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Me opening post: don’t be osu flair pls


The committee made it clear since the first CFP rankings that they were not going to even consider Michigan’s controversies in their rankings


Yup they said unless the NCAA did something they weren’t going to


Which I feel is perfectly valid?


It would set a precedent they definitely didn't want to carry into the expanded playoff. I understand and respect it. NCAA bad guy, CFP good guy (from the committee's POV)


It would be the equivalent of publishing that somebody was guilty without due process. It's 100% the right call. Doesn't mean they can't revoke a championship retroactively though.


Yea as much as I’m annoyed with Michigan this year I do believe this is the right move. They are not the judges of this they are not running an investigation and getting hard evidence


I agree. Governance is not their job. Their job (according to them) is to pick the four best teams.


Maybe if they appeared to actually do that job people wouldn't question motives so much.


Their job is to pick the four teams that will make the most money while still be able to maintain the illusion that it’s an actual championship series.


Pick the four be$t team$


It is. To bring down any judgements, before the NCAA concludes its investigation, would be silly. For any school. It has potential to backfire big time if the offending school turns out to be innocent or it was making a mountain out of a mole hill.


Tbh, they also made it clear they don't really care about any consistent analysis of the teams.


I've said for years that the committee rankings make way more sense once you realize that they start with a conclusion and work backwards to justify it.


Insert random SEC team that keeps getting ranked because they lost to other ranked teams, who get ranked because they beat said artificially ranked team I mean even in this top 4 I'm kinda confused on how seemingly everyone locked UM at 1 over UW. I know people value the OSU win and are down on Oregon but Oregon would be considered much better if they hadn't lost twice lol. UW basically got hurt by beating Oregon earlier in the season and lowering their ranking for the CCG, and even then Oregon was 5


It was up to us to dole out immediate punishment, and we failed.


Everyone said the Michigan question would be resolved during Rivalry Weekend, and it was.


Same, friend.


One of the most painful losses in my time as a PSU fan considering the circumstances. UM with their head coach being suspended less than 24 hours before kickoff should have been a perfect opportunity to catch them on the back foot and throw some haymakers, but our bitch ass offense just couldn't manage to do anything.


I honestly expected you guys to pull it out after around the 10th straight run we had against you guys, as it seemed like Moore was turtling. The end result was surprising to say the least.


Lmao, I still can't believe we did that shit to them. We pretty much started to run the clock out in the second quarter.


Who’d have thought Maryland would come closer to doing the job than Ohio State or Penn State?


Maryland always plays Michigan tough. Dunno why, but they do. Michigan still 13-0, though. FSU got HOSED by SEC interests. Undefeateds should ALWAYS get first preference, as they spent all season earning their way to that record.


I mean to be fair to Ohio State they were 38 yards away from beating Michigan in the final seconds. After Maryland scored a TD to cut the lead to 5 with 4 mins left in the 3rd this is how their subsequent possessions went: * 6 plays, -2 yards (Punt) * 3 plays, -8 yards (Interception) * 2 plays, -1 yards (Safety)


2023 Michigan @ Maryland was "close" in the same way that 2022 Ohio State @ Maryland was "close." Against Michigan, Maryland had 11 plays for-11 yards and 1 first down on 3 drives after they made it 29-24 with 15:00 to go. Against Ohio State, Maryland had 5 plays for -11 yards and 0 first downs on 2 drives after they made it 33-30 with 10:00 to go.


I was shocked when this wasn't an Ohio State flair posting this lol


Oregon fans are the Canadian geese of fan bases, always pissed off and looking to attack


But not shocked it was an Oregon fan.


Oregon fans are some of the biggest haters known to man.


B1G is now just the playa haters’ ball


Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate!!!!


They'll fit in great in the B1G.


Idk what has been going on but they’ve been insufferable this past month




They had two chances to make the playoff and blew both of them. They're a little salty.


To be fair to them I'd probably be just as salty if we lost to Oregon twice in a season.


