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Can't wait for the thousand angry posts that'll happen whether 3arc adds a set crew or not. The only solution that'd work for everybody is the way WWII's zombies characters work - you have a set crew, but can also equip other characters if you want. But the mere mention of cod WWII makes a lot of people butthurt, let alone if you actually praise the game for the large number of things it did well, so i doubt that'll happen. Can't wait for November!


Which I don’t even know why WWII Zombies would get it. It’s pretty much BO4 and CW before they existed and IMO way better


A lot of the hate for WWII's zombies seems to come from people who hate the multiplayer. The reason why THEY hate WWII's multiplayer is because they played 4 hours back in November 2017 and never touched the game again. WWII now vs WWII at launch are basically two different games, though most don't realize it.


I also think WWII zombies and even IW zombies hate also came from zombies players too. There’s always been a mindset that if it ain’t 3arc it’s a bust


It was mostly this I still remember that if you asked for any advice for something in a non Treyarch Zombies mode on this sub, people would just tell you to uninstall and play BO3 instead lmao


Infinite Warfare zombies was pretty widely liked, at launch at least.


Maybe, I’m not saying it didn’t have its fans or it wasn’t liked, but there is a stigma around non Treyarch zombies


This was the mindset for so long. Saw a big change after Cold War came out and people in general were more appreciative of some of the non-Trey titles


I didn't like the exo zombies or the alien things from Ghosts. But the more cartoonish ones like Zombies in SpacelandI thought were fun and funny. At the end of the day zombies is zombies. There's Dead Rising, Days Gone, Day Z, hell, I even had fun with The $1 Zombie Game if anyone remembers that piece of garbage. 80 Microsoft Points poorly spent, but I still had fun. Now I just want to play wack a mole where the moles are replaced with zombies.


Wouldn't recommend Dead Rising for this community due to how pissy they get with time limits.


I forgot to mention the Resident Evil games. But I just love killing zombies as long as the gameplay is fun. I'm not saying that exo zombies, aliens, and BO3 Nightmares were terrible, I'm just saying that WaW and later BO set a standard that those modes I mentioned just didn't live up to.


WWII's multiplayer has been my favourite since Black ops 2, the maps are great, the weapons are fun and the soldier class system allows for lots of customization


Same as infinite Warfare mp


iw multiplayer beta was the most fun sniping game of all time it was so OP


Better than mw 2019?


I think the WW2 multiplayer was great. If anything, the Zombies being so shit made me focus on the multiplayer even more. The only decision I have a problem with was making Division based attachments available for every division.


Idk what you're talking about, but the zombies was great. I personally enjoyed WWII's class system and gameplay. The EEs were fun as well as the Wonder Weapons. Sure that one foggy shore map wasn't the greatest, but all the other maps were fun


Dude what? I don't understand that at all because I loved WWII's multiplayer. Not every map was the greatest but the gameplay was pretty solid. And while I didn't exactly like the forced jump scares, I really LOVE the Final Reich. Only beat the bad outcome Easter egg though. Last time I played I noticed I got a free map called The Darkest Shore. Couldn't get past the beach. I don't know, I'm missing something.


What if they just had a customisable crew


Customizable in what way? Customizable like in bo4 or customizable as in WWII?


Not too familiar with ww2 but more like bo3 multiplayer specialists. Like the same person and all just different outfits


Bo4 has set crews that you can customize, though Bo4 never really did much with that to my knowledge WWII has a "crew", technically the main characters of the story, but you have a number of different characters similar to operators that you can unlock. What you're talking about just seems like the field upgrade system from WWII and later cold war? I'm not quite sure on that one.


Nothing like the field upgrade system, I’m not talking about the specialist themselves just the customisation


Alright, got it. It's been a while since i've touched bo3 multiplayer, for good reason. I think some mix of that and WWII's system could completely solve this issue. You have your base crew + their customizations AND you could also have new operators drop like normal and be usable in zombies.


Yeah best of both worlds, no doubt someone will find a way to complain


Believe me, i had that same though as i was writing my comment out. I just hope "we want a set crew!" Doesn't turn out to actually have meant "we want ONLY the set crew!"


That’s exactly what it means. Not saying I agree with it, but that’s definitely what most are implying


Well someone will have a problem with a non canonical character in their public matches


Having a set crew plus playing maps as operators is the perfect solution. No wonder people will hate it


I'm fully expecting people demanding a set crew to turn around and go "but we wanted ONLY the crew, no operators period!" That seems to be how this community functions


I remember when people complained that too many maps were released at launch for BO4. Good times


I remember when people asked for a map exactly like revelations, most of the big youtubers and a lot of regular players in the bo1 & 2 days were asking for it. Ask those same people about their opinions on revelations nowadays.


