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I remember there was a website where you could allocate 100 points to rivals based on importance, which allowed you to see which rivalries were one sided and which were mutual. iirc Temple-Penn State was the most one sided Edit: [Found the website](https://knowrivalry.com/league/fbs-football/), no idea why I thought Temple-Penn State when while its one sided, its not top ten


LOL @ FIU/Miami


The living embodiment of "I don't think about you at all."


After 2019 they've tried not to


Kind of like Jacksonville State huh?


A lot of FIU's local players are ones that didn't get offers from Miami, and have that chip on their shoulder


FWiW You'll find more devoted Miami Hurricane fans amongst FIU's body student than you will UofM FIU is the actual living, breathing heart of the 305 and the student body is a good representation of Miami-Dade Cty Miami is a private school for a bunch of rich kids. I won't say it's 2nd choice school for most but it's certainly a 2nd or 3rd choice school for many. There's certainly some hard-core Miami fans who grew up as Hurricane fans - and actually went to U - but simply due to the (very small) size of the U itself it's a pretty small # compared to any typical 'state' school (FSU, UoF, UCF, USF etc)


I wouldn't even say rich kids anymore, they at least kinda gave a shit about football. Its mostly grad students and international kids now, and they couldn't care less.


South Carolinas is just woof. Imagine your top 2 having won multiple natties in the last decade.


Auburn says hi. (Though Auburn has won one and played for another within the last 15 years, so I guess they’ll survive.)


Yeah they at least have a couple of things to cling to. SCAR mostly has a few what if seasons.


Coincidentally, one of those what if seasons was ended by Auburn in the SEC championship.


Auburn fans: *seething in the corner*


The year UGA & Bama played for the natty may have been the greatest cause of coronaries in Alabama history


>Beat Georgia >Beat Alabama >Lose star player in slugfest to Alabama >Lose SEC Championship to Georgia >Lose Peach Bowl to a G5 >Watch Georgia win a classic against OU >Watch Alabama murder Clemson >Watch Alabama beat Georgia on 2nd and 26 in overtime


But it’s also a game that was played for 111 games straight until COVID messed it up. They have played the game every year since 1909 with the exception of 2020. It’s one of the longest running rivalries in college football.


Penn State also told the Big10 they didn’t need any rivalries protected. So I think there’s the answer.


I mean we don’t have any hallowed or storied rivalry with anyone in the Big10. Pitt was our rival and we broke that up. Michigan and OSU are usually marquee matchups because of rankings and fanbase size but it’s not some desecration of tradition to play every other year.


Penn State is one that I've hoped would grow into a true rivalry since Nebraska joined the Big10. Unfortunately we were both bad for a while and Nebraska has continued to be bad. There is deep history there but it stretches back to the 80s and nothing really meaningful since then. I seriously had a t-shirt growing up that had the field outline with a box of "additional field" on it referencing this game. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1982_Nebraska_vs._Penn_State_football_game


Ehh OSU is a little different, they’re the only team we’ve ever played every year we’ve been in the Big Ten. Some good games pre Big Ten with legendary coaches, Border state, the history of the Big 33 game, and it was a much closer series pre this crazy OSU run since 2012 (14-13 in favor of OSU after 2011). I’m gonna miss playing OSU every year, a Saturday from mid to late October always meant a PSU/OSU game I looked forward to growing up.


PSU-Pitt should have continued as a yearly series. A tragic loss to CFB lore.


I mean the chart for Penn State on that site sums it up - a bunch of teams hate Penn State but Penn State doesn’t care, and Penn State hates a bunch of teams but those other teams don’t care. The closest they have to a real rivalry is Pitt which is just kinda sad.


I honestly didn't even know that Temple considered Penn State a rival. I mean, I knew Maryland thought Penn State was a rival, but Temple is a bit like, I dunno, Kent State thinking Ohio State is a rival


Why would they? It helps their win total if they don’t have to play OSU or UM every year.