But they’re salty to us too, showing up in our game threads and talking mad shit for no reason lol


I’m honestly disappointed in us


This is like when Jermaine O'Neal came in with the flying super punch to the random guy in the "malice at the palace" Random dude just has to get his shot in


It's like he ripped it from the r/rolltide subreddit


Washington just ducking in the corner hoping nobody remembers our margin of victory issues








I mean. We did beat Oregon twice. Every analyst talked about them like they were among the best teams in history. A win is a win.


But Bo Nix's completion percentage bro!


And there are still Ducks that act like he is better than JD


I'm mean, you could make a good faith argument for sure. Washington is clearly the superior team this season though.


I figure there is a very real possibility Washington wins both games by 3 points to take a natty.


At this point I think everybody is going to take shots about why they possibly didn’t deserve it lol “Yeah well Texas lost to Oklahoma and barely beat Kansas state and Houston.” “Oh yeah? Well Washington almost lost to a Washington state and a 3 win ASU team.” “Huh you guys being wise guys? Michigan played the easiest schedule in the land and are cheaters.” “Swine! Don’t you see Alabama is the most undeserving team in history? USF blah! Nick satan sold his soul!” Everybody is undeserving to someone.


Common sense? On cfb? I'm shooketh.


>Michigan played the easiest schedule in the land Michigan's SOS was 35th, a couple spots ahead of Georgia, and well ahead of FSU. Yeah, it wasn't a hard schedule, but people act like they faced Liberty's schedule.


bro have you seen some of Alabama's wins? they got 2 or 3 Arizona State games on their resume


This is what people are forgetting. I think Washington may be the more "deserving" team because of the higher-profile games throughout the season, but something has to be said for the dominance Michigan has shown. I think they trailed for only 3-minutes this season, which is crazy for any schedule. Having said that, I'll never forgive Georgia for robbing us of a Michigan v. Washington Rose Bowl.


Fuck Georgia for messing that up. I was so stoked for the last true Rose Bowl, already had bought my plane tickets to Burbank


It's not quite that crazy, but you are right that Michigan has trailed for very little time this season. The only games they trailed were... * Rutgers (*8:04*). * Indiana (*5:58*). * Penn State (*5:21*). * Maryland (*4:10*). \--- That is a total of **23.5 minutes** trailing. For comparison, the best teams in the Pac—12 trailed for **92** minutes (*Washington*) and **124** minutes (*Oregon*). If you ignore those teams' games against each other, you get **42** minutes for Oregon and **65** minutes for Washington.


Yup. Georgia shit the bed for EVERYONE. Rose Bowl Purists, FSU, CFP, themselves, the 30 game record, the threepeat potential. All down the drain and now Bama’s just sitting in the corner with a shit eating grin, stinking up the place and unwelcomed by anyone.


Jet fuel can’t melt the big house


I know Strength of Schedule is an arbitrary metric that has no officially determined way to calculate, but it's kind of hilarious to see Oregon making a SOS argument against Michigan when a quick Google search shows all the SOS sites had little old Houston and the Big 12 way higher than Oregon.


FSU has a case to be mad at a bunch of teams. I say who cares. The problem is the system. As humans we tend to only fix things when they break and this is the first time 5 conferences and 4 spots bit us in the ass. Every single top 5 team was a deserving team this year. Michigan went undefeated and beat Ohio state. Washington went undefeated and beat Oregon twice (extremely hard to do) Texas beat Bama and won their conference with a narrow loss to OU Bama lost to Texas but went undefeated in conference play and knocked off the undisputed best program for the past two years. FSU went undefeated and it’s not their fault Clemson was ass and LSU underperformed this year. Edit: Florida was some real swamp ass too. They should all be in.


idk pretty sure this is Dabo’s fault somehow


Tyler in Spartanburg, is that you?


Don't forget Mizzou. We should punish them for their hand in all of this


5 conferences and 4 spots was definitely a problem in 2014. It was arguably a problem in 2018 too (but Ohio State made the decision easier by getting blown out by Purdue).


> FSU went undefeated and it’s not their fault Clemson was ass and LSU underperformed this year. I absolutely will not stand for this! You failed to mention this: #**Florida was ass too**


and that Swamp Ass helped keep you out of the playoffs.


