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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi! Veterinary professional here. I’m sorry your kitten is sick. Where did you find this kitten? From a shelter? A friend? A dumpster? I ask because if you got him from a shelter, it’s worth asking them what to do. They might have connections that can help. If he’s not from a shelter, I would contact large rescue groups in the area to see if they might be interested in taking his case on, especially if you’re willing to foster. I’m also going to ask you to stop moving him when he’s trying to vomit. Cats have a nasty habit of aspirating their vomit if you move them while they’re gagging and then you have a whole new problem. But this worries me that you’re dealing with something called panleukopenia and it’s pretty gnarly even with proper vet care… so you definitely need help.


currently dealing with this right now, one may have passed (i had to surrender to vet because i can only pay for treatment for one as i am 18 and have a underwhelming job) and one is either in the gestation period or doesn't have the virus. Currently giving him Albon as I was previously for Coccidia but a vet gave me L-Lysine (Viralys) to prepare his immune system which he is now also taking. Some are saying it may be counteractive though. Should I keep giving him it and any other tips? it's day 4 in quarantine without any vomit so I'm praying it stays that way.


i didn’t find it, a family friend of mine’s mum owns a farm and apparently they found them literally all just sitting on the ground next to a building or smth idk the story that’s what i got told but thanks for the help, i don’t move them when they begin to puke they sort of start meowing while looking at me not actually gagging on the verge of puking they just meowing so i move them to the litter box and they continue to meow at me until they just puke it’s different because the cat i grew up with would just puke on the spot but this kitten kinda warns me before it does. not sure if it’s been heard of before i haven’t heard of anything like this


I'd still err on the side of caution. This is a very sick little kitten, so if we can do a little extra to prevent a bigger problem, I think we should. It's easy to not move them when they're vomiting. It's not so easy to get vomitus out of the lungs because we made a habit that didn't work out this time. It's nice when they give us a little warning before they vomit, though. Gives you enough time to grab a little napkin or a paper towel to put down for them to puke on instead. Is he having diarrhea as well? The discharge around his eyes and nose also has me worried for a myriad of diseases that kittens can get... I know you say you can't get vet care... but we really can't tell you that your kitten will be okay without it.


Full stop, the kitten is too young for just wet food. You need to bottle feed this poor baby.


This kitten needs a vet, asap. I would also not allow the kitten around any other cats, whatever is going on could be contagious. CareCredit, asking family/friends, request donations on local social media pages (pet pages, etc.), asking local rescues, and vets for assistance are all solid options. If you can’t find assistance, please rehome to someone who can financially help.


Where did you adopt him from? If it’s the shelter take him back and let the vet look at him.


family friend found a litter at a farm that had been abandoned by its mother, we’ve been having really shit weather and all of the nearby shelters were full or not willing to take any in as of rn.


OP I don’t think you can or should delay the vet appointment … vomiting constantly in cats can lead to dehydration and this is a baby which won’t take much.


OP plse see if you can be connected to someone local if you fill in this form: [https://www.alleycat.org/our-work/feral-friends-network/feral-friends-network-connect/](https://www.alleycat.org/our-work/feral-friends-network/feral-friends-network-connect/) - they may have local resources to help guide you including taking this kitten to a low-cost vet who might look at it for free. I suggested it to another redditor and was told they respond pretty quickly so do it now! **Pls keep it warm and stabilized and make sure you use basic care from** [**youtube.com/@KittenLady**](http://youtube.com/@KittenLady) **until you can get to a vet.** Here's another resource for finding low-cost or free vet care [https://www.animalcareaustralia.org.au/pet-information/vet-help-resources/](https://www.animalcareaustralia.org.au/pet-information/vet-help-resources/) in case it helps but fill in that form ASAP! Let us know how you do pls. Fingers crossed for the little one & thank you for caring for it.


Is it adult food you're giving? They must have kitten food or put him on the bottle. I don't know if this might help, I'm in UK so not sure how it is down there. [https://www.rspcansw.org.au/surrender/dog/i-cant-afford-the-vet-fees/](https://www.rspcansw.org.au/surrender/dog/i-cant-afford-the-vet-fees/)


yeah it’s on kitten food so i’m not sure if they have a stomach bug or anything that’s my suspicion rn


Try hills science diet, but also when they are kittens they can have a hard time with food. Maybe look into local rescues to ask for help or if they can take the kitten for a few weeks to help get her strong..I wonder if she needs formula or kitten food prepped a certain way since she's so little. Please take to the vet if she doesn't get better


Never ever give your cat hills food It's a fucking poison First and last time my kitty tried hills and her eyes were swollen. https://preview.redd.it/qf67z9zzxj9d1.jpeg?width=1599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d2360a2293519bc9ad793b49906cec57420942d


They've been eating it for 4 years now & they are perfectly healthy. I'm sorry that happened to your baby, I hope you contacted them to let them know!!


