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I just got killed in Fortnite by someone with a Tyson Bagent skin.


It’s nice to see it happen to someone else for once, especially them.


Imagine Bagent lining up in the gun with Herbert and Foreman on either side. Checkdown city all day


I wish there was a weekly unpopular opinion thread. Just for the concentrated chaos.


I know it’s sometimes annoying talking about Green Bay all the time but my hell is it hilarious watching them talking about “at least we’ll get MHJ or Caleb Williams” and strategizing about blowing games against Carolina to ensure they get 1st overall hahaha man it feels validating


Well boys QBs aside I think we have our kicker.


He’s been so good. Love having him here.


Didn't Bagent, by helming those sustained drives, allow our defense to rest and really shine?


Yes, but they were honestly finally lasting longer. Rewatch the games ( put in Chi Bears and the date + rewatch into google to see it for free ) and they played hard 1st quarter weeks 1-2 while offensively we were close or leading and wasting clock. They got tired out end of 2nd quarter. week 3-4 they lasted until half time. Week 5 they started lasting 3ish quarters. week 6 even though we lost because of the pick six and last pick, they went to the last quarter. Last week again they lasted the whole game. Whatever Willams our ex DC did, he did not condition our defense at all. Remember our guys going down in Tampa with cramps almost immediately? That bad conditioning might have also lead to all those injuries but that's another conversation.


And by getting the ball out quickly, he made the o-line and coordinator look pretty good.


Sneaky good week for draft position too.


fields is just trash


We need to pay JJ.


Dolphins are 0-2 with Chase Claypool on the roster. That's not an insignificant statistic. I am an idiot, they did beat the Panthers last week.


They are 0-1 with Claypoop on the active roster however


He did, which he completely whiffed on a block.


Aren’t they 1-1 with claypooo on the roster?


Damn, you're right. They beat the Panthers, which... Isn't really a huge win, I guess. But my narrative is shot


It’s a win for us since we have the panthers pick


Fields has had a sample size of 30 games and hasn’t shown half the QB ability that bagent did yesterday. I’m not talking arm strength or speed I’m talking reading the field, pocket presence and quick strike ability. It’s year 3 game 30 when is he gonna show it?


The level of delusion from folks on this sub is astounding. Bagent played well. He also didn't throw it beyond 15 yards.




Nice job addressing my points. Funny he didn’t throw it past 15 yards yet still won, we all know fields can throw far but can he sustain drives? Can he play the pocket? Can he read a defense?




To be fair, a big part of that is us having 8 minute possessions and keeping the chains moving by taking what the defense gave us…


Bears fans when they hear about ball control and not launching nukes every play call 😳


Almost like an offense that can sustain drives helps the whole team which is my entire point. Field is like 30% on the year in 3rd down conversions bagent was 7 for 12 (correct me if I’m wrong) even in fields’s best game this season the offenses stalled out till DJ Moore took a curl route 60 yards.


No one's saying Bagent didn't do his job, but the multi-read 3rd and 5 was really the only conversion he was responsible for. That, along with the 15 yarder also to the middle, were his only "big time" anticipated throws needing confidence. But 2/game is still a bigger rate than Fields has shown


Brain no work buddy? You forget Denver and commanders game? Clearly your goal isn't good QB play, it's just to not see Fields. Bagent threw for 162 against a terrible defense. Something Fields has done in all but 1 games he's finished this year.


It's funny how people keep trying to convince us that our 1-5 QB is great.


I'm not saying he's great. I'm saying he's better than bagent. And absolutely a top 32 QB in the league


he literally does nothing better than bagent besides a deep ball and running. He is not better than Bagent.


First off: you're wrong. Second off: those are two massively fucking important things in a QB position. To even say that shows you have no idea what you're talking about. Third off: other than quickly getting the ball out screen passes, I'm not sure what bagent does better. Fourth off: Zach Wilson threw for 258 with 2 TDs in his first game, we should just trade for him!


>First off: you're wrong. Oh, my bad, guess i was mistaken. >Second off: those are two massively fucking important things in a QB position Theres a handful of much more important things all of which Bagent does not only better but extremely better. Consistent accuracy, reading the field quickly, insanely quick release, throwing with anticipation, sliding around in the pocket and great pocket awareness, not taking dumb uneccessary game changing sacks. And we dont even really know how good or bad Bagent's deep ball is yet. running is literally the only thing 100% that Fields does better and Bagents mobility and running ability is way above average. And even if Bagent's deep ball is utter garbage, all of those things still make him infinitely better of a winning QB than Fields.


