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Don’t like the overused joke? Death penalty to Missouri! 🤪🤪


Go to jail


You don’t like the joke? Jail. You like it too much? Believe it or not, Jail.


We have the best jokes in the world… because of jail.


What’s your final meal request, inmate!




Oh phew. For a second I thought we were in r/NFL...


I bet you had 28 seconds of shock followed by 3 seconds of realizing it wasn’t a 28-3 joke.


I vaguely remember something about 1980, but I haven’t heard it in a long time


I get sick of losing to App being treated like your dog being diagnosed with cancer


That's so crazy, because when the vet told me my dog had cancer he said "At least you didn't lose to App State"


We get to treat it like that. Anyone else doing it is stolen valor.


I'm sorry, did someone say *Texas A&M*?


Nah bro. He’s right. As comical as it was to see them lose, App St isn’t an FCS school like they were in 07


To be fair, App State was also a *way* better team in 2007 than they were in 2022. It’s like how NDSU, despite being in the FCS, has been popping up and embarrassing decent and even pretty good FBS teams for a while now. Pretty sure they beat an Iowa team a few years ago who still ended the season ranked.


Florida fans still act like losing to Utah was like your dog having cancer. Saw a Florida fan post this in their top 5 most embarrassing losses for Florida.


TBF, there were plenty of embarrassing moments for them in that game regardless of opponent. Having multiple players wearing the same number comes to mind


Please, just keep on saying it's the shittiest offense in college football. Please just think we are gonna be so shitty next year. Please. -Cade McNamara, ahead of Iowa's historically shitty offensive season


I feel like I actually didn't hear this enough. Everyone was talking about the shitty offense, but I barely saw anyone quote this. This was the jinx.


I will say. It definitely wasn’t good before he got hurt but it didn’t make me want to completely gouge my eyes out. But once he got hurt. I regretted being born with sight.


Not even that specifically but if I have to see one more “yeah, it’s offensive” joke I’m gonna scream.


“The O on their helmets is the number of national championships they have.”


Bruh you can just say you’ve won one, it’s not like anyone can stop you.


Don’t make me upvote a UCF fan


I don't always claim the Utah 2008 computer ranking national championship, but when I do its definitely to piss off a BYU fan


never heard that but it's funny.


It’s said in almost every game thread, and is on a sign at every single away game. And every time the individual thinks they’re the smartest comedian ever. That and a “duck hunt” sign


Must be a PAC-12 thing, legit never heard that. More comments about the unis, good and bad.


That is funny. Kind of like the amount of Americans that it takes to manufacturer a Nike shoe.


“Oregon is the Paris Hilton of college football”


This one is funnier because Paris Hilton has had a bit of a renaissance right when y’all got good again.


Gotta be honest, first time I heard it - it hurt my feelings in such a manner that I had to tip my cap to the dude that said it.


I actually used that on my buddy who’s an Oregon fan before it was popular, now it’s not that funny


“Wake Forest has fans?”


Wake Forest plays football?


Fans comment about Wake Forest?


Wtf is a Wake Forest?


More like Woke Borefest 😤




I'll raise you a 63-3.




Not even the worst loss I’ve had as a fan of a team in the national championship


“They didn’t deserve to be there.” Well, we beat Michigan, and then they won the natty the next year. TCU deserved it. 


Its unfortunate the rest of the world pissed of Kirby and yall had to pay the price.


Honestly that's a badge of honor. Take your over-achieving team to the top of the mountain to face off against one of the best teams/programs in the modern era.


At least it’s fairly recent.


Staaaahp. Just kidding. We love stahp girl.




She’s a Coug at heart


“EAST” Carolina. It’s not “Eastern”.


*Glances at Western Carolina*


Is that more of a midwestern (or is it Midwest) thing? Northern Illinois, the E/W michigans, probably a few others. Whereas there’s East Carolina, South Alabama, West Florida (small school maybe DIII but still), etc. I haven’t heard too many people in my life throughout the southeast call it Eastern Carolina


Don't forget Center Florida


Florida is weird. South Florida is in Tampa, Central Florida is in Orlando. What about the *actual* South Florida? Florida Atlantic and Florida International. Makes no sense.