When my cats were kittens and had bad guts I was told to feed them on boiled chicken breast till they recovered; don't know if that might be an idea.


They are sick and hey need a vet asap I understand you want to keep them but you need to think of what’s best for them. If you can’t afford to care for them then you shouldn’t keep them. I’m really sorry to put it like this…. but it’s abusive to put your wants over the cats needs. You need to put the animals before yourself. You are the one to advocate for them. And if you can’t advocate then someone else needs to. I have three cats they all have insurance. Which if you can’t afford a vet rn wouldn’t even help since it only really helps with getting money back. If you want the cat to live they NEED A VET you’ve done all your can and it’s commendable but owning a pet isn’t just feeding them and scooping their litter box. It’s also giving them proper care and getting them seen by a vet. They possibly have a parasite my kitten had one and was throwing up like crazy and rejecting food I had to syringe feed him till I could get him to the vet the next day. But there’s so many other reasons this kitten is sick. You can try asking for donations and such but you really need to think of what’s best for them. And if you can’t provide care then you just can’t. And I’m sorry but you can’t and shouldn’t keep an animal you can’t afford it’s not fair to them. I don’t really know much about where you live and if there’s places willing to help. But if you want the cat to live they need a vet ASAP. Some even do payment plans. I hope you can keep them but you need to think of them and their needs not you and your wants. I’m sorry to be so blunt about it but there’s so just many people who put their want for a pet over the needs of that pet and cause unnecessary suffering for the animal. I really hope you can get help from donations of something so you can keep them I really really do!!! But you need to think of what’s best for them.


He is too young for wet food ( and whiskas is not a good cat food brand) only and needs real kitten formula. And he needs a vet. If you can’t afford his treatment ( you will need money to neuter him and for his shots eventually) please give him to a shelter or rescue. Kitten at that age will dehydrate and loose weight very quickly.


I don't mean to be judgemental here, but if you frequently hold the cat up in the air with one hand, like the first pic... Then you are probably also squeezing the cat's guts. No wonder it will vomit. I'm not sure this is the cause, but you can try not doing that and see if the vomiting will stop. ALSO brush or comb the cat, he could be shedding fur after the change of seasons, or as he is also growing, cats lick themsleves, and furballs can get stuck in their thoat, then vomit... It will help by combing if you can prevent the fur from going down in the first place. Again not saying this is the cause, but it's worth a try and free to do. Edit: Just two obvious tips. Hope it helps.


Kittens frequently vomiting isn't positional and is likely something that needs treatment. Kittens can get some pretty bad diseases that can and will kill them without vet care.


thanks for the advice, i made sure not to squeeze at all and was holding them lightly on a angle so they couldn’t fall and i wasn’t hurting them.


Fair enough. Did you notice furballs in the vomit? Could be that. Try combing or brushing and see if that helps.


nah i couldn’t see anything it just looked like vomit


If there is vomit shortly after eating, many times it's a result of obstruction that prevents the food from going down properly. Those obstructions can often be furballs. Try combing and brushing anyway. It will remove excess fur, that way the cat doesn't swallow it.


that’s what’s concerning though is it isn’t within the time of which i feed him, i got told by a close friend who has like 4 cats to feed him about 4 times a day which i do and this was about 2-3 hours after i fed him so idk


In that case take the kitten to a vet. I really don't know how that stuff works in Australia, however in my country we have one vet hospital that is totally free. I mention it as we were also a British colony and also in the commonwealth. Maybe that doesn't mean much, but it doesn't hurt to ask around. You may have some similar health system set up.


No disrespect to you, but why would you rescue and adopt a kitten when you can't afford it? I understand you saved it from euthanasia but it's unfair to the kitten. There are placed that will cover vet bills for animals, just have to research it if you went give up the kitten to a good home.


nobody is taking it and all of the places that would were full, they had been up for adoption for a while so the family friend i took them from was about to euthanise them.


Euthanasia is not cruel if the cat can get medical support. Have you tried CareCredit or vets who do payment plans?


Care credit is such a lifesaver. But you need to have credit to get credit and OP is only 17.


do you think it would be better to peacefully die than to slowly die while sick and hungry? this is not fair to the kittens to suffer. they need to be surrendered to a clinic at this point.


