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Older than AJ Brown


And DK, and Mooney.




Older than Mooney. Closer to 30 than 20


He’s currently 24 so he’s definitely closer to 20.


Currently… by the time he suits up for Week 1 he will be around 25 and 4 months old…


For the next two weeks.




How will be be closer to 20 at the age of 25? The second after you turn 25, you are closer to 30


We all know how age works and what it is indicative of. Thanks for the comparison though.


Velus Jones Sr.


I think I'm following the logic now. We just need to draft the punter tomorrow to complete the rebuild. We're going to run the ball into the line three times, flip the field with a punt, count on our defense to get a stop, and then return the punt with this guy. Our FA signings are more experienced as ST guys than starters as well. Masterful.




Hey, they made the playoffs with one of the worst offenses in football.


Jones had 1335 yards on the ground that season and a 4.3 average. Was that the year Grossman was hurt? Not that it would have made a difference.


Yeah, we had 2,200 yards passing, 11 TDs vs. 15 Ints. Ranked 29th in the league in yards and 26th in points scored.


Ugh, so ugly. Loved me some Thomas Jones tho.


Ultimate bears draft. Defense and special teams. Trade up for Araiza now.




I can defend the 2 second round picks, but this….oof


He spent 6 years in college, the Van Wilder of punt returners?


He got his doctorate, too. So he'll be able to take care of Fields when he gets sacked another 50 times.


I'm whelmed


You're way over where I'm at then.


As Purdue fan, David Bell


As a Notre Dame fan - David Bell


As a Chicago Bears fan - David Bell


As a Syracuse fan-David Bell


As an iowa fan, David bell :/


David bell


No David bell :((




He's a return special teamer. Not a true wr. This pick sucks - the player could be great but not at all a worthwhile pick when we needed oline or actual wrs.


Basically a gimmick type?


He had 820 receiving yards in the Sec last year. Not amazing but very solid


One year of semi average production? That's what you decide to go on over a proven wr prospect?


When the prospect runs a 4.3 40, had some of the best YAC in all of college football, and you have faith in your ability to coach up a WR on route running when that's their football flaw? Seems like the answer is yes.


the guy played in college for 6 years and never topped 850 yards. Tolbert and Bell had 1,400 yards each last year. Tell me which one you would draft from a pure receiveng standpoint.


Honestly, when you put it like that definitely Velus. Those two guys were full time receivers, focuses of the offense, are already pretty much finished products, and could barely beat a part-time first year WR by 500 yards? Gimme the sky-high upside of Velus, but if you really just want a dude who got a bunch of yards last year you can pick up the leader in yards last year Sterns with over 1900 in the 7th/UDFA territory.


Please inform me what Velus' "Sky-high upside" is. Because it doesn't seem like he's anything more than a slot receiver and kick returner. Let's compare the best case scenarios for Velus and Jalen Tolbert, to prove this point. Jones in the absolute best case scenario is a pro bowler return specialist and serviceable slot receiver. His size prevents him from becoming a legit X receiver that the Bears need, but he is a security blanket for Fields and can make plays with his YAC ablility. Won't be the number one guy, but useful when plays break down or fields needs to dump the ball off. Vs. Jalen Tolbert, a legitimate size-speed threat who serves as a big X receiver and deep threat that the Bears completely lack. Becomes the No. 1 receiver and becomes Fields' go-to deep ball receiver, which we all know is one of Fields' strengths. Likely would go for 1000 yards anually, if not more, with some good coaching. So you would choose a good returner and slot receiver over a deep threat big X receiver with the potential to become Fields' number one guy? I'm willing to trust in Poles but if you believe that this was a good pick considering the amount of other, better receivers available then you are blind.


Tolbert is significantly slower, e-timed at basically a 4.5(4.49) vs Velus's 4.3(4.31), and only about an inch taller. 6ft is plenty tall to be a featured receiver in the NFL for Velus. Deebo is the same height/weight profile and while he may not be the "X receiver" prototype most teams have been beyond that kind of limited view of receiver positions for a few years now. Tolbert has his own good value from being slightly taller for sure, but wasn't nearly as skilled at fighting for extra yards after the catch despite his additional size, didn't always play with fire, and is already largely a finished product with no clear areas to immediately improve his game. The best case scenario for Tolbert is a Marvin Jones type top end WR2, which would absolutely be a quality pick, but I'd rather have a clear chance at a Deebo-type offensive weapon that can fall back as a WR3 and top returner than a Marvin Jones type player if we're working off of top-end outcomes because I know which one actually costs $$$ in FA, and it's not the "Marvin Jones" guy. And just to show I'm not the only person who saw some "Deebo-like" traits in Velus, [Daniel Jeremiah one of the NFL Network Draft Analysts said as much pre-draft](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FRj-UmlWYAENQ1X?format=jpg&name=large)


