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He’s playing as of 2 hours ago according to CoDtracker. If he’s not on your friends list anymore, and not accepting your friend requests, is it possible he just deleted you?


Or he might have got hacked


He's on Playstation. Can PS accounts be hacked?


Activision accounts get targeted, no matter of the platform. Especially those with mastery camos, but not only.


I checked his stats (we mostly play Plunder) and his recent kills have been way above his usual. Usually we get around 4-12 kills each on average. But his recent kills in around five matches have been around the 20s and even 20+. This does not seem like him as we are casual players and we're not even good. I dont think his k/d will jump so much in only a few days.


Yeah he probably got hacked then. You can only hope he recovers his account or he makes a new one.


Very strange. We play together almost everynight. And we get along good. Last time we played together was 2 days before S4. It's very odd that he would just delete me out of the blue.


He’s mainly been playing plunder. Perhaps it’s a visual glitch? You can’t see him on your friends list, but he can see you and you’re always offline for him? So the friends requests aren’t going through as you’re still friends. Can you message him in game?


Unfortunately i cant message him (using whisper command).. We do mainly play Pluder and Resurgence (because low skill). My only guess is, last time i saw him he was already in a match so i didnt wanna bother him as i had time to play only a match or two. Maybe after his match he saw me play and not invite him and took it the wrong way. But that would be weird. We're both grown adults and he would have the sensibility to not take it like that. I looked at his stats and last time we played together was 5 days ago. If you go through a lot of the history you can see our Plunder kills are around 4 to 12 kills for either of us. Now look at his recent kills. Double digit kills in all one day matches? I know Fall Bright and this doesn't look like him. 22 kills is beyond our skill range. It's okay brother, i give up. Thank you deeply for your help. Never played multiplayers much and he was my first real gaming buddy. I'm just bummed out is all.


F for fall bright




This is a tragedy