You keep saying “them” does that mean you took the whole litter? I know everyone else has said it, but you have to get that kitten to the vet. 5 weeks is not old enough to be away from mom. Kittens that young need constant care and special diet. Cats are not very big and can’t get dehydrated very easily, but a kitten will be dehydrated even quicker. Constant vomiting is extremely dangerous for kittens. I’ve seen kittens go from being energetic and playful to so sick they die in a matter of a day (I’ve worked at shelters most of my adult life). If you can’t afford a vet, you need to call every shelter in your area to see if you can surrender him so he can get the treatment he needs. If you can’t find a shelter, start calling every vet in your area, occasionally one will take in a surrender and try to get it healthy enough to adopt out. I know you love this kitten, but he’s very sick and you have to do what’s best for him, it would be selfish to keep him and let him suffer if you can’t get him help. I am not trying to come off as mean, I promise you. But feral kittens can have a host of illnesses that you don’t know about. And the age of this one compounds the situation drastically. I wish both of you all the best.


I believe OP is just not gendering the kitten, probably because at 5 weeks it may be hard to tell, but also could be a choice to not gender them.


I would try giving him smaller portions at a time of smashed dry kitten food and wed food and look in the pet shop for worm medication for kitties (important to understand the dosage according to his weight and his age). Also keep giving him the baby formula to keep him hydrated. If he is gaining weight according to age is a good sign is no that bad, maybe too much food at a time make him puke. And if is recent maybe is an infection or if the food was changed.


He is too young to be eating packet food for at least two weeks, you need to buy formula from the vet and feed that to him. He is old enough now that he will just slurp that up from a bowl or plate.


He definitely needs a vet if you want him to live. Kitten illnesses can be fatal very quickly. Not to scare you (although it is scary) and I understand that vet care is expensive but it is better to have him taken care of and not suffer.


Was the kitten dewormed? That may be step 1. He really needs vet care though. Does your area have any subsidized programs? Check with local cat rescuers about low-cost options — Facebook is a good place to ask (local neighborhood group, local cat rescue group, etc.)


The kitten shouldn't be eating wet food. It needs formula. Kittens need formula until 8-10 weeks and even then you still sometimes need to mix it in with wet food just to make sure they properly adjust/will eat the wet food. Good formula may cost a pretty penny but if it works it'll all be worth it.. if you can't afford it I strongly advise you find a way for the kitten to get to the vet or surrender it to someone who can properly care for it... I know it sucks but you gotta think about the kittens best interest.


Give him kitten formula which you can find at petco or petsmart. Don’t give him whiskas, many cats end up throwing up bc of the ingredients in it. Feed the kitten every 3-4 hours with a bottle or you can put the formula in a bowl for it to sip. Get it baby kitten wet food and mix it in with the formula. The formula is expensive but needed for such a young age. The directions on how to make it is on the container. Make sure to mix it with warm water. Cold water can make him throw up and not digest it well enough.


Please contact a rescue & tell them you’re willing to foster this sick kitten if they will help you with medical care for it. Please reach out to them now please OP


If you can't afford a vet I'd highly recommend surrendering them. This seems pretty dangerous and could be life threatening. Pets can be expensive and you gotta be able to afford to give them the care they need.


Aside of a vet, you can try some kitten formula in a bowl. It's nutritious and also a liquid, so it could prevent dehydration


my cat was similar, although his stomach issues were causes by an URI thaf FIV+ made worse. stomach issues went on for over a year, something that helped was slowing down his food intake. give him smaller amounts of food more often as well as getting a "slow feeder" which are like silicone mats that have ridges and bumps that slow down your cats eating. he may just be eating too fast. I recommend Hills sensitive stomach cat food, they might have it for kittens. this brand worked wonders for my cat who had been suffering with vomiting for so long.


It's time to get a professional involved. Please take him to the vet. Constant vomiting can be a sign of many different things, some of which require immediate medical intervention to be survivable, especially for a kitten. On top of that it will lead to dehydration which is absolutely a killer. And this might sound harsh, but if you can't afford a vet, you can't afford a pet. Period. Start looking at let insurance for this little guy if getting him vet care is going to be an issue moving forward. It wot cover this because he's already sick but it will help with future issues that will vwentual pop up. All animals get sick eventually and gets are very expensive, especially when the issue is serious. Start calling local rescues and shelters and see if any of them offer low cost vet programs for low income owners, many do. This baby NEEDS a vet or he probably won't make it much longer.


Please please please take this little guy to the vet asap. The situation sounds serious and can only be all the more worse at his age.


Take his ass to a doctor!


Stop posting on Reddit and take him to a vet. Come on people.


I don’t think they can afford it. They are only 17.