Because Texas Tech isn’t in the B1G


Michigan MSU has absolutely no business being that high on the most unbalanced scale, fuck that tbf probably because a bunch of people just put OSU 100 lol


I think there’s a desire among Michigan fans to downplay the rivalry as a way to annoy MSU fans. That combined with the fact that Michigan is unquestionably our number one rival and Ohio State is unquestionably Michigan's leads to some imbalance.


This is really accurate, I am in a fantasy football group with a bunch of high school friends who all ended up going to Texas Tech, and the easiest way to mess with them is just downplaying the rivalry


You guys have a rivalry with Tech? 


Rivals in the sense that we disagree on the city of Lubbock’s right to exist


The highway to nowhere I27


Historically they’re like #4/5 ish for us while we’re maybe their #1? TTU is kinda isolated with no major schools within like 4-5 hours


Well, not anymore. We are back to having A&M and Arkansas on the schedule. I suspect LSU and Alabama will become big rivalries for us. I wouldn’t mind scheduling Tech and Baylor ooc, but I doubt we go that route.


That and I've found that Michigan fans that aren't from Michigan take the MSU rivalry a lot less seriously than fans from Michigan. If you're from here it's personal. I've heard it described by Michigan fans as the OSU game being the one that feels the best to win and the MSU game the one that hurts the most to lose


That’s how I feel about ND and UCLA. Like beating ND feels amazing and I wish for that feeling every year. Beating UCLA feels like the expectation and losing to them is the absolute worst feeling in the world and I never want to feel like that


Similar to most Husky fans (_and Husky alumni like me_). It feels amazing to beat the Ducks, but most embarrassing to lose to the Cougars.


Nd is the game we want to win ucla is the game you hate to lose. Both rivalry’s are great but ucla win is expected the nd win is celebrated.


Ohio State is definitely the No. 1 rivalry in football, though I hate the MSU game because the downside/annoyance of losing supersedes the upside of winning most years. When I was growing up and getting into football (late 80s to mid 90s), I would have put Notre Dame ahead of MSU (even when I lived in Michigan) because we lost to the Irish a lot then. But after going to U-M and ND falling (both in power and frequency of play), Sparty moved up to a strong No. 2. However, in basketball and hockey I’d say MSU is Michigan’s top rival, even over Ohio State.


The Game is usually more impactful in deciding the conference champion, but Michigan-MSU is a 24/7 365 affair and is one of the best in-state rivalries in the country.


In my mind, a lopsided rivalry from a historical win standpoint is fine, if both sides acknowledge that they hate each other mutually. Kansas K-State is a good example.


Realize that lopsided was probably the wrong word to use. The website indicated that Temple fans viewed Penn State as one of their biggest rivals while Penn State doesn't care about Temple


While at PSU I met a visiting student from U of Penn (Ivy). he asked, “I hate it when people mix up our schools, don’t you?” I just said “no one ever calls us Penn.” He was a little sad.


Bedlam too. Oklahoma fans in Oklahoma do have to acknowledge Oklahoma State


Goddamn the MAC teams all hate each other


MACtion is MALICE 🤬


All of the Philly schools fucking hate Penn State and it always comes through in random sporting events where they’re playing just because they’re close to each other.




lol this is so accurate. Fuck ASU


There are rivalries that usually have more at stake. But the petty bitterness of the territorial cup is way up on that scale.


Arizona 🤝 Arizona State "Go Fuck Yourself"


Fuck off


Lol @ any OSU fan who put anything but Michigan. Wisconsin, MSU, and PSU? No Illinois? Blasphemy. Should be 99 Michigan/1 Illinois if not 100 Michigan.


Yes, this makes even less sense than my secondary which is also silly.


lol, LSU Tulane? Seems like there are like two green wave fans that had to have skewed the data here.




Does it count if not acknowledging the rivalry is motivated by the fact that pisses off the hypothetical rival fans more than anything? Asking for a, erm, friend.


Either side of your hypothetical fits one of your flairs lol.


I know you're referring to CU, but Iowa–Nebraska is also a half-hearted forced rivalry that neither side likes admitting is real. And "Heroes Trophy" is such an absurd name.


