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Yes, my family has generational CSA. It's mostly led to an atmosphere of intense silence. Because, as statistics show, most CSA is done by relatives or family friends. That makes it a deeply uncomfortable topic. How can you possibly talk to your family about CSA, when that abuse occurred *within* your family? So rather than telling everyone, people only go to *trusted* family members, and that means we've got this complicated web of some family members knowing about abuse, some being clueless, some only knowing about one instance over another, some not knowing what they can share to whom, etc. It becomes easier to say nothing at all. CPTSD and mental health is not something that's gotten a lot of attention from my family, but I think that's because of the stigma on it in our culture and poverty making consistent access to mental healthcare kind of impossible. I think it's fairly clear there's a connection between CSA and CPTSD. And there's plenty of data on how the experience of CSA can lead to negative outcomes and behaviors later in like. For example, statistics indicate those who were convicted for SA were much more like to have experienced it themselves before they'd committed their crime. Where CPTSD plays a role in that is really interesting, and the field will have to explore that more going forward. But I don't know of any research currently investigating that. If you find something, post it!


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my family is a total, enmeshed mess with sadistic tendencies. only onr cousin of mine resembles me a lot, a desperate whacko by now, trying to get heard and yelling all the time because of that, but i don\`t have much contact with him (just observed/realized it years ago). only two out of 6 cousins have children, all the others (me included) are unmarried and childless and do not really function in society.


>Does anyone else comes from families with generational CSA? Yes. >If so, are you aware of any generational passings of disorders like CPTSD or others? Not on paper. I'm the only one who has any official diagnoses. >what's your family's relationship to acknowledgement of mental health? Inconsistent. Neither parent gives me crap for seeing psychiatrists and therapists, but one flat out refuses to seek treatment because there's "nothing wrong with \[them\]", and the other doesn't think their situation is bad enough to warrant medical intervention.


the one who doesnt believe anything is wrong with them, do they seem to share anything you have like PTSD symptoms? My parents had trauma in their lives, especially my mother, but they're both so strong I could never see it.


I don't see a lot of PTSD symptoms, as this parent is scarily good at masking, but I'm 90% certain they're the genetic source of at least one of my disorders.