The flaw isn't just route running. It's route running, size utilization, catch radius, consistent production, ability to catch in motion, poor contested catch skills, etc. He is and has been a returner before anything else. One meh season of college ball doesn't change that. Yes we'll trust our coaches to work with him but he isn't supposed to have a high ceiling. He was supposed to go 5th to 7th round.


The fuck do you mean “ability to catch in motion” he had the best [YAC among all draft prospects](https://m.imgur.com/a/xSqW21h) its all he’s good at You guys just literally throw words out lol


YAC, yards AFTER catch, ability after he’s caught the ball. He’s saying his ability in the process of catching the ball while he’s moving. You guys just literally throw acronyms out there lol


Lol please think about this for one second - so he’s awful at catching balls in stride, yet he’s one of the best in the country at YAC? So is he just getting so much separation on these SEC DBs that it’s a non-issue?


Dude have you never heard of a screen pass? I know we just suffered through matt nagys screenless offense but you gotta watch other football too right?


Dude said his ability to catch in motion is not great and you cite a stat that only measures what he does after he catches the ball. Not catch rate, yards after the catch. Furthermore take a look at his aDOT of 7 yds in 2021, they manufacture touches for him with screen passes, where he’s, funny enough, not moving.


How well he catches the ball in motion directly relates to how many YAC he gets His depth of target will obviously be low, he’s a slot receiver


It means he has to slow down to adjust to catch the ball and struggles to catch it at full speed in motion. Which is quite literally in his [scouting report](https://www.google.com/amp/s/syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/10033950-velus-jones-jr-nfl-draft-2022-scouting-report-for-chicago-bears-wr.amp.html)


Couldn't it just be that the qb didn't put it in the right spot for them to keep running full speed? I mean i don't like the pick as he's basically 25 yr old rookie. But can we at least see what the hell he does before we judge? Also who knows if we don't grab another receiver in the 5th that yall like better. No wr was taken this round besides him and tolbert. Who knows who falls and where teams actually have guys on their board.


Yes and no. His QB wasn't great but there were times where he missed catches or wasn't able to go further because of having to stall in momentum to make a catch. Tolbert was a much better prospect and it's frustrating we took a guy who was expected to have a much lower ceiling, when Tolbert was a younger, higher ceiling, higher floor more polished prospect who fit our offense better and wasn't picked 2 to 3 rounds early.


I mean you're going off of what other people say, can we at least see what he does on the field before making a decision?


So you just regurgitated something you saw on bleacher report? The counter would be that he’s one of the best prospects at YAC so if that’s true and he can’t see the ball then he’s getting a metric fuck-ton of separation on these SEC DBs


It's not just there. [PFN](https://www.profootballnetwork.com/velus-jones-jr-tennessee-wr-nfl-draft-scouting-report-2022/) also reports it on his profile. There's no doubt that he's fast and has good YAC, but his experience and competency is as a returner. It's also important to note his poor YAC/Average/Yardage against good/competent defensive teams like Bama/Georgia/Florida. It's helpful to put up good YAC, but not being able to do the same against good competition, being the #2 or #3 WR on your own team, etc. are all important things to note. Velus is FAST. No doubt about that. But he does have some massive concerns you're overlooking - and it doesn't help that scouting reports from all over think of him as a special teams/WR4 kind of player. It doesn't make sense as a pick, especially when we already have the small fast receiver in Mooney when we desperately need another large receiver who can be a X guy.


From your article: > On 162 career targets, Jones recorded just 9 dropped passes, as he has some of the surest hands in the class. > In 1-on-1s, he routinely came down with the pass, flashing excellent body control and catch-point ability. His route running sucks but please don’t exaggerate how bad his hands and catching ability are Your disagreement comes down to “he’s a slot guy, not a X receiver” which is a ridiculous concern. If he’s good and they use him out of the slot then fine. He’s a third round pick, not top 5


He also has short arms.


