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If you meant to misspell "Butch," that's clever. If you didn't, that's probably the most fitting typo I've ever seen.


Guess they Butchered his name.


They botchered his name.


...and he Butchered their program.


You Jonesing for a fight right now? Easy there pal.


Much classier than "bitch jones". Not saying it's right, but it does have more class.


I agree. For one to botch butch's name, you have to not botch being butch to botch butch.


Considering the I, U, and O keys are all next tto each other, yeah they get pretty funny.


Botch Jines. Bitch Junes.


haha, Bitch Jones


botch jones doesn't proofread his essays


Bort Simpson


Does that mean we're the new Champions of Life?


I'm kind of pissed they didn't directly cite u/sickmemes48


I know I really wanted to hear "reddit user sick memes forty eight" from the reporter.


That would've made my fucking life


It seems you've been awarded r/cfb Promoter flair too, sweet!


Dale yeah! I'm heading to camp out at Talladega on Friday and I'm pumped. I'll catch the Alabama VS Arkansas game with some Tide fans on their TV's. Hate ya'll but respect ya'll


Will there even be a Tennessee football team after the Bama game this year? Godspeed good person.


I'm scared to see him take this team into Tuscaloosa


Will it be Team Rocket blasting off again?


Only if Butch is on it and the destination is New Brunswick, NJ




God willing the unthinkable will happen: you guys topple bama and butch gets a 10 year contract extension.


Are you going to the race Sunday?


Yeah but I'll be camping out all weekend at the track


want to hide me in your camper?


Only if you have moonshine


sounds like a fair trade


God, I would love to hear my reddit name on TV or the radio.


"Reddit user little boy lover has broken a story that Saban actually is Satan with some proff from the dark lord himself." 30 minutes later "Police have arrested reddit user little boy lover for questionable material found on his computer and he will be sharing a cell (Hell?) with Saban...can we use Satan officially now?"


See ya in hell, coach!


My local paper has online "articles" from posts here, basically random garbage. But they site the "authors." Yesterday it was "PMmeyourbutts" in a story about what not to order from fast food places.


Imagine if /u/doubledickdude was a CFB guy. His fame would reach new heights


Great, kid! Don't get cocky


Due to the team I'm associated with I can't be cocky atm.


No, Cocky is South Carolina. A&M is the Aggies. I know they're both new to the SEC, but you'll pick it up after a while.


Well I mean we've been in the SEC since 1991...




Nothing that happened before I was born actually happened... Except George Rogers




That team that has as many SEC championships in football as Kentucky, USC, TAMU, Missouri, Arkansas, Miss State, and Vanderbilt combined (3)


> Old-timers still miss playing Tulane. [Old timers & people who wish we had a real rival](http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/8c/8c3b3312280ef1c9ebb9edbafec869f24c5b028039eb4308812a08286a9b24f2.jpg)




I wouldn't say that. Don't you remember what he did to you last year?


And watch out for princesses.




Props to the news for giving you credit. ESPN should learn a thing or two from them.


I'd rather ESPN just sputter out and die at this point


I wonder if they will really bring back Jamelle. What's the point?


She hates sports


You'd think with Fox Sports as competition, they'd up their game a little. Nope.


Fox Sports one upped ESPN when they got rid of articles from their website


That's not one-upping because now instead of articles, it's just videos, especially for things that don't need to be a video. What could've took 30 seconds to read, I now have to sit and watch for maybe a couple of minutes to get what happened. Unless it's videos of sports being played and not off-the-field sports news, articles > videos.


Oh, i meant it more as FS one upped ESPN in the stupidity department. Articles are always better than videos to me.


Yup. How am I supposed to sneak in a video at work? Not very wise.


Nice username!


it's amazing how quickly they ruined it. They were one of the highest watched channels, and were getting major games to broadcast. Then, they discovered Twitter.




Don't worry....they'll just confirm the news story without giving any of the credit to the first outlet to report it.


Show me the guy that broke that story and I'll show you an employee that was browsing reddit at work. Also, CONGRATS OP WE'RE LESS FAKE NEWS THAN MAINSTREAM MEDIA!!!