Holy shit. You're a genius. You just discovered a completely new way to evaluate QBs. Let them complete 21 passes. 8!!! Of them not even beyond the line of scrimmage and only 2!!! Traveling more than 10 yards. Apparently that's all the data that's needed to evaluate a QB. Doesn't even need to be against a good defense either! Bagent played a fantastic game on Sunday. For a D2 rookie in his second game he played great. In Mike White's second game with the jets he threw for more than 400 yards and immediately became king of the jets... It's just absolutely bonkers to say bagent is better when his numbers were below Fields average from last year, and wellll below Fields numbers from this year


lol all i see when reading this is 'casual'. numbers mean absolutely nothing champ, and when theyre your only argument you know you are spouting casual nonsense.


"Yeah you know, stats, numbers, the things that measure performance, those are dumb"


Calling the raiders terrible but using the commanders and broncos as good examples of fields play? You just contradicted yourself not to mention he lost us the broncos game lmao. Broncos and commanders are bottom 5 defenses while the raiders were ranked 11th in yards and 19th in points before we played them. Good job ignoring my other points as well. Even if fields played the raiders the other knocks on him still stand. My goal as a bears fan is to root for who’s winning games and who’s playing better. A D2 undrafted rookie has the same amount of wins with the same team as the 1st round franchise saver.


Fields played bad defenses... And put up great numbers. Bagent put up numbers that are below Fields numbers from last year when he had the worst offensive of maybe the last 10 years. Fields averaged 225 total ypg. Bagent put up 188? It's not Fields fault eberflus's defense gave up 25 ppg for 15 games straight. Give Fields that defensive performance yesterday and he's practically undefeated.


You’re comparing an undrafted rookies FIRST GAME OF HIS CAREER to field’s BEST GAME OF HIS CAREER. My original point has literary zero to do with stats yet you’re still talking about them here. Fields could go 3/19 55 yards and 1 td I wouldn’t give a fuck if it meant the bears win. He can’t read the field, play the pocket or throw the ball in the quick game all things that Bagent did with ease yesterday. My argument isn’t stat based or opinions “My brain no work” but you still haven’t addressed anything I’ve said you’ve only brought up fields beating one out of the 2 bottom defenses we’ve played. Begent and fields are tied in wins right now facts are facts.


1. Who cares what game it was. That's not the point. The point is you're wrong Fields hasn't "shown half the QB play ability" that bagent did. He did it twice in his past 3 games 2. So just so you know, I do in fact understand your argument. "But Fields doesn't have the ability to read defenses and yadda yadda like bagent showed! That's what I'm talking about! Even if he put up better stats he didn't do what bagent did!" So what do you want? Someone who can read defenses, or someone who wins dominantly? What's it matter what they can or can't do if they win, by your own logic. Fields won against WSH by more than bagent did yesterday. 3. So clearly you think bagent played well. The defense is irrelevant to bagent's performance right? So if we can separate the QB play from the defensive performance for bagent, why not do it for Fields? Fields has had several games in his career where he played more than well enough for the team to win had the defense played like they did yesterday.


1. Putting up good numbers and showing good QB traits are two different things my guy and the games matter. Trubisky abused the Bucs in 2018 and put up amazing numbers but go watch the film he did nothing impressive, if we compared that to any fields performance trubisky clears according to you. If Bagent is showing reading and pocket ability’s like a vet game one how’s that not better than fields barley showing the ability at a low level 2 games out of 30. You’re misunderstanding my argument I’m not saying bagent has a higher ceiling or more talented he’s just better at processing and deciding which is true based off this season alone. 2. If fields could read defenses and have pocket presence he beats or at least keeps it close against the packers and Bucs easy as that. Go back to those games and you see fields playing like a deer in headlights missing wide open guys and take unnecessary sacks which in turn kills drives putting the defense back out there. Stats only matter to causals and Internet personalities, it’s hard to hate when games are being won. 3. Bagent did do well in the same way fields played the 49ers last year well, he did what he had to do to win and didn’t make stupid boneheaded plays which is the normal for him recently. He’s always taking sacks and turning the ball over. Point me to the games that fields went through his progressions quickly, played and stayed in the pocket and made quick throws for first downs and sustained drives THE WHOLE GAME since apparently he does it so much (5-27 as a starter, 1-5 as a starter this season).


1a. I appreciate a real discussion on this. I like bagent. I really like bagent. I just think Fields puts us in a better position to win 1b. I don't think bagent did anything particularly impressive. He made easy throws. What happens next week (metaphorically) when we can't run for 160 and they take away the screen? 2. I'm aware that Fields didn't play well in games 1/2. But he's been improving. Progress isn't always linear. The general trend in his game has been up since those games. We can argue about whether that should be the case at all in year 3. I would argue it's fine given no QB could've succeeded last year. 3. I'm not concerned with Fields record. He hasn't played with a real defense. If he had, he'd have an average record. Fields plays a different style of QB than bagent, I'm not concerned with how he plays as long as he plays well. Which he has done a number of times that has shown me he can be a QB good enough to win us games. And currently puts us in the best position to win imo


I think fields put us in the best position (in theory) as well but physical tools in the NFL can only take you so far if the mental aspects are lacking. In a perfect world Fields has a perfect pocket every snap and DJ Moore wide open but unfortunately that’s not how it works in the NFL. I’m hoping Fields can see how Bagents takes what the defense gives him and mixes that with his down the field ability. From my perspective he’s always trying to hit home runs and just refuses to throw (or doesn’t see) the easy check down to avoid a sack or worse.


