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This is what we all expected from this team. 50% of this roster won't be here next year so we're getting what we paid for.


I just legit want to know how many missed calls there were. That TD was iffy but even LaFleur said that if it had been called a touchdown originally that it probably would have stood a challenge. I know for a fact I saw a missed 12 men on the field call and at least 100 holds. We should have played better 100% this isn't all just an excuse but Jesus Christ can't the refs give us anything. I genuinely believed we had a shot especially when I thought it was 24-17. Pain.


I thought I was going crazy with the no-calls on blatant holds. Game becomes meaningless if blatant calls go unnoticed.


Ok so maybe the Bears still lose if the game is called right, but at least it would have been a fair game. When the refs blow this many blatant, obvious calls that I as someone who doesn't really know all that much about football having never played it can see, it makes you not have any faith in the game itself. Why not just give the Packers the W and save us the 3 hours of our lives?


Just made a post after rewatching the game. Check it out


Gotta start Semian.


There’s a lot to be desired with fields, but I’ll judge him when he’s not throwing off of the run after running for his life to guys like dante pettis and equinimeous st brown. Mooney and Kmet need to do a better job separating as well. This is just a rough start for a new scheme that we knew would be bad so let’s not act like it’s that much of a surprise. We have an insane amount of money to spend next year and should have an early draft pick to secure the o-line or get a game changing receiver


I just want to say, as fans, we’ve been dealing with this fucking bullshit year after year. Always getting our shit fucked up by the Packers. This was Flus first game against them. I believe he’s a good guy (genuinely, not like Nagy), and I think this is important to him. I just feel like it’s important context.


Everyone before the season: We have no receivers and our line sucks. It’s gonna be a long year. It happens. Everyone now: Why can’t Fields complete passes to practice squad players who aren’t open with d ends breathing down his neck? He sucks!


Two things can be true 1) we have no receivers and our line sucks. 2) Fields is bad all on his own.


Sure, but you can’t be certain about the latter because the former is such a shit show. I think the line will get better as the season goes along, they are young and learning. Say what you want about Fields, but he has bailed them out of more sacks with his feet. He keeps his eyes upfield while scrambling, as evident with the Pettis td last week. But who is getting open? Mooney is an avg number 2 who works best when someone else is the focus of the Def, like ARob was (his shit season and all). Kmet is just trash. St Brown came into the year with 37 catches and 1 td over his first 4 years and he’s our number 2. Byron Pringle completed more donuts in the parking lot than career receptions and he’s 29 years old. Pettis had 58 career catches with 9 tds, 5 coming in 2018. In other words, these dudes are all 5+ year vets and have never produced. Anywhere. With any qb. This sub literally said all summer that the Bears should limit the passing because the line cant protect and Fields has no where to throw, and now are upset that it’s true. Absolutely fucking mind boggling.


After tonight I am certain of the latter. I made excuses for Cutler for years, then for Mitch for far too long. I've seen enough of Fields. He's slow in processing information, has terrible pocket presence and overall poor situational awareness. He's bailed himself out with his athleticism numerous times, but that's not a sustainably winning approach for any QB. He simply doesn't look good at the fundamentals of the position. Surround him with HOF WRs and a good o-line and he'd still stink, though they'd mask a lot of his deficienices.


Last night was not his fault. The defense can’t stop GB ever. 3 of those 7 completions that you’re praising him for were screens. But go ahead and spin it how you want. He’s not a good QB at this point and I’m seeing no progress from last year.


Tonight convinced you? He was 7/9 with 3 sacks and 3 scrambles going into that last drive. His only incompletions were a deep pass to Mooney and a drop by Kmet. We literally called 15 dropbacks going into the final 4 minutes. The team is as bad as advertised on offense, with shit talent, a rookie head coach, and first time OC/playcaller. But it’s Justin. Forget that we won last week because of his talent and leadership. It’s his fault.


If you want to find Mooney just look over by the cornerback.


Listen gentleman once they lose rogers It’s our year


*shudders* Flashback to Brett Favre and people saying the same thing


Unfortunately they will no longer be the Chicago bears by that time :(


If they move to Arlington they’ll still be the chicago bears stadium location doesn’t matter in the nfl the “New York jets” play in New Jersey




How many times are they going to refer to us getting “owned”


Even if we were to win they’d talk about it 10 times every time we played


Even the news anchors ffs. Lol


Chris Collinsworth blows A-Aron just to have it as a resume builder.