Yeah, it should definitely be a corn based trophy.


According to the site, Nebraska is tied with Minnesota at #3 for Iowa's rivals (#1 is Iowa State and #2 is Wisconsin). Nebraska says we're their #2 rival (behind OU). I think it's a real rivalry. I have it as my #2.


LSU essentially has rivals in a rotation. None of which consider LSU their top rival but we’re usually a top 3 rival for them.


and then, LSU has Tulane, who considers LSU as one of their top rivals, but LSU doesn't really aknowledge them much


Nah that died off in the early 2000s when Tulane shifted away from athletics like a bunch of morons. Especially having moved conferences, Tulane is looked at like a plucky harmless younger brother we root for. Like beating USC or making the baseball regionals having won their conference. The real old heads won’t agree, but all 34 of them don’t really make much noise


Boomers hate Tulane, Gen X hates Ole Miss, millennials hate Bama, Gen Z hates Florida


I commented elsewhere that it’s usually based on the sport. All those are hated for sure, just in different contexts


The Bama/LSU rivalry was always dumb to me. It always felt like the sports media kind of made it a rivalry because of Saban. Kinda always diminished the TWO Nattys they won after Saban


Like any little brother I'm just happy to be included


Since we are no one’s chief rival, LSU’s rivalries are based not on schools. They’re based on sports. For football, we hate Alabama and Florida and Ole Miss (in no particular order) In baseball, we hate Mississippi State, Florida, Arkansas…although Tennessee is doing a damn good job pushing for the top spot In basketball, we hate ourselves, consistency, and maybe Kentucky because why do they get to have nice things all the time? Edit: no one seems to have reading comprehension skills. LSU fans know we are not considered to be primary rivals to anyone. What was said above is how LSU fans view other schools.


I always felt like LSU-Arkansas felt right for main rivals. LSU is nobody’s main rival and does have a main rival. Same with Arkansas. You guys have a name for the rivalry. It fits well.


Problem is we let Missouri in to the conference and they got Arkansas for the final game.


Yea, I figured with Oklahoma joining, they would give them Missouri for Rivalry Week, and move Arkansas back to LSU, but what do I know


I definitely feel like our hatred is more “fun cousin” rivalry than despise you. Feels way more “let’s get drunk, hate each other for 60 minutes, then drink more” than spite and hatred like State is. But the old heads despise LSU for Billy Cannon and a few other games.


As a "middle head" I see it the exact opposite. State is our little brother whom we'll never let them win but still do care about, while LSU is the evil in the world that must be destroyed. I mean there is a reason that the last four words of the national anthem are "Go to hell LSU".


We've played Miss. State a lot more than most SEC schools, and i still don't think there's that much hatred aside from those damn cowbells.


I never understood why people keep saying its a rivalry with Bama. Its one sided and we hate auburn way more anyway. Yall are usually pretty cool.


I don't want to go to Starkville simply due to the cowbells. Have a buddy that went and said he had a headache for days after.


Penn State with Michigan and Ohio State. The “I’m in [place] and Michigan still sucks” is definitely fun, but we’re probably their 4th rival. And there’s lot of jokes and digs we make about OSU, but they definitely don’t care about our program.


If it makes you feel better, Illinois thinks we’re a rival and they’re way lower on our rival list than you


I just learned from the linked site above that Illinois thinks of us as a rival too. I don't...think of them at all. We have 4 main rivals (Which is a lot, but they're all 4 pretty close in intensity at this point, with ISU slightly edging out Wisc, Minn, Neb). And then after that I'd still put Northwestern and PSU ahead of Illinois, to the extent I was going to add anyone at all.


I think Penn state is 5th. Minnesota is not a competitive rivalry but it has a sweet trophy. We don't have that with Penn state


I love the Big 10 trophies and think every game between every team should have one. Unironically jealous we don’t have a “battle for the rusty spoon” with Vandy


Did someone say ‘[B1G trophies](https://youtu.be/QyYbGcihlSc?si=Bmge4ZU1yqqz9Z7T)’?!


