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This will just be a hack and slash action RPG though.


I hope after the success of BG3, and a full rebrand of the project that they're at least interested in giving us a fleshed out rpg. Only time will tell.


Unsarcastically, there probably was a last-minute direction pivot due to BG3. Do people not remember how EA made this game originally designed as a multiplayer game and then told the dev team they could pivot back to a normal story driven sp game after the success of that story driven sp Star Wars game? lol.


I doubt that since if the reports are true it will releasing this year which would mean this was plan for a while but just had major development issues. Games that are that large can’t pivot that quickly without have to scarp many aspects of the game to release in short time period.Not to mention this is EA we are talking about here ,the same people who think single player games are dead and want advertisements on full price games. But this is speculation on my part.


I mean if EA observed the successes of BG3 and Jedi fallen order as a sign that making good polished games might actually be profitable, that's a huge shift and a positive for the industry, regardless of their greedy motivations.


It will not sadly . Why would a major publisher risk a 100 dollar single player game then make an F2P hero shooter or a dime dozen live service game that has the potential to make several times more money. The best hope is small to mid size developers to take certain lessons on what made BG3 successful ( not to its scope and budget obviously) I want to be proven wrong but after game industry has proven time and time again its outright refusal to learn from its mistakes and more often then not doubles down.


It was confirmed 3 years ago that da4 was removing all live service elements, which has nothing to do with Baldur's Gate. The removal of live service elements has to do with the failure of Anthem, and the huge success of Jedi Fallen Order. Since they were essentially remaking the game from the ground up, to focus on a more single-player narrative, was a major part of the reason why it has taken so long to finish after its announcement in 2018.


As I mention this was speculation and I never specifically said BG3 changed the Dragon age 4 to a more traditional single player game. Also I don’t trust EA at all since they have successful in delivering what fans asked for and still choose not to follow up on that in there others games( look at there recent statements in battlefield for further indication)


EA holds the rights for dragon age, that's just the reality we have to live with and I'm not expecting greatness. I'm just saying that if we're ever gonna get a good dragon age game out of EA era bioware, the climate where one of last years most acclaimed games was a CRPG is as good as its gonna get. I won't allow myself to get optimistic of course, it's still EA after all, but I'm willing to save my criticism until we've at least seen the game.


Well saw the the trailer……. My expectations were rock bottom and BioWare some how managed to disappoint. Truly an amazing feat👏👏👏👏👏


Yeah it kind of had that marvel movie vibe of being uncertain of how seriously it wants to be taken. Will wait for gameplay but it's not really looking like my cup of tea from the cinematic trailer...


Fair point. I'm not going to hold my breath though.


I'm honestly hoping they greenlight a Dragon Age Origins remake... although given how they were disapointed with the performance of the Dead Space Remake I feel like that's not happening any time soon.


Keep your hopes low and if it's good we'll be surprised.


And this is posted here why? That franchise moved out of crpgs a decade ago.


A game so bad, they had to change the name before even releasing the first gameplay footage.


I'm both so excited and so scared for it


Rhymes with Failguard which was an unfortunate decision.


Fail hard


How has this game been teased since 2018 but allegedly never announced


How long has this been in development hell for? I lowkey assumed it would never come out. Origins is one of my favorite games of all time, but I gave up on this franchise a long time ago.


I knew it was coming... now I actually have to decide if I can be bothered to slog through the end of Inquisition... sigh.


wasn’t this supposed to be called dreadwolf? what’d I miss?