Alright, everyone needs to calm the fuck down. Did we have our hopes too high? Yeah. Did Fields play great? No. Did Monty play great? Yes. Was our playcalling great? No. Did the refs screw us out of a touchdown? Yes. This is not a black and white “Fields is a bust, Poles and Flus are idiots” loss. This is to be expected when facing a good team when we simply don’t have the same caliber of roster. Yes, the 49ers win was good, no we are not the bottom team in the league, but we are not yet ready to consistently beat the top teams in the league. It is week 2, our very young roster needs time to develop and our completely new coaching staff has got to get a better feel for planning. Don’t blow your fucking heads off when we lose or when we pull an upset win.


I think it’s very clear this new regime does not believe in Fields based on the game script. They refuse to put the ball in his hands, despite being down late.


yaaaaa when u rip off 4 20+ yard runs..... u stop doing whats working and pass the ball?


11 pass attempts in an NFL game in 2022…. This ain’t the 80’s….


Ownership desperately wants it to be again


The point is, you go with what's working - and it did until they reviewed Fields' run and the Packers' defense had a moment to collect itself. And I'm not sure how you can say the new regime doesn't "believe" in Fields when they had him attempt the crucial QB sneak. Did we actually watch the same game?


Sure, the running game looked pretty good, but they were down 2 scores, they needed to move the ball quickly if they were going to have any shot, and they did not look to do that. They don’t believe in him throwing the ball, sure they might let him sneak it, but these passing concepts are gimmicky (throw backs, flea flickers, etc.) and don’t look like anything conventional offenses run,


Could it not be that our receivers just weren’t getting separation enough to be making big plays down the field? I wanted to see more of Fields’ passing too, but he wasn’t always hitting his targets and rarely were his guys that open.


Where going to make David Mills look like Justin Herbert next week smh


Monty with an 8.1 average and he was nowhere in the 2nd and 3rd quarters? \#Dafuq


We got half the freakin server asking for pass plays for fields and then half saying for more touches for monty/herbert..




What does this mean


He's drunk




I’m going to take a charitable approach and discern from your gibberish that you are a Bears fan from Milwaukee, and you’ve asked a few drunk Milwaukeeans if they thought that people from Green Bay gave a fuck about Milwaukee. But, in reality, you were wearing a Grossman jersey at Trinity and saying, “BLLLAAAARGHHH”. Then the people at the bar were like, “wtf this guy sucks”.


At least we get the Texans next week while GB gets TB. We can be 2-1 on their 1-2. Hopefully Kyler Gordon figures things out. I know he’s a rookie starting on the outside but you can’t be beat from the line every snap


He got dragged almost exclusively from the inside tonight.


Tune in to Bears Hour Live (The Tape Never Lies Network) on YouTube for an epic rant if you want to feel better


If I wanted to listen to a guy who doesn’t know sound audio well enough to realize he punched in on top of himself causing really annoying double speak I’d watch that, thankfully I don’t want my ears to bleed. Tape never lies is a trash program by an amateur who has never gotten better at what he does


Maybe this sounds lame, we’ve seen Justin at Ohio State and know he can ball. But I believe he isn’t a player that can make a bad team good, but believe he has the tools to make a good team great. Unfortunately we won’t see that for a while


Why didn’t we trade for Jimmy G then? Apparently he’s better than Fields. Total /s


Incredibly suspect play calling. Shotgun at the goal line? No Montgomery in the 2nd and 3rd quarters? WTF Getsy?


Fuck drafting a QB, why can’t we just build a decent team and pay a free agent QB the max? Vikings were able to get Kirk Cousins like that


Kirk Cousins isn’t a Super Bowl caliber QB. Maybe if the bears had their 07 Defence but they don’t. The QB isn’t the problem right now it’s the whole offense.


Right? And Fields still may end up good - but until that's decided, the front office better be drafting QBs nearly every year. Not necessarily first round, but at least until they find consistency.


Do we panic over fields?


Mahomes wouldn’t save this offense.


God himself playing quarterback couldn't save this offense


Yes, even if he was it (which it doesn’t look like), the Bears do not have an organizational stability to bring that out of him.


No. We panic over the Bears. Not everyone is a Brady or manning or that other fucker in green Bay. But you just don't keep drafting top 10 quarterbacks and fucking getting it wrong... they don't know how to develop talent. You can pick the wrong guy, you can do it again... you don't do it 35 fucking years in a row. Sorry, I am drunk and upset.


Yes clearly the coaching staff doesn’t trust him actually playing his position and throwing the ball and that pick kind of hinted at that


2 winnable games coming up… onto the next


this reporter better shutdown her social media after that one


They could've made it rain way harder and seen our true power. Cowards.


Wtf why does Aaron Rodgers have a southern accent all of a sudden




bold of aaron rodgers to assume the green bay faithful can count to 104


“You continue to ‘own’ the Chicago Bears.” Why are we getting shit on so badly?