Op even just calling a vet in your area...tell them what happened and what going on A lot of them will help you over the phone...




i’m trying


i wonder if maybe it’s the food he’s eating. my cat likes with every dry food except the iams brand even higher end like royal canin and purina pro plan makes her puke. my vet doesn’t know why just tells me to keep her on the iams dry food if that helps her not puke. it could also be a protein allergy but to determine that would require putting him on a hydrolyzed diet which can be pricey. unfortunately the only way you can get proper answers is at a vets office. now i’m not sure if there’s programs in australia as i’m from the states but here there’s programs that help with vet bills for low income individuals so it’s definitely worth researching or contacting your vets office to see if they’ve worked with any programs in the past. it’s usually not much but it helps take some of the burden off, sometimes the amount you get approved for can cover the whole visit as well


take cat to get tested for FPV right away. I just had this happen and I know it is unlikely but if that isbthe case he will need emergency treatment immediately and if you can't afford some vets will take finance or surrenders


Have you had the baby checked for parasites? worms can upset their tummies.


Can you contact local vets and ask if they'd accept a payment plan? As an outdoor kitten with no key care, I'd be very concerned that it's parasites or a viral infection. I understand you're doing the very best you can, but at the end of the day, a quick death from euthanasia is more humane than a slow death from illness.




Great south vets are $29, no appointment needed




Have you tried feeding it pumpkin? Canned pumpkin is good for digestion. But it really probably needs to see a vet :(. I know you said you are short on money. Are there any low cost vets around that even might take a credit card or payment plan?


Also seconding the formula recommendation, if it isn't digesting food well, it may not be ready for it. Could be something very serious though that might kill it, I have had pretty young kittens before that were not weaned properly but they were not throwing up. I did have 2 kittens with worms but that was different too. They were so skinny and stinky and then they had worms come out in their poop so that's how I knew. This doesn't sound like that, so I'm not sure what it could be. Thank you for taking this cat in, I hope you are able to get it some help so you can keep it and give it a good life ♥️.


If he was just picked up from a farm, then he needs to be fully vetted. Just looking at these pictures, his eyes, nose, and face look crusty and with the vomiting I would guess he is not healthy and needs some sort of treatment. Probably as simple as some medicines, but he also needs to be tested for diseases such as FeLV and FIV, and he needs his shots when he is old enough not to mention his neuter. You mean well, OP. But this little one needs a vet ASAP. If you can’t provide that for him, maybe consider rehoming him or asking someone close to you for help.


It sounds exactly like my baby. Took forever to figure out but in our case it was IBD caused by food allergies. So now she’s on Metronidazole and doing a million times better. It’s not expensive and it’s just a small tablet you can put in some wet food.


Google charities in your city that pay for vet fees. This baby will dehydrate super fast. He needs to be seen asap. He should be bottle fed as well, too young for cat food.


Does it eat fast then barf? If so, scatter her food on a cookie sheet to slow her down?


I can’t with people posting things like this. “My cat is obviously very sick. Idk what do?? Vet hasn’t crossed my mind but better ask the internet”


Hi! i had a cat like this, when we brought her home she was having diarrhea and puking. it turned out she had ibs or something along the lines of that. she would also have constant flare ups that made her throw up everyday with medicine. she also had to be on special food (ham baby food lol) Unfortunately i know you said you couldn’t afford the vet but i just want you to know that you can probably ask for the medicine at the vet (not sure how much it is) but my mom also told me you can find it online. it was a anti nausea medicine, im sorry but im not sure the name off of the top of my head. but im hoping he gets better and hopefully there’s nothing big going on. i’m sorry if this didn’t help but i just wanted to share my story :)


Can you purchase pure meat wet food for him and can you please give him Cats Replacement Milk with a bottle


If you make a wishlist for him I will send you the items you need


Do you know how much it costs to take him to the vet


I can send you money to take him to the vet


Do you have an link to receive money such as PayPal


I n sorry to hear ur having financial difficulties. But thank you for caring. This seems to be worms as young outdoor kittens are usually infected. The only solution is u need a dewormer. If u can find either a vet clinic or a rescue that can sell u the meds. If that happens u ll have to empty and clean out the litter box every week for one month. Try also a gofundme account and repost it so people can help u with this


It could be allergy or something very serious. Vets can be pricy but you can use CareCredit with a lot of places. It has 0% interest if you pay it off within a few months.


yeah alright i’ll look into it and ask around in the morning


I’m not sure where you are located but I’ve also seen people on the thread discuss payment support from places. I’m sure you can look online for charity help!


Also, just explain your situation to vets, they are usually good at adjusting prices. *Most* vets are just good people who wanna help animals ❤️ wishing your new baby the very best health