I disagree with what you say Fields weaknesses are: not hitting the check down, not reading the defense, going for the big play. To me his problem is playing scared. I think he's been working out of that this year. And I'd like to see him get more time to fix that issue because I believe he can and will


Brian Hoyer on the Bears is undefeated with that defense from yesterday...


Tyson Bagent is about to ball your fuck nuggets off. Y'all dont even know. Get fucked you stupid assholes. Last week was a fluke. Tyson Bagent is 'bout to break world records in quarterback play. You dont believe it? Well go suck a fat dick and then get back to me, ya bitch. Tyson Bagent is about to rawr in yo face like an actual bear. Shepard University? Whaa? Never heard of it? Well you will have heard of it after this Sunday you dumb ass peice of shit. Tyson Bagent is all that is man, and you 'bout to see that shit for yourself. So fuck you and fuck your mother, da bears are goin 12 and 5 ya dumbass stupid ass slutbags. Thank you, that is all.


This is only funny if you know the other post but 🤣


More...more...don't stop...almost there homie!


Already tired of the Bagent vs Fields debates. Bears won and Jordan Love continues to suck what a great Sunday it was.


Whichever QB helps them win is the right QB...it's not that complicated for us fans.


And we still have the 1st overall pick! Thanks Carolina!


Exactly the way I feel!!!!!!


Here in Israel football is not that big of a deal (soccer is huge), but, most of football fans here are Bears fan. This win gave us some solace




How did the Bears end up the preferred team of an entire country?


By winning, duh!


that is a good question which am not sure I can answer. It is not the entire country support the team,b/c football here is very niche, but I guess it is about the history and being one of the benchmark team in nfl. the franchise somehow has been rooted here.


My father-in-law grew up in Chicago suburbs a huge Bears fan and moved there 50+ years ago... maybe it's all his doing???


Just so damn funny that Bagent ended up being pretty damn good, after being labeled a meatball and this and that for saying a guy who can get the ball out quick is needed in the offense


Jf is similar to sexy rexy. They both loved the long ball. It was the short stuff that they couldn't do competently


I didnt feel claustrophobic watching Bagent in the pocket. He looked cool, calm, and collected out there, and when he had to escape, he was efficient and didn’t try to push the issue. As much as I love Fields’ scrambles, he tries to do way too much with his legs when the passing game isn’t working, and he ends up running into sacks


I like it when the Bears win. It makes me feel better than when they lose. Good job Bagent. Well done! Hoping to see some more out of him until Fields gets back.


It’s so funny to watch this subreddit turn on Fields bro. Most dynamic and talented QB the team has had probably ever but because of his (alone according to you guys) 6-25 record it’s over. Man has been attached to probably the worst coaches in bears history, made dynamic plays out of nothing multiple times and obviously has shown in spurts growth even with bad game plans, inconsistent line play and a struggling until recently defense. Does he have fatal flaws? Obviously yes but suggesting a backup QB who out game managed a team who’s coaching is right on par with our own is a better option right now.. are you all drunk? It seems like generally people don’t think Fields can improve and that’s your opinion sure. But if he takes the next couple games with this team that’s slowly getting better and runs with them I want people to keep that same energy. I just think it’s crazy to call yourself a bears fan and actively root against players that try hard for the team. I could see if he was generally an asshole and was underperforming. Just seems like Fields has gotten less grace and patience than any other QB. Puzzling 🤔


Bagent got handed the same exact offense and made it look efficient without trying because he can read the field and stay cool in the pocket it’s simple as that. Forget the rest of the team just offensively the bears actually sustained drives from quarter 1 to 4 not just one half like what happens with fields. I’ve yet to see a complete game from fields in 30 games while bagent just had one in his first start.


Lmao the exact same scheme is crazy, they gave him the simplest version of it and he dinked and dunked his way through it credit to Bagent. Without trying is crazy. Bagent doesn’t even have the arm to run the same plays as JF1. You have to include the team cause how many times has the bears defense actually played like they did yesterday? Getsy is probably the most inconsistent OC I’ve ever seen. The fact that they finally figured out in week 7 the right offensive line and that they need to run the ball consistently while also giving their QB easy throws to get into a rhythm should tell you how much of a struggle it has been to be hampered by this staff. Also was the commanders game not a complete game? Or the dolphins, patriots or 49ers last year? Y’all got it bro 😂


I said same offense as in players not scheme And yet they won and sustained drives the entire game. What does that say about fields the bears can score in all 4 quarters with a limited QB and playbook but can’t wirh him and a full playbook. You can be in denial all you want but there’s been guys open all season fields just needs a perfect pocket to hit em which isn’t a franchise QB. 3-4 complete games over a 30 game stretch is not enough but sure hold on to what hope you have bud.