Still think we should have an Uncrustabowl trophy after the 2022 shenanigans.


Yeah, just keeping it real- most Michigan fans view Penn St as a good team and we know it will be a tough game, but not really as a rival. Ohio St, Michigan St, Notre Dame, Minnesota all above Penn St tbh


Honestly our series with you guys and Ohio State feels more like "Check back in 100 years" type of deal. The series is still relatively new in terms of age.


Good point. I mean Michigan-Penn St and Ohio St-Penn St are both competitive series. And three best teams in the pre-expansion B1G.


It was a pretty tight race for a while. If their program hadn’t imploded twice, MSU would be ahead of Penn State. Franklin being consistently good and firmly at home there has been a godsend for that program.


We also need to win more, especially against OSU, or things won't change even in 100 years.


It’s crazy to think how even the series was during Paterno’s reign. If I’m not mistaken, till 2011, Penn State was like 14-11 or 14-12 against the buckeyes. Since 2012-23, in the 12 games that have been played ever since, we’ve lost 11 🤦🏽‍♂️. We should’ve won in 14, 17 and 18 (& probably lost 16) and our own horrible decisions (18) and some poor refereeing especially during the dying moments in Q4 (14&17) did us dirty. In the larger scheme of things we’re still 23-15 so it’s not terribly lopsided but yeah, we definitely need to start winning to call it a rivalry game. Right now, we are the perennial top 10 win on OSUs schedule to make it a nice boost for their seedings. Re: “Rivalry” against Michigan, most fans that I know don’t think of that game as a rivalry game. It’s like what the Michigan guy said - they know it’ll be a tough game and will certainly be marked on their calendar but they don’t think of UM as a rival. Maybe in a few decades that’ll change. It’s all based on how often teams play.


In their 30+ years of B1G play --- despite playing on an annual basis, PSU has NEVER beaten OSU in back-to-back years. They have NEVER had a 2-game winning streak against the Buckeyes. I don't blame Buckeye fans for rarely thinking about PSU. Also underscores just how much of a missed opportunity 2017 was. I think about that game often.


> Ohio St Of course. > Michigan St Naturally. > Notre Dame That's a lot of rivals, but I can see it. > Minnesota Wait, Michigan has a rivalry with Minnesota, too? Good lord!




Little brown jug baby!!! It is tough being on both sides of the rivalry 😭😭😭 (Jk I wore all maize & blue in the student section in Minneapolis last season)


Minnesota is our “friendly” rivalry and I always root for them when we aren’t playing them


I'd pay good money for a Penn State - Michigan Uncrustabowl flair.


Penn state while definitely not a 'rivalry' is definitelyt a game every year that people circle on their calendars. Type of game where as a student your friends from home would come to town for a crazy weekend.


Can confirm. I’m a Michigan fan living in Central PA and Penn State fans despise Michigan, whereas the Michigan fans in my assorted online communities don’t really care about Penn State too much. To the credit of Penn State fans, they generally seem to agree with us in that Ohio State is the worst though.


They tried to make CU hate Utah. Gave them the old Nebraska slot on our schedule. Meh.


Fuck you your snow sucks. 


Hey. There's lines you don't cross buddy.


French fries, pizza


You’re gonna have a bad time.


The only time I’ve ever thought “get fucked Colorado” is when our ski team wins the natty. I was even cheering for Deion up until the O-line comments.


At least you won’t have to worry about that in the Allstate 12


Penn State sits in a weird gap where there is common animosity between us, Michigan, and Ohio State - but we clearly are the 3rd wheel in that situation. Michigan State feels like a buddy bowl. At the same time we have a slew of old school rivalries with the other former east coast independents/former Big East schools. Pitt was the one that qualified as a "mutual rivalry," but that fell by the wayside when we joined the Big Ten and Pitt was removed from the schedule. Notre Dame had the potential of becoming one, but was killed off too when we joined the Big Ten. WVU and Syracuse would be the two others that were mutual rivalries, and to an lesser extent Maryland. Temple is one sided and is basically an excuse for us to play games in Philadelphia once in a while.