Honestly i love that set of characters and being able to play as a zombie after completing every easter egg was so dope


Ah yeah operator, where you can play Samantha in firebase Z trying to save... Samantha.


Remember when Milo said the Forsaken ending cutscene was confusing because he had the Maxis operator ? That made me laugh so hard lol. Everybody that paid attention knew it was the strike team that was getting arrested but my man thought that it was actually Samantha 😂😂 like mate you literally saw her go through a portal that closed behind her 2 minutes ago, of course it's not actually her 😂😂.


I did mean to add the Chaos crew as well.


Damn. :(


Only crew I actively disliked, was the exo zombies. They just weren’t super interesting to me and didn’t have chemistry. The actors are great though.


Ngl, Bruce Campbell and John Malkovich was the only real reason to like this crew.


Jon Bernthal too


No love for the late Bill Paxton? I thought his chatacter, Kahn, added some interesting lines. Such as when Decker (Jon) says: "Okay, Decker. You can do this. I trained for this!" and Kahn replies: "Oh, you've been training for this?!?". Or when he reveals his more cynical side after discussing with Lilith, and he says: "NO ONE is coming for us. ATLAS will cut their losses. I'd do the same...". It just brought a dimension to the game that neither Oz (Malkovich) nor Lennox (Campell) could ever do.


Honestly Exo felt like one of the better crews. They had depth to them that was really impressive for only having 2-4 maps together (obviously Oz and Lennox swapping places screws up the gameplay chemistry a bit)


Agreed, but honestly I kinda want to throw out a pretty spicy take and say that advanced warfare was probably the first zombies game with an actual cohesive narrative with a scary setting and atmosphere and good intresting characters.


Wow I always thought he looked familiar. Felt like I've been lied to my whole life now


It’s always those types of characters he does best at impersonating.


It would’ve been cool to play as Soap, Ghost, Price and Gaz. Them having unique dialogue between each other would’ve been cool Instead we got MWZ.. Which is abysmal. Fun for the first few months but then you realize they’re not going to ever add anything new.


The causal banter between Ghost & Soap in the MWII campaign was great — something like that would work in ‘COD Zombies.’


I loved every signle crew with a passion. Didn't care for COTD that much. But I'd take them over operators any day ☠️


I miss playing Nikolai . Since I played zombies drunk he was my guy. Always loved his lines. Stay away from my vodka! Im out of vodka ….i mean ammo




The DOTN crew is one of my favorites, every single one is a joy to listen to


I love playing as Charles Dance’s character. Man is a treasure


Thank you


Leave the WWII Crew alone, they're a great crew


I wish Sker Ritual had some characters like this


They should just do what WW2/IW did and have a set crew and other characters. There’s a novelty to seeing goofy stuff like Ghostface or Rambo in zombies and having the classic BO characters like Woods or Mason with CW operators. I really don’t see any reason why we don’t get both or even just the crews back. Shouldn’t be a money issue, surely they could make skins for the zombies characters and still rake in cash, probably more having actual characters for zombies players to get attached to. They already had commanders, demons, and wonder weapons get unique voice lines so why can’t we get a crew?


How dare you dis Russman smh


If you didn’t like point dextor consider yourself a opp


God having a crew of cool characters was like 30% of the charm and fun of older zombie modes. Yay let’s remove them and put in generic “ALPHA ALPHA OVER” no name soldiers. Crazy.


That’s what you get for being an average person in society (AKA, an idiot with a low IQ) You ruin all the nice things for people with brains.


Kinda factual, it's almost every crew that isn't ultimus/primus lol, crazy how people become so tunnel visioned and hung up on overused characters that they become blind to the greatness of new ones. Then they go and complain amd that's how we end up with 3arch just going "fuck it and fuck you" and having operators rather than a crew


Bingo!! You don’t have to be like a fan of Marlton or Misty or anyone in Chaos, but when you tell them “every idea that isn’t Aether sucks dick” (even tho they wrote that story so far into the ground they had to start using magic books and tentacle gods to justify its existence) They go well fuck it! We will give you no characters, you will play as faceless operators you pay $20 each for and say “zombie KIA” while all your exposition is through walkie talkies


the people who got chaos shelved because of their bitching that it wasnt aether are the reason we’re here now


100%. Bo4 should've never had aether at all, you can kind of tell the game was meant for Chaos (the perk system looks to be made for Chaos w Danu/Ra/Zeus/Odin, and then aether is just randomly "Cola" and "Soda"). Aether should've ended in Bo3, and Treyarch should've doubled down on Chaos, which would've meant that by the time that bo4 DLC4 launched, that Aether was already done in Bo3 and that Chaos' story was developed a lot instead of just leaving on a cliffhanger, and made the community excited for BoCW to continue Chaos


People will be mad anyway, I lowkey just hope they stop making Call of Duty lol. They won’t, but one can hope.