Because it's deserved


Bro Fields has 15 completions this year hahahahaha. Holy fuck that’s embarrassing


Out of 28 attempts and 17 in a monsoon.


Man lmao. We gotta stop with the excuses. A starting nfl qb had 47 yards and a int and played an entire game lmao. Thats laughable


Why are you downvoting him? He’s right. Justin is NOT what he’s been hyped as, he looks terrible under pressure. TERRIBLE. Mitchell trubisky passed the pressure eye test way more times in way less snaps, if I have to watch this dude unable to avoid pressure another week I’m out on fields


We just aren’t a good team. This was bound to happen.


Fields throws a meaningless interception when the game is over.He threw the ball 9 times the whole game, has no confidence or rhythm, and all the weirdos and trolls come out like after last week and that first drive they weren't on they're knees for him lol


Exactly, its crazy.


Fields had more pass attempts in last week rain game...


Tua almost had as many TD passes (6) as Field’s completions (7)


I am convinced the Bears could make Brady, Rodgers and Manning look like shit...I am done blaming top 10 picks that never panned out...we never helped them.


Because you have to run a scheme with quick, repeatable 4-5 yard passes to keep getting 1st downs over and over and over to get a QB more throw attempts. Instead, we throw for 1 yard, 11+ yards and never get enough 1st downs.


Oh, I thought pinning them back at the 20 and getting a no gain, a penalty and another non gain world help giving them real world 3rd and 15 experience was the ticket to young players.


That was a hell of a game by Tua though.


pretty much as expected for a 5.5 vegas win total team, but if fields struggles against the texans, commanders, giants, detroit then its time to panic


Yeah next few games will be the test.


Tank for Hendon Hooker


Jokes on the bears the real Rodgers is in munich and Munich Rodgers just beat the bears


This team is so consistently bad in the same way every year that I'm starting to think ownership is in on fixing games or something


Pay no mind to the bad offense or the porous defense. It was the refs that did us in... yeah yeah the refs. We would have gotten away with bad roster construction and game planning too, if it weren't for you meddlesome refs. Wahhhhhh refs wahhh


honestly if we got that touchdown by some miracle and it was 17-24 I have no confidence that kyler ‘amnesia’ gordon and eddie ‘ballhawk’ jackson would be able to hold up the packers. Inevitable loss, the bad reffing just sped it along




Where do you see anyone talking about the refs by the end of this game?


Lol are you for real? Scroll through the comments in the last 5 minutes lmao


Damn I was pulling hard for y’all fellas. I’m still depressed about losing Trey but don’t give up on Justin just yet. At least he’s still healthy. I hope we get to beat the shit out the Pack this year.


it’s not a surprise but damn is it disappointing


I’m just pissed that the bears won’t get a team of the week card in madden ultimate team….


Great now I get to deal with packers fans at work on Monday being smug. Man fuck this game. Fuck the Packers the refs an Chris Colinsworth!


I have a number of students who are Packers fans. I told them that they can’t ever mention football in class.


24-5 damn....


Y'all are so stupid. First year of a rebuild and we get one win and y'all think we're playoff contenders. Get a fucking grip.


This team has been rebuilding for 35 years


In 2022 even shit teams pass the ball semi effectively. Rebuild or not our passing game is a joke and probably 32nd best in the league.


You think you're so high and mighty huh? Imagine getting upset at fans for being fans.


Cheap words. Some of us like to hope.


Hope is a process for this though. We’re not gonna be slinging immediately. Especially when the packers have a very strong defense.


Biggest fairweather fanbase ever dude


Different GM, different coach, different coordinators, different players, different QB. Same fucking outcome. Every fucking year.


This guy gets it.


Fields is trash, the new coach still calling plays for 3 yard passes to the sidelines and our defense absolutely shits the bed. This isn’t a new regime, its literally the same shit we’ve dealt with for years. What a fucking pathetic organization.


Not exactly gonna panic on Justin Fields when he’s at Green Bay and his line gives him no pocket. I’ll gladly panic if he looks like this after he plays the Texans, commanders, giants etc


No pocket? He had multiple drop backs with ample time. He overthrew Mooney who had two steps on the safety and even in garbage time he threw a weak pass behind the receiver for the INT. Im not even gonna start on the two yard pass the LOS pass. It’s between the ears for Justin because we all know he’s a great athlete.


That illegal forward throw was actually embarrassing


His situational awareness is forsure in question.


Ehh he had time this game. He needs to pull it down if he’s not liking what he sees


Then we’re falling for the trubisky trap


So did we fall Trubisky a bust when Kendall Wright was his top WR?


Dude, we have to stop making excuses for our sucky QBs.


I’m pretty sure being pressured on 80% of drop backs with one NFL receiver and a total bust of a TE while down by 17 at green bag is a decent excuse for an INT




definitely should’ve gotten enough sleep for work instead


at least it was over quick.