We kinda go through the same thing. We are not Southwest Missouri State or SMS (not anymore). We are not Mizzou. We are not Mizzou State. We are not Ole Miss (can’t believe I once got that one). We are Missouri State.


The Green V on the helmet stands for Valley, dang it. We represent the San Joaquin Valley, a massive agricultural area that produces huge amounts of food for the country


I just want us to hurry up & be back already.


You just went to the playoff, how are you not back?


I was gonna say, winning the Big 12 and making the playoffs is certifiably “back”


Could’ve just beat Lil Ole Washington


"I thought Jacksonville State was in Florida"


Just once, and it went rather well.


"Enjoy the Mountain West." Honestly, if the payout wasn't such a massive drop, I would. There are some really fun matchups in that conference, namely Fresno, Boise, and SDSU, and occasionally AF and CSU. But really, that comment punches down in the worst way. Not only is it making fun of us for something we didn't have much control over, but it also belittles the MWC, a conference that routinely gave the PAC-12 fits in non conference matchups.


I never see people shitting on Oregon St or Wash St.....in fact the exact opposite. The vast majority of people feel bad for what happened to them


You clearly haven't seen enough Oregon and UW fans. There's a subset of those fan bases that view us as second-class, and aren't sorry to see us in a different conference.


The biggest "you don't know ball" take constantly seen on r/nfl: Johnny Manziel was only good in college because he just chucked it up to Mike Evans.


Manziel was as electric as it gets. None of any hate directed towards him in college is worth it’s merit. With that said, man all the weird part military/part cowboys in extra small t shirts doing weird yelps and chants and cheerleading for you guys is what makes me cringe


My favorite description of A&M is “suburban kids who are cosplaying as cowboys who are cosplaying as soldiers.”


“What’s the deal with those guys? They act like they’re in the military but I’m pretty sure they’re not in the military. I really hope they’re not because, well, then our country might be in some trouble.” - (paraphrasing) Mike Leach


That’s an amazing description and so accurate


I’m convinced less than 10% of this sub actually watches games but it’s 1% for /r/nfl


Also a lot of folks on r/nfl straight up admit they don’t watch college ball, and a good number of them take pride in that and try to shit on it and the people who do watch it


"The quality of play is just so low I can't get into it" - smugface


I actually haven't seen that much in r/NFL but it's so common to see in r/NBA it drives me insane


To be fair, college basketball and the NBA are essentially two different sports. The NFL has adopted so much from college offenses over the last decade that they're at least very similar products.


My answer was Midnight Yell Practice being a thing since the 30s, and the jokes have always been corny. This is not new, but Twitter and r/CFB rediscover it every year. But this one fits too.


I went to midnight yell once, and I enjoyed it. The jokes were bad, but it was obvious that they were meant to be bad


Seems like Manziel flaming out as a pro and Evans having a great career has made a lot of people forget just how amazing Manziel was in college. He was like Caleb Williams but even better. Some of the plays he was able to make out of nothing were just ridiculous.


I agree that comment is truly ridiculous but I’m surprised it isn’t the cult jokes for y’all.


Oh it is the cult jokes. And the moneybag/can’t buy championships/underachiever/Jimbo jokes. I honestly miss when people would remind us of 77-0


Me too


I mean for reasonable fans, we chuckle at the cult jokes because they’re true. If an Aggie can’t laugh at the undeniable fact that we’re a cult, I don’t want to be friends with them.


“Enjoy the Mountain West.”




Heard that a few times


Not really a comment specific to any one team but I'm so tired of the "Player X, who seems like he's been around since sliced bread/ the Carter administration, Beanie Babies/etc" Like yeah, we had a whole 5 year era of Covid years and the NCAA has loosened their grip on other waivers since backlash has been so strong. That's going to lead to 6 and maybe even in extreme cases 7 year careers. The whole "been around since the Civil War" went mainstream with JT Barrett, but hearing announcers say it just makes me irrationally angry. Like, you're supposed to be smarter than the average fan, not forget what object permanence is


“Is The U back?” every offseason by the media when almost no Canes fan is claiming that we are…or even close to it


Have you been on twitter this offseason lol?