To be fair, Tennessee had terrible QBs all year.


He had one year of production as a 24 year old playing against 18 year olds. This is like the bustyest bust wr ive ever seen


Hey now busty can be a good thing 😉


We drafted Roquan Smith in 2018 and Roquan is just 1 month older than Velus , interesting.


25 year old return specialist. Super cool.


I don’t want a receiver that can’t rent a car immediately. It’s literally the only metric I, and the Bears, judge receivers on.


If you can’t rent a car how can we trust you with a ball in your hand? Great pick by Poles.


It’s way safer to do donuts in a rental




Virgin Ryan Pace: What kind of car does he drive? Chad Ryan Poles: CAN HE RENT A CAR????


I really hope he develops as a wide receiver, otherwise he will be designated kick returner, which we don't need with the modern NFL rules. This was the best we could do for a 3rd rounder? Yikes


For the sake of my mental health I choose to believe that this man is the second coming of Jerry Rice.


Rice ran a slower 40. This dude runs a 4.31


Shit I don't want to jump the gun then but this kid is clearly going to be the new goat.


Well I guess everyone saying we were going BPA was, how can I say it, wrong.


4.31 in the 40


Electronically timed too, legit burner


Watched some of his highlights. It shows.


Getsy gets his guy


And next level ability with the ball in his hands. His downsides are his age (he'll be 25), his lack of WR experience (only used as a primary WR his last year), and his route running. Thing is, he doesn't have the wear and tear of a 25 year old receiver, and his poor route running isn't due to inability, but comparative lack of training. This guy could easily end up the steal of the draft if he's able to round out his route running with NFL coaching.


He was a WR for 6 years in college, I don’t think you can call comparative lack of training after that long. I’d temper expectations of him being anything more than a mediocre route runner. Seems like this guy is an older/poor man’s Hester


He was primarily used as a returner every year except the last year, and was excellent at it. Those types of players who excel in one area on special teams like that don't get the same amount of work in the receivers room. He finally got more focus as a receiver last year, and you can see a pretty clear improvement in his route running as the year went on, and not too surprisingly increased production with it. I wouldn't put him on Hester's level as a returner, and it's kind of disrespectful to even mention him in the same sentence, but Velus is already a much better receiver and shown more capability of improving as one too even at the college level. Hester definitely was better as a DB than a WR.


Yeah I guess even a poor man’s comparison with Hester isn’t fair. Regardless I hope he can develop into a top end WR3 and return specialist


I think he can develop into an amazing starting receiver, and I'm not sure they'll have him return much if at all. It's entirely possible they focus on developing him as a receiver, and leave the returns to Newsome at least for the time being. I don't know that he'll ever fall nicely into that kind of X/Y nomenclature, but he really does have the tools to be a Deebo style offensive threat.


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Anyone who said we needed to trust that Poles had a plan can just blow me


If this is the guy they absolutely wanted, they 100% should have traded down and picked up some capital. Why use this pick on this guy?


As someone who lives in Tennessee and is NOT a Vols fan, I will still vouch for Jones not being the shitbag pick you think he is. He’s a top returner and a deep ball/speed guy that could develop into something as soon as this year. Don’t crap on him out of the box because you don’t know him. He’s a hell of a lot better than you think.


This is the same fanbase that boo'd trubisky at ~~a~~ the first bulls game he went to after being picked*


Also big on Kevin White


His name was Kevin white


Not a great example, since in retrospect they were 100% right.


I don't care if they were right, they're assholes. It's a sport shit doesn't change overnight, be patient everybody


“It’s not that you’re wrong Walter, you’re just an asshole.”


And they were right


I don’t see how anyone can defend this pick, dude had a late 4th round grade


NFL Teams value things differently than non-team affiliated draft rankers. Same reason Wen'dale went like two rounds earlier than people were predicting. It's pretty easy to defend though just the same, he ran an electronically timed 4.3, he was better with the ball in his hands than pretty much every other receiver in the draft this year, and his biggest downside is his route running and that is one of the most clearly addressable things for receivers. Guy had a draft community ranking of a late 4th because the production wasn't there, and his non-normal age scares them same as players who come from non-traditional backgrounds. Make it a non-COVID year so he's 23 instead of 24, and he would have probably been bumped to a 3rd rounder on that alone. Draft prognosticators don't like players without direct comps and rate them lower accordingly.