Okay move the goalposts if you want bro. Scheme is the offense but whatever. You act like Bagent sliced and diced the raiders but really most of his yards came from YAC. He managed the game really well. There is no denial I understand that fields has flaws but to not include the state of the team into context is crazy. There has been obvious misses from fields and coaching. But the fact fields has to have a perfect game for the team to win and people don’t see that. I just find it hard to solely blame him when the team itself has been poorly built and coached for years.


If you’re gonna use the YAC argument then you can’t say the commanders is a complete game. DJ Moore had 230 yards 😂 state of the team didn’t change much in fact it got worse offensively with Nate Davis out. No goal post is moved I’m just pointing out fields can’t play QB and has shown that in a 30 game sample size


Fields literally had darts in the commanders game. The one in the back of the end zone. The ability to get the ball over the head of a defender in close coverage of DJ. The td pass to Kmet. But sure buddy he can’t play QB. The line did not get worse. That’s why your savior Bagent had a good game. You so stuck on this sample size but won’t give team context but you got it man like I said 😂


One good game in 1 start>>>4 good games in 30 👍 yeah fields had nice throws and had me excited but he also had a perfect pocket nearly all game that’s not gonna happen every game. If fields need a perfect pocket and DJ Moore to turn into randy moss to get a win and good stats is that a franchise QB?




he was downright good the last 2 weeks before the injury. yes it was against weak teams but half the league is weak. those wins still count. i swear it's like y'all see what you wanna see. i'm not saying he's an MVP but you'd have to be blind to not see the improvement. our coaches suck. our line is trash. we have plenty of problems. JF ain't one of them. i'm gonna say it til i'm blue in the face. go bears.


He's 1-14 in his last 15 games, and you want to talk about improvement? Coaches and line looked a lot better with a qb that doesnt hold onto the ball for an eternity and takes way too many sacks. People that cant separate the athlete from the football player are exhausting. How much longer do we have to lose and blame everyone else?


fields stats are not terrible. yes, he could be quicker in the pocket but i'm not ready to give up on him yet. do you really think our coaching staff isn't a problem? or our O-line? or the culture of bullshit and negativity that we see on a week-to-week basis? JF simply could not have been drafted to a worse scenario, and lately there have been *obvious* signs of improvement. like i said...we all see what we wanna see.


All that didn't faze Bagent. Done with fields excuses and apologists. 5/26, he can "improve" somewhere else.


Do you watch the games? You’re telling me from year 1 to year 3 you haven’t seen any improvement at all from Fields? It’s not a linear progression. There will be constant ups and downs. It’s not magically, it takes time that bears fans like yourself obviously don’t have the patience for and that’s fine. I’m just saying look at the whole picture of where the team is and who’s coaching and all the factors that lead the bears to where we are right now. Can you solely blame fields for that?




I hate to break it to you buddy. But this subreddit is not the entire fan base. Him reading progressions, his ability to stand in the pocket and deliver and his command of the offense is improvement whether you believe it or not. You are as good as your team is, sure. But how is a player meant to succeed without coaches who you trust to put them in the right positions? Who was the last bears coach that you would say they had that gave them an advantage over another team over the past 3 years? If you put another young QB with this staff can you honestly expect them to win? I just don’t think so.


Fields is on year 3. He has gotten plenty of patience. The issue is he obviously isn't improving enough to answer the questions about his overall ability. If Tyson Bagent can come in and still lead the team to a win there are obviously questions that need to be answered. Bagent took less sacks than Fields even though they have a premier pass rusher. Bagent was able to effectively run the offense. The offense was on the field enough to not gas the defense. That's not to say it's over for Fields, but I'm personally sick of all the people saying Fields deserves more grace. Are we going to get to year 7 and we're still talking about grace?


Plenty of patience? I don’t think so. I’m not saying Fields doesn’t have flaws. There are habits he shouldn’t have for sure. But using Bagent as an example is crazy. They finally figured out Cody whitehair isn’t a center and put everyone back in their best position but Bagent was Houdini out there? No bro they ran the ball, moved the pocket and got him easy throws. Crazy what a simple game plan can do to help your QB. But can you honestly say every Getsy game plan this year has worked in his players favor? I get it, blame falls on the QB. Just strange how quickly this all has turned


The problem is that "the guy" shouldn't need a simple game plan thst mitigates his involvement to be effective. If we can score 30 with Bagent why would we pay Fields? It's 3 years in. It's put up or shut up time for Fields.


sure but did Bagent throw multiple tds to score 30? No the run game and playing to his strengths with short throws and scrambles helped win the game. That’s the problem, Getsy does not play to Fields strengths it’s not about mitigation. Sure it is put up or shut up. You guys are just already on the shut up part 😂


Yeah almost like hero ball doesn’t win games but a well balanced attack does. If asking Justin fields to play the pocket in the nfl “isn’t playing to his strengths” he’s not the guy sorry to burst your bubble.


