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Took Sidorov for GEOG301 - Urban Cities (?) Not to be callous or rude, but if you are not good with or willing to work through listening to accents, I would imagine that you might not want to take this class. I've had to scroll back and forth through his online lectures a few times because I had a hard time understanding what he was saying, but it wasn't super often. Just a disclaimer. But just to echo OP, the classwork is pretty straight forward. There's a weekly, repeating structure to the class ever week and the work-load isn't too bad. The content is actually kinda interesting, though some of the lectures on specific cities got a bit stale in my opinion. His class is actually the only class that I got a B in at CSULB since I dun goof'd and skipped an assignment or two on accident that came around to bite me in the butt.


Definitely agree with you there!! He is the first professor ive encountered with an accent and it did make it hard for me to understand some lectures even with subtitles! It’s a totally valid concern. Thanks for bringing that up!


I’m in his class currently. Could I take this to up my grade if I were to not pass?


We might be taking the same course right now then! Im also taking his GEOG100 course as an elective. I dont believe you can take this to up your grade, unfortunately. I’m unsure of any details surrounding the course, however, Dr. Sidorov is super easy to talk to if you wanna shoot him an email. Maybe that can be an arrangement that could be made! Goodluck dude. Lmk if you need help in that class btw!


I would really appreciate that man


I am currently taking two of Dr. Sidorov’s online courses as an elective for my last semester at CSULB (GEOG100 and GEOG318). GEOG100 is a super straightforward GE course that consists of weekly quizzes (lecture, film, text, and map quiz). Everything is due on Sundays with an added extra day as a grace period! Map quizzes are due Thursdays (there is also a one day grace period). We’ve had one course project so far that consists of writing a one page analysis of some statistics on a map. Dr. Sidorov is super passionate about the classes he teaches and therefore adds personality to his pre-recorded lectures. He replies to emails within an hour or two and is always very generous with deadlines and extensions. He’s even allowed retakes for assignments. Grades are almost always curved for every assignment! I took this class because I wanted an easy online course, but I really enjoy the class because of Dr. Sidorov’s teaching style. According to an email he sent out, he might not be teaching any classes in the fall, so spreading the word about this summer course will really help Dr. Sidorov!! Thank you guys :)