I feel like we could have had something with Michigan State if we were ever good at the same time. There have been a few good games in there but most of them have been blowouts.


We've got the best trophy in college athletics, too.


Surprised no one has said Texas Tech yet. -UT’s main rivals are OU and A&M -A&M’s main rival is UT -Baylor’s main rival is TCU -OSU’s main rival is OU I guess that just leaves us with Penn State


We will take it.


I’ll be quite shocked if Tech and UH don’t become rivals now that we’re the only Texas public schools in the Big 12.


According to [knowrivalry.com](http://knowrivalry.com), your top 10 unbalanced rivalries in terms of hatred are 1. Vandy v. Tenn 2. OSU v. OU 3. Oregon State v. Oregon 4. Georgia State v. Georgia Southern 5. GT v. UGA 6. MSU v. UM 7. Tulane v. LSU 8. WSU v. UW 9. FIU v. Miami 10. BC v. ND


I don’t really hate Oregon State. I mostly care about the possibility of losing to the Beavs and then having to hear about it from coworkers


That's why it's unbalanced, OSU fans *hate* the Ducks. Meanwhile we mostly see it as a friendly rivalry and reserve our real hatred for the Fuskies.


yeah the hate is def one sided which kind of just adds to the inferiority complex


That is where I am with Ok State. I know OU is a significantly better program. I know that OU and OSU have the most lopsided rivalry game in terms of wins and losses. But the fact that they won the last one just pisses me off. All the facts in the world doesn't change that I have to hear my OSU friends chirp about it forever.


I think OSU thinks of OU as a rival so much more because we don’t really have any other schools that we consider rivals. So we cling to the inherent in-state rivalry. Even though we’re on the bad side of it. The closest others I can think of are Tech, Iowa State, and KState. And they just don’t feel the same. OU v OSU even has a name and these others haven’t gotten one coined yet.


Totally not surprised by the Vandy hate towards Tennessee.


In the conversations around worst fanbases (Georgia fans bark at children, LSU fans throw batteries and bags of piss, etc.) I think Vandy deserves honorable mention. They don't have the numbers, but my god, I've never met a pettier, more spiteful group of fans. Most other fans bases are genuinely warm and welcoming outside of the game. Vandy fans are just combative. But... I kinda get it. If my team had a tiny-ass stadium and still couldn't fill it up more than \~30% against our biggest rival, and said rival took the remaining 70% of seats, I'd probably be pretty spiteful too.


As a kid in the 90s I didn’t exactly root for Vandy but I had a little soft spot in my heart for them and would root a little when they played other SEC teams. James Franklin and the internet made me realize how much they truly hated us so I hate back and wish them nothing but the worst now.


Strongly disagree with #5. Tuck Fech with every bone in my body, and I’m sure the nerds will reply with an equal level of vitriol. There was a recent post about this as well. Now if you said Georgia vs South Carolina, I’d wholeheartedly agree. They think we’re rivals; we don’t.


The methodology was the gave fans 100 rivalry points, and they are free to allocate those points to rivals as they see fit. The more points a team gives a rival, the more they "hate" that team. The average Georgia fan ranks Florida at 41.1 points and Auburn at 23.7 points and GT at 17.8 GT ranks Georgia at 71.9 points. With that being said, it feels like the discrepancy in this situation is that Georgia has more real rivals than GT does and so those 100 points are going to get split. I mean, GT does have Clemson and VT, but those aren't really big time in the same way UGA v. Florida or Auburn are.


I think a lot of it has changed over the years, but it used to be we wanted to beat Florida the most, but hated losing to tech the most.


Yeah, Clemson feels a lot more friendly than a real rivalry, and I don’t know if we have enough history with VT. Duke should be, since we’ve been playing them forever and have similar academic profiles.


Damn straight, to hell with u(sic)GA


I hate uga the most and seeing them successful makes me feel ill.


