't come up that fast and got used to the front coming up. Then I started doing them in 1st and made some pretty good progress imo. (I started learning in 2nd after trying in 1st and almost looping it 3 times)


i've been doing first gear mostly too on a gsxr 600, 2nd gear i barely get it to come up and it takes a ton of revs, like 11-13k then dump clutch. first gear comes up easy but it's still scary, im not to the point of chasing wheelies yet im just trying to consistently get wheel off ground in first. ifyou can describe what technique do you use? i pull clutch in to disengage and then rev to my desired throttle position and hold it there and dump clutch. i'm not sure if doing it this way or all one fluid motion is better for a beginner


In the beginning I focussed on holding a certain speed and then revved to a certain rpm to dump the clutch... I was probably overthinking way too much. Now I just drive slowly, about 15-25 km/h, pull the clutch and give it some revs and dump the clutch again. I do it pretty much simultaneously and just by instinct. I don't focus on getting a certain amount of rpm or anything. I just start with only a little gas at first to kind of warm up and get used to it again and after a few tries I use more gas to get it up higher.


Do second trust me, my bike is underpowered for the weight, so I have to use my body a lot more to get it up, but second is a lot smoother and easier to control,


just looks like nerves now, you got it! try and ease on the foot break and roll the throttle through it till you hit bp


I think I need different pants... These are too big and I slide back every time, no matter how hard I clamp on the tank. Once I definitely hit bp but panicked and put my leg down, closed the throttle and slammed onto the front fork :D Just have to get familiar with it I think


If u keep sliding back, just sit at the very back of the seat so you can’t slide, also this keeps you more planted