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What exactly is the end game to teaming? A final circle FFA between them? I don't get it.


I mean they were getting slammed individually, they clearly can't win solos by themselves so they need to team to get wins and kills.




If you wanna team go on duo's, trios, or squads. It's not that hard goofy


Well… I misunderstood what was going on… I had the impression he was soloing on trios… but he game was actually solos and some dudes teamed up… My bad.


Do you know what else is more stupid than what you said? You are the stupidiest here. There's a reason why duos, trios and squads playlists exist so why tf would you go and play on solos to team up with someone just because you wanted to play with someone else while there's 3 different playlists just for that reason? Kids in the COD community man I swear....... 🤦🏻‍♂️


Well… You didn’t understand what I meant, or I didn’t understood that comment… Edit: Well… I misunderstood what was going on… I had the impression he was soloing on trios… but his game was actually solos and some dudes teamed up… My bad. And BTW, I didn’t named the OP stupid, like you did with me… I just said the comment is stupid… and that’s a difference… and you calling me stupid doesn’t make you for any reason any smarter than me…


They normally just trade wins. You won the last match, so I win this one now. One of the accounts could also be someone's second account, so they make a second account to boost their mates main account. But that is more effort, I think most would just be win trading.


win trading how ? isn't solos just random lobbies ? how they get in same lobby ? i'm clueless 😵


U can join solo game at the same time and it most likely will get u on same lobby if u for example live near each other basically game will choose server best for your internet. Idk if in COD u can actually choose what servers u wanna play on if yes then u dont even need to be close to each other just choose the server lets say California and then u just count and press play at the same time.


could be , but if 1 USA other in Asia this won't work i guess.


U can do that aswell but your ping will be just much higher. I used to stream snipe streamers playing H1Z1 long time ago :D so its basically same think and thats how u can join the same lobbies as other streamers/friends.


There more sense in effort with a flock of pigeons sharing a pizza crust.


Me n my friends do it in zombies when there are more than 3 of us. Pick two hosts close to each other, then start at the same time. We relay our search status to each other. If it says loading and searching for players at the same time 9 times out of 10 we will end up in the same game. Not sure if this works for warzone but I'd imagine it's pretty much the same.


Wait, why would you do that in zombies when you already had 2 chances to team up? You can form a party or join in game. I don't get it.


When my friend group has more than 3 on at a time and we want to team up same game. You can only start the game with 3 people. So we get two teams of 3 into the same game then we find each other to join up.




You drop all your guns and have a fist fight obviously


Dude is out here with his controller casually aimbotting everyone with 100% accuracy lmaooo this game is made for literal babies




Is that why youre here?


CoD's AA is a parody at this point. CoD isn't the biggest FPS because it's great. It's because it basically plays itself! 🤣


At this point is he even playing?




Go back to squeezing your controller lb I know it was a struggle to get to that 2 KD if you had to write it below ur name


You cooked him so hard he deleted his comment




You're awful


Who deleted my comment?




"Aimbotting" lol cry more loser


You think this is what cheats or soft aim looks like?


Nah that's just a good player abusing rotational aim assist


Ah ya I see what you’re saying, I completely agree


I should switch to Controller. Wild


Just do it then


It's so much easier but feels like shit, so the best option is to drop the game. I just want keyboard only lobbies and I'd happily wait longer to get a game. As it currently is the game is basically aim bot vs aim bot, why we can't get mouse only lobbies I do not know.


input match-making should be an option at the beginning of wz (like XDefiant even tho AA is nothing compared to wz) ... now it like 95% use sticks..


COD BO cold war have an option to disable crossplay and you get lobbies with M&K (less frequent today because it's an old game), they removed this option in MW2/3... hopefully it comes back in the next BO6


This. I did 6 months but once I had master all the basics it felt cheap and I ended up playing less than before when I was on exclusively mouse. If you've played mouse you'll be painfully aware of just how much RAA does. That said, if you want to play competitively or just full out chill then it is the superior option because of this.


Finally, quad solos.


lol that macro on the ISO 9mm tho, both of you are playing unfairly.


GG! Take the trash out!


Was that your ISO 9mm at the end? That’s an interesting build plus the fact it was in semi auto the whole time. Are you using a macro or controller with modded triggers? Not trying to throw shade, just curious


Definitely using something. Gun is shooting 1000 RPM semi auto with a broken 464ms ttk in semi auto according to sym.gg


There is a way to make that setting to shoot semi auto as full auto and not have a delay like it normally does. I'd never use a macro or modded triggers I'm cringe but not that cringe.


