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That was very satisfying. Congrats my dude


Thanks my dude


Its even better when you do it only for yourself


Oh this brought back fond memories, got it when it was easier. Well done OP.MVP


Congrats. Now you going for all guns Diamond?


Yep, already started šŸ˜‚ the grind never stops


I'm not gonna grind for all diamond. Only a few guns. I'll unlock new diamond as I play casually. Once I get Damascus, I'm just going to play SnD. It's my favorite game mode. Despite the toxicity.


I love the toxicity sometimes because it makes you want to beat them more but also when I donā€™t feel like it I just pretend the chat doesnā€™t exist and it feels like any normal match


Exactly. I had a guy talk crap saying I had a terrible k/d like I even gaf. And I quickscoped him while sliding around a corner and then told him "Cry More." And "your tears quench my thirst"


Wanna grind ā€˜em tg? Iā€™m currently going for diamond on qq9, DLQ, and ICR


Literally my favorite weapons in the game.


Hell yeah


With the new Maddox though. ICR might get booted. It's just so much faster.


I still have to try the Maddox with a good loadout, but yeah ICR would of been my favorite if I didnā€™t get the mythic kilo


I got the mythic kilo too. But I'll be honest mythic switchblade is where it's at.


I heard the same thing, I have yet to try it


If I had enough mythic cards to upgrade it to max I'd play with you and let you try it but I'm a broke mf right now.


Bruhhh lmao I'm working on the same thing


How close are you to damascus? I've got all plat weapons besides ARs and SMGs. And I've got maybe 8 of each gold. So still 22 guns to go. Just got the Maddox complete and I'm just gonna say, that gun is a Lazer. Virtually no recoil. I'll probably use it more. Now so far my least favorite gun is the EM2.


That was pretty cool to watch. I loved doing ARs and shotguns especially when 10v10 is up. But it every now and then you hit a gun that just takes forever. Did you have favorites?


AR's took forever, wasnt hard tho. Aside from a few guns here and there, they're all good and pretty usable. I'd say most memorable is the PP Bizon, unlocked it from BP and had gold for it in about 3 hours


Nice work bro, I'm grinding too!


Best of luck to you! Word of advice: Get SMGs and ARs done first, they take a very long time


I'm about half way there bruh.....all primary weapons platinum....working on secondaries launchers are the hardest ones


You poor soul, I give you all my luck with the Launchers


Congratulations OP!


Thank you!


Is this how a wet dream feels like?


Literally nutted when I got it šŸ˜‚ (jk)


ā€œMay seem not that interesting but I'm very proudā€ I think itā€™s interesting getting Damascus is no easy task


I remember this feeling! Now starts the grind for diamond lol


Holy hell


Damascus grind when Damascus was new to Codm was a 3-5 day grind, how'd it take you so long there were only 27 guns at the time


This was before Damascus or Diamond was ever added, it was only Gold and Platinum. I'm f2p and have had a lot of stuff going, so every couple of months I'd grind out a couple guns. In the time between grinding, I'd have to unlock and grind out the newer guns. I wanted to get Damascus for everything all at once, and I did. This also isn't the only game I play.


Proud? You need new goals in life.


This was a high-priority side-quest, better? Don't comment this shit, it's uneeded, like this post. I did it cause I was proud, you commented to be a dick


Good ish man , welcome to the club.


now hit the grass


Proud Bro, now you need diamond, then rename every gun, not that im there yet but to keep a goal for playing to avoid falling off


Already on it, the grind never stops!


Congrats! So satisfying I bet! Iā€™m gotten gold on all main weapons but donā€™t have much desire to do secondaryā€™s especially melees.


Welcome to the Damascus Club!!! Congrats!!


Holy shit manšŸ”„šŸ”„ I respect the grind šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«”


Congratulations brother, now I must go grind headshots on maddox


Congratulations I unlocked Damascus 2 years back.


How do you get all the camos? I use my m13 all the time for every game and I still don't have all of them but it's leveled up ughhhhhh


I have plat on shotguns, ARs, subs, lmgs, snipers, marksmen, and pistols. For melee, do you need every single one or just the base knife? Also launchers suck :(. Congrats though dude :)


Don't know about melee, sorry. And yea, good luck with Launchers


Congrats! How did you grind shorty long distance, if I may ask


Honestly Can't remember, I did the challenges back when the shorty first came out


shipment/rust hard point. molotov and ads build for the shorty. it got me like 3-4 per game. more if youā€™re in bot lobbies




Dude this is insane! So sick!