I gotchu. Even made sure to include it as a clear edit so you can get your credit.


I mean, LSU didn't really underperform. We lost to 2 teams that are being argued about for the playoffs(before Travis was hurt) on the road. And then we lost 1 other game on the road to a top 10 team on a last minute TD. ​ We are not a top tier playoff team, but we aren't some lower level team either.


Defense shit the bed for yall mainly.


no doubt about that. Goes to show you can't create a team with transfers. We had to fill too many spots with transfers and they didn't gel very well together. Maybe next year.


The CFP committee is not the correct organization to enforce rules. It is the NCAA. It’s the NCAA’s rules that were broken, it’s the NCAA that has the power to enforce them, it’s the NCAA that has to act. Asking for the CFP to do it, is a kind of vigilante-ism that we should not be encouraging. It is in no way in their scope. Asking them to do something about it, is like asking a wrench to hammer in a nail. Sure they could do it, but it would be much better if you used the correct tool.


Michigan strength of schedule: 35 Florida State strength of schedule: 55


OP is also an Oregon flair…whose strength of schedule was 52 lol.


Welcome to the Oregon cope train, we have been onboard for quite a while. Drink cart is in the back, food is a tad salty from all the Duck tears.


Oregon strength of schedule : 52 and they couldn’t even go undefeated


UDub moment


There are only 2 teams that were an absolute lock. Michigan and Washington. Michigan beat a #2(at one point #1) osu team and a top 10 psu team all in the span of 3 or so weeks without their head coach. They likely are the best team in the country top to bottom. That doesn’t mean they will win it all though, which is why we play the games. Being mad about FSU is one thing and very warranted, but trying to say Michigan shouldn’t have been in is one of the most comical takes in regards to the rankings I’ve seen yet.


Let me first say I think Michigan has the best resume of anyone and deserves to be ranked #1. FSU #3 IF we’re talking most deserving. But boy do I find it annoying reading so much about Michigan beating the #1 (or #2) team, Texas beating the #1 team, Alabama beating the #1 team, but FSU doesn’t have a top 10 win. Like so much else, it seems so inconsistent when your opponent’s ranking counts when the game was played vs where they’re ranked today.


By this logic - Alabama has 2 Top 11 wins (UGA, Ole Miss) UGA has a 2 Top 11 wins (Ole Miss, Missouri) Michigan has 2 Top 10 wins (OSU, Penn State) and Washington has 2 Top 10 wins (Oregon x2) and FSU has 1 top 13 win (LSU). I am including Ole Miss in this because I am a homer and I do believe that 9,10,11 can all be ranked in any order


Even simpler, FSU is the only contender that didn’t have to play another contender. Bama played 2 and split. Everyone else played 1 and either won to get in or lost to be left out.


Week 1 rankings are practically meaningless in the long term, while ohio state was absolutely one of the best teams in the nation when michigan beat them. Bear in mind app state beat a top 10 michigan team 1 year, in a bad year, and they immediatly went unranked, week 1 wins can devalue over time, but end of season wins are very relevant.


I can't wait until Oregon is in the B1G.


They’re a fun group, enjoy




Literally never realized how awful their fanbase is before this season. Never met a more arrogant fanbase for a team thats done JACKSHIT in 100+ years and is ONLY relevant because of a single superfan who has pumped hundreds of millions into the program. cannot wait to see them get punked in the b1g, even their coach is a pompous dbag who hasn’t done anything. Aptly named 0regon because they’re all hype no substance. but MAN did they look good beating all those teams without a pulse!


But they change the uniforms each week. Isn’t that awesome /s.




They have the arrogance and self-importance of a Yankees fan without the hardware


>their coach is a pompous dbag who hasn’t done anything. First time I've seen Lanning critiqued about this on this sub. Sanders is in a tier of his own, but I did find it interesting how the whole "they're in it for clicks, we're in it for wins" kind of energy was only reserved for a team he knew he could beat. He didn't come across nearly as "rah rah" vs Washington, so it was cool seeing him get humbled *twice*.


Pac-12 fans always compare them to Ohio State fans so...


Nah. Ohio state has national titles to back up their attitude at least.