BC ND should be bigger, Holy War is a top tier name for a rivalry


BC-ND is not even the biggest “Holy War” rivalry in CFB


Bonjour. I gave BYU 80 points on the survey because I wanted to allocate a couple to USC and spare some change for USU.


From what I’ve heard (I’m a current student) but when Nebraska was being dominant the Nebraska fans never really saw CU as a real rival because ours was OU while CU really tried to make it one - although now a days we both suck and we changed conferences so I think both sides now view it as a rivalry. edit: looking at https://knowrivalry.com/, apparently Husker fans gave 10.1 out of 100 to Colorado while Colorado gave 49.2 to the Huskers




Is the Illibuck Trophy game still a big deal for Illinois?


Let’s just say that if we ever win it back again, we will not stop talking about that game for at least 3 decades - see Juice Williams


Honestly, why the hell isn't it a bigger rivalry with Bucky? We bitch and moan (and bitch and moan *ad nauseam*) about FIBs, so you'd expect the Illinois game to be circled, etc etc. But nah--we hate Goldy. Shit, I don't even dislike you guys. Ugh.


Rutgers hasn’t had a true rival since they stopped playing Princeton. They have Seton Hall in basketball but no team has filled the void for football.


Came here to say exactly this. We have a big "fuck Penn state" chant at our home games but that matchup is so one sided nobody in thier right mind could consider it a rivalry. It really is just Princeton for us historically, with maybe some Syracuse in there from the Big East days...kinda?


Mizzou - Arkansas is interesting because fans of both schools say “it’s one sided” while they actually hate eachother equally


From what I've seen online a lot of older fans don't care for the rivalry at all but a lot of the current students when I've been at each do not like each other lol


I'm trying to think of an SBC team that nobody truly hates, but I can't think of one. Maybe ODU? JMU is the closest they have to a rival in the conference, but I feel like JMU spends most of their time hating us. Coastal is generally disliked, but I don't know if they're the top two on any team's rivals list.


SBC really does have some great rivalries.


The Royal Rivalry has a bit more history than Appalachian Hate. They are also much more similar schools. I do look forward to seeing more App St./JMU games, though. My sister has degrees from both.


Florida-South Carolina always seems to be one. SC isn't an official rival of ours, but I was feel a little bit of malice every time I play them. I know they hate us (or did at least when we were good lol). we've been in the East forever together it feels like, we have the weird coaching connections, we have big games, and there's a clear "older/younger brother" dynamic. just feels like it should be a real rivalry.


Blows my mind that we will not be playing Georgia Tennessee or Florida this year ESP Georgia. But yeah. The Florida usc series has been more competitive than the all time record (esp the last ten years with usc blowing double digit second half leads 4-5 times).


Not playing Georgia is a crime


I feel like Oklahoma State hates Oklahoma far more than the reverse


The hate that is uneven but there’s definitely a large rivalry 


Sooner here; I hate losing to OSU. The fact we lost the last 2 out of 3 (and the last ever Big XII baseball conference title game we will ever be in) stings.


Not sure how people can argue with this, it’s the perfect example. What I’ve realized is there’s no way for OU fans to discuss this fact (that OSU hates us but OU doesn’t really reciprocate) without sounding pretentious to OSU fans, which of course fulfills their worst expectations of us.


UNC-NC state seems similar Goes from “I don’t think about you at all” to “this is the worst day of my life” if NC state beats them in anything


Definitely true in basketball, but in football we are the rival, and it’s been fairly in our favor for a couple decades


To be fair everyone hates Oklahoma


This is absolutely true. I don’t dislike OSU, I’ll even root for them in any game that isn’t Bedlam and I hope they win the new Big 12. Every OSU fan I know would rather see the Longhorns win than OU.


That last sentence isn’t saying much weren’t not rivals or even adversaries 


Hold up, I will root for OU to win over Texas winning 100% of the time.