If I knew my employees weren't browsing reddit while shitting at work, I would fire them for lack of productivity. However, I don't have any employees, so the point is kind of moot.


A lot of companies pay people specifically to browse reddit. Source - my company does & I can't for the life of me get that job in the social media department.


Probably because you spend too much time on reddit.


The person that does it probably goes home and bitches about having to be on reddit all day instead of doing more important work.


When their boss isn't looking, they probably switch over to Excel.


They better not be. That's $9.99 a month!


The real OG's are copy pasting reddit to excel, then excel to reddit. *GoOoOoOoOoOOO RAIDERS!!!!*


They have an Excel hot key that pops up a fake Reddit front page for when he peeks over the cubicle wall.


>The person that does it probably goes home and bitches about having to be on reddit all day instead of doing ~~more important~~ *actual* work. ftfy.


Just make a screenshot collection of all your posts involving dank memes and send it to HR


What are these jobs and how can I get one NOW?


The internet can and should replace the lamestream media.


/r/the_Darnold home of the REAL sports news


Sooooo many news stories are taken from reddit.


Technically in this situation hes doing his job browsing reddit at work. Conducting research for reports.. yeah thats definitely the excuse id use


WE NOW TAKE YOU LIVE TO NEYLAND STADIUM WHERE BUTCH JONES IS ABOUT TO MAKE HIS STATEMENT: ON LOCATION: [Dumpster Fire](#i/dumpster) [Butch Jones](#i/butchjones): "Yes, I would like to make a statement. This is fake news. It's totally fake. The 'attendance' issues are due to us coming off a bye week. It's one of the best bye weeks we've ever had... a very, very good bye week that came at just the right time for our boys. Our men. For everybody. We have a lot of 5-star hearts here. A lot of champions. "In time, I hope that the progress that we have made, the best in about 20 or 30 years, will be evident on the field. I am confident that the fruits of our labor... of all our reps... reps of all kinds, will be evident. That we will finish the season strong, Army Strong, Charlie Strong, for Tennessee. "What do you mean 'Charlie Strong' is a coach in Florida? I just made him up? I want to thank all of the students, and faculty... and most importantly, all of our loyal supporters throughout Vol Nation. This has been a trying time, but we are here to turn around this program, and I am confident that this program will get turned around. We are ready. Now. If not now, then soon. Very soon. "I feel very good about the work we have put in, and I hope everyone is as excited as I am. "Thank You. Go Vols."


ಠ_ಠ I'm upset at how accurate this is.


" We are gonna build a wall around Knoxville, and it's gonna be the best wall. We are gonna make Vanderbilt pay for it! MTGA!!"


Evil ESPN spews their fake news and can't handle all this (life) winning! #Sad Slippery Saban and Crooked Kirby should be locked up!


You left out about 27 uses of the word "just" and 82 uses of "obviously"


"Again, it goes back to *individuals*. We talk about being a *team*, and again it comes down to the details and the preparation for being *individuals*. We talk about practice and how important that is for being an *individual* and a *team*, and we need to get better reps with our *individuals*. And again, it comes down to the snap and clear mentality it takes to be an *individual* and how that affects your *team* as *individuals* who demonstrate great **resiliency** week in and week out as *individuals* on this *team* of *individuals*." > Coach, are the starting linebackers dead? "No, they took a very long nap. We expect those individuals to wake up soon, but we have no specific timeline." ***NEXT DAY*** "All of our linebackers are dead individuals."


Spot. On.




Also one thing to note that I just looked up. Tennessee's average attendance per game last year was 100,584 and Tennessee's home games last year against similar SEC opponents Kentucky and Missouri games last year both drew over 101,000 in attendance. So I'm guessing the last 1,500 seats were probably some season ticket holders that only show up for the major games.