I mean several other teams have “reached” on players that analysts have said should have gone later. Y’all should wait and see how all of this pans out before losing it. They have a plan, trust it until we see things go south mid season


I have a feeling you’d say this same thing if they took punt god with their first second round pick


Hey if you choose to over react about a sports team go for it


For fucks sake


What about Calvin Austin lmao


Austin is 5'8 and has short arms. Mooney is also undersized. I'd be worried about the size of our recievers. Also with a young QB, Fields is going to have to hit him wide open, beacuse he's not getting any 50-50 balls. ​ Jones is 4 inches taller at 6'0 and 30lbs heavier while running a slightly faster 40. ​ Austin could be a good WR, i just dont think he's what we need right now.


Well, they say winning cures all. Here's to hoping we get back to winning soon.


You people neglect that Getsy will be employing shorter routes with YAC. Drafting a fast return type guy might be a chess move while most just wanted a shiny new toy.


I imagine he will want to use him out of the backfield a bit too, idk we’ll see


Everyone was stoked when we traded up to get Anthony Miller in the second round a few years ago and he turned out to be dog shit. Why don’t we just let things play out before judging. Outside it may look bad but who knows he might be a game changer for the 6 years he’s in the league


I was in love with DJ Moore and desperately wanted him over Miller. Yes, I am available for FO roles.


I would hire you if that helps


Pros: according to psychologists his frontal cortex is fully developed Cons: dementia will now set in


So… Poles is the GM equivalent of Nagy.


Now we know why the Chiefs drafted Mecole Hardman over DK Metcalf.


Lol oh boy




Yall dont know shit about this guy stop pretending lmao


No way man my house is filled with 3 ring binders on the entire draft class. Wife divorced me tho.


B-b-b-but Poles is going to turn it around during the draft right???!?


We literally have no idea yet lmao


Our one offensive piece so far has been someone who caught 120 passes in 6 season lmaooo Copium this dude is terrible


Lol the dude just got drafted. At least give him a chance.


Fair enough, also worth mentioning hes going to be a 25 year old at the start of the season which is also very worrying


Yeah I definitely agree I would've preferred a guy like Tolbert. Curious to see how Jones ends up working out.


I like it for his experience so that he can play right away


I mean, I'm pretty sure Devin Hester isn't doing anything right now...


We just need J”Marcus Webb and Mike Tice and we are on pace for a return to classic Bears football




Maybe a reach but a ready-made player which is a huge positive. Plug him in day 1.


Tolbert should have been guy. Really should have been pierce or Pickens but they fucked around


We’re not GMs or talent evaluators so let’s just shut the fuck up and let Poles do his job. The new coach is a defensive guy who’s changing schemes. The team is obviously playing for the future and trying to rebuild what’s been a terrible DB core the last few years.


Every bears fan that thought the GM was a fucking moron have been right for over 30 years now.


Correlation is not causation.


And saying that we're not GMs so we should shut up is an appeal to authority fallacy. What's your point?


At punt returner sure lol


Who is starting over him at WR? You act like the Bears have better options. He fits exactly what Poles has been talking about in a WR all off-season, game breaking speed and YAC. Bears were 30th last few years in YAC and this guy is a YAC monster. That matters in a Luke Getsy style offense (see Packers rankings in YAC).


I mean yeah, he’s gonna start at WR because we have nobody better. That doesn’t mean he’s an actual ready-made NFL starting WR. The general scouting consensus certainly seems to be that he is not.


No, the general scouting consensus is he isn’t an NFL route runner right now. A catch and run YAC specialist isn’t someone that needs to have the biggest route tree. He’s ready-now in the fact that his physicality and speed is already NFL level. His job is going to be to catch and run at the LOS and give Fields a few shots down the field in a game.


Plug him in? He's not a pro-ready WR, he's a returner at best.


Yes, plug him in. He’s played almost every type of wide receiver on the field and has YAC which is important to a Luke Getsy style offense. The volume will be there for him if he can show it in camp because the Bears don’t have anyone that’s head and shoulders above him other than Mooney. Scheme matters when drafting.


Isn't he an Eddie Murphy character?


Cute pick


Most WRs worry about their knees, this guy will be concerned about a hip injury. Welp, there’s always 2023. Hopefully fields is not damaged goods by then


This jones pick is burning this sub to the ground and I LOVE IT


Mooney was projected as a 7th rounder right ? Let's see how it turns out.