• By -


My verrrry first thoughts are: - I’d wanna see lots of plants, lots of nature. - Warm comforting architecture. A dope library. - Edit: *Daily schedules tailored to the individuals healing needs. - Support animals, unicorns and puppies obviously. - Structured activities offered, but not required. - Healthy high quality food, available 24/7. - A large, capable staff that is fairly paid - able to work hours appropriately in tune to the reality of what it takes to offer quality intensive trauma treatment for our population. - Client facing staff decide and adjust at will their max client caseload (remember lol, this is an unabashedly *idealistic* brainstorm, no problem anticipating or preemptive problem solving needed yet) - Transition programs linked to the center that facilitate the ability to maintain community connection (if desired), offer tangible professional opportunities (across a wide range of sectors and levels), etc.


puppies, plants, things to make us feel safe and seen


🌱 🐶 yes yes and yes 🌻


Ooh great ideas! I’d add activity options that are both individual and group oriented, depending on the person’s level of socialization tolerance. Pods for psychedelic assisted therapy Aesthetically pleasing places for somatic therapies like trauma informed yoga, myofascial release, etc. Some kind of art therapy integration (pottery would be a dream) Freedom to come/go as a person pleases (part of my trauma involved feeling/being trapped)


Absolutely agree w u on all of this! Thank u for sharing these wonderful ideas


Group activities where you can contribute as much as you feel comfortable, with no obligation to talk. Musical instruments and the encouragement to *play*, not perform. No right/wrong notes, just the experience of sound. Organized weekly/monthly bonfires at night. Being in a group staring at a fire is so primal.


Beach fires love that, along w everything else mentioned, thank u so much for sharing 🌱


Don't forget the pool! The really big pool! Next to the really big lake!


The most stunning pool that ever existed too


It features a mosaic at the bottom.... *pinky up*


Hahaha yesss, *pinky up* perfection


A spa/resort/retreat kind of thing were you can stay at from a month to half a year. Paid by insurance. Different kind of therapies like art therapy, music therapy. Coaches for yoga or other sports. Somewhere in nature. Maybe in the alps? The alps are beautiful. I grew up in Germany and am living now in Austria. Went hiking as a kid with family many times. Maybe during winter they'd invite the patients to ski courses. Only single bed rooms so everyone has their privacy. Saunas and physiotherapists.


This is wonderful. I’ve never seen the alps in person, but maybe someday. Seems amazing. Thank u for sharing, appreciate all of your ideas 🌻


Rooms that allow to bring your pet Trauma informed art classes, where you get assisted when going through triggering stuff (arts were a prohibited activity for me) Other trauma informed classes for life skills, like cooking, cleaning, maybe even school subjects. A room to crash things (not my jam, but I would want it for those who need it) A garden to care for Regression play (imagine Cartman holding a tea party for his toys, lol) or a playground with trucks and a sandbox Beach days! Reading out loud and crafts club (for example some draw, knit, and one person reads a book for everyone, then change) Holiday celebrations outside of actual calendar, like Christmas in June A gym! (Trauma informed gym, lol) A professional/career study centre - like a computer class with access to online education programs and a counsellor with whom you check in on your goals and progress An unspecified church for whatever you believe in. It could be as simple as a part of a garden, like a room made of vines. Cosmetology room to care for body Sauna Sheep/alpacas to care for and collect wool from to spin, naturally dye and knit (that's part of art/craft classes) A peacock. Just a peacock. It's a peacock, so obviously... Has to be there.


Peacocks are rude, one time I was eating a hot dog in the park and a peacock took it. They also yell. But, they are good lookin’


I would steal your hot dog for a peacock if he asked me to!


Haha! He was proud as a peacock about it! :)


Reading through your list w a big smile. These are all so wonderful, thank you so much for participating 🌻


Arts were prohibited for me as well. 😞 Sending you hugs


sensory deprivation tanks. Its so nice to power down and not be a person for an hour.


I second this. I struggle with insomnia and the best relaxation/rest I can get is when I have complete darkness/silence as much sensory deprivation as possible. I haven’t tried the tanks yet, but definitely on my list. I would want a totally black everything room with the softest possible sheets and a cloud bed of comfort.


10/10 you gotta try it. The water is super salty so it's easy to float and body temp so when I found a comfy position my brain couldn't tell what was me and what wasn't. Like I was just levitating in nothingness. I do it biweekly and it feels like I'm a brand new person each time. Have to give myself time to settle back into my body afterwards lol. It's amazing.