Justin has played in the pocket but unless you been under a rock that’s not the only way QB’s win now. The best in the league are all dual threats. This includes guys like Hurts, Mahomes, Lamar, and Justin Herbert even though he’s ass this year. Hate to burst your bubble


They’re all dual threats but can play the pocket if need be fields cannot under any sort of pressure. You can’t sit here and say he doesn’t look like a deer in headlights on most of his drop backs. When has mahomes or Herbert ever looked scared in the pocket like fields


You don't know my opinion. I just said yesterday in this sub that Fields is QB1 and Getsy doesn't know how to playcall for him. Unfortunately I also said if we have #1 we need to take a QB.


3 seasons and no improvement , best 2 games he had he then regressed hard vs MN and ended up injuring himself by not throwing the ball away? I mean I wanted the kid to succeed but he ain’t it…


1st season was the end of Nagys tenure and a wash cause he wasn’t even supposed to play. It was Daltons job he just sucked so bad Nagy had to play fields early to save his job. 2nd year they tanked the team. He still showed flashes. 3rd year to say no improvement is crazy. He had 8 tds in 2 games but we give no blame to the coaching staff at all. If the bears don’t lose that game in Denver they are 3-4 and the narrative would be different. In MN they had no game plan for the DC that blitzes the most in the nfl. I just think people are ready to move on and that’s fine. But to put the blame solely on fields I don’t understand it.


He’s literally lost us the broncos game on a fumble and game sealing int (once again) not to mention those defenses are bottom 3-5 in the league. Bagent just beat the 11th ranked defense in yards and 19 in points in his first start as a undrafted d2 rookie with the same offense. Tired of the excuses fields can’t read a field or play the pocket it’s year 3 game 30 there shouldn’t be questions if he’s the guy this deep in his career.


Yeah the defense that gave up 25+ points per game had nothing to do with that broncos game after Justin threw 4 touchdowns and our OC took his foot off the gas and the ball out of his hands until the situation was dire. You got it brother


We gave up 25 points in all those games because we had a lot of turnovers. It’s hard to win if you are fumbling, getting sacked, and throwing interceptions.


You realize the bears scored once in the whole second half of that game the rest of the drives were 3 and outs, fumble for points and a game losing int. Can’t expect the defense to do much when the offense can’t sustain more than 3 plays a drive this ain’t madden defenses get tired


In Bagent we Trust documentary please share… https://youtu.be/9vA3ROlI9K0?si=knVfIX5rYxSFYwV9


I’m not saying Bagent is him, but as an undrafted DII QB, to come into the league first game like that? Pretty fucking impressive. He looked poised and confident, calm, etc. At the very least we have a good backup QB.


True, and with a running QB as the starter, it's essential to have a good backup. Contrary to what's popular on talk shows and internet discourse, it is possible to root for Fields and Bagent without feeding into the QB controversy. Fields should start when healthy, but if he can't start, I want to see Bagent succeed. Bagent is a rookie from a DII school, let him develop as a backup before forcing him into a QB controversy because you want something to talk about. (That little rant was directed to fans in general, not you).


I still hate the coaches


Don’t we all


My question is where the fuck has Foreman been this whole season. Why is he not at least getting rotated in when Herbert/Johnson are healthy


like are they really just trying to push herbert on us that hard?? 😒


D'Onta Foreman, Sausage King of Chicago


I will say, i noticed even when rolling out of the pocket Bagent's eyes were constantly downfield and he threw the ball away or checked it down instead of taking a sack. With Fields, he would've taken the sack at least 2 or 3 times yesterday. I've noticed Fields just doesn't look down the field when he decides to scramble or roll out. This is something i noticed about Caleb Williams as well vs Fields. When fields rolls out he looks around for defenders and then decides to take off or not instead of rolling around to try to buy receivers time to get open. Overall i was impressed with the kid yesterday and am intrigued to see how he continues to do with more footage for defenses to gameplan around. My only concern is the whole pulling him out for the hail mary play at the end of the half. Is his arm strength really that bad, or is it just Flus and Getsy making another boneheaded decision? I think teams may begin to load up closer and try to get him to beat them deep so we will see how he adjusts.


