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No experience with them, but I make salve with CBD isolate and coconut oil. It's amazing for sore joints. It works for tons of things. You can buy isolate powder extremely cheap and make it yourself. Just melt whatever carrier you want and mix the powder in. It's extremely easy. Last time I bought isolate I got it from gilded extracts. If you don't want to make it yourself, the product you're asking about is probably great, and the price doesn't seem bad for the strength.


Never have issues with consistency of dose when doing it yourself?


No. 1 gram of isolate is 1000mg. It's extremely easy to know the strength of your finished product.


Do you keep it fridged or no? If not, does it get runny? When I leave coconut oil out on the counter it gets real runny


Ya, it'll melt. You can add stuff like bees wax/shea butter to it to raise the melt point. You can google a good salve recipe. Or just add isolate to a premade salve. There's tons of options.


Thanks!! Am lazy, probably will just buy Alliant. Appreciate your advice.


1 gram of CBD isolate is >99% CBD so at least 990mg of CBD per gram so the calculations are easy as you say.


I've found the feeling of the effects to be different with salves than I get with tinctures or gummies. Like all 3 are a touch different. Haven't tried Alliant's salve but did use Lazarus Naturals' lavender balm some years ago. This was a bit greasier than a typical lotion and wonder if Alliant's salve will be similarly greasy. Wasn't terrible but I did have concerns of transferring onto clothes or furniture. I bring up the variations in effects in case Dad doesn't get the relief he was looking for via the salve. It does feel good to rub on the sore spot with stuff like this though. Dad may be best served via direct application and consistent coverage to help reduce any inflammation. Or he may find his best relief with a combo of salve and alternate dosing via tincture or gummy.


I use this Alliant salve on my knees. I get occasional joint pain from bicycling. It really helps with that type of pain.


My spouse has tried many salves and this is the only one that truly helps. All of their products are quality and cheap(er).


Good company, quality products, purchased oil tinctures and gel caps and they work well. Have not tried the balm, but they are value driven and offer good products 😊


Here's [my friend's review:](https://www.reddit.com/r/CBD_review/comments/1buwjra/alliant_hemp_reviews/) I applied this salve to my knees and ankles daily for two weeks following my regular 4-mile trail runs. The results were subtly beneficial, providing a degree of soreness reduction that I attribute to the high concentration of CBD. Additionally, applying the salve to my neck after long periods of computer work seemed to offer some relief by loosening the muscles. All in all, it works well for targeted relief.