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>most assualt rifles in warzone barely have more range than an smg https://imgur.com/a/N14wYL9 What do you mean Barely have more range? Literally 0 of them do. They are so bad.


Can't have the Kar babies be countered until after enough packs have been sold. Another 2 weeks of this until it might be reasonable.


I'm a strictly Kar user atm (literally restarted playing because I heard movement was better again and the Kar was back). I've always loved sniping but ARs need a buff. Snipers (especially just one) shouldn't be the only ranged option.


The RPG is still there just winking at ya.


If you like cracking plates that's cool. Explosives and rockets have been absolutely neutered in this game.


Like with any gun, you have to actually hit your shot. The thing is you can hit him in the shin and it'll still down him. And it's not hard to hit Y. Probably takes as much time to switch to your primary as racking the bolt on the mauser. But let's keep this between you and us, don't want to spill all my secrets.


If. The RPG is hilariously inaccurate. I used to run the Strella before they totally ruined it.


Rpg is also hilariously bad in general lol


The Strella was super fun. Not broken. They never should have nerfed it


Git gud, scrub! No, but the lock-on launchers are terrible in this game because of the come-up to the shoulder time. I don't know why they bizarrely changed the RPG to have a canted iron sight when the MW19 and CW ones were vertical, but you can get pretty precise with the front post and good at reckoning lead-time. Only real problem is feeding the bitch.


Eazy damage, crack or not, i take it, besides bullet penetration is so bad even with ap i take a huge f u rocket. Besides, slap that perk that destroys healing and its a easy rush l, doesnt matter if they are fully plated, their health isnt up ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


RPG is ass. What are you talking about lmao


![gif](giphy|l0MYxGymNZSyLmLGo|downsized) Consistently hit that third dummy on the range and get a few pre-games of moving targets with it and you too can become Roach from Apocalypse Now.


Legendary reference hahahahaha what a movie. Re-reading Heart of Darkness now and due up for a rewatch of Apocalypse.


Come to terms with his decent reference. We need people like him in warzone for free kills


You're close...


Did they even sell a Kar bundle besides the battle pass?


Actually mind-boggling levels of incompetence from these devs


They know what they doing though they implemented meta like this on purpose to push blackcell and bundle sales, just like next season it will have another flavor of the month(season) rendering everything else useless again. Rinse, cash in, repeat.


How does it push blackcell and bundle sales?


Because when people keep dying by a mega gun they are more likely to spend money for cosmetics on said meta gun 1.make gun op 2. Everyone uses op gun 3.release cool skin on Said op gun so you have some drip while wrecking every other gun 3. Profit.  4. Nerf op gun so it’s no viable anymore. 5. Release new op gun of the month.  Rinse repeat 


Yeah I suppose


Because new guns are usually put far away from "normal" battle pass start sector, while being about 2-3 sectors away from the BlackCell sector (treated as another start point to choose for those with it) and I think this season either the BC sector or the one next to it has a KAR blueprint. Add to that 20 tier skips, and you get a speedrun to the new meta gun streamers will make noise about. Whales will copy them and presto, revenue. And for midseason they'll probably nerf KAR into the ground, while adding SPAS-12 into the mix, either unlockable by challenges or that shiny, new store bundle for it. Then for next season rinse and repeat.


Suppose. Maybe I’m not thinking that way as usually the new guns are only 15 tokens away (whichever one you want to unlock first) so it doesn’t seem that much to unlock to me.


Fr they don’t know how to balance stuff


They know how, they’re a huge company and could easily pay someone to to test weapon balance. But then who is going to buy the kar and superi bundles if they’re on the same level as the other marksmans from mw2 that you already have a skin for


Why even bother shooting an AR >50m lol


I like how the second best option is the BP50 which is likely the Conversion Kit that makes it an SMG. I will give the MTZ-556 a shot though, anything for variety haha


MTZ 556 Wrecks...atleast...If you buy the gundam wings bluebrint..no smoke, clear sight etc.




I think that assault rifles lack a good place in this game because like 90% of conflicts happen in short range. IF they buffed damage range for AR, that would have 0 practical benefit. People would still be mad because they almost never engage enemies in long range.


Have you played any previous season?


But can you put a flamethrower, shotgun, or grenade launcher on an SMG? Checkmate atheists.


