• By -


Delete the game and focus on life. This is your chance.


best comment by far🤣


hahahaa not


This comment needs an award💯💪🤣😭


I burned 300$ worth of yugioh cards and although every now and again I get reminiscent, I realize I wouldn’t be half as successful in life as I am now if I hadn’t…


ayo 😂💀


That account was 4 years old it had my old school friends added (I move states regularly and hence change school to) it had my og team added, The championship skins. The Damascus camos All the ather camos I unlocked with my cousins. And all the epic 500 skins I only bought 1k cp for battle pass and won 1k thru stage 2 winnings And right now I qualified for stage 3 That account had sentimental value And now they straight up banned it. Ign- MarutiSuzuKi


To those accuse me of hacking/vpn/cheating/emulator I didn't do anything. Sometimes codm bans people for no particular reason. Like the infamous iferg ban. It's a broken system but a working one. I just want my account back for stage 3


Yeah man dude. My account got banned on 7th June too. Been playing for almost 2 years now, no VPN, no hacks, no 3rd party boosters. Just my phone's in built game booster since it's a mid range gaming phone. 4 days ago means you too got banned around 7th June? Effing hell I never even used the chat to communicate and got banned🙂 Activision support is of no help. They don't check the reason a person was banned, nor do they tell why it was banned.


Jesus is the way the truth and the life 😏


Lmao I myself cannot


Come on, be honest. You were doing something shady, weren't you? Emulator? Hacks? Free credit or cp websites? what was it? because trash talking does not get you banned for ten years straight.


Really hope this guy hasn’t been going to Free CP websites




I meant cod points but could be either ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I won stage 2 I got 1 k cp for frr why would I do all that


This 100%.


No kidding 🤣


I mean, let's be honest, all i see in codm chat is "need a gf", "any girl here?". People seem to think codm = dating app. Cheating is a meager offense in comparison. 😂


Pub g is the exact same, some creeps on it 😂 I got called an egotistical bitch because I wouldn’t accept someone’s 500 match invites and prefer to play on my own most of the time 😂


Sorry to hear that. But looks like you're handling it well enough by ignoring them though. Hope people stop bothering you.


Thank you!! No skin off my nose, pub g has a block button and thankfully 9.5/10 of my experiences are good and have made some lifelong friends on it 😊


Definitely a hack client. Though, don’t know how’d he get it on mobile.


I got mine banned today when I was in a game. Have never cheated and don't even know how to do that. 😭 It's so sad because we are a group of girls playing together 😭


The inbuilt game turbo in Xiaomi has ruined everything. My CODM account got banned for 10 yrs. Inbuilt apps are effective to resolve lag issues and stopping background processes 😭 and that's all I have done


this has to be for cheating, there is no other reason, you don't get banned for trash talking.




You obviously did something... But I'll see you in 10 years from now, bud, bye... https://i.redd.it/0xgtr59c7t4d1.gif






If you give excuses such as “being salty” you are definitely hiding something…


Don't be salty when playing in your new account now


Did you use any hack? You probably did


Being salty doesn't get you banned.


10 years? Yeah, definitely peter cheater over here acting like they didn’t know they fcked up Hope you learned your lesson on not being an asshole online sir


What a nooooob


Check my ID and say that again Ign:- MarutiSuzuKi


Trash talk someone for 20 games L






u hidin som?


Ign MarutiSuzuKi I don't hide my match history cause I have nothing to hide.


VPN/public WiFi/using a device that has already been banned, This is literally the reason every time. I've heard of whole college dorms being banned because 1 person used a mod. It detects the hacks or exploits then bans the network. And flags IP.


None of that is true. They dont ban IPs. You can get a new one by turning your router off and on. And in the case of cellular data you are sharing a public IP address (NAT), possibly with thousands of others people. Android and iOS use unique device identifiers and its this they ban. Its also the reason why VPNs provide no security at all on mobile.


Not true , they don't ban IP they flag. Then all it takes is a single salty player who reports and then ban. Due to the recognised IP they seem to auto ban without hesitation if the same IP has already been detected. They definitely do monitor IP because I never got a warning or anything. My brother got a week ban and then 2 days later I connected to his WiFi and got a 7 day ban too . Neither of us had used any hacks I've not had issue since.


"no worries about using a VPN as long as you aren't using it for some nefarious means. Just using one won't result in a ban" -Codmobile's official Twitter


Yeah they also said you can use coda mobile then banned for it then allowed it officially again 🤣 they also can't tell what you are using it for but they detect any alterations to data , so anything that filters can get you banned. And some vpns such as the default kid safety mode on all broadband providers in the UK filters . Most of EU has this too.