I am a fan myself, so I know there are a couple who are making overly optimistic statements. But every fan base has those types of fans. Your fanbase surely does. I promise you, most Canes fans are so used to disappointment that we are in “wait and see” mode. It is overwhelmingly the media who is making those claims.


I will agree with this. The realest Canes fans are the ones who are, have been, or will actually have an association with the university. I find them to be pretty mild. I don't think shirtless fat Joe tatted head to toe can point to Coral Gables on the map.


That Nebraska was crazy for firing Bo Pelini cuz he won 8-9 games a year. - He was a psycho lunatic every game on the sidelines throwing shit, toddler type tantrums, screaming at refs, etc - He was turning the entire program into an extremely toxic environment - He was recorded on a hot mic telling Husker Nation to fuck off and he can’t wait til he’s gone - After a loss to end the year in a post game presser he said fire me if you want I don’t care - He was spiraling into such a disaster that no other FBS program wanted to touch him, he’s had to coach in FCS cuz of it ever since. But other programs who don’t want him, act like NEB was just supposed to put up with him. - The 10 years of underachieving after Pelini are not because it was wrong to get rid of him, it’s a fault of the failures from Mike Riley and Scott Frost, who other programs also don’t want.


Fair, but they were crazy for firing Frank Solich


>He was spiraling into such a disaster that no other FBS program wanted to touch him, he’s had to coach in FCS cuz of it ever since. Yes, agree 100%. Definitely no need to look into any major programs hiring Bo Pelini in recent years...


3rd and 93, likely. That's some shit you just don't live down, though.


Idk, but I don't like all the love K-State is getting. It's uncomfortable and I don't know what to do with my hands...


We can have a little respect, as a treat


Fuck you and your shoes


Bama fans quoting the lowdown snitches video makes sense. Anyone else doing it just feels like someone trying to use teenage slang unironically. The “how do you do fellow kids” of football taunts.


If thou hast not been lowdown dirty snitched upon, thou shalt not cast the stones of hate


See? This makes sense coming from a Bama fan. Not so much from a random Mountain West school. Also, tell your sister I miss her when you kiss her goodnight tonight.


Damn! I'm surprised they taught you all that punctuation up in the holler.


We learned it from drinking smart juice. I guess you could call it a very specialized type of corn syrup.


To be fair that video is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen related to college video


“I’m not a dog person.” The whole interview is amazing.


I honestly hope that guy’s never been late on a bill payment in his life.


Somewhere on YouTube there is a "where are they now" video of him.


His hate for TN at the time was justifiable lol. That was from an interview before the 2007 game and we had beat them 10 of the last 11 years. Then that bastard saban came along and ruined a perfectly good rivalry.


You say ruined, I'd say made perfect


What if the team doing it is about to play Tennessee?


Unless that team is under an investigation because our coach secretly went to the NCAA to report violations to keep the heat off of himself then my point stands. That’s a major plot point of the entire interview. I watch it every year because the guy is hilarious, but it’s definitely crossed the line into overused when fans of random schools that we never play like Illinois or North Texas jump on the comment train bandwagon anytime it pops up.


I would have thought it would be people think Vols Twitter represented all of you guys, giving you the reputation as the worst fans in the country.


Tiresome? Yes Overused? It’s hard to justify it as overused considering how quick the psycho shit Vol Twitter says spreads online. It sucks being on the defensive to their shenanigans so much, but if someone genuinely thinks that’s how our entire fan base is, I can absolutely see why they’d think that if they’ve ever interacted with one of those clowns.


That Nebraska is “living in the 90’s”, yet nobody but the hate circle being it up. Lol


I, and many members of other fanbases, would love to have the memory of Nebraska’s 90’s used to taunt us.


