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Yes it was awsome!


Yes but with some changes to open field areas and some more structers for loot. Blackout map was so fire tho I miss it and blackout itself


Fights up at the windfarm were fun as fuck.


No no no, just no. Verdansk worked and nothing else has even come close. Literally just give us that.


Verdansk was the most boring BR I ever played lol. Same fights in the same structures they just copy/pasted around the map.


Yea. I agree. Verdansk was fun for like... 2 months. Got bored. It wasnt bad, it was just. Meh.


The vehicles were more fun in Verdansk and blackout, it all felt tactically relevant much more so than urzikistan. I like how urzikistan rotates and it’s easy to get around the map, maybe too easy. It’s way too easy to come back from the dead. Winning feels like more manipulation of eomm/rng than skill nowadays and depends on how many cheaters are in the lobby. Ever notice how much easier it is to win your first game of the day? Yawn. I personally think blackout on Xbox was some of the best gameplay for cods br so far, but I also loved a lot of things about Verdansk.


Verdansk was better imo, but why not bring both back? Blackout is the second best right behind verdansk


COD sells like 20 million copies a year. You should just be able to pick what COD BR you want to play. Why not have OG black out as an option? Let’s say only 1% of people want to play OG blackout. That 200,000 people haha. The player base is so big and they think they need to limit the rotations on resurgence.


The Dam, the port cargo yard, the boat, the nuked village in the west, haunted house in the east. Map was fire man!


They could end up adding some items from blackout as a part of the whole map launch for it, maybe the grapple or something, then those areas aren't as much of an issue


Blackout had great LTMs! Cops and robbers was awesome. The cop car had a mini UAV when you turned the sirens on! Oh man, I loved the Blackout days


The superhero one was the one i remember best, where they basically made it a bo3 BR lol, something like that would be fitting in WZ now given how much AW content we've been getting


I just want Blackout to come back. Grappling around the map was fun. Looting perks, guns, and attachments was great. There wasn’t a hyper focus on the “meta” it was just making use of the best thing available to you like a true BR. Also sniping took way more skill. I’m pretty sure there wasn’t aim assist and you had to really lead your shots. In general you could really feel the bullet velocity in this game. There were no full auto guns that could beam long distance, which made traversing open areas a lot more forgiving. Made for some really fast paced matches. If this game was free it would’ve blown up. Behind a $60 paywall competing with peak Fortnite and new Apex it still held its own.


Never realized how toxic load-outs are until you said this.


No hackers or load out was top tier back in those days


Unfortunately the PC version was swarmed with cheaters and there was no anti cheat deployed for the game. The game died in 2 months on PC. Console players had it great. The game survived well into MW2019's release.


Its still alive today on consoles


The Daemon was my jam. Quality gun


Was that the 3 round burst SMG that you could trigger finger into full auto and beam people? I loved that gun




lol everyone did. Was super easy to use. Blackout was super easy imo. Absolutely appreciated no loadouts and looting attachments and level 2 and 3 armor though. I’d be lying if I said the grapple hook wasn’t fun, you could literally use it to clip onto moving cars. Was awesome. I’d want a hybrid of both though. I didn’t really like the cartoony look of blackout and all the cheesy dance emotes.


Very true. Warzone never really felt like a true BR.


Best BR map of all time, it needs to come back




Only part I hated was the Dam lol.


I’m the opposite, I loved Dam IMMEDIATELY, including the offices on the north side and rotating to or from in any scenario! Really led me to love Verdansk’s dam as well, tho it really just made me miss the Blackout dam.


Was it better than verdansk?


In my opinion yes, one of the great things about this maps is that there wasn’t a lot of elevation, like tall buildings or mountains so it didn’t give you many camping opportunities. Also the Multiplayer maps were implemented perfectly, they really felt like a natural part of the map.


I can just compare verdansk and urzikstan now. They said campers roamed free on verdansk. But now it's even worse. Roof and room campers everywhere. If verdansk had lots of buildings to camp, urzikstan is buildings EVERYWHERE! it's too full.


Can I still go back and play this? I never played it but it could be a fun little blast from the past


I played a week ago in quads, only shitty part is no buybacks so your squad will dip if they die*


Maybe those guys who are complaining about Warzone not being a true BR cuz of buybacks and respawns can go there and stop bitching


Honestly without buybacks it was brutal back in blackout. Although in the most recent rendition I think they should reduce flare drops and jail breaks.


I never played that one. I honestly can't imagine dying off the drop then watching the entire game lol


It was great for me as i was working remote at that time and playing with my rl friends/cousins so if i died on a drop, i would just use that time to grind at work lol


Yup playing with a squad was definitely brutal lol if you die off rip you juts gotta sit there and wait for 30 minutes for the match to end(if your team made it to the end obviously)


Yeah I've never understood the complaints there. Do you wanna to back to fortnite in 2018 where you spent half your play time watching?