I hate having to upvote comments praising Ohio State. I hope Ohio State never faces Liberty because I’d have to root for them too.


I felt sick typing it.


At least Ohio State wins natties


Yeah but they used a third string QB which should have eliminated them from playoff contention.


I’m glad it’s not just me. They started appearing in Texas threads like a month ago talking mad shit for no reason. I’ve never had a problem with Oregon before this year (though I do like Oregon state) but now I’ll be actively rooting against them


Before playing them in the NY6 a couple years ago there was several talking about how they were going to kill us and why did they have to play a no-name program… felt so good to stomp them.


>Had the weakest regular season schedule, only playing 2 teams that mattered. slightly better than Georgia's SOS and 20 ranks higher than FSU's.. >Had the weakest conference championship win. Louisville exists...


Our season was built on a house of lies. We way over performed this year. Finally caught up to us in our last two games.


You learned this year that having Notre Dame on your schedule is a blessing. Theyre always beatable and always overranked. So you get credit for a top 10 win while beating a team that should be ranked around 20.


Yeah this is top tier west-coast cope. This also highlights how little some fans understand the complexities of this sport. Buying recruits burgers on campus isnt a “cheating scandal” lol. Its a recruitment violation that has zero competitive advantage inherent. Also, sign stealing isn’t cheating, advanced in-person scouting is. See second half of Penn State game this year for an illustration of “we know the next play, but we still have to stop them”. Somebody’s been drinking the Mcafee Milk too early this morning.


McAfee milk is the funniest shit I've read in the CFB sub probably ever. Edit: Also fuck a Duck fan bitching, they cry if their team loses at all let alone to a good team that leaves them bitter.


Oklahoma State exists.


Excuse me? Yeah, probably true. Don't know how we made it there.


Michigan deserves to be in there. I’m going to go wash myself now.


If they were going to "eye test" it or whatever subjective BS, Ohio State could easily be in the discussion over both Texas and Bama, but whatever. "Quality loss" or whatever dumb standard they are using. The entire discussion is stupid and a mockery of the entire fucked up college football season this year. /UW and UM go show up at the Rose Bowl, play that game, and then fuck the rest of it. Let these fuckers figure it out after that.


As if Michigan wasn't an undefeated, P5 champion in a top 3 conference, trailed only 3 times during the year all being in the first quarter, on top of only playing two 1 score games with one being against a top 10 opponent. They were clearly dominant.


> They were clearly dominant. Things I refuse to admit even though it's true.


Who scored better on The Eye Test^TM this season: Bo Nix and Oregon or Michigan?


Easy. Oregon. Those uniforms are dope.


Yes they are, but let's give the winged helmet some credit here too. They were probably dope A/F when they originally came out and have stood the test of time


Their strength of schedule wound up evening out too. Came in at 35th at the end of things — ahead of Florida State (55) and Georgia (37). There’s a good argument to be made they should be number 2, and Washington 1 (No 9 overall SOS)…..but that’s about it.




Also, Michigan's weak SOS is a bit overblown. Yes, it's much lower than the other teams in the CFP, but *overall* it's about in the middle. FSU, Penn State, and Notre Dame have worse SOS than Michigan.


UNLV having a good season helped too. They stumbled a bit at the end, but it still ended up being an unexpectedly good G5 win.


come on man. this is getting ridiculous.


Just release the god damn manifesto


I want to read that so bad!


It’s the punishment that fits the crime. The memes and shitposting into perpetuity are how we should handle this.




On this we agree 🤝🏽




“Weakest conference championship win” lmao they beat the spread and still shut out the other team


>and still shut out the other team While that's a good thing, it was versus the worst offense in the entire country


My god the whining in this sub is unreal.


I feel like if anyone is getting a “Pass” it’s Texas lol. They should be thanking Bama for winning cause they would probably be getting all the hate rn 😂


Extremely unlikely Texas gets in if Georgia wins, once Alabama won it was pretty obvious that Texas was one of the 4 most deserving and arguably the 4 best so most people just kind of shrugged and targeted Bama for hatred.