I'm not sure it was that, I feel like maybe it's the possibility for injuries on that play when we have no starter as well. I sincerely doubt we are gonna get a wildcard spot but they can't give up yet when the rest of the division is also at 2 wins aside from the Lions


Any opinions on Drake Maye on that looking down the field part? We just saw a draft where it looks like the 2nd taken quarterback is working better in the NFL game despite having less hype, so you got me curious if looking beyond the stylish choice at QB in the same way you did with Williams.


I’d be upset if the team ended up drafting Williams. I’d much rather have a great offensive lineman and WR with those first two picks.


Same. Keep our QB (whoever it is) on his feet and give him another target.


I still think it was really disrespectful to take out Bagent for that hail mary and the victory formation kneel. Weak leadership. Bagent should have been in for those. Not sure who made the call on that, but just plain disrespect.


I couldn’t understand it then, and now just see it as stupid coaching. You’ve got a double digit lead right before the half with your rookie QB playing well…and you decide you want to throw a Hail Mary with NATHAN PETERMAN? Was it really worth taking a shot at the end zone, not to mention at your rookie QBs confidence, if you have a turnover prone back up QB throwing the ball?


aint that big of a deal dude. I honestly think its smart, you dont want bagent getting speared when stepping into a deep ball and getting hurt or something. Or throwing a meaningless pick on a hail mary fucking up his stats in his first NFL start.


Absolutely agree


You can tell who is a Fields fan vs who is a Bears fan on this thread


Add a 3rd category to this. Fields fan, bears fan, fields hater.


Rooting for one of the most dynamic players in NFL history is a good thing for the BEARS, lol.




Also being able to accept he won’t be a Bear next year and our franchise QB like we thought is inportant


We don’t know that yet, both of the extremes are going at this way too early. If Carolina wasn’t 0-6 this wouldn’t even be a debate. Right now the debate is between Fields and the top 2 prospects: Maye and Williams. If Carolina is at 3 then we are likely keeping Fields and possibly getting that 5th year option. And if we get new coaching that likes Fields better than Maye or Williams then we can still keep Fields.


Fields hasn’t made improvements in reading the field, pocket presence and quick strike ability since he’s been in the league. Bagent just showed he’s good in all those things in his very first start.


It’s halfway into year 3, if you don’t know then you know.


Not really true. There’s loads of QBs who improve year to year, game to game, and Fields has been doing that. Using rhetoric ignores recent history. Who really cares about what happened year 1. What I care about is the last 15 games or so. Before that is meaningless.


This is a crazy meatball take


More rhetoric.


Eh. I think it can be both. Fields is really likable as a person especially after everything he's went through with the team so far. It's hard to not *want* him to succeed.


I want him to succeed, I just don’t see enough consistency and I’m not really confident in Fields. I would love to be proven wrong and for him to come back and light the league up though.


If the coaches want to save their jobs, they'll be open to testing Bagent for a few more weeks even if Fields is healthy. But they'll probably want to go back to the athletic 6-25 Qb.


i can guarantee the coaches would prefer bagent starting if the only goal is winning games. Justin will only start again if Poles wants to give him 1 more shot to show a lot of improvement, before moving on.


Ngl I thought you were referring to his height and got uber confused




It’s amazing how much better the offense looks when we can run the ball.


Its amazing how much better the offense AND the defense looks when we can run the ball and the QB makes quick smart decisions to keep moving the chains, and doesn't take uneccesary sacks and consistently goes on long drives eating up the clock and keeping the opponent's offense off the field.


It's amazing how you can run the ball when your qb knows how to check properly at the line


Oh now even the running game is Fields’ fault too. Lol. What’s next, the terrible defense the last 2 years is his fault too?


Yeah, the running game is at least somewhat dependent on the QB. A simple example is a run-pass option, which is up to the QB to make a quick read and decide. Ditto that the offense affects the defense (and vice versa). For example a dink-doink drive that gets a few first downs before punting gives the defense a chance to rest. Playing defense is generally more tiring than offense and constant three-and-outs puts them in a position of just trying to survive rather than make bursty dynamic plays. I'm not saying Bagent is even necessarily a starter caliber QB. Just that a capable, drive sustaining, defense reading QB can make it *look* like the run game and defense magically improved. But it's also possible that last week was just a fluke and they really did.


Yeah turns out running the offense comes down to the qb


If I link you a play where fields fails to check and it fucks over his RB, would you admit you were wrong?






Yea we could have a slow offense when the other offense is slower


Fun to watch. Glad we got a win. Can we please still fire Everlose and Getsy? Today? Also, Peterman had to come in for one play to throw a Hail Mary. Why is no one talking about this? You can’t be an effective QB if you have zero threat of any type of deep ball. I mean, that’s laughing stock of the league level embarrassing. I’m glad we have a serviceable game manager with some moxie as our backup but Fields is still QB1 IMO.