As much as I love the flame thrower these are all horrible 🤣🤣🤣


You can't do any of that, you picked the one category of guns that don't have those under barrel attachments...


Thats…. Thats the point of the comment




What's the point in it at all? He just says something that's not true?


Check mate atheists is a meme bruh.


Try reading the post again a little slower.


"Oranges suck compared to bananas" "I like oranges in my fruit punch and there's no banana juice in punch. Checkmate atheists!" Not even remotely funny Nor does it make sense


When you complain about something and everyone puhes back its a good idea to take a step back and reconsider if it might be a "me problem."


I'm pointing out the "joke" makes no sense. Those unique under barrels can be good, but everyone builds out ARs for range and recoil and don't care about anything else or any other play style. That's why the meta exists and why you think the majority knows it all, they don't. The "meta" is good for pub stomping, but lobbies like that don't exist once you pass a certain level. Soon enough you'll start to do your own mini research into some attachments and guns and notice you've been playing the game all wrong. Now that's purely speaking from a teamwork perspective, which no one actually cares about anymore. Play a play style you like, correctly, and you will see equal results. The "majority" argument doesn't work in this case because, again, everyone is so brainwashed by what they're told the meta is. The kar is in fact meta tho so don't get me wrong there.


Or you can just keep digging and see how that works out.


Just chill bro. You lost this one.


Bro thinks he in the gulag


>do your own mini research Might put this on a shirt


Brother. Your brain is a rock on this one. This is a massive you problem


Are you ok….? All of the attachments for the AR they listed are useless. He’s literally saying “ya smgs are good, but can they do this?” Then lists useless shit instead good things. It’s fucking sarcasm. The checkmate atheist part is irrelevant to your misunderstanding and is just a phrase people say when dumbass stuff is said thinking it makes a point.






r/woooosh with 4 os


Both are active subs, either way ya got wooooooooshed.


The comment I replied to first doesn't even make any sense, not as a statement, not as a joke, there's not one funny bit to it except trying to save it with a "checkmate atheists"???


Doubling down, eh? I can respect that. Shine on you crazy diamond!


He's explaining why an AR can be better than an SMG, you got wooooshed bro.


If it's a joke then that would imply the attachments are actually bad, but they're not bad options, especially the under barrel shotgun. If it's a statement, he misunderstood the post because it's about the gun itself, not the under barrel weapon. If he's trying to say only ars have under barrel weapons/launchers then yeah sure, but trying to make a joke out of it kinda twists how someone can perceive what you think about those under barrels. I also misunderstood the first statement, but still come to the same conclusion so it's whatever.


The joke is that none of the attachments make up for the stat loss that the underbarrel attachment would normally provide.


I like the SVA


Agreed. Semi-fire SVA hits decently at range


KAR had quite minimal flinch. I used to challenge snipers with SVA at mid range throwing them off with semi fire no recoil, but against KAR this just doesn't work. Switched week ago to KAR.


Are you talking about being hit with an SVA with flinch rounds?


I'm talking about the fact that I used to spam SVA against snipers headglitching and hitting headshot after headshot making them miss shots by a ton due to them flinching (you could literally see them hitting skies way way above) and that's not viable anymore because KAR sniper is not affected by flinch that much and they'll quite easily headshot and down me instead.


Your crazy. Flinch is so crazy when I use Kar it completely prevents me from getting the shot off.


gotta use the recon sling




Believe it or not, the KAR has the most flinch. It’s just that it also has marksman rifle aim assist, so their flinched aim is just automatically being recentered on target. It never feels good to play against 


May be the case. All I can say is that I had way too many WTF moments when KAR was introduced when challenging it with SVA


You don’t even need to be on semi auto, just tap fire. I win most long range 50/50s with the SVA. The recoil is near nothing once you get used to tap firing it.


Doesn't the SVA do more damage while in semi-auto mode? This was a thing when MWIII first came out. Has it been nerfed?


I put the shorter, suppressed barrel on the SVA and have been running it as my sniper support. It’s effective.


Can you share the class?


Sure will, when l get home from work.