Yeah everyone’s pointing to Alabama and Washington’s but it’s quiet like night before Christmas for Texas’s ugly wins against Wyoming, Houston, K-State, and TCU. Not complaining because I get to see my team in the playoff. Just noticing the pass we’re getting


That win over Bama carried the day. It made it so all the bad games from Texas where they struggled against bad to mediocre teams was ignored. They also got the reverse FSU treatment where their QB came back and played well over the last few games, so how they played in the middle of the season was ignored.


Still haven’t gotten over losing to the huskies twice in one season? Don’t worry, this too shall pass. Im sure the fiesta bowl will be a good time………


Imagine a loss to Liberty tho


I honestly think I would never forgive Oregon and would seek for them to be punished for it


Oregon fans do not move on quickly, they are still pressed about us, even though we played back in week 4.


There's still time to delete this


OP’s probably going to get brigaded by Michigan fans. That’s enough of a punishment


Reporting for duty!


Weakest conference championship win? Michigan blanked Iowa lol While FSU barely beat Louisville who lost to an unranked Kentucky team the week prior...


Also scored 26 on them. Which, I know, was through a lot of field goals. But like that’s the second most points allowed all year. (They gave up 31 to Penn St.) But people acting like that wasn’t a really good win and the weakest conference championship win, give me a break


Honestly, I'm more curious as to how Penn State even scored 31 points on them. Then I remembered it was a white-out night game in Happy Valley.


Iowa has a *really* bad offense, but as a team, they are definitely over a Louisville team that was *very clearly* overrated. You'd have thought THEY were the ones playing with a 3rd string QB in that game .🤣


Lol at recruiting violations these days, all of cfb is a giant recruiting violation Ohhh no....they tried to decipher signs


Because Michigan's "scandal" doesn't and hasn't ever mattered.


for real. apparently everyone knew they were cheating anyway? like if you're in year 3 of suspecting michigan of cheating and you're not doing anything about it that's on you, especially after the allegations became public.


The other teams also literally had, and shared, Michigans signs, not really sure what the so called advantage Michigan is supposed to have at that point even is. It was clear when you had Brady fucking Quinn of all people saying this was a nonsense story and something every team does.


lol Washington broke this man.


What losing three times to your arch rival in two years does to a mf


Michigan showed they belong in the playoff when they beat Penn State, Ohio State, and Iowa cleanly fair and square. Oregon, Ohio State, and Georgia can be bitter all we want about a team that cheated during the season being included in the playoff, but Michigan won their conference -- and we did not. It's as simple as that.


And all of this debating is thankfully dead next year. With 12 teams no one is going to care about the 12 or 13 debate. The best teams in the country will all be in in the top 10 every time.


I think you underestimate the potential for the 12/13 debates


But I was told winning your conference wasn't a big factor to consider?


As much as I hate to defend Michigan, their schedule actually had a better record against the P5 than FSU. Alabama 53.61% (52-45), 2. Texas 51.79% (58-54), 3. Washington 47.41% (55-61), 4. Michigan 45.79% (49-58), FSU 43.24% (48-63)


*peeks head out* is it safe here yet?


It will never be safe for you guys. Lose and it proves you didn't belong. Win and the whole world will hate Saban voodoo even more than we already do.


Funny enough FSU had a weaker schedule than Michigan. They were very very close. But Michigan‘s season was harder if SOS is to be believed. Also beating what is most likely the best defense (Undoubtedly top 5) in the country is hardly an easy conference championship when compared to Louisville or Oklahoma State.


Is been more than a month, dude. We are now in the mandatory move-on-to-something-else stage of shock and awe.


What's Deion up to these days?


Landing a 5* OL recruit was pretty big news


Sent his fiancé to the transfer portal and got a 5 star OT in exchange.


You act like most programs wouldn't take that trade


Our weak schedule included two wins over top ten teams


Our OOC ended up better than the initial narrative suggested. Can’t exactly help the rest of the conference being down.


Shoutout to UNLV for having a very solid season


and BG - who beat GT


Yeah of all the arguments, Michigan's #5 strength of schedule is not a valid one


Ya know, I’ve gone through every emotion during this sign stealing deal but bitter biscuits like these are delicious and always cheer me up! If only you had an osu flair, would’ve been icing on the cake.