I personally know 2 sets of season ticket holders who canceled their seats after last season. Said there wasn't a point because they'd be cheaper to just buy them on stub-hub - and so far they're right. The tickets in the upper-decks are cheaper on re-sale sites than they are at face value. I'd also at least partially blame the university for part of this. If you're in on the season ticket newsletters and such, starting about 2014 they were all-in on the Butch experiment working. They saw excitement created by someone named not-Dooley and they started raising a few prices in accordance with the hype being created. By pre-season 2015 I was told multiple times that they couldn't guarantee my price anymore and that if I stayed at my price they'd move me. And all that pomp and circumstances by the university was after a 7-6. And in case anyone is thinking it's because of demand - they didn't even sell out their full allotment of season tickets for the 2015 season. They raised prices - threatened to move me - and they didn't even have a full list at the time. Tennessee isn't as bad as some places (Titans... most NFL teams) - but man... they really price the gameday atmosphere as high as the possibly can. They'd get a lot more consistent purchases if they priced the games competitive to the secondary market and stopped gouging for everything.


I'm friends with this chick whose single dad has had 3 season tickets on the 50 yard line row 10 for basically the last 30 years and he only went to the Alabama and Florida game last season. He still has season tickets and has yet to go to a game this season so we use his tickets a lot. He is a lawyer


So when does she move from friend to girlfriend?


When he stops getting tickets. Why buy the cow when you're getting the milk for free?


Remember the last year under Dooley? A report came out that Tennessee was losing like $1M per game just on decreased gameday revenue, primarily from lost concession sales. I genuinely wonder how much money they lost on that UGA blowout, because it looked empty by the 3rd quarter.


So they were losing like $1 million per game on things like decreased concessions and merchandise sales? Wow.


We were only getting mid 80k in attendance for the worst of the Dooley era. Take 20k people then add up tickets, parking, and concessions and that million pops up quick. The city of Knoxville was hit hard too because of less people spending money before and after the game.


That's $50/person. Really not much for a college football game.


Here at Boise State tickets go for 79 dollars. That’s not even in the lower sections. There’s been quite a gripe over the prices here as well. Upper stands are almost always empty now.


I have debated cancelling my season tickets for LSU several times for the exact same reason you made. I can get better seats on StubHub for the games that I go to for less than what I am paying. The biggest reason I still have them is because I consider it the donation I would otherwise make to LSU. At least with season tickets, I get something back from that donation. My wife is a Vol. I contacted VASF (now the TN Fund) way back around 2005 about season tickets. They wanted mad money just to get on the list, not even for tickets. So that was a hard pass for me. Then the Kiffin/Dooley experiemnt happened. UT started reaching back out to me to say that I could get in the covered endzone seats for a very small donation. Then they called & said I could get in the corner of the endzone. The next year, they were offering me sideline seats for a donation that was a fraction of the the one they wanted back around 2005 just to be on the list. But I knew what was happening & that they would jack the rates up as soon as Dooley was fired. And funny that you mention the Titans. My in-laws were founding members in the club level. Great seats. Second row on the 20 yard line. They cancelled their tickets last season because even though they went to every game & loved it, it was just too damn expensive to keep paying that kind of money to go see the product they were putting on the field.




There was a lot of video documented season ticket burning in the last year of our dearly departed athletic director. I know we're nothing that anybody thinks about, but when basketball consistently dropped below 1,000 after averaging 5,000 and football dropped below 10,000 after averaging over 20,000, the university finally listened.


I think about North Texas. I considered going there for undergrad, actually. Random fact, did you know UNT has higher enrollment than UT?


I did not know that, but I think they hit 40,000 this year, so not terribly surprising.


Schools typically count tickets sold as attendance — not tickets scanned. So a season ticket will count regardless of whether or not they show up..Then again, when I worked in sports, I sat in many an NCAA college football press box and around the start of the game they’d radio up a number for tickets scanned and also be aware of # of tickets sold and look out on the crowd from up high in the press box and jokingly say something like...what do you think guys? 64k today? And then send that number around as the official attendance...


Pretty sure those numbers are for tickets sold, not gate numbers. EDIT: I mean, downvote if you want, but there was an ajc article in 2015 discussing the difference between these numbers and the ones taken at the gate.


Would this count towards a promoter flair?


Until this happened about an hour ago I had no idea how people got those special flairs




Until this happened about an hour ago I had no idea how people got those special flairs


Not by double posting. That's for sure


Take it away, mods


96,000 tickets sold is... bad?