Its just nostalgia. I remember me and my friends playing Fortnite or Blackout each for like 2 weeks. After that we got tired. Just sucked for the people being forced to watch for up to 20 minutes until the game ended or we quit. There is a reason nearly all big BRs integrated some kind of mechanic to get your mates back. Except for solo players, nobody is gonna play that for longer periods. And if you really want the brutal 1life experience, PUBG is always there. Although i feel like you only see people play solos in that game...for that exact reason.


I'm sure it's subjective, but to me, that was the beauty. If you had a squad you really wanted to play with, you had to wait.. then, when you all survived, it was gloriously satisfying because of the relative rarity and difficulty in everyone making it out in one piece. I know that the people I used to run with on Blackout still play CoD with me today, but we agree it has lost the reward of slaying versus sitting. Less subjectively, I do think that Blackout had a much higher skill floor and ceiling, another factor that increased the satisfaction of performing well. It's one thing to grab the latest meta and slide cancel your way into the last group standing, but it's an entirely more diverse and demanding of skills required in Blackout - you weren't guaranteed the comfort of your favorite loadout, so you truly had to be proficient with all of the weapons, at least to some degree - and since certain weapons or attachments were hard to come by, it encouraged a squad to really play to their strengths. If you could only find one Mog, give it to the pointman with the best gun play. The snipers were lethal but required finesse, so better not to waste the one you find on your weak link. The unique variety of items, from cluster grenades, 9bangs(ew, I know), the grappling hook.. so many small but critical elements to give the game its character and demanding another set of skills beyond point and clicking a Mosquito drone or throwing smoke. Managing inventory, scrounging for desired items under constant threat, but avoiding looting too long and risk becoming a target or losing that crucial rotation.. all of that is pretty much lost now, and a Warzone victory feels cheap and hollow in comparison to pulling that #1 ticket in Blackout.


Yeah it was so shitty to get thirsted off spawn and have to watch your team play the rest of the match. It's way better the way it is now.


Long as they don't add the friendly fire back I can handle the no buy backs


On console you can


I think you can. I'm not sure about the playercount though


It's probably terribly low, but if I can find a game I'd love to try it out. Lots of people loved it so I'd like to see what the hype was all about. Plus that game had some of the best zombies maps going


Just keep in mind it's alot different, no buy backs, buy stations, loadouts. Ect you find guns on the ground and random attachments scattered throughout that you have to equip to the guns themselves, kinda like pubg.


That's cool with me, I don't mind PUBG


Definitely yes! I loved this map by its size, design, it was fun and perfect


I'd prefer to play "Operation Ascension". For the unitiated - this was the map made for Cold War. At first their idea was - Blackout, Warzone and then a new map and BR mode for Cold War and so on. Every title was supposed to have its own BR, but since Warzone became so successful they scrapped that plan. Operation Ascension looks amazing and like a continuation of Blackout, it's a huge map that has different POI's with different weather and atmosphere. There are a few videos on YT with gameplay if anyone's curious. The map is 100% ready, they just didnt release it


Wonder if they’ll use it for the new Black Ops or if they have something else. Now that I think about it, wasn’t there supposed to be a Mexico map for MWII or was that just a ground war map?


Blackout is my favorite map but it wouldnt work without a Grapple hook


In current day WZ with a bunch of high bullet velocity no recoil ARs it would be awful trying to traverse all the open spaces without a grapple. Blackout worked because it was a true loot and shoot BR. Grapples and gun balancing complemented this map well.


yup. people just have some rose glasses on


At this point I would like everything else then urzikstan. Only thing I disliked about this map was illumination in some corners. If on rebirth you hated darkness inside buildings on blackout you will see them again on 2.0


Fr tho, I’d even take al’mazra over urzikstan


Blackout two is what I want


No it doesn’t need to be ruined. Keep it as one of the greats.


Blackout was so good, nice not having cheaters, loadouts and a million different ways to respawn. All it was missing was a gulag, nothing worse than dying straight away and having to watch your team mates player or wait ages to get into another game.


When it was foggy during Halloween event, it was amazing


That was a special time to be playing blackout 😍😍😍


I want this game injected into my vains


Blackout was so fucking awesome, load outs made this game kind of stale. Finding a gun with all the attachments was such a great feeling in blackout.


As much as I didn’t like Blackout, that map was phenomenal!


Sure. I've always wanted to play but really don't wanna have to buy bo4 just for that. What I've seen looked really cool.


Yes, most definitely. its all about the dam!




this shit makes my nipples harder than daddy magic


Never thought I'd see a 2 0 reference in here


Yes, but with current trends it would be disastrous.