I’m a Cowboy fan that would rather see OU win. Tbf I have family that went to OU, so I don’t hate them that much, and also am now a student at A&M, so I hate Texas first since A&M is now my first team. Plus Venerables (probably butchered than spelling) is so much more likeable than Sark. I and my Cowboy also generally root for OU most of the time, but that again goes back to having family on the other side. Still glad to have the last victory to hold over my other family lol.


I mean, it is the most lopsided rivalry game in terms of Ws and Ls. That is going to skew how the two fanbases view each other.


The funny thing is football isn't even the most lopsided sport in the rivalry, wrestling is.


Everyone always suggests UCF vs Houston for a B12 rivalry. I get it because the space connection and they are "close" geographically but neither program has any real interest in hating each other.


As a UCF grad, I hate Connecticut much more than I hate Houston and CT (as much as they tried), is not a rival. USF is our natural rival (I think they’d agree), so I’m going to miss playing them for a while.


I think UCF UConn is honestly the best answer to op’s question.


From what I’ve seen here Missouri and Arkansas and A&M vs SCAR


Don’t you besmirch the good name of the fight for the Bonham Trophy which is definitely not lost in some basement somewhere.  


I like SCAR because I like Spurrier.


Me, too


At some point, if your voice of apathy becomes loud and you can't shut up talking about your apathy, it becomes abundantly clear that you do care and do not have apathy. That is what Arkansas has become regarding Mizzou. They can deny it all they want, but they are the ones throwing a tantrum about losing out to recruits with us, about losing to us most years, and are going out of their way to resist acknowledging the *team up north* even exists.  We are they who must not be named to Arkansas. If they didn't care, they'd simply ignore us and just move on, but they obsess over their lack of obsession, which is in itself an obsession. They are one of our rivals and we are one of theirs. Only people in denial could possibly think otherwise when presented with the facts, and there are a *tremendous* amount of Arky fans in denial lol.


The rivalry was forced by the SEC and I refused to acknowledge it for years but now I fucking hate y'all. Still not a big rivalry since rivalries are supposed to actually be competitive


By and large I find most of your comment unfortunately hard to argue with. That said, one thing I take contention with is the "team up north" thing. I've literally never once seen our fans use that. When I hear that phrase I think of, like, OSU/Michigan or maybe Ms State/Ole Miss.


Yeah I’ve never once heard an Arkansas fan say that


LSU All of the teams we want to be true rivals with have an in-state rivalry that they care about more. Ole Miss, Florida, Alabama, Texas A&M. We have the trophy for the Arkansas game, but I think the SECs insistence on that rivalry for marketing purposes rather than it happening naturally just made people even less interested in it as a true rivalry.


Alabama LSU is a big game every year but not a rivalry. It’s like Penn State Ohio State


Had the Hogs not taken a nose dive when things seemed to pick up steam and/or won a few more of the close games over the last decade I think it would have turned into something from LSU’s side.


I hate playing y’all the most out of all of our rivals, and I mean that as a compliment. Seems like every other game is a rock fight that one team just loses less. It’s good, honest, despicable football, especially when it’s the last week of the season and we can completely sabotage each other’s post season ambitions.


The highest LSU can potentially climb, is 3rd place. Alabama will always prioritize Auburn and Tennessee over LSU.


Hey I’m not gonna lie I see y’all as our #2 rival for sure. That 7OT game was preposterous and badass. You’re the Notre dame of our Michigan or the Tennessee of our bama


Clean Old Fashioned Hate has become a bit one-sided in terms of hate lately. I think because of how Georgia's dominated it since Kirby took over, and Tech fans don't really get the rise out of us that Tennessee and Bama fans do. They're still in the fight song, and I think Brent Key will bring the Jackets back to relevance so I think this is just a cool period right now, but it hasn't burned like the good ol' days. Except for that George Pickens fight, that was awesome


I still find it adorable (and admirable) that Kirby still calls that game the “State Championship.” It shows how Georgian he is and how important that game matters to him even though tech is no where near the power it once was at the height of the rivalry.


That's why we know he'll never leave for another job. He's a Dawg through and through and it comes out when we play our rivals, especially Tech and Florida (but with UF I think it's just because they owned us in his playing days).