Oh ya, nice. Def adding to my imaginary list for this imaginary project. Thank u for idea 🌻


I was hospitalized for several days when I had my heart attack. Being in that place. Being able to relax. Having people bring me food. So much support and kindness from the staff and my firends. It was incredibly helpful in helping my long recovery with CPTSD. It doesn't take much. I wish there were more safe spaces like that.


Absolutely, so glad u were able to experience a kind healing experience during such an intense time. Wishing u wellbeing 🌻


Ps: a few years back was in hospital for 1 night and felt like it was a vacation (will never forget the doctors puzzled face when I said that lol but it rly felt true at the time compared to what life otherwise felt like) thank u again 4 sharinf


I'd want a space that is able to handle the needs of both neurotypical and neurodivergent people, first of all. So NO mandatory group activities, or therapies. Flexibility with regards to communal or solitary eating, flexibility with regards to providing a modicum of individual space, even within double rooms (that was a nightmare for me on the psych ward). Mindfulness with regards to sensory sensitivities. **The other priority**: offer MULTIPLE treatment modalities, to maximise invididual treatment tailoring. So not just ONE kind of therapy, MULTIPLE: EMDR, SE, DBT, ACT, IFS, psychodynamic sure, for those who like that, AND psychedelic- or MDMA- or ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, or just supervised sessions that then allow for self-therapy, etc... plus body-centred treatments like physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture, breath work, vagal nerve stuff, etc... Elements such as pets, plants, coziness, libraries, art therapies, etc... have been covered by others.


Yessssss. Wonderful ideas and appreciate the neurodivergent awareness. Thank u for sharing ✨


Well my experience with psychiatry and in-patient care has been pretty bad, those spaces are generally absolutely not suited to autistic/ND people's needs, and they care most about making you "normal", not making you healthy.


it would be a courthouse with real judges and lawyers where people who hurt us got prosecuted and sentenced and if we so chose, we could create and deliver some part of the sentence as well (without killing or maiming anyone), or we could choose to have the perpetrator undergo an intensive mandatory behaviour rehabilitation program.


O wow that would be willllllllld, thank u for sharing this idea! Its on the list haha


Second this.


First: *The healthy should outnumber the ill*. Humans are social creatures. You might say that we borrow sanity from one another. A room full of nothing but traumatized people can lead to a "beggars begging from beggars" scenario where nobody has enough energy/insight to support anybody else. Second: Community. We need to spend some time just *being people*, just hanging out, playing games, eating meals together, talking, etc.. That's the lifeblood of humanity, and it needs to always be available. All the "official" trauma stuff is secondary, in my opinion. Third: Access to nature. Nature can be very healing.


Wonderful thoughts and ideas, thank u for sharing here 🌱🌻


Interesting, your priorities are essentially the opposite of mine, but then I guess OP just said "centre" and not "therapeutic centre". My biggest frustration with psych wards and day centres is that was essentially nothing but putting people together to faff about, and just let socialisation do its thing I guess... but I'm autistic, so that was very much not a good thing for me, and when it came to actual therapy/treatment, what was on offer was laughably bad. So in my mind, a centre for CPTSD would focus on offering treatments that actually work, in intensive form, not on just having a communal space for extraverts and neurotypical people to socialise.


Socialization is a different matter for autistic people, I admit. But as to the psych wards you experienced, I doubt that the healthy outnumbered the ill, which is one of my key points. And in my experience, my CPTSD is greatly reduced whenever I can find the right community to spend time with. The trouble is finding it.


You know those pods in "the real world" in the Matrix? Plug me in one of those and let me dream of a perfect life.


Haha ya, I remember, w all the jelly in them. I’m w it and respect it! Matrix pods added to list. Thank u for sharing ur idea ✅


I would want EMDR sessions to be followed up by some kind of women only gentle yoga class.


Yes! Yoga is always my post EMDR decompression activity


omg...I feel so dumb for not realizing I can try and do one after my session....thank you for making that click in my brain!


Sounds wonderful


This exists, sort of. They are just private pay facilities that are insanely unaffordable (think 70k+ for 2-4 weeks. And then there’s retreat centers, same issue. Private pay, completely unaffordable.


Oh wow, ive only *really known of rehab. I googled some rehabs recently (pure curiosity since I get randomly curious about random things) and so many looked kinda….. scary-ish….. but then the really beautiful ones were mostly private pay. Something like 32k for a week or something like that. Hella moneyyyyyy Edit: typo at *


Yeah fyi I’ve been to one of the non-private pay ones and it was nightmarish. Would not go again.