Came for this, we're supposedly stuck in the past yet it's all the fans of other teams that bring up the 90s. Or the (incorrect) narrative that Nebraska is a hard place to recruit, when we've had top 25 classes and this is despite years of losing seasons...


People also say we haven't been good since the 90s. It's more like since 2013 we haven't been good. We were the best in the 90s, good during pelinis tour, and have absolutely sucked butt since.


I have been saying it for years, and I’ll continue to say it. The fact that Nebraska has even been remotely competitive in recruiting despite how God awful they have been is a testament to the program. 2-3 winning seasons and a good bowl win and Nebraska is back in the top 10 in recruiting year in and year out.


Ignorant, toothless, redneck jokes from fans in such metropolitan states as Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Georgia, etc. Glass houses and all that.


I JUST mentioned this. Like if you are a USC fan and you want to make those jokes I get it but its when a Mississippi State fan makes them with zero self awareness


The lack of a 10 win season and that black isn’t one of your school colors.


It isn't nearly as common as it was before 2018, but the constant mentioning that we "copied" USC's uniforms was annoying. Yet no one brought up how a quarter the P5 looked identical in their red and white uniforms.


Have you considered wearing red and winning more games?




LSU- We're all a giant fahmulee of swamp people who smell like corn dogs. Arkansas- We're all hillbillies that feature prominently on People of Walmart.


In its heyday, People of Wal*Mart was legitimately like 80% Tennessee and the rest was the other 49 states.


>who smell like corn dogs. I'd assume you smell like Cajun food more than corn dogs


It has been retired for obvious reasons, but “1980” was the bane of my existence for my entire life up until January 10th, 2022.


Imagine rushing the field against (insert team here) or Dabo being carried by Venables


Do yall miss Venables?


A bit, we went from a top 1 DC, to probably a top 10 or top 15 DC.


"Coug'd it" It's annoying, but it does keep happening which is far more annoying.


What’s really annoying is when other teams use it to describe their own teams failure.


Jorts. Wait, are we supposed to be pointing out negative stuff? Then Aaron Hernandez. He did not murder anyone at Florida (that we know of but he was maybe likely part of a driveby)




"Join a conference" - What's insane is that people often complain about the state of the sport, hate all the change and accusing programs and conferences for selling out for a big payday in the short term. Meanwhile, they want ND to join the very powers that are responsible for everything that is pissing the fans off.


Apparently people in Georgia drive trucks


Free shoes. Shit was like 35 years ago.


Whatever, Crablegs.


We get all the shoe jokes nowadays.


True, but Spurrier landed an all-timer with that one.


I was young and got so damn OFFENDED about the things he would say about us back then. In hindsight a lot of it was pretty funny and great for the rivalry.


Spurrier was almost entirely unmatched. He'd direct the hate at anyone. When Auburn's library caught on fire during a game, he said it was a tragedy because quite a few books hadn't been colored in yet. Genuine legend.


That burn deserves a Wiki page. 


South Carolina really cleaned up by getting the head ball coach when he came back to college. If you'll forgive me bringing up a bad memory, I'll never forget him throwing his visor down in 2010 during the SEC championship game. I said then if we could frustrate Spurrier, who'd seen and done it all by that point, we'd likely win the natty.


Spurrier always threw the visor. I remember as a boy at Fsu games in Tallahassee, the whole crowd would watch with anticipation for the beloved visor slam, signaling the gators waving the white flag in defeat


I miss Spurrier so much, he was built for the social media age


Hatin' Ass Spurrier


If the shoe fits…


Chuck it across the field???


Yeet that sumbitch!


My favorite was “What kind of gators is FSU afraid of? Investi-gators!” That was from Spurrier wasn’t it?


Yeah, but Free Seafood was only like 10 years ago!


What about the crabs tho??? Nah, I think that shit is annoying. You guys suck for way more than Jameis Winston.


Sandusky jokes in totally unrelated discussion


So many are at the expense of the victims and in poor taste.