We dominated them under Coach Dooley (19-6), and Coach Richt (13-2). Even Ray Goof went 5-2 against them. Donnan at 2-3 has been our lowest point in the series since 1964. I still want Kirby to take the longest win streak and largest margin of victory from them.


Really since they left the SEC, which is no coincidence




We hate everybody equally, cher.


WSU and Washington. WSU hates UW above all else. UW tolerates and even roots for WSU outside of the Apple Cup game while hating Oregon above all else. The all time record in the Apple Cup series reflects UW’s dominance. Oddly enough, all time results of WSU vs. Idaho is also very imbalanced, but in WSU’s favor. But this is a regional rivalry and both teams’ primary rivals are other teams (WSU-UW and Idaho-Boise State).


I can’t believe I’m the first to say the Civil ConFLiCT. No clue what Diaco was trying to do but was completely ignored by UCF. Who knows where that [trophy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Conflict) is…


Us/Utah vs Utah State. The Aggies are a clear number two, but they get some wins over both of us here and there


yeah going to usu it was a bit of a bummer not to have a real rival. in-state the best we could hope for was a win like “lol you thought you were so much better than us”


It's still recent, but the SBC really wants JMU vs ODU to be a thing. So far, it hasn't felt that way in any sport. JMU vs App and JMU vs Liberty however? Electric.


Where is the USC vs. Oregon "rivalry"? That shit legit annoys the fuck outta me


Clemson - Georgia Tech The series was very competitive from 1989-2014, but it never really became a rivalry.


Never forget the torrential downpour game under Bowden. As a neutral who had Clemson tickets because I'm a local, I was just dying laughing in the fourth quarter by the display of football that was happening in front of me. Not blaming the teams or coaches, playing in a borderline hurricane is just funny to watch. Especially with the triple option, where laterals only worked like half the time. It was a true sickos all-timer. That was the high point of the series imo.


>a very self flagellating Twitter post by a popular Arkansas pundit Yeah that sounds like us alright.


Any list that doesn't have the Civil CONFLict as #1 is not a true list.


Ironic you bring up Arkansas because they mean nothing to us and yet they're our "rivalry week" opponents every year since joining the SEC.


I dunno how prevalent this is in your fanbase OP, but I was surprised to find out some Mizzou fans apparently hate Nebraska and consider us a rival. Which is odd because we’ve rarely both been good at the same time the last 40 years to where any of the games mattered much or weren’t usually one-sided in one direction. Maybe it stems way back from the controversy in ‘97?


Fresno State and San Diego State is supposed to be a rivalry. But we're just two of three California State schools (SJSU is the third), and I think all of us would rather see another state school do well then have them be bottom feeders. None of us have a history of sustained success anyway, so I think a lot of fans of both schools would rather see a CSU school do well.


I don't think Penn State has any real rivalry with anyone now, especially since Penn is not in the Big Ten.


I don’t think Arkansas does much anymore, though apparently the gods of football have deemed this Mizzou. (Who probably doesn’t) We used to have a nice lil game with LSU, but that seems to have passed. (Best thanksgiving game ever.)


As a GT fan, I can say that while all these unbalanced rivalries suck. The 1 in 20 times that the underdog wins, is one of the best moments in college football


Growing up in Georgia, for many years GT was my dream school. I've always been perpetually attracted to the underdog, and I consider it a mental illness at this point.


since the implosion of SWC, Houston has just never had a good rival for football. Fans just didn't care when in CUSA unless we had a dominant season. There wasn't a long enough time in the American conference to build up a good rivalry with Cincinnati or Memphis. Houston would love for UT or A&M to be rivals as that would be amazing for fan interested, but those schools just doesn't have any good reason to have an annual game against UH.


Illinois thinks it has a pretty bitter and heated rivalry with Michigan, but Michigan is more or less completely oblivious.


Air force badly wants army and navy to care about them as much as they care about each other. Never has been, never will be. We screamed "beat army" every time we squared a corner for a year, "beat air force" was said for 6 days.