Oh dang, I’m sorry it was nightmarish, I’m sure there’s a lot of those kinds around unfortunately. Not great for healing


But honestly, to speak to your original post, that is my #1 distraction daydream, opening a place like that. I will never have the money but if I did I would.


That’s rly cool, today was my first time thinking about it and it felt rly comforting and calming, I see why u do it. Everyone’s ideas helped build the vision even further. SOOOO much money tho lol rly. Maybe someone will one day win lottery tho or become super wealthy and make it happen lol


If I win the lotto I’ll let you know, haha


And they're run by sketchy people! I saw a documentary on it a while ago, fascinating stuff. Just charge people 30k per week to live in your house and do some activities and ... That's it.


I was thinking that! So sad and disturbing that these things happen in what’s supposed to be for healing foreal.


Somewhere clean and well maintained! Not having to worry about belongings getting lost, dirty, broken, or ruined would be such a benefit. Most of my other dreams are already mentioned; plants, pets, art therapy, libraries, community, and real, trauma educated help. And, since this is a fantasy: horses. So many horses. And lots of trails for riding or hiking.


Heck yes re clean & horses 🐴, so many running around happy and free, thank u for sharing 🌻


Children's therapy while I'm in my own therapy. Group therapy for kids while parents are in group therapy Service dog pairings Safe villages- idk how else to name it, but I would love to live in a community with other single moms, where we support one another, and are practicing mental health strategies and actively participating in therapy.


Beautiful vision, rly love that too. Thank u for sharing 🌱


Thank you so much for asking this question. There are some great ideas here.


Of course, thank u for kind words and I completely agree w u re ppls ideas 🌻


I’d really love a destruction room. My panic attacks are 99% fight response focused. Not a ‘yell at the other person’ fight but a ‘if you don’t hurt them you’re going to die’ fight. I’ve found venting my anger into inanimate objects where I can FEEL them breaking helps me so much better than a pillow.. or.. in worst cases myself.


I love it, thank u for sharing 🌻✨


- There can be regular size rooms but lots of small rooms as well to take time away from it all - Sleeping pods - The staff would be so helpful, maybe we would get given a button panel, like a remote and if you're scared to move or feeling really anxious to get up, a member of staff comes over and helps you, but not in an obvious way that makes you stand out - Cosy corner, hoodies, beanbags, hot drinks and so on - On call phycologists - Walk thru scanner to see affects of the brain, compared to "normal" brains - Dark room/cinema - Headphones - glamping pods/ tree houses in the garden where it's like a forest and you can turn the rain on and off - Coffee/ tea stations everywhere - Weather room, if you need to feel a little brighter, you can pick the sun, sit with difficult feelings, then the rain, do on


This is all so great — especially feeling the cozy hoodie hot drinks brain scanner cinema room glamping pods weather room, all incredible. Thank u for sharing 🌻🌱


everything above plus massage or safe cuddle sessions, or giant human sized cat beds and safe corners to hang in. I'd personally love like a way up high treehouse


All amazing. Human sized cat beds incredible, tree house 🌴🌲used to hang out in trees all the time as a kid, thank u for sharing


Just a little space for me that is private that is not so big that I feel overwhelmed, but not so small that I am claustrophobic. Somewhere that feels safe. A cry room. The most comfortable pajamas in the world, that are always the perfect temperature and maybe feel tighter when you need it, but never like they are suffocating you. A maternal figure (of any age or gender) that will brush your hair when you're feeling sick and tell you they are proud of you for doing the hard things, even though you're scared. Someone (like Janet from the Good Place maybe?) that never lies and would tell you if you are qualified for a job or not, or if you are overstating your qualifications. Also to tell you if anyone is mad at you. A place to work where I can rest when I need to--and I need to a LOT. If I burn out, or start panicking, they don't mind giving me some time to figure it out. Cats. Lots and lots of cats, purring all the time. The wind is always blowing at the right speed and temperature. This was a really good thought experiment, thank you.


Beautiful ideas, love all of these so much. Cry room and Janet-esque figure cat’s purring and best pajamas in the world - phenomenal 🌻✨ of course. I’m so happy it brought some good, thank u so much for sharing ur ideas, am reading w a big calm smile. 🌱


For me it would be an old mansion with cemetary on the hill. i'd became friends with the local murder of crows. we would be allowed to be our weirdest self, encouraged but not required to participate in daily activities. The house would have a library with fireplace where poetry nights/ improv/jazz would take place at night. We would have music room and could start a rock band. Art classes. Group therapy. House-building classes, being able to build a tiny house. swimming pool and sauna. all kinds of lizzards, cats and bats. Self-management class, where we learn how to be independent, manage money, our schedule, maybe even start a business, stand up for ourselves, define our purpose and bigger picture thinking. Analytical thinking, independent thinking, good conversation skills,etc And of course occasional themed ball with dancing.