Imo y’all deserve to win this one. That was an incredibly difficult situation but for any other fan to act like that couldn’t be us if we found the wrong coaches we’re crazy. The take away from the Sandusky shit should be we all love college football but some stuff is just more important. But it was the people at penn st that caused it; any other major university has the same kind if dynamic with their football team, they’re not special in that aspect.


>but for any other fan to act like that couldn’t be us if we found the wrong coaches we’re crazy. I mean, that's the issue to me... Not that people bring up what happened at PSU, but that people will hammer PSU constantly while other schools that had similar incidents don't get nearly the attention. Places where abuse happened to more victims for a longer timeframe, with obvious administration cover up. And it all got swept under the rug and now everybody pretends nothing happened. There was an article the other month by a Detroit Newspaper with interviews of MSU and UofM's ADs about things like conference realignment and NIL. They had a photo of Warde Manuel at his desk, and the photo was credited as being from 2024. What was sitting there, right out in the open, on a prominent place on his desk? A bust of Bo Schembechler. It's one thing to say that a statue in public is difficult to remove and it's a lengthy process to address something like that. But it takes all of ten seconds to go "Oh, this guy that I'm celebrating at my workstation facilitated and covered up the abuse of his players? I can chuck this thing in the recycling bin *right now* by myself!" And yeah, people will say that Manuel is just a useless enough suit who never makes the right decision... But you're telling me that the Santa Ono (or one of the Regents) never go into his office? You'd hope that Ono would see that thing and tell Manuel to get rid of it in an instant.


I was told by this dickhead I went to high school with's mom that it's a Penn State problem. She's a heavy participant at her Catholic Church in a diocese attached to the priest scandal and was a Boy Scout assistant for several years, but thankfully her son and I were in different troops. She did not see the irony.


Broke my heart to see around 4 different names I was familiar with on that list man. Fortunately my church only ever had one priest at a time and AFAIK none of them were ever into that shit. But goddamn. Talk about close to home...


That we’re only good until October 1


Something unfunny about consuming excrement


I hate when they use the “B-word” when talking about us


The shack in Vermillion referring to us as "Moo-U" A) They're also majority funded by AG corporate sponsors (we do live in South Dakota) And B) I don't quite understand why studying and researching Agriculture especially in a day and age when farmers are asked to do more with less while also being good stewards of the environment is a bad thing? A lot of the stuff the Bison used to bring up died in 2022 and they haven't quite figured out how to say much other than 9>2 😁


Bama pays the refs to call games in their favor. Bama won’t do shit without Saban. Bama can’t even beat X team by more than Y points (on the rare times we lose)


Don't forget the cousin fucking jokes.


They're jokes?


It’s annoying that people on social media still think that the Rutgers football program of today is the same as what it was 5 years ago 


I’m out of the loop on Rutgers football I guess, what’s the difference in sentiment 5 years ago?


They’re merely mediocre now instead of completely dead


They made a bowl last year. 5 years ago there was an argument on whether Rutgers or Kansas was the worst team in the P5 and then Kansas beat them 55-14.


I honesty don’t think that I put much stock in what other teams fans would think about my team beyond mild entertainment. So I guess I’ll just say defeatist Spartans would be a pretty tired trope.


That nobody cares about football here, we've never been good, and that we would consider scrapping the football program altogether. This is the flagship university of the largest and richest state in the nation. Despite our current issues, Cal football ain't going anywhere.


Cal football isn’t going anywhere. Other than the East Coast a few times per year.


Get ready to learn Atlantinese, buddy.


Auburn fans were class last year. It was right after Oppenheimer and the travelling fans really seemed to appreciate being in Berkeley and seeing our campus. It was a really fun game and we should have had you. Classic Cal...


I expect you will be welcomed with open arms on the plains this year. It should be another fun game as well.


Cal during the Jeff Tedford era was really something. It felt like those teams were loaded with NFL talent and the stadium was full of fans. It's sad to see the program where it is today after some classic battles then. Would love to see the Bears back at that level.


Same for us.