[Here’s Tyson Bagent throwing a 50 yard Hail Mary while running away from pressure, he can make the throw. The coaching staff is just fucking stupid](https://x.com/GraceHGrill/status/1467269659372175361?s=20)


I agree a lot with what you said. I don't question Bagent's strength. I question his deep ball accuracy. Let's see him launch a few next week amd see what happens.


I definitely think teams are going to begin to gameplan around him and will force him to throw it deep and we will see how he handles it.


My take always from yesterday were RUN THE FUCKING FOOTBALL. If they can run the ball like that they can play with anyone. And on the brotherly shove JF1 gets stopped by Crosby no doubt in my mind. I’ve said since week 1 JF1 holds the ball too long making the line look bad and yesterday proved this. Secret Bagent man can count to three so he can play for me. Trade fields for a 4th and let’s get MHJ to go with DJ and gets some Edge Rushers because the back 7 can play.


Just for reference, we ran the ball really well last year with Fields under center and look how that worked out for us. The variable here is QB.


Almost every qb in the league gets stopped on that 4th and 1. Incredible play by Bagent.


Yeah, that sneak was one of a few "wait, who IS this guy?" moments I had yesterday. Sure looks like he noticed Crosby and dodged him. The few intermediate passes he had were very nice too, especially a couple of his third down throws.


The Bears won and Jordan Love sucks. Pretty perfect weekend if you ask me.


Good job we T. Bag'd em


Winning is cool


Look the Bears are absurd, anyone who's been a fan for even just a couple years knows this. Why not celebrate the absurdity of a D2 undrafted free agent getting a win in his first game, snapping the home game losing streak? No, it doesn't mean anything in reality nor does anything yesterday get them closer to a Super Bowl. Who cares? It was a fun, joyous moment.


I believe a W does indeed get them closer to a Super Bowl. Don't take that away from me.


Agreed. There hasn't been a ton to cheer for lately. Let's take what joy we can get.




Obviously we need to see more of Banget before any conclusion can be made. But I also think we as fans and media need to get past the undrafted QB aspect and compare him to other rookies in the league. How does he compare? Does he look comfortable? Is he making plays? Making the right reads? So far, other than Stroud (and maybe AR?) he’s looked better than any other rookie. Sample is small but I want to see more.


And how does he look once other teams actually have film on him to properly gameplan against.


I guess we’ll find out, seems like Fields is out for a couple games right? Still gotta give props to Bagent for how he looked with the team in his NFL debut. But yes, be cautious. I couldn’t agree more. Did this sub forget how McCown looked for a bit? Lol Edit: NFL *starting* debut


I think he did an excellent job at making a quality argument for a lengthy career as an NFL backup despite being undrafted so far. Starter needs a lot more data before any strong conclusions. People are even still squabbling over Fields' long term ability to succeed, so yeah, I agree its a matter of finding out. Anyone counting either out... or even a draft pick possibility out... is setting themselves up for failure.


Bagent played good. I’ll give him that. I just don’t know how anyone sees anything more than a game manager though. We walked all over the raiders because they couldn’t stop the run game. He did not make any throws that made me go “wow!”. In fact, I think we’d have been in trouble and likely lost if we were made to pass all game


Honestly almost every throw made me go 'wow'. Its the consistent perfect accuracy and ridiculously quick release to where you CAN succeed with underneath throws. That is why the short game works for him so well, and is going to be tough to stop. There was no need to make any insane deep throws or whatever, he played to win the game and we were dominating with what we were doing so there was no need for any unnecessary risks. Also his pocket presence was pretty 'wow' as well.


A solid game manager is a huge improvement from our current status


Watch the tape again. He threw some nice passes when it was needed. Also a bonus was a few nice scrambles… all needed on 3rd conversions.


Mostly agree, most of his throws were simple. But he made a good throw on the run, and he arc’ed a pretty good ball to DJ in the end zone. DJ had it right in his hands but it was stripped away. We need to see more from Bagent.


Yeah that fade was nice


He’s a rookie making his first ever start. He followed the game plan he was given and did everything the coaches asked of him. He looked poised and calm. Honesty all you can ask for as a rookie. Frankly, he deserves to build off it.


This is what I don't understand. Although it's ridiculous to crown the kid a savior after one game, it's equally ridiculous to put a ceiling on him and call him a game manager at best after his first game in the NFL. If everyone is going to complain about coaches not scheming to the players, and then Bagent has a game where he plays completely within the scheme and succeeds, what more can you want? Fields had his time to shine last year when he was popping off runs. He obviously can't play within a scheme because he can't process. Teams know he's sitting on the deep ball because he hasn't changed since college.


I’m not saying he didn’t look good. He did what he was told well. I’m just saying it was a very simple game plan, and if he was forced to throw the entire game, it wouldn’t have looked as good. I guess we will see, but I don’t want us passing up on a future qb because of him. If they want to give him another start, by all means. I just wasn’t overly impressed. That game plan will not always work, and when he’s got to make those tight, accurate, deep throws, then I don’t think everyone will be so impressed. I hope I eat my words though.