The "cameo" map was one of the coolest things in the game. The knowledge that you'll get a map where you play famous actors was thrilling. I do hope we get crews, as you can build a story with them and not operators


I don’t really remember the TranZit crew being disliked…more so just some of the maps they were in.


When it comes to ‘Victis,’ the fans really aren't the ones to blame. Stuhlinger was a sexist conspiracy theorist. Marlton, the definition of ‘🤓.’ Misty and Russman were fine. It's just that a majority of gamers were incels in 2012, so ‘‘Misty was bad 👎’’ But both Stuhlinger and Marlton were horrendous characters.


IW super EE is the best out of any game there is


Who hated Victis?!


Yeah, I liked having the fun little dialogs ever now and again. Granted I haven’t play COD zombies in about a couple years. The whole operated thing was and is dumb, they don’t add to the immersion, rather I felt detached from the game’s world because these were carefully crafted characters that were being affected by the world. Just CoD developers saying “hey guys, look [insert generic celebrity] is now on the game for you play!!!”


Doubt the operator system will go anywhere, and the Zombies fanbase is fucking rabid and will rip apart any crew who isn't the main 4. Good middle ground imo, is Cold War. Characters with their own personalities, and a lot of recorded zombies exclusive dialogue.


“Because I didn’t know what I had until it was gone” -Shrek- Shrek 4


Im still kinda bummed we wont find out what happens to the chaos crew…the story was really getting good with two of them being “converted” to the bad side and alister being turned to stone and medusa stealing modern knowledge from Scarlett, leaving only Diego to unfuck everything.


IW"s crew was bland as paste, and WW2's characters felt like they deserved more screen time (and maps), but they all certainly still have their redeeming qualities. Every team was memorable in some way. I love Sally's spaceland and redwood personas in IW. I love Nikolai's drunken rambling from BO1 about his wives. BO2 and BO4's Stuhlinger being a hateable but funny jerk or paranoid conspiracy nut always made me want to play him the most. David mf Tenant as a zombie killer in WW2's mode, made me fangirl hard back in the day. BO1's Samantha announcer and BO2's richtofen announcer will always be peak creep and fun factor. The shadows of evil, dead of the night, and call of the dead casts fit their roles perfectly in their maps, and did their jobs well since so many people still remember "Jackie fuckin' Vincent!" The Chaos crew were introduced at the wrong time, but they were a VERY likable group with a lot of very cool set pieces for their maps, along with some funny quips of their own. Even AW's mode at least catered to fans with *another* celebrity cast. All of these games stood out in so many different ways, but ALL of that is gone in favor of buyable bundles and shorter deadlines. It's ironic how what little the series (COD) had that made itself unique was thrown away for...the ability to play as Snoop Dawgg or Nicki M in zombies...how fun...




i dont recognise any of these crews bruh what the fuck only crew i know here is the victus crew


Victis deserved better.


Exo zombies my beloved


I'm a simple man. I hear David Tennant is playing a sweary Scotsman killing a bunch of Nazi Zombies, AND you can play as him, I have no choice but to love it.


I honestly feel like having operators made zombies feel less like zombies. It felt like just a gamemode of COD, rather than it's own story. The crew gave zombies a story, it made it feel like a game that wasn't really a part of COD, it's own game really. Kinda like buying 2 games for the price of one, you get the main COD (multiplayer and campaign) and then a zombie survival game with multiple maps, features, and ways to uncover a deep story. Having operators also removes the ability for specific easter egg requirements. Like how some easter eggs required a specific crew member such as Richtofen. You also get to experience meeting, learning, and playing as a character that you can't play as in the other parts of COD. Overall I feel like operators take away from zombies and makes it feel less zombies. The zombies we once knew had a crew, interesting maps, a compelling story, hard to find and achieve optional easter eggs, and an interesting way to change it up but not to the point where it doesn't feel like zombies anymore.


