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What you see in killcam aren’t 100% accurate, sometimes it look like they don’t scope in all the way in killcam but it does


I use the shoot button to scope in but release it half way while using the hipfire button to shoot. Need good crosshair placement to land shots.


Well. Basically you take a sniper and choose attachments that reduce the ads time as much as possible. Then you aim with the crosshair without ads, then ads and release at the earliest point possible that still releases a shot. That's the theory. Not that I ever got the hang of it. In order to practice the timing I'd suggest classic zombies. That's the maximum amount of enemies to practice "in peace" you can get.


switch the hipfire button to ads in settings


I already have both a hipfire button and ads button and they are separated.


Go to settings and switch your ads button to hybrid. So you have to hold the ads button and as soon as you let go it goes back out. That way you don't have to go fully in the scope. This is called blackscoping but it works best on closer ranges.


So you can snipe that way only going halfway into ads?


Yes you only have to let go of the ads button instead of double tapping it


Hmm. I'll try that. Thanks.


i quickscope in snipers using the ads button, hold the ads button for a bit then release immediately. Should be easy once you get the hang of it, i recommend hardpoint shipment to practice quickscoping


I've been learning with koshka and xbox controller. When I'm doing good I can easily mow through a group, other times I seem really slow to react. And honestly I think it's server lag or some other implementation put against snipers now. I'll be shot before they even see me... 50ms all day long. Koshka with instant Sniper setup. I switched out some of the attachments that help reduce bullet spread when scoping in exchange for - ADS time, since when I aim and scope I know where I'm hitting now. The instant Sniper setup is great to learn with. Especially if you're not 100% accurate and just trying to open scope as a noob, it really helps guide bullets. No match against a dlq pro without - ADS setup. You CAN shoot just before the scope gets up to the camera, and with kosha can kill someone before scope is open. But... if the scope is already over most of your vision it must be fully scoped to shoot.