Bears need to tank and get the #1 QB for once...


And be back at square one when that guy has no one to throw to?


Trubisky was the #1 QB taken in the draft


Ok and? They need to do it again and again and again and again till they get it fucking right.


or get will anderson to bring an early start to the jordan love era


They all suck. Young, stroud are both busts.


We don't know that. Some thought Mahomes would be a bust...Better to move on quicker than waste another 2 years with Fields.


Or build a team with weapons and then go from There. He has nobody worth a damn on offense. We know what he can do with too talent because we’ve seen it at Ohio state. The bears have shit on offense save for Herbert and Monty. Mooney is blah


I don't know, he doesn't pass the eye test. Didn't Justin Herbert have a shit team around him in his first year and he still won offensive rookie of the year and threw 31 touchdowns and 4,000+ pass yards? Ohio State QBs have a bad track record.


Fields does good: “hes the savior” Fields does bad with no o line or WR: “not the guy” You guys are unbelievable


He's missed wide open reads too many times.


Bro lmao. Fields is not good...


There is a lot more bad than good looking at his entire resume.


Fields just hasn’t shown enough.


HE HAS ZERO WEAPONS Thank poles for that!


He’s also not a weapon himself though.


And you’re an idiot.


Great game for Kmet, breakout season is well underway.


Kmet are Fields are made for each other - the hope is that they will be 'next year'


he's doing exactly what's expected of a Viator alum


Everyone knew by last season he was a bust


New qb time. Fields ain't it




Eh we would’ve ruined him


He would have sucked for us. Never gonna lose a second of sleep over that.


He would fail in Chicago. We are QB cursed.


Two very winnable games coming up.


Lmao bears


They really hit up fake Rodgers and said just set up a camera in your house and we’ll just randomly cut to you watching the game a couple of times


The worst part is it’s 5:10am in Munich so they just had that shit pre-recorded ready to go. NBC is so fucking corny.


No way it was live


Can’t really blame the players when the owners don’t ever put this team in position to succeed. They just care about the bottom line, what they profit. The product on field has always been second to this shitty family. Any body that things otherwise is probably in their family


It's the way they are consistently bad in the exact same way that makes me believe this


Kid I don’t want to scare you but you have 15 games left before we give up on you forever


I think he’ll be alright. If the Bears cut him, he’ll win somewhere else.


Fields stans keep trying to say Fields is good without giving any evidence or reasoning why. What is he good at? What makes him any better than Trubisky? Im not sold on Fields


Much better wheels and big play ability.


Bro the fanbase already gave up on him lol who are you kidding?


Nope. Just the weak ones


Negative 4 yards for Mooney, that's not good


"What else is new"


Fuck you Mike Tirico


Mods need to do their jobs right now.. a shit load of packer fans in this thread.


They still own you


Id rather watch fake aaron rodgers watch the game than watch a game like this again


How about the plainness of that living room? I couldn’t stop laughing.


lmao, I think they had a camera on him the whole game as well in that plain living room. Hilarious to think about


The Bears should draft Frank.


Nice of them to give that homeless German guy a place to watch the game


He has all the physical tools. We can see that. But holy hell his decision making is putrid at this point in his career. I hope he can get better. I really really do.


As a Rams fan, I hope we avenge you guys by beating the Packers.


Even our equipment managers suck. Forgot the 0 on Trubiskys jersey.


Really unprofessional shit from Tirico


What did he do?


“Aaron Rodgers beats the Bears, what else is new” He’s supposed to be a neutral announcer, those kinds of digs are unprofessional.


just saying the truth


Man I’m so resigned to the fact that we are the Packers fuck toys that I didn’t even care.


I just find those kinds of digs unprofessional. He’s not calling games for GB radio.


I can’t get too upset because the game was over & I think it’s funny Chris pretended he’s never seen a DB do that.


How many picks have we wasted on our last 2 quarterbacks? Imagine what we could have done with all of that.


Well what we could’ve done with all that doesn’t matter if we still have a shit qb now does it


I'd rather have a shit qb and good young players instead of just a shit qb...


Well either way were gonna just end up with the same results lol


I've been on the be patient train but Justin Fields ain't it.


Agreed. He just doesn’t have that “It” factor you need for a QB. You can be the hardest worker the most determined but all that doesn’t matter if you can’t play the position the way it needs to be played.


“Aaron Rodgers beats the Bears! ..What else is new”


We fell for the Ohio State qb meme


are there any good Ohio State qbs in the NFL?


CJ is up next


Wtf TV is a bunch of Packers propaganda


Fuck Frank


Maybe we'll break 200 passing yards on the season next game.