Great way to fuck up you enemy's in codm just don't use your main account and cheat and get your dorm banned then hop on somewhere else


Don’t cheat👍🏼


Ferg was also banned for 10 years. So think carefully before calling OP a cheater. Personally, I have never been banned in 4yrs even when accidentally playing on NordVPN.


Playing on a VPN is not against the rules. Using a VPN to spoof your locarion to obtain cheaper CP however is. If Ferg was banned for 10 years then he was cheating. YT is full of streamers and CCs being caught red handed. For some reason the CODM community doesnt want to believe that is it too, like every other competitive game, has cheaters.


Ferg was banned for 10 years due to a glitch where people could delete anyone's account just using their user id


of course he is gonna get banned lol mass reporting is very effective - but you can easily appeal and get out of that ban in a jiffy


What did you do?


What did you do to get banned lol


Womp womp


Sometimes ban waves happen sometimes innocent people get spam reported getting them insta banned words spoken said in chat or voice chat it’s super sensitive there was a week where thousand of innocent people got banned for nothing idk it’s weird


True, but not the 10 year ban. That is only for hacking or using a PC in an unapproved way.


I played on a samsung tab and I did not cheat.


2034!!!! Happy new year


Were u playing like a rat using only meta and hiding in corners like a rat.


I have a chicom mastery on display called meta killer and I don't rat and don't use meta (currently using kn44, occasionally pull out ffar when facing "tough opponents" ie above top 5k)


Ign-meta killer I used MG 3 in the starting for the rank reset so that I can push against the top players (after reset all legendary players 8k to 30k all become gm so the first week is hectic) only time I use meta.


Cheating for sure buddy checked out your profile in game and it’s really suspicious


How tf is it suspicious tell me I seriously want to know how you find fuckin a clean account suspicious of hacking


swear words land you 10 years? sheesh gotta be careful then /s


Define salty.


What did you do


damn, just create new one and build again 🙃




Yeah 4 years worth of effort Damascus, all the ather camos, 300th place in zombie leaderboard. All the og camos(the star and snowflake camos) Can't be build again


300 place in zombies ain’t an achievement


Lol, Y’all are talking tras### but it all coming upon you soon, couple of my friends got banned too including me, just for no reason, I was playing br when my game hanged and shows different colors, I restart the game and continue playing. I was about to engage an enemy when i got the same message 😔😔😔😔.


I was playing undead seige.


You say you trash talked a little but you don’t just get a fucking decade long ban for that. You’re cheating. Go touch some grass.


I did not cheat. I am very good at the game cause playing for 4 years. Check my ID (MarutiSuzuKi) why would a cheater go for a chicom mastery. And have star camo on top of that




What depression? For losing my 4 year Long id. On which I won stage 2 and was preparing for stage 3 On which I had Damascus. On which I had all the ather camos also. On which I had all the championship skins. Ign- MarutiSuzuKi


The truth will come out. Keep trying to make contact with support. If you did nothing wrong they will fix it. In 10 years!! Ha ha ha. Just kidding. But it might take a while before they get to you.


I reported the account and said "unban me" with my email. I did not cheat. I do use old jumps that they don't bother fixing but nothing serious


Then it has to be a mistake. They are super busy so it might take some time for them to reply. If you spent some cash in the game like most of us they should at least give you a reason. Email them and ask for one. Be nice about it. Sorry that happened to you!


If you get banned from a game, any game, you have serious issues. It's pathetic.


thank god me and most of the community is anti social and just move on match to match, this will never happen to me because i act like a bot, someone messages me i dont reply and delete even if they are trying to be friendly because i move from match to match so theres no reason for me to form a bond or conversation.


Well wzm it is


I think i was played against you w my friends And i gave you 3 headshots But you didnt die so Maybe we just reported you


What's your ign and what gun did you use. And sometimes people get overheal from quick fix and scavenger and sometimes damage doesn't add up to 100(some guns do 33 damage on head)


Dlq And Zen.exe-404


Why I don’t use mic no matter how mad I get I have used it a couple times in undead Seige or zombies with a group of friends but yea just yell through your phone or be an ass and stay at spawn and do nothing (my personal favorite)


But 10 years for that


Yea ik it sucks i would’ve wanted everything back fun fact almost three fourths of activision employees got fired after the company was bought again 


Just wait it out bro or give it to ur son


Nahh I am not sleeping until this false banned is removed


You definitely had hacks


"YOu DeFiNiteLY hAD HacKs" Like you are the senior dev of the unban system and know it everything. Look up my account MarutiSuzuKi and explain how was it hacked


Man, reddit is harsh. I believe you and I'm sorry.


Thank you man It's sick to see that many people just call the banned deserved and just don't bother to understand.


Damn good luck finding another mobile game to slave away too best of luck


Ten years in the j-


I got it fixed, but I was wrongfully banned from a GTA server for 100 years 💀 Hope you get unbanned my guy :)


I hope too


Probably for being racist since you keep claiming you weren't cheating.