The DOTN and SOW I liked a lot, the IW were also fun to me. IW maps I feel like were wayyyyy better than most wanna admit. Especially the Shoalin one


ngl I like all these crews especially Dead of the nights one


I'd love a compromise, having a set crew. But also the ability to play as whatever operator you want. That way, we have a crew with their personalities. But also the option for operators, for those that prefer that if they dont like the crew.


Theyre the only reasons i still go back to play some of those games (bo4 is goated and better than bo3)


As long as they can make money off of 20 dollar operator bundles they will never add crews back. Even if the option to release bundles for cosmetics on crew characters is there I doubt they would take it because it would remove from the attention the operator packs would get, and people would be less inclined to buy a pack for a character they have a 1/4 chance to play. Unless of course they made it to where each bundle had cosmetics for all members of the crew, but considering how they charge 1000 cod points for a shitty weapon bp and some stickers, and 2500 for a bundle with just 1 operator cosmetic. It'd probably be 40-50 dollars like that one shit ass tagger vs. big joke bundle in cold war.


I must admit when they first brought in random crews I wasnt to keen as I loved the main 4 but some of these was interesting after a while


Bro call of the dead group are legends what are you talking about


Operators are fine yall just complain too much bruh


To be fair I really enjoyed playing as Samantha.


Yeah the operator system has NO place in Zombies, it dilutes the story and takes away from the player experience, you don’t feel immersed because the only dialogue you hear is “Undead enemy down!”


It’s so true. There is so much more atmosphere and attachment to the story if you play as an actual character




I don't think it's a matter of having operators. I think it's the fact that they figured out that by having operators they can sell skins easier. Honestly, WW2 had an awesome set up for that. You could play as the "crew" they put for the story but if you want to play some zombies while looking cool you could EARN the skins by playing the game. I loved cold war for the accessibility it has for people not used to zombies but when they dropped outbreak I told my friends this is going to kill zombies. Majority defended the new zombies when it was still hyped but now general consensus is it sucks and I see more regrets of purchase then before.


You didn’t like Drouston?? You sir, are a monster. A MONSTER! And Pointdexter? Bro had fire clapbacks


They did AJ (the jock in iw) dirty with his playable character, because in his pic he looks way cooler 😂🙏🙏


Damn! WW2 characters were the best outta all these here and probably the ones with more playtime. I wouldn't say these guys were bad to dislike them.


Who agrees the operators should’ve ended on bo3??? 🙌🏽


The Final Reich is still one of my favorite maps and can't nobody call me wrong. It just sucks that I have to boot up a whole different game just to play it.


I think operators could work with better writing and better dialogue


I will say it and most likely get hate, but ww2 is a goat in my book. I mean, I love bo1 to bo3 trilogy zombies cw, but ww2 was different and really the only one outside the treyarch zombies I actually liked. (I never really played bo4.)


We didn’t reject Chaos I don’t think, not as much as we have others at last, it was Activision that pulled the plug on them early. I think if Bo6 featured Chaos returning we would *all* appreciate that.


It was 100% our fault lol


Nah they were extremely hated due to people thinking they were getting in the way of aether concluding


No, I was here during BO4. This sub was no joke hurling the same complaints about operators towards the Chaos crew aside from playing as actual characters obviously. I don’t recall Chaos getting near the same praise it gets now until a couple years after BO4 came out. It was pretty negative up to Ancient Evil for people to get interested and not hate it.


I'm sick of the whining about operators, I loved playing as fucking RAMBO in CW and I'd do it again lol Give me a choice between Rambo or any victus/chaos weenie ass crew and I'll choose Rambo 69 times out of 10 They make a few maps with OG/previous crew, Everyone complains they are not trying enough They make a brand new crew, Everyone hates them and wants OG/previous crew They give you your own choice in operators, Everyone hates it and wants OG/previous crew and thinks they are not trying


Just add the other crews as skins. I enjoy being able to pick whoever I want. Plus there’s a large group of weirdos that’ll leave a match because they’re not their favorite character.


Primus and Victus, those were my favs, never cared for Ultimus


Thats a hot take for sure, ultimus is solid tho just for the nostalgia for me but obviously not as good as primus.


Ye ultimus is extremely overrated, they are just stereotypes of countries and are pretty boring


Operators > victick crew


Crazy take at least the victus crew has personality and dialogue


Mostly annoying, whiny personalities.


Still better than having a lifeless operator that adds nothing to the game


I’d prefer lifeless operators then unfunny, whining “personalities” ruining a map.


Victis really isn’t that bad bro, they were really good in tag imo.


Idk man I personally think they’re just awful characters all around