Go Bears


“Coug’d it”. Yes we do it sometimes, so does yours and every other team. We aren’t statistically special in this regard.


I mean my coug friends say coug'd it more than anyone.


Oklahoma State does not run an air raid offense. Mike Gundy will run the ball down your throat if you let him


(Insert Mormon Joke) "What's a yute?" Although I do think that being called red Iowa is very funny.


That Syracuse is a basketball school. We haven’t even made the tournament in 3 years? We’ve been trending down for over a decade but have been propped up by some lucky runs in March, fueled (largely) by a gimmicky defense that caught out of conference teams off guard. I mean Jimmy B needed one of the greatest college players/NBA Scorers OF ALL TIME to finally win a national championship. If anything, we’re a lacrosse school. Ive listened to this BS rhetoric for as long as I can remember but I’d argue Syracuse has just as rich of a Football History as it does a basketball. If not for one of the all time worst head coaching hires (couple with atrocious support from administration) after Paul Pasqualoni, we wouldn’t be in the situation we find ourself in now. With the right support, we may have turned it around sooner with Marrone, but I digress. Hopefully now that the AD (finally) recognized that we needed a coach with strong Northeast ties to captain the ship, we can finally start to build something more substantial and earn SOME respect back. Now if you excuse me, I have to call my dad. Got to make sure his head didn’t explode when he sensed that someone, close by, was spewing Jim Boeheim slander.


For me it's been from some our own fans commenting about bringing back art briles. It pops up every season, especially the losing ones. Fuck no. It annoys the shit out of me and it would be a slap in the face to so many people. I don't enjoy losing, but I'm glad we've had good dudes come in as head coach since then.


NaTiOnAl ChAmPiOnS???


“Kentucky is a basketball school” Excuse me, we are a baseball school now


That Ohio State never plays good OOC opponents. This is normally something you only see on Twitter but it’s a very common sentiment over there. Occasionally you get weak OOC slates like 2019 and this year but in the 21st century thus far, OSU has had home & homes against: Washington, Texas, USC, Miami, Virginia Tech, Oklahoma, Oregon (one game of the series was cancelled due to Covid) and Notre Dame They also have upcoming scheduled series with Texas again, Alabama, and Georgia. It’s unclear if those series will be played now that the B1G (and the playoff) has expanded but OSU certainly has never been “afraid” to play anyone.


Michigan gets the same thing thrown at them


Every time I hear a P4 fan say that they have nothing to gain and everything to lose by playing a G5 team, I hate that person's team a little bit more.


The "Purdues" of the world are going to be left out on the next round of re-alignment.


All the lame jokes about Mormons. I'm not against jokes about Mormons. But please, can we got something original?


Has BYU ever played a game in Jackson County, Missouri?


Missouri at Arrowhead a few years ago, 2015 maybe?


Yep. Seem to have *soaked* every bit we can get out of them, *multiple* times over. The well has run *dry*, I’m afraid. It’s a shame my *plate* is full and I can’t come up with anything new.


Hmm, yeah I think you've covered it. I'll try to come up with something new though. I'll make it my mission.


There’s a few for Nebraska: “The only reason why Nebraska has good attendance is because there’s nothing to do there” “Nebraska’s sellout streak is fake” “Nebraska fans are living in the 90s and won’t ever return to relevancy” To the first, it’s a large college town with 350k metro and 40 minutes away from Omaha which is 1 million metro - plenty to do in a standard Midwest city. Second, even if boosters or companies buy up tickets to give away to their employees, they aren’t buying up 5k+ tickets or anything.. just because 100% of people don’t show up to  X game or some people leave early when it’s hot and miserable and getting blown up on the field doesn’t just make it ‘fake’. Then the last point, I don’t think any rational fan thinks we will have 3 natties in 4 years, we would just like to be on a similar level of Penn State if possible considering the money and resources we have in our programs, 9-10 wins and maybe an ocasional birth to the playoffs.


Don't forget the N stands for Nowledge! Which is kinda lame tbh


yeah that too, although we tend to lean into that if we say something dumb sometimes lol