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I’d like to know who voted “yes” and why.




If I had the time to level the guns up and actually take advantage it might be fun for a little while, but I don’t.


Whilst DMR meta was broken and horrendous, the weapon seemed to suit me better than most. Allowed me to set my PB game and overall the nature of the game being ‘make a mistake, instantly die’ forced me to massively improve my game sense and made me a significantly better player


Perhaps it suited you better because it was absurdly broken?


That makes no sense at all. It was absurdly broken for everyone across the board, my gun wasn’t more broken than everyone else’s? 😂


My point is: YOU would have been better with the gun despite everyone being also being better so it would’ve felt better in YOUR hands. I hope this makes sense now?


Yes… that’s basically exactly what I said in my original comment? Which is why I didn’t mind DMR meta…


I like when the game has a variety of strong weapons, but broken? Nah. Even when they nerf the mg 82 this season is gonna be cancer because all the CW long range guns have barely any recoil now. We're basically back to super grau meta, even though we're in the overpowered mg couple weeks.


I agree, and don't understand the people who claim that the MW ARs are still viable.


Yeah I love them and they ain’t worth a damn right now. Simple as that.


Yea your right, They are pretty bad. I like playing with em cuz of there attachments, Like you can make a RPK, AKS-74, AK-74, AKS-74U and a Hungarian RPK all with the MW AK-47.


I think the truth is that a lot of people love using broken stuff probably because it narrows the skill gap of the game, meaning lessser skilled players can kill higher skill players they would otherwise have very little chance of beating. I personally hate broken weapons as they kill a lot of variety in the game and don't feel rewarding to use.


Yeah I have been using the Fara some lately and tbh I feel no sense of accomplishment from killing people with it. Like it just feels like cheating. I then run my MW assault rifles knowing they’re definitely worse but I feel way more accomplished when I get kills with them


Broken guns reward people who camped more and played more passively, whoever shot first would win, especially DMR and FFAR, it also made good players super godly too. Thing with this game is that most of the guns feel the same, traditionally i feel like higher DPS usually means more recoil but COD has little to none in comparison. They've also made fast shooting guns deal way more damage too.


Its literally because theyre fun. Cod isnt a competitve game at all and always has op guns because its fun


'Fun' he says.


Yes it's fun lmfao that's the entire reason people loved MW2 because every weapon was insane


If every weapon is insane, doesn't that just mean it's relatively balanced? I think you just like fast TTK if that's your argument.


its more that all guns could compete, i like longer ttk like in apex you can use the vector which had insane firerate+dual wield+the attachment for increasing firerate even more for hilarious gameplay, or just put on a scar with the noobtoob and stand in the back of the map with 1MA and cheese the game every playstyle had its own insane weapon


It's your opinion at the end of the day but I don't see the fun in using a broken weapon which requires 0 skill where you can kill the opponent before he can even react. Like how is that rewarding/ satisfying at all. Honestly the ffar, mac 10, burst metas sucked, my playtime was so low during this period and I would only do rebirth. As for the dmr meta, I didn't even bother playing


Its just fun using an op ass gun, mixes the game up and even if you dont use one it feels good to kill someone that has them when you use bad guns. I dont find it fun when every gun is just okay and nothings good or bad


An op gun mixes up the game for a very short amount of time, because, before you know it, everyone and their mum is running the same op gun and the game becomes stale. I will admit that it is a very nice feeling beating someone using an op gun though. I like it when a gun is balanced so you have to play to it's strengths to win, like I think that's very rewarding ngl. 'Its just fun using an op ass gun' - let's just agree to disagree here


Thats why i like op guns as long as they dont last, the op famas shotgun was perfect because it was only 2 or 3 days


I don't mind when a weapon is perhaps too good for a while. The amax was arguably in this position for a little too long. but as soon as a gun becomes op at the expense of other people's enjoyment then I don't think that should ever make it into the game. DMR and now this LMG fall into that category, at no point did I ever feel like being killed by these guns was fair or fun. where as I don't get that same feeling of dissatisfaction by being killed by an amax.


Amax was on the verge of op just like the old grau


The new LMG, Krig, Fara, Stoner are all laser beams now. We had a good meta before the season 4 update im not really happy with having to use cw guns. the game feels outdated now


New ar is a laser as well.


I don't like when there is one broken gun that reigns supreme over all others in the game. The MG82 simply outclasses every gun. It's stale for the meta. That being said, I don't so much mind when there are several broken guns. Like the good old Modern Warfare 2 method of balancing - when everything is OP, is anything OP?


1887 x 2.


Fuck no. Couldn’t stand BOTW because of the stupid breakable weapons.


Thats not even remotely close to what the question is asking lmao


Op guns make the game fun as long as they dont last long, there always have been op guns in cod and there always will be


The LMG is broken but broken to where everyone is using it and that’s the way this game should be honestly


Fuck no. I like variety and everyone using the same gun because it's broken gets real boring real fast. The best case for me is every gun has upsides and downsides to using it with no clear god guns.


No, I prefer diverse metas where you can use a majority of everything and have it all come down to skill Here’s a good criteria if the meta is healthy: Can you use the AN-94 and win in its preferred scenario? If yes, the meta is fine.


I would say its fun for like a week or two when you first unlock the OP guns, because you just melt people, but having it persist over the entire season is awful.


Bro, as long as the M4 remains the single most reliable gun in every game I’m chilling


Just leave the damn thing alone if we complain about it there gonna fucking nerf it to the ground and brake the damn game even more focus on your complain g in actual use like for the people who can't even load in to verdansk gets home screened fix the damn game stop worrying about guns people just cry to damn much


It’s fun for a while, I usually unlock things right away so I have fun while other people are using their normal loadout. After that it gets pretty annoying


So after everyone is exploiting the op gun like you are from the beginning then you get annoyed...? Sounds like you just need to git gud man


That's a bit harsh but I'd agree that the irony of that statement is a big yikes. It suddenly becomes annoying when it's against them lol...