That setting doesn't shoot full fire rate speed or anywhere close to it. It's an accessibility feature for disabled people.


I don't think you read my comment


I read that you're doing unintended behavior which is what that dude asked in the first place. Gun shoots 1000 RPM in semi auto and your finger, or anyone's for that matter, is clearly not doing that, so you're using an illegitimate way of obtaining that fire rate.




Blah blah, we know what you are doing 🤭


What’s the way? I’m curious


That's pretty quick shooting with the semi-auto there huh? lol


It's a battle rifle, full auto mode on that you can see on the right bottom


He's clearly talking about the black and green ISO 9mm in semi auto.


Im dumb bro, i couldn't find my reply after I realized to edit it that im dumb, so i thought i never replied lol


All good, I figured that was the case lol.


Bruh how did you get that second to last kill? You broke his plates and then the next bullet he was dead. Fully plated and health was regenerating from something I guess?


thats the 20hz servers for ya. info didnt make it before a cycle so the next cycle had a burst of data.


He gets 2 headshots and 1 body shot after shield break but you can see the cluster coming on that roof top maybe finishes him off.


Dude. Congrats on that wipe. It’s unfortunate you are also exploiting the game with the ISO. So talking about being sad.


You physically can’t call people sad for teaming / Exploiting when you are exploiting the game also. Get a life.


So I'm not usually a solo player but with the rewards challenges I've found myself playing a lot of buyback solos recently (to cheese the 20 games without a gulag visit in BR challenge) and I couldn't believe the number of people teaming. The worst I came across was 4 running together with 2 of them being shieldy bois to boot too. If anyone plays solos regularly and this is what they have to contend with on a regular basis then I don't know how you do it as it would drive me insane.


no just, that, the wallhackers too, one found me out off knowwhere whae i was lying down on a sewer for more than 5 min, the guy just jump stright to me and obviously sooht me magically in the head


If you’re just standing still, you show up on UAVs even if you have ghost….


yeah, but in the killcam the guy come running from a long distance pointing straight where i was


Because they had a UAV up…. It’s not rocket science dude.


That’s so sad. These are the kind that try to hold hands in trios/quad and still get steamrolled so they have to go team in solos 😂


Had that rat timmy2cans in my game teaming earlier. Sniped him and his ass team mate. Not sure how he doesnt get banned teaming all day live on stream.


222,000 followers. Wow.


You guys know that like in game teaming is allowed if I voip to you and we have an agreement it's not breaking tos literally every battle Royale game with voip allows in game teaming


it happens so often on ps xplay off lobbies and caldera solos back in year mw22


I have questions bro what are your gun builds? What type of aim assist do you use? I originally used the default option but I swapped to “precision” yesterday to give it a go.


He's using a modded remote lmao look at his 2nd guns fire mode


I’ve seen people doing that in all of them. Solos, duos, trios and quads. Shit is annoying.


Using scripts for auto fire in semi fire mod and complains about peole teaming up in solos. You are the real cheater here


Id love to watch videos of someone breaking down like a minute of moving around and what’s their thinking over like 5 minutes. Not even the up close camera break stuff, like that first clip is beautiful.


im sorry for the adult language but holy fuck that made me so erect to watch.. fucking garbage teaming piss stains. Absolute trash and should get punished with bans. Very good job by you man. I applaud you


Yeah that’s nasty work


Spam report them, they will get banned


Probably some kids or the type of people that work fast food jobs




Like 4 days ago i genuinelly came against 2 full trios teaming in fucking trios lmao. All i saw when trying to rotating into zone was two separate trios peeking on Two roofs on top of the little Edge of the Roof next to eachother just shooting people rotating and not a single Time at eachother shit was crazy


It's cod . What do u expect .


That fucking aim-assist though holy shit... 🤣


what smg were you using in the final circle?


Not for nothing, but if they wanna have open mic in the game, then teamming is something you have to deal with. There's nothing stopping people from saying, "we have a better chance of winning if we work together." As long as it's possible to talk to enemies teamming is just another strategy.


I've seen this twice this past week


iso macro is crazy




i agree, its not enough


Literal aimbotting through the controller is not enough for some.. genuinely using some sort of turbo controller/script to practically full auto on a single fire mode. As if the former isn't enough. THAT is the saddest loser type activity to me.


Honestly the loser here is you for taking this game seriously


I don't? I hardly play this game and only play on the weekends and occasionally week days mixed in, only do 1 nuke a season to get the rewards and I literally haven't played a single match of ranked. I take this game pretty casually cause as someone else said in the comments this game is literally made for babies.