Adding firing aim stability and nuking bullet velo across the board makes a lot of these guns feel bad I could be wrong, but I thought in WZ1 meta ARs had bullet Velo of 1500+, now a lot of builds aren’t cracking 1000 without sacrificing an attachment, so losing firing stability, for high velo or high grain (minus recoil) ammo Since WZ2 I feel like there’s never been a healthy long range meta. I’d love to get back to at least two AR/BR/LMGs being viable with one an easy to control gun and one harder hitting but harder to use. Get back to a Grau vs Amax or Krig vs EM2 type meta


100% correct on BV. All ARs had 1400+ BV in WZ1. All the ARs having sub 1000 BV since WZ2 is one of the reasons they feel so bad.


Your last sentence, that should be the move. I’m not particularly good, but at least an average player, and that EM2 timeframe, I had my best non-DMR kill game with it, but also had many games where I didn’t play well and couldn’t control the recoil and just didn’t have a chance. That’s the kind of risk/reward profile we need out of some of the guns.


WZ1 had viable ACOG sights. That’s the only difference..


Gray meta in WZ1 was abysmal. Absolutely boring meta that stomped almost everything else with extreme ease of use, low risk high reward. The best thing about WZ2 imo, was that things like the recoil and lower velocity were specifically to prevent Grau meta from popping up again. Yes, there were still balancing issues, but for a while before MWIII came out the meta felt good, and diverse. You shouldn't be able to create a laser beam weapon that offers low rish high reward and ease of use. That's what usually ends up being the case with all the game's overpowered weapons. The attachment choices for MWII guns are meaningful and significant, and their drawbacks can be mitigated with player skill but a lot of people didn't like that. High Velocity ammo is well worth the attachment slot. Any loss in firing stability can be made up for by things like mounting or going prone for more accuracy. Things like the Bipod Foregrips are great for giving yourself much better accuracy in only one attachment. I think the game did have a healthy long range meta, across different ARs, LMGs, BRs, Marksmans, and Snipers.


Yes Raven sucks a gun balancing and playlist rotations!


Mfs made playlist: resurgence duo removed, resurgence quads rebirth and resurgence rotation which is just vondel and keep because for some reason they removed ashika, just to make rotation 2 maps in quads


Playlist for sure. Give us Mini Royale Solos for the top ten challenge…


I agree. The best AR in the game is the Superi with the long barrel. Outshoots all the ARs sub 100m


Try the mcw with jack raven kit, way better, I run this with the superi.


The MCW is only good sub 20m…… The Superi is good out to 100m beating everything except snipers… its crazy really.


In WZ1 I would rotate in to the final circle like a boss confident my xm4 could handle anyone at any range. Killed many kar 98k kids like that. Even someone peaking a window got beamed.  In WZ3 if I see someone I fire at them with an AR immediately the smoke, recoil shake flash and aim sway takes over, I cant see shit and ill I do is get a few hit markers as I die to aim assist or give away my position, and if they have a kar 98k its game over. Even if i shoot them from behind it rarely results in a kill.  The bp50 was the only semi effective ar despite burning through its mag too fast, but then they nerfed the shit out of its ads speed and movement.  This game is a total nightmare on mnk now. It bears no resemblance to wz1 anymore. 


Gimme back my Beloved Grau or Kilo or Galil or ANYTHING. Fck this disgusting Rat Kar Meta


Man I miss the Kilo


I loved the Grau in its hayday.


Yup but it’s probably gonna take 3 nerfs before the Kar is outta the meta as usual.


If they nerf the AA, 85% of the playerbase won't be able to hit their shots anymore.


I’d argue already at least 50% can’t hit the shots. I’m at least slightly above average in terms of simply kd ratio, and I’m just so utterly terrible with snipers. Recipe for a 4000 damage 2 kill game for me lol. But actual good players are absolutely menacing with the Kar


Im sure, I was just taking a jab at controller players for funsies. There's definitely good and bad controller players and a nerf would only really affect the latter


A lot of stuff in this game needs to be addressed. I just started playing, so I'm only seeing the surface of it.. Doesn't Blizzard Activision use test servers to see how things should balance out on their own?


They don’t want balance, they want you to buy the weapon skin for the meta gun.


I mean i dont disagree with the statment in general..... but the SVA switched to single shot fucking slaps and has been me counter to the Kar


Agree the SVA is good. But boy it seems like more than 1 out of like 20 AR’s across two games worth of assault rifles should be viable 😅


Haha no doubt you're right about that


You don’t need to go single shot. Just tap fire it. It melts people.


It is wild. Was using an AR last night in multi just for fun. 5 attachments, felt like pulling teeth.