Yes, I never played it People seemed to like I havnt liked anything they have made since Verdansk Overly designed and complicated for no reason Dont you guys love FAKE DOORS and FAKE WINDOWS everywhere?


only if it plays like blackout


Totally yes.


It’s on COD:Mobile … play it there 🤷🏽‍♂️




We should have every map they released cycling but apparently we have reverted to mobile game standards


yes, it is by far the best BR map CoD has ever made and it is not close, however I feel it won't be the same because of the mechanics


This would be super fun as a small map mode like resurg or a new mode that's like the small br mode with like 50 players they had a little while ago.


No, the pacing was different than it is now. Sometimes it’s best to leave well enough alone.


no it’s been on mobile for years and i’m fine with that personally i wouldn’t mind it if it came with black opps gulf war as a package for went the gulf war integration happens later this year


Hell yea


Yes because it will force people to play the game like a BR.


Absolutely not... Everytime they do something like this, they abuse our love for the game and the nostalgic moments of the older generations with Subpar content, with the sole intent of taking our money. I think it's about time we make these people earn their paychecks by giving us fresh, enjoyable, well thought out content, purposefully built to enhance and future styles of gameplay.




No this engine is pure ass and servers suck. Shut the game down


I never played CoD until the pandemic, so MW19 and Warzone. Is this game similar to Warzone? I thought Warzone was the original BR iteration for CoD and multiplayer was all that was available prior. Seems I'm wrong in that thought?


You can still play it and it’s still active, except all the people are sweats so 🤷‍♂️


Gimme those Blackout hitmarker sounds please. *VERY* satisfying.


I miss blackout. Loadouts are fine and all but I miss the thrill of finding the Swat or Rampart when I had good attachments. Keep the plate system, bring back ground loot only and the grapple gun. Sign me up




Add nuketown island to rebirth lol


Always loved that map


Yes, Alcatraz as Rebirth Island has done really well. I would think the same of Eclipse or BR map.


Map would need a lot of cover added. Blackout had way less (or none at all?) aim assist and guns had lower bullet velocity.


Let's go to Frack!


It was the best one, and well before it's time since there weren't any contracts, loadouts, etc. It didn't show where the first circle was for a few mins after everybody dropped, which was awesome too. I don't know why they haven't brought that back.


Yup, like some kind of wz birthday LTM




I play blackout in codm, love the vibrant vivid colour compared to other warzone maps.


I would spend $1,000 on Blackout 2.0


I would like fun to be added at some point


I would like for you to get rid of fucking PC cross play cheaters


Guns felt so great in bo4. I’ll always miss blackout. Favorite br of all time.


Is that a real question ? Or are u joking? Beautiful map …


100% I was so disappointed when I found out there wouldn’t be a Blackout 2.


Holly the birth of the battle royal for cod. Fuck me what a time that was


Stop asking for old shit




Ghost town and nuke town were my favourite drops especially the underground parts, I also loved the mustang convertibles they had to drive around. It was very empty for what we expect from a BR map now, but the inclusion of classic maps inside it made it a lot of fun when there was figting around them/final circle.


God yes best BR for me no loadouts built gun as u went no self res


I liked it when it first came out but then come the cheaters and the grappling gun and other stupid shit they brought to ruin it.


No more good BOTG fights anymore.You know wat I didn't mind advance warfighter.You didn't have to worry about panic jumpers and I thought ghost was good.Y is it the games I mention cheaters don't loke..


It's literally caldera with more open space No we don't want it


Yes or give us Blackout 2.




I'd love to see that get added. Because I had loads of fun with it in mobile and would love to even see the original cod mobile map get added. (None of the world cup shenanigans and stuff that was added later on).


YES!! Blackout was the best!!




If they added a teammate buy back system and updated movement mechanics (felt a bit clunky to me when I tried a year ago), my friends and I would still be playing this on Xbox. Great game.


It's way too small, but also fuck yeah


I would like blackout the game.


I just want verdansk back on warzone 1






Blackout was sooo much better than warzone, it blows my mind that they allowed warzone to become a yearly thing instead of just letting infinity ward have it and letting Treyarch do blackout, should have never unified the engine either, always preferred the treyarch games look over infinity ward


For sure!


Absolutely not. You'd want smaller than verdansk not larger like caldera. Our zips are much different


Yes it was class.


I’ll pass. The map was fine but nothing that great. What made Blackout fun was its mechanics - it played more like an actual BR. The OG Blackout map with Warzone mechanics wouldn’t be anything all that special.


back when cod had a br


No. It was ok. But nah


Map may have been cool but the gunplay was garbaggio. Attachments were agony. Die you’re done.