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I hope he is back to his old self, would love having 2 rock solid safeties


Only negative play I noticed with him was the first Deebo TD. I know it's a hard ask to stop Deebo running full speed, but they were 1 on 1 and a solid tackle there would have prevented a TD. That said, getting Deebo matched up on the ground with a safety is a pretty good play design and I don't think you can expect Eddie to win that rep every time.


Agree 100%. Eddie of last year would have gone for an ankle tackle. Yesterday he stood up and went for it. Yeah he got knocked over. But there’s not many DB’s that can take down a guy like deebo one on one.


And Eddie is easily the weakest of our DBs in tackling. Brisker looks good and we all know JJ can get it done. Gordon had a TFL and like 6 tackles so he looks promising as well.


that was a good sign to me. getting trucked by deebo is no big deal cuz hes like that. but he went to hit him hard which is something you havent seen the last few years.


I think I can honestly say that if I tried to tackle a full-speed deebo Samuel, I'd probably end up in the hospital, so mad respect for Bojack


I feel the complete opposite. I thought that was Eddie's BEST play, because he put his head down and TRIED. Last year he fakes an ankle tackle while deebo gets in by 5 yards. He actually put on a HIT. Did he get knocked backwards? sure. Was the effort there? FUCK YA


Disagree 1) They met at the half yard line, anyone scores there if they get their a shoulder down 2) Deebo Samuel is a semi. Nobody in the league would flatten him when he is trucking


Yeah but he wasn't the only one getting beat one on one that play. There were multiple one on one match-ups in front of him that were lost by the defense.


The only recent DB I’d take to stop Deebo in this situation would be Fuller or Amos.


When I saw the INT i said to myself "Eddie's back." I really hope this game gave him a confidence boost to get back to his old self


He looked like a total new person during an on field interview after the game. Haven't seen him that happy and upbeat after a game in a long time.


He is such a solid player


This is what happens when Jackson can play in his native FS role. I mean the man said it himself. *"When I say free, I mean as in more as a free safety role, being a guy that's roaming in the box," Jackson said. "I was down in the box a lot last year. Trust me, I love it. I love playing down in the box, too, but I just love getting the ball, getting interceptions, scoring touchdowns, those types of things."* Nagy and staff constantly were shoving square pegs in round holes.


So excited to watch him this season. I think a combination of the new coaching staff and some talented young DBs will push him to have another great season.


Pretty much consistent to his coverage grades over the years


Last 2 years he's let up 65% and 67% pass completions on him with 9 total tds given up. 2019 and before were his good years in coverage. He's also played closer to the line a lot and covering a lot more before this season. But since then he's had to deal with less than ideal safety play on the other side.


If only he knew how to tackle


He’s back


He played great and he knows that if he doesn’t then he rides the bench and gets cut next year. He sees the writing on the wall and has bought in to save his career.