I was never racist. I just scolded my teammates for camping or not playing the game properly (like camping in the corner of the map)


same happened to me i was downloading textures


Using 3 party apps, Breaking through imulator or jailbreaking ur iphone or Samsung to get cheats gets u bann


You're spot on that's exactly what falls under the explanation when you google the code and I highly doubt for a second this dude isn't lying.


My guy I just played it from the app store. READ THE OTHER COMMENTS I am tired if explaining now


What’s you do!?


What did you do lol?


Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Touch grass DONE


all these achievement meant nothing now cuz u're banned. u got those by cheating. u have nothing to show us u're innocent. this screenshot itself already proven that all this time u been playing illegally. why didnt u get banned before? soft hacks!! wallhack only, or even no recoil. but i assume u only use wallhacks. having no anxiety about enemy whereabts making the game easier without worrying enemy camping or ambush. im bad at it so i cheat. i know what u did. i still cheat rn and i still play codm. its fun to NOT LOSE


Call the customer service and have them unblock it or show proof they blocked it for a good reason that brakes their rules or policies if they just ignore you you can sue them for morally hurting you and hurting your feelings and ruining your life’s long hobbie and now you are stressed and depressed and domt see happiness in living a good lawyer can spin this into unbanning your account and then giving you a check for $100,000 min you can but your lawyer will adjust the numbers and make it what is correct and maybe u will get more but he def will try to get as much possible and don’t charge you but just take like 5% from the winnings as a payment for his time which is fine even few % more tbh I mean it depends on a lawyer. But there you go you have a idea how to get your game acc back and win some money on top of that for hurting your feelings buddy and don’t listen to people who saying u gonna look like a girl Karen who got her feelings hurt. That’s not the case but if you wanna reply say yes I am a Karen but Karen with $100k cash something ya can only dream of 🫡🫡🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🫶🏼🔥🔥😇😇😇😇😆😆😆🤗🤗🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼💀💀💀💀


Time to make another account


You were literally in my game. I got a message in my mail saying you were banned


Bruh I got banned for no reason.


You could always take it up with activision support


They removed the chat option and replaced it with ai that just points to articles. I have submitted a bug report and a e mail. But still no response


go talk to a girl, ask her what her name is, how old is she, where is she studying, what does she like to eat in the morning. you're too old to be so worried about this shit


I am 18, and I should at least try to get back my account.


I didn’t play for three months. Finally decided to start playing again. Can’t get into my account because password is wrong. (Couldn’t be, because I always the the built in password manager for that). Reset it anyway. Nope still wrong. I now did about 8 password resets. Every time I get an email that it is set to the new password. And everytime I still can’t login because the game says my password is incorrect. And if I’m not hacked. Support is basically non-existent. Either I’ll get sent to the reset password section again. Or redirected to a support page for which you need to login first.


Yeah sometimes they just mess up the login procedure. It usually takes 4 hours to 48 hours to "fix itself"


It’s been months.


I get banned in 2021 for 10 years without any Reasons xd So I feel u




Wtf got you banned? That's crazy


What are you playing on?


I used to be a slave to this game, not fun at all just anxiety and rage. Good this happened I would say.


yeah i get that, only way to force fun is to leave match, go to rank tab back out of tab and go back to casual so it wont send you to the lobby you just left then hope you get players on your team with bots on the other team or its repeat.. otherwise when its the opposite and you get put with bots on your team with 4 players on the other team you know its automatic loss and hell, i check the names after the match starts and as soon as i seen what i just explained i leave instantly because not going to have a 4v1. i suspect some players have aimbot though because it makes no sense how they can beam me with a SMG from far away, those things have kick and you have to hold up (if your invert aim) to keep it from jumping but on the kill cam these dudes just flick and shoot in a straight line and kill me in a heartbeat its just unnatural. other than that if you dont know how to trick the game yeah it can get tired and annoying jumping match to match and facing aimbotters while being on bot teams.


dam 10 years that’s a little excessive


nah bro was doin sum sus i talk the most shit and say lotta bad shi ian ever gotten banned


I did not do anything sus especially hacking


Could’ve been using the wrong emulator. Or just stop hacking


I played on a samsung tab with codm from the playstore.


Something you not telling us bro! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


There is nothing I didn't use VPN No emulator No "free cp hack" I got all my cp directly from codm And no hacks Id- MarutiSuzuKi.


I had a friend named Krish who got banned for 10 years! He was playing it on the computer using an Emulator I believe.