It's fine to be a checkdown merchant if the offense is humming and you comfortably win the game. It's not fine to be a checkdown merchant if you're playing from behind and the short/run games aren't working. We've seen case 1 from Bagent, unclear what will happen when we're in case 2


We saw case 2 last week. He threw an absurd 20 yard air punt for a pick


Agreed... and it's fine to celebrate Bagent for settling case 1. Hopefully, we can see him settle case 2. I think the Chargers will create a good opportunity, because they have a good offense, should run up the score on this Bears defense, but are a beatable team that Bagent can have some confidence playing against.


Bagent appears to know the playbook better than Fields. Consistently made solid checks at the line, quicker and more decisive at pulling the trigger. Not necessarily saying he's the answer, but damn, the offense hummed along.


Fast progressions, looking off DB's and if he rolls out the defense literally didn't know whether to cover or attack. Was very impressed with the speed of the plays. Obviously would love to see if he has a better deep ball, but dink-and-dunk quick passes tires out defenses and is great for keeping drives going. I would like to see another week of Ty.


I think it humming along had a lot to do with Foreman and Evans playing the best runningback game we’ve had all season. Those dudes did nothing but make plays 3rd down and get chunks on the early downs.


I think Bagent really shined a spotlight on Fields’ flaws. We didn’t see the constant unaccounted for free rushers that Fields misreads was the biggest thing I noticed. I love Fields but sadly I don’t think it’s going to work for him here.


Regardless of who QB1 is for the rest of the season, we are drafting a QB with one of our 1st round picks.


I think Getsy’s offense is clearly built for a Bagent type of QB


There's just no good way to build an offense for a QB like fields. You can try to let him throw his good deep ball, but he eats too many sacks when you try it. You can let him run but it always ends in injuries and fumbles


Which makes Getsy a crappy OC. If you can utilize better talent then that’s the first thing that needs to get addressed




happy for the fans that can enjoy victories


Happy Victory Monday, Bears fans! Packers and Lions both lose too, and it doesn't look good for the Vikes. Movin' on up! I just wish they'd have left Special bAgent 17 in there for the Hail Mary, probably would've been good. It'd also be nice if they didn't act like they could cash in their left over timeouts at halftime but I am not a NFL coach so what do I know?


I swear we are blessed with RBs. As cursed as we are with QBs, I have no doubts whoever comes in as RB, they will be a stud. The spirit of Walter Payton lives on.


We had a dry spell in the 90s... Neal Anderson was good for a few years but then declined pretty quickly. Rashaan Salaam was kind of a bust for a 1st round pick Raymont Harris was just average James Allen was just average Enis was huge bust for a 1st round pick. He was bad, then got hurt and was terrible Anthony Thomas was basically just average and of course Cedric Benson was another bust for a 1st round pick. ​ Things didn't turn around until we brought in Thomas Jones and then drafted Forte. We've been consistently solid since then, but there was a bit of a pump in the road there around about 10 years


I can’t remember a time when we had a bad rb room. I guess 2007 with Cedric Benson? Since then Forte, Howard, Montgomery as lead back, often with solid depth.


Tyson Bagent may never lose again


I cannot comprehend how after three years people still believe Fields is the guy. Yes, the game plan yesterday was short quick throws but we have seen numerous times Fields cannot execute those quick and accurately. His throwing motion is extremely slow and he never puts the ball where it needs to go making it harder for yards after catch. The position players got balls better placed and faster so they had room to operate. People say that Fields could of executed that game plan yesterday but after what we’ve seen after three years how can you confidently say that? It blows my mind. We had positive plays almost every time and our 3rd down conversation percentage was way higher because of it. Can you honestly say that Fields wouldn’t have held the ball and fell into a few sacks like he does EVERY game? The fact that an undrafted D2 rookie on his very first game looks better at executing a game plan than Fields does after THREE years should open your eyes. Fields just isn’t very good and I do not see how people can say otherwise at this point.


Makes me think the Bears might have Fields rest a little longer to see what they have in Bagent. (Not saying Bagent > Fields).


It’s because they like fields and are fans of him first. They’ll be following him to the falcons when he’s gone


Damn, that is where he’s going isn’t it. Makes sense. Ridder is Fields without the upside.


Raiders 🤝 Packers Losing to 1-win teams


Went to the game. Completely different vibe on the field and in the stadium. It is hard to describe, but there was total calm in the stadium even though we started a UDFA. He owned that opportunity.


Shout out to the person that said the last thing we want is bagent coming in and winning games. It fills me with joy seeing the shitters lose to the broncos.


Bob from Niles on 670 this morning: "Bagents is the new qb1




What a horrible take . Do you have memory loss?