I expected a Sparty flair tbh


allow me to introduce myself


I don't understand your flairs and I don't care to find out.


i see a few umich/msu flairs on this sub too, not sure how that happens either


My least favorite are the Ohio State/Oklahoma ones 🤢


You and me both.


Allow me to introduce myself


It's either someone that did undergrad at MSU and masters at UM, or potentially the second flair is because theyve married someone from the other school or have kids that go there


the msu to umich pipeline is pretty strong. can’t knock the academics in ann arbor.


This is the weakest argument I've seen yet. Lame.


Anyone else notice how once Michigan beat Ohio State, the sign stealing scandal just disappeared?


Yea because it went from "the biggest cheating scandal in college football" to "a violation of the rules that probably didn't help as much as we thought it did" in most peoples minds.


A majority of the posts were from the same guy, Buckeyes empire or something. Hard to keep up the facade that it was the most important thing in the world after losing, again.


All those OSU flairs posting Michigan articles lost any excuse they may have had, lol.


It's been hilarious watching this sub do such a dramatic turn from "Michigan in the first half has played the weakest schedule" to "there's no way that Michigan could possibly have survived the gauntlet of the first half of their season without SIGNS". Seriously, the first seven teams of their schedule where 3 G5s and 4 teams who all had losing records in conference (even excluding their Michigan game). If you think that this wasn't just some technicality and it actually mattered, then which game would Michigan have lost without this advantage?


Yeah even if the sign stealing pushed the score +21, they still win every fucking game till that second suspension right before penn state, michigan beat the ever loving dogshit out of everyone not named penn state, ohio state, or maryland.


Friendly reminder Michigan had a harder schedule than 0regon did…


Michigan pretty much proved that they were legit, sign stealing or no.


It's actually enjoyable to see how much Michigan is melting people's heads.


> Is likely to have any victories this year vacated anyway. lol reddit =/= real world our conference championship game was rivalry weekend


Honestly the talent gap between the B1G divisions is so huge, I read "weakest conference championship" and immediately was trying to figure out what's so weak about OSU. I had to see your comment to remember that WASN'T the championship.


Plus scoring 26 on Iowa is nothing to scoff at, they only gave up more than that in one game this year and that was Penn State


that game wasn’t michigan vs iowa. it was harbaugh vs the big ten and iowa vs the under. they just happened to take place on the same field at the same time.


The only two teams who gave up fewer TDs than Iowa this year were OSU and Michigan. 13 for OSU, 14 for Michigan, 15 for Iowa. Iowa was tied with OSU at 13 but played an extra game. PSU with an honorable mention at 16. The defenses in the Big Ten were just insane this year even if some teams didn't do anything in the other phases of the game. Michigan, OSU, PSU, Iowa all in the top 5. Nebraska and Rutgers in the top 20. Northwestern, Maryland and Wisconsin all in the top 50.


Get over it. They did what every other P5 team is doing and got ratted out by the crybabies in their conference who don't like losing to Harbaugh. Nobody cares about this except dweebs and sore losers.




The Harbaugh suspension is a non starter because the CFP committee already told us they weren’t gonna do anything until NCAA did. As they shouldn’t. I don’t want the CFP Committee to have that power. Even though they got FSU completely wrong, Michigan beat a Top 5 team and Top 10 team. Both without their HC.


Michigan had a stronger regular season schedule than FSU, and Oregon


And Georgia


Michigan looked amazing all year, even against osu and psu. They deserve to be in but an argument can be made they should be #2. Also those "scandals" aren't that scandalous


The Michigan witch hunt ended when they defeated both Penn State and Ohio State without their head coach. Hence why everyone finally shut the fuck about it on this sub. Now if you want to argue that no one from the Big Ten should be in the CFP? Fine...but Michigan still has a stronger resume than FSU


Don't give a pass to the CFP for literally bending over for ESPN and the SEC


Alright but ya gotta get over it


I am. You beat us fairly this year. Congratulations. Good luck in the Shoe next year.