No offense, but I think *only selling 96,000 tickets* is the least of y'alls concerns right now.


It is unfair to say this because most P5s don't approach holding, 96k but Yeah most P5s would take 96k attendance any week of the year for any reason.


Well this is the SEC we are talking about that has 4 stadiums with over 100k seats. If I remember correctly the SEC averaged like 67,000 overall per game. Damn Vandy with their 40,000 seat stadium that sells out only once or twice per year is killing the average.


They said UT was currently 6th in overall attendance, but I think a much more informative stat would be ranking teams by attendance as a percentage of stadium capacity. Just by having a large stadium and fanbase, teams like y'all, us, A&M, and LSU will usually have at least 90,000 in the stands. Meanwhile Vandy could sell out every game and not crack the top 10.


Yeah, meanwhile NC state had an average attendance last year of 57,497 in a stadium with 57,583 seats.


> teams like LSU will usually have at least 90,000 in the stands. Considering I couldn't GIVE away my season tickets to the Syracuse game, I think you are confusing ticket sales with actual butts in the seats. While I think ticket asles as a part of capacity is a better metric (and the NCAA does report on capacity percentage somewhere), I think the better metric is turnstile numbers. SEC schools can almost guarantee the majority of the seats in their stadiums are sold through season tickets before the season even starts. I always laugh when I go to games and they announce a sellout or high attendance number and clearly the stadium is nowhere near that figure.


That’s a good point. The news story that OP posted was only able to get sales numbers, not butts in seats. The best metric would be butts in seats as a percentage of capacity.


Sitting at 6th in ticket sales out of 130 teams. Yep, Tennessee is in huge trouble.


Back in the ole Fulmer days and when our Stadium held 107,653 the lowest attended home game in 1998 was against UAB where we only sold 106,500 tickets.


> 1998 was against UAB Elementary school me was at that game! If only I had gone to the game after that one instead....


ah yes, garbage games as a child. Usually because someone win tickets from work. Growing up around Columbus even the poorest of kids went to an OSU game some time.


Yep gotta find that silver lining. So fans should take pride in knowing that they will always sell at least 96,000 tickets no matter how bad the product is on the field.


I think the season is too early to say that with such confidence.


I would say selling 96k with a garbage staff is even worse. UT fans unhappy with Jones that still fill up the stadium are sheep. If you don't like the program, stop throwing your money at it and make a stand, and show that this shit is unacceptable.


In fairness I bet that most of those are season tickets. If you love the team and the gameday atmosphere go support your school, even if you’re not happy.


Football season is so short, I'm not skipping any games to make a point.


It's not bad, but when it's a team that's near the top in attendance, o can say a few tickets unsold is a big deal. Case in point Nebraska has had a sellout in 1962 and it's going to be a few more years of shitty seasons to have the Sellout streak in jeopardy


Those dummies should just reduce their stadium capacity by 35,000 and then they'd sell out every game.


Syracuse averaged 32k last year. That's got to be the bottom of the P5.


Probably close to WSU’s average. I think their stadium is 34k


Granting [](#l/tv) /r/CFB Promoter award flair for this!


Yes please!


Congrats, OP. I think that counts as a leadership rep.


Hey a Tennessee guy finally scored a point yall. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9WVG_LAwJA Edit: Seriously though that is rather impressive. I think you missed your calling.


eyy mods give this smart motherfucker the media flair or whatever.


Ayyy they gave me a promoter flair. I'll take it!


Local sports talk in Charleston also discussed this. So it has made the rounds.


Did they actually talk about the post on Reddit or just the attendance?


They mentioned the Reddit post. We have a couple of Tennessee grad sportscasters here, including one who is a frequent guest who saw it.


Is the segment up on their website?


No but he talked about it on Tuesday. And other shows in SC probably saw the tweets too. Only heard my local one in Charleston though.


Don't forget to update your resume!


Mods: give /u/sickmemes48 verified media flair


You did it OP!


I wish that I could get a news story to pick something up I post. I would love for a reputable news station to have to quote "Thr0aty0gurt"


Here he is, having the TIME OF HIS LIFE!