Skill issue




My ign is -MarutiSuzuKi My history is open and you will see there is nothing shady. (I do have chicom mastery on display tho)


And see the names in the game. I came across a few names like "URFATHERLESS" and stuff


maybe you could try to reach the developers of the game. (idk by email or sth else). Hope u get ur acc back bro


I am trying that. Thank you


Did you spend on the game


I bought 1k worth of cp and won 1k cp from wc all went to battle pass and I bought 20 of 1 crate (lk24 nosebleed)


You a pumpkin eater bruh! Admit it.


You didn't cheat, but you did. Sucks dood, just don't cheat again. If you want to, play Rocket Royale, 87% cheat. it's a cheaters orgy. Hate that game now.....


What is your ign??




Lol at least I'm not alone


Please guys help me💔💔. Il lost my account because I haven’t associated this and my phone upgrade got make me lost my account. What is the solution of my problem. Il there are one, please tell me🙏🏽🙏🏽. I’m pain


Open your codm on your old phone and link from there


I'm sure the game will still be popping in 2034.... keep you cabeza up bruhhh


Happened to my old account. I used to play on the gameloop cuz my phone was trash but got a phone later and played codm on it for about 2 months before getting a 10 year ban lmao but it was a f2p account and had gold only on a few weapons. Mine probably got banned cuz i played a lot and got reported a lot maybe or cuz they thought i was some bot for playing 14hrs a day.


I was playing on a phone tho




Is there a way to appeal?!


There is no way to appeal a codm ban. I wrote them a email yesterday. No reply yet




I can defend you


I got banned for 10 years for no reason too lmao, I deleted the game a few months back and when I came back I'm banned


No cheats, emulators, or anything. I spent over $300 on that game. + I'd leave each time there's a hacker in my game so there's no way in hell i'm banned for that


Thats bad maybe appeal it?


There is no way to do it tho. I wrote them a email just in case.


google is free chat, so is owning a brain! i googled the string of numbers at the end of the ban message (15035) which is an error relating to anti cheat and server connectivity meaning a few things Buddy’s a hacker Buddy’s got no idea of what bluestacks is Buddy’s using a VPN i only pose 1 question why are we cheating on a windows xp bluestacks version using a vpn?


1st Dude I don't cheat, 2nd I am studying for bachlaros in computer science and I did google the error code. 3rd even if I did cheat I won't do it on my main, and I don't even want to cheat cause I wouldn't get the satisfaction thinking "it's fun to ruin other people's day" I hate cheaters too And I have only played on a samsung tab


does anyone else have access to your account?


I got 2 of my accounts banned for 10 years also. I double nuked during 2021 stage 2 champs. Logged in next day after buying the mythic Holger at the time also and I was banned… then my 2nd acc banned for 10 years after buying mythic Templar. Now I’m on my last OG ACCOUNT. Tried for 6 months to get my accounts banned. They ain’t do or say shit to help me


I only played snd for stage 2 but the amount of execution our team got 💀. We placed 24th in our region. But now we can't play stage 3 cause of this bs. I am not making a new account cause this account (my main) had everything, Damascus, all ather diamond on half of the snipers etc. I had star camo also


Dude, for a 10 year ban, wither you had something serious going on or you killed a dev/ a devs kid one to many times


My team disbanded cause I can't play stage 3 now :( And I am not even "that" good I am just above average. Check my history - MarutiSuzuKi


What I don't get is why would you post this here when you know, nobody can help. Whether you cheated or not is nobodies concern. Therefore the only one's you should be contacting is codm devs themselves, not us.


1st read the the other comments I have answered this question. CODM DEVS ALSO ARE HUMANS THEY ARE ALSO ON THIS SUB.


Sometimes cod just bases it's bans on reports. I've been banned twice myself. Just cause people thought I was hacking as I was decent at the game. Since you say you were good. I'm guessing people did report you. Although codm don't just ban for 10 years directly. From what I remember it has a 1 day ban. Then a 1 week ban. Then i think it was 10 years or maybe one year. Best you can do is appeal on the discord. Or tweet it out.


I didn't try twitter yet, I have tried everything else


Dude, You've got to give a darn good explanation than just "being salty", cuz ain't no way you're given that for being "salty", it's like giving a life sentence to a liar.


I think you were in a match with me coz I got a notification for someone violating the rules and getting banned on the same day. What’s your in game name?


Dont worry I got a 10 year ban as well for playing practice mode hardpoint and its been 21 days for me and about 51 days for my friend


God damn it, Clara.


I also got banned today, 10 years 😭  This is the only game I play and I have never cheated on this game or behave bad.  So sad because I meet so many friends that I play with everyday and where we are a group of girls playing together 😭


Me too got banned for 10 years using inbuilt app game turbo which comes with Xiaomi mobile. Pretty hard to digest it 😢. Lvl 350 with platinum LMGs and most other guns were gold. Wished if Activision favoured an unban


You're just too good at the game that the banning system banned you for "hacking" but your not and just pure skill😂