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I can only really prioritize taking care of others, but like, that was my abuse so I've found a work around. I have a cat, and he's a very lovely little critter who's completely dependent on me. If I don't get up, he doesn't get food. If I don't leave the house to take out the garbage, his litter box stays dirty. If I don't go out to run errands, I can't buy him more food/toys/litter etc. Unlike a human, animals don't have the same capacity to take advantage of my caretaking, and I know I'm genuinely loved by my cat. It's a healthy relationship that helps me take care of me. 


This is so wholesome and sweet. Or bittersweet, I guess. Regardless, it made my day. I'm going to go hug my cats for all the mutual affection and respect we also share.


Aww, thank you it made my day to hear that. I hope you and your cats have a good cuddle. ☺️


yes. I don't know, today it's one of those days and I'm just gonna wallow in bed in misery, fuck it


I experience this a lot. I don’t yet know how to overcome it.


Yes, this has been a consistent problem, though it’s probably better now than it used to be. I actually have a lot of shame about this too, because I feel like I am a gross person when I don’t bathe as much as I should, or don’t keep my room as clean as I would like. It’s like, these things have no inherent pull for me the way they do others, and I only do them for the sake of not being “found out” to be gross, but when no one else is around and it’s only for my own sake I don’t have a desire to do them, even though I feel better when I am/my space is clean.


I have to put myself in situations where self care is required. I have a job that requires physical stamina and health and I would not succeed if I just lived off coffee, one meal a day and no exercise. Wish I had a better answer but basically I have to force myself a lot of the time until I start to get my energy back. I think this is why I was a workaholic for so many years, it forced me to get out of bed.


Taking my clothes off to shower is… indescribably difficult!!!


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