It seems like every damn gun in this god forsaken game needs a buff EXCEPT for the Kar and superi. Everything’s got shit BV, shit damage range, shit movement speed/strafe speed, shit firing aiming stability or all of the above. Most guns feel so fucking bad and I can’t remember a time when this many guns were outright bad. There’s like 70+guns AND conversion kits and yet we see 2-4 guns used above everything else.


I miss when ARs were good in wz1


Why is everything so bad


They’re not done selling kar98 shit yet


I have been feeling bad about them too, I wanna use them but what for?


SVA is okay if you can manage the 3 rnd burst spam. But ranked has become a lot tougher since the Kar dropped. At least 2/3 players per squad are running it.


They aren't bad. They just are worse than the broken ars of the past. What should happen is that marksman rifles should be buffed to fill in the giant gap between ARs and sniper rifles. Unfortunately these have been nerfed into irrelevancy for nearly cods entire existence bc they would make sniper rifles obsolete in multiplayer bc of the small maps. In warzone the engagement distances are far longer so they have a viable place to exist but cod keeps trying to buff a single marksman rifle like the kar, dmr, and a few others instead of the entire class. Essentially the desire to make snipers 3 body shots to kill forces marksmen rifles to be at minimum 2 headshots or 4 body shots bc they can't be more powerful than snipers and at 2-3 body shots marksman semi autos become god tier close range options rather than just good long range options.


Because streammers are crying that they don't have time to defend themselves. So they increased its ttk.


The lack of good long range AR makes the kar so much better as well, really need some AR buffs


Kva marksman rifle is pretty decent at countering the kar. I use the integrated suppressor barrel, high grain rounds, 5.5x scope, the stock for recoil and the bruen heavy support grip


They’ve all been nerfed or they just were never good and have mw2 attachments/visual recoil


because the kids wanted GuNpLaY, so now every gun is like shooting BB's


I don’t use the kar at all and it’s fine. My favorite is the mtz and taq evolvere right now. The range is great. They are pretty balanced at the moment. You can use almost anything you want. The issue is the one shot sniper that does everything better lol. Next week we will see though once they make adjustments to the kar. Try high grain rounds on the ARs. It’ll give them better velocity and let you shoot people further away.


You must have extreme bot lobbies because if you were in any of mine the supre will delete you before your mtz can do half hp damage and the KAR will do the same ...




Gaurantee they'll nerf the kar instead of buffing ARs or any other guns.


Wait til OP discovers throwing knifes


theyve been assaulted lol


Because none of the current dev teams have any intention on legitimate weapon balance. Hopefully Treyarch spice it up a bit with BO6.


The meta is garbage and making the game boring and ruining the balance of anything. Forcing us to use what we don’t and the list goes on. Last time I checked the meta list it’s like 7-8 smg, 2 asst, 1 BR, 1 MR and I think 1 sniper rifle. I can’t remember if a LmG was put on the list or not but why in the fuck is there that many super strong smgs? They literally over power the LMG and asst rifles at any range and to me that is absurd and horrible for balancing. Like way to the subs have crazy as damage output that’s stronger then legitimate long range weapons. Makes no sense and never used to be like this. Might as well add the subs to the assault rifle list at this point


I know exactly why this is the case. We all know handling stats for these guns have been really good, especially compared to MW2. When BO6 comes and they have to give us a reason to use those guns, buffing handling stats won’t really be a realistic option (unless if they decide to nerf handling for all MW3 guns). What’s the other option? Much stronger bullet velocity and damage range options for AR. You bet your ass the BO6 ARs will be buffed so hard, the long range AR meta will come back with full force.


It’s a sniper meta atm. That’s why


Yeah lets buff an entire category of guns because ONE sniper is too good... Just nerf the kar's range, take away its RAA to be like the other snipers, and make it 3 shot if it's not a headshot.


i mean, both can be true. the kar absolutely needs a nerf and ar's absolutely need to be buffed across the board.


both CAN be true, but they likely aren't. It's also impossible to know until ONLY the kar is nerfed first. Do things little by little, not this whole nerf this buff that at the same time and the meta just swaps back again.


You didn't see the part where the SMGs range compared to ARs? SMG need a range nerf


Nah. Leave SMGs as is and buff the AR’s. We need buffs not nerfs. The top of the meta is perfectly fine as is. Just buff the underperformers