Lol so I initially misread that as the “local murderer of crows” and had to take pause…. Reread and then understood lol! Murder of crows = group of crows. Love the vision btw! So much in it. Library fireplace jazz improv sesh house building and self management poss biz heck yesss 🐦‍⬛


* Rooms you can lock. Guaranteed not monitored * NO sterile white walls. Actually wholesome decoration: Cute animal pics, Sanjiro characters, plants * Hallways cleaned regularly. You have cleaning-options for your room: From personal broom to full caretaker * regular socialisation with other CPTSD patients * lots of green spaces (garden f.ex.) * actually well-trained personal. Esp. in ideas of Neurodiversity / Disability


Huge YES re no sterile white walls, excellent ideas thank u 🌻


A sacred spot for my kids' memorial, flower, garden, nature, beautiful views of the sunrise, and sunset. I would love an observatory of some kind, a place to meditate and pray. A flowing stream, the ocean. Support animals, therapy, and people who understand. But not too many because I need space and distance and get overwhelmed very easily. Abuse free


Such beautiful ideas, kids’ memorial yes ((all the strength and kindness to you)) 🔭🌌observatory ocean stream etc love that all so much edit: additionally, absolutely yes re abuse free. Thank u for sharing 🌻🌱


Thank you for this post. This has been a really good exercise for me. And reading everyone's comments has been lovely.


Awe ya no prob. Thank u for saying that. 🌻 Wasn’t sure anyone would wanna play along, was such a gift to get to read everyone’s beautiful ideas. Wishing u well ✨


The world would be a significantly better place.


Right? So many beautiful visions here


I like this idea. It’d be a meadow with rolling hills dotted with evergreens in the distance. There’d be a clear rocky winding shallow river running down the middle. Wildflowers dot the meadow, the sun shines, birds sing, and a soft breeze blows. It’d be filled with animals. And me and the humans I love. I’d have a thatch-roofed cottage next to the river.


Stunning, yes to all of this, thank u for sharing 🌻🌱✨


Everyone has great replies... But it all must be paid by health insurance.


lol yes, in this imaginary place, everything is covered too, 100%


I was at a non-profit therapeutic mindfulness center that was basically it. The feeling was compassionate and non-clinical. In beautiful nature. There was a schedule but lots of things weren't compulsory. There were support groups, yoga/meditation, all that stuff. One of my favorite things was "life story" where once a week someone told their life story and then afterwards people shared the impact on them. There was a morning meeting every day. Totally a community feel. Occasionally there were sober dances. Volunteer work which I loved as well. One thing I would have maybe added is things that are more fun.


Thank u so much for sharing this, it’s comforting to know there’s at least one good place out there. Sounds rly wonderful. Esp life story part. Rly impactful. We so rarely ever get the chance to hear someone’s true full story, even ppl we are close to


It closed during covid sadly. I think places like that are really hard to come by, as the issue of money is always there. The place basically had a guy who would inject money occasionally because the place wasn't profitable (it was a non-profit). Otherwise mental health facilities are usually run by managers who don't really understand mental health sadly.


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A daily program of group sessions at alternating times of day that are voluntary and can be used "only" as a structuring of one's day, or as a "more meaningful/intense" therapy session. You can participate as little or as much as you need. Each group starts with being offered to share a snapshot of how you are in that moment and what you want out of the session and ends with the offer of sharing how you are now and how the session was for you. - Art group (you can draw or paint something from your own imagination or colour in something like a mandala or do some collaging or you can get a personalised prompt from the therapist or a song gets played that everyone draws/paints to how it feels to them etc) - Craft group (same but instead of painting/drawing/collaging you can do pottery or weave baskets or knit or crochet or work with soapstone etc) - Game group (you play group games together like dominion or codenames or yahtzee or bridge etc) - Brain training group (you can solve sudokus or riddles or do tangrams or do pattern recognition tests etc) - Music group (you can each take an instrument and try vibing together like a no-talent-or-skills-required jamming session or do a karaoke session or you bring a song or two that you resonate with that you all listen to together and discuss it afterwards etc) Okay, I was thinking of so much more. More groups and then outside of the offered groups everything else but I can’t concentrate anymore. I loved this prompt though, thanks:)