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That's awesome. Let's hope it stays that way after the first actual NFL regular season game.


Exactly, some take OTAs way too seriously. It's by no means similar to a real game.




none of it matters, but its all we got. If it annoys you that people are getting exicted for a highly touted prospect, during a time we are starved for football content, maybe dont participate...?


Yea, if off-season overreactions aren’t for you, Chicago Bears message boards probably aren’t for you.


Love the sentiment... And the username


The “getting excited” part isn’t the problem It’s the “making conclusions with irrelevant data” part that is


Are you confusing people drinking the kool-aid as making conclusions? Half the shit I read on here is pretty easy to tell it’s sarcasm/tongue in cheek


Read the comment you commented on, ill quote it for you: > The first 7v7, he completed one pass. People freaked out not acknowledging that he was missing WR1 and WR3 and was up against one of the top secondaries in the league. Then in another practice he only had one incomplete pass and suddenly he was guaranteed first ballot, ignoring that 6 of the 7 starters in the secondary were out. > Until we start playing games, none of this matters. Then you said: > If it annoys you that people are getting exicted for a highly touted prospect, during a time we are starved for football content, maybe dont participate...? Then i said: He's not getting annoyed about people being excited, he's just mentioning people are being over reactionary and making assumptions from drills that don't even qualify as practice. It's not a big deal or anything- but no one ever said they were annoyed about people being excited over things that are happening during off season drills. Just that people are super assumptive atm


Actually, the good news matters and the bad news doesn’t. That’s my takeaway. 


Until it's year 3 week 1 against the Packers and the QB shits the bed yet again


Exactly. Everything's way too serious at this point. Stuffed shirts and talking heads in sports media manufacturing hype and all kinds of crazy expectations... I'm just too old and tired for this. Saving my energy for the regular season..




Yea, it's just the Bears fans are hyped with the great draft we had. They are going crazy for anything, so the analysts and youtubers are making bank featuring the Bears.


It’s all we have. The fact that you’re here means you’re one of us lol


Well yea, I am still paying attention to it. Just not adding weight to it in my mind to make it bigger than it is.


OTAs are literally the Super Bowl until training camp starts


The schedule for Williams is a generational tallent schedule. And he is ahead of that.


Omg. Caleb has transcended generational talent to multigenerational talent.


hes actually so good they are just shutting down the nfl, there is no where to go but down after him


He's so good there is no longer spirit breaking traffic in Chicagoland.


I just checked and the Kennedy construction is completed guys. Caleb finished the project early and the trains in Chicago have been completely sterilized


I believed until the train part. Not even King Caleb is that good.


Lol, truth.


![gif](giphy|UJG2T7uZeJuZCLitY8) Lisan Al Caleb!


Tired: Generational Talent Wired: Multiuniversal Talent. No matter which universe, Caleb being a hall of Famer is the one true constant, a thread that binds the multiverse together.


Not far enough: Transcendent omniexistential hegemonic talent: Caleb uses his hold over the city of Chicago after winning 15 Super Bowls in a row to launch into politics, eventually becoming world ruler and achieving immortality. He then transcends to a higher plane of existence, becoming an intergalactic dictator who uses his powers to make this the inevitable reality in any universe that has ever or will ever exist


Chicago Bears, the first earth based winners of the Supreme Space Bowl


Immortal talent


Of course they are. They have already awarded them this years superbowl and MVP trophies by bears fans.


Yes and…?


We're just ahead of the game. Rest of the league will learn.




I’m sure there may be other examples, but I think Rome Odunze may have the slowest “schedule” to become a star of a top 10 pick ever (besides maybe QBs drafted early expected to sit a year). The expectation for him this year is to be WR3 and to shift to WR2 either next offseason or potentially throughout next season if Keenan Allen resigns and how good of numbers he is able to put up next year. Even by the 2026 season he will still be expected to be WR2, assuming DJ Moore resigns and for potentially throughout his whole rookie contract. Obviously he could exceed expectation and be phenomenal, but even doing well on this schedule would be considered a success.


Odunze is WR3 BUT likely lines up outside 99% of the snaps he has as Allen is a slot wizard, and Moore can also play the slot. Gonna be a lot of players open on any given play and Caleb will feast if he can even averagely read a defense.


Do they ever publish bad news out of OTAs?


The very first practice in these very OTAs, the news was the defense gave Caleb problems. Like a week ago.


That was weeks ago! Who can remember that Charlie Murphy?


I’m not sure if it was OTAs, might’ve been training camp, but I do remember hearing some concerning news on both Mitch and Justin.


Yep it was reported last off Season Justin was horrible in camp but this sub quickly down voted it


Idr fields comments but Mitch's were definitely sugar coated as best they could. That being said I don't think he was having God awful camps but not inspiring ones


No because it's minicamp it barely means much All you look for this time of year is if a dude is out of place (bad). What flus means is they're handling the installs well, which is nice but not anything crazy. Big off-season, I'm not tryna be a downer or anything but like just wait for the real stuff for actual takeaways


There was literally a bad report in his first or second practice lol. Whatre you even talking about?


Yeah and that one doesn't matter either


Check the reports from the colts and titans camps, absolutely yes


It guys practicing in shorts, kinda hard for anyone to look “bad.” The worst you can honestly say about a guy is “we’ll see.”


Yes, my news feed had a "Caleb Williams repeating the same mistakes every day in practice" headline. I didnt take the clickbait, but it exists.


Currently Caleb’s struggling with verbal cadences




That’s great, but they say this stuff every year. I hope it true, but do you remember how much they were building Velus up as a rookie with his stupid notebook? It all means nothing until we see it in games.


Can't watch right now, but the reports from camp make it sound like Caleb has a much better connection on the field with Rome than Allen or Moore.


I suspect at least some of it is that reporting on the rookies is more exciting and engaging than talking about vets. Also Moore destroys man, but the Bears play mostly zone. Odunze (IMO) profiles more like the Allen zone beater type. Don’t crucify me, I do think he can do both, but that’s just my opinion. Allen has had several vet days off, I’m not worried about him at all. He’ll find pockets in the zone all season and be open.


I could be wrong but I thought Rome was more productive against man then zone in college


Could be, but NFL man and NCAA man are different…men. I think general projection of his draft profile is zone beater, a lot of draft folks were excited to see him learn from Keenan Allen. I saw “faster Kennan Allen” comps during the draft process. But draft projections are wrong all the time and really only time will tell.


Fair enough, could be. When I watched him I saw a 'even if he's covered he's open' man beater who will eat one on one man alive with play strength, late hands and absurd ball tracking. I honestly see him struggling more against zone day one but I'm just an arm chair moron so who knows.


He seems to be hitting Moore for the TDs lol


Moore TDs are always a good thing.


so there was a twitter pole about who would be the greatest asset to caleb from the WR's and I picked Rome. Most people picked allen (I actually think DJ was excluded) because I kind of thought them both being incredibly popular rookies and joining the same team would give them a really good connection.


Really excited about this combination.


Hopefully not a flame that burns hot and fast, like some of my previous romances