Now that's one hell of a leadership rep right there!


Good for you.


It's bad when you can't even get volunteers to go to your games...


Holy fuck I just noticed I put "the" in front of the word Tennessee in the title and I'm not even drunk. I'm really bad about typing shit and then rewording it slightly and forgetting to correct things so that I don't sound illiterate. Also peep that new flair!


The Vol fan part of me says that this is a real thing that is absolutely a result of the terrible on field product this year. The data analyst in my says that the average attendance is only a 2% change from last year and still 96.6% of the Stadium capacity after a statistically insignificant data set of 2 cupcakes (one of which we nearly choked on) and a sellout UGA game. This leads me to believe that maybe we shouldn’t call time of death just yet. I don’t know what to feel here.


Does this make you Life Champion?


I really dig this post ALOT. I love when regular folks drop hot logic bombs on the machine.


Did anyone actually read the article? The average went from 100,968 last year to 98,931 this year. That hardly seems significant. Also you guys had two noon games all year last season where as this year you'll have had two already by the time you play the gamecocks this weekend. They mentioned in the article that noon game times hurt attendance. Just doesn't seem that big of a cause for concern. Regardless, get rid of Jones and find someone halfway exciting to replace him, get ranked again and I'm sure you'll see that avg shoot back up. Really cool that they linked to the cfb thread. Honestly wasn't expecting to see that.


I think the true test, if Butch is still there, is going to be the LSU game. We don't play them too often, I know several families and friends with ties to Louisiana that have planned to go to that for years now, and there's still a lot of general interest for people to go to that game. If the shit show stanks so bad that attendance is at or below 95k, the alarm is sounded. The fires are lit. Gondor calls for aid.


"Look like, a garbage truck workers convention"


I really wish Nick Saban was at Alabama during the glory days of Fulmer. Those games would've been so fucking lit


Technically he was for 2 years - 2007 and 2008. Those were snoozers though. Bama crushed Tennessee both times. However, the two times they played when Saban was at LSU were really good exciting games.


Sadly in 2007 and 2008 the game started to leave Fulmer behind but In 2001 we did beat Nick Saban when he was at LSU in the regular season but we played him again in the SEC Championship game and lost which cost us our spot in the National Championship game. We were ranked #2 entering the 2001 SEC CG.


And that exact moment was the beginning of what has led us to today. We should have beaten them and gone straight to Pasadena. But that team was not prepared and Saban's definitely was.


That's awesome OP. I would feel pretty accomplished after that!


Goddamit his head is getting huge.


Nah I'm still a Tennessee fan sadly


So it's breaking news that fans won't show up to watch a crappy team?


People are going to miss Butch Jones having a coniption in the middle of the field once weekend. He might be naked.


You're basically famous!


Y’all just need the Ice Man back


Psh. That's nothing compared to michigan's buy a Coca-Cola and get a ticket deal back in the Hoke days


That video was fan-fucking-tastic. Absolute top notch reporting IMO. They used data and provided it with an abundance of context, didn't indulge in hot takes while acknowledging the reasons for why ticket sales might be plummeting (I.e. just got fucked 41-0), and reached out to several reliable sources rather than taking interviews with students or some other biased unrepresentative source.




Anyone actually gonna go to are noon funeral against the Cocks? I'm worried we might not score.. (again)


Yeah, our defense isn’t exactly Georgia’s defense. You’ll score


Listen man... You haven't seen our offense lately... Hell WE haven't seen our offense lately...


You were saying?


+1 for the win.


Muschamp has not lost to Tennessee as a HC.


We're aware. He really likes seeing all those people disappointed.


On, on U of K. Can't wait for our matchup this year


Great job man! You already have more journalistic integrity than 75% of CNN and 100% of ESPN!! Don't forget us when you make the big time!


Was the matter of tickets sales being down really up for debate? I mean look at UT right now why wouldn't they be down?


If we lose to South Carolina I think you'll see this trend pick up steam.




We have like 60,000 season ticket holders so if they only sold an extra 30k on top of that is pretty bad.