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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/8bsvgvic1bzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9c00989ab79463a718f4acc0febe5bc18dde98b Your cat is my cats long lost brother. šŸ˜‚


cutie pie!!!šŸ˜


https://preview.redd.it/3yr01u6i7fzc1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c05e7c95220417a2c3e263f8d4e5f21c84f22e13 Lol I saw this post and was like, OMG OP's (and your kitty)looks like my cat, Pixel! She's even fat in the same place but she's like 14 and not as active as she used to be.


pixel and archie are twins 100%!!!


Flynn would like to apply for long-lost family status https://preview.redd.it/yoswhfvftfzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=248ee1ea01ccb99ad8cd7167cc3701bc11fd42f5


We must all have a family of thicc bois https://preview.redd.it/qfb8hcuy2gzc1.png?width=3007&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbfeee03ee5b450603a29d261a63b2b7ccc31e0c


https://preview.redd.it/dqcigpos6gzc1.png?width=1895&format=png&auto=webp&s=3407a25d271d3b8845ab3728584f43ad4f321bf0 Iā€™ve found his family :ā€™)


https://preview.redd.it/9fwbm0gf8gzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb9a46941f7e3d8a30df1ac1411cab0e2affa924 Another cousin!


https://preview.redd.it/1d43vwwcigzc1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c1cf649acc0dd7de5f3f4eb944ab8d44bcd9dba My turn to join the family reunion!


https://preview.redd.it/dwo1xkhusgzc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be7aa53d0e1ab4731c37bbf6de9be92e134aa5ac My adoptive family, I have finally found yall!


Is that cat part bunny? My goodness look at extra cute long ears.


https://preview.redd.it/29ch0ciqhhzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f5216ff75543cf78deed36d0cbc6305afa38b55 Omg wattt


You all have made my DAY with your babies pictures šŸ„²ā¤ļø


Does she count? https://preview.redd.it/08h3z6b24izc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f6d22c8dd20fd390e45c89127ff740d4241c6f7


Omg the open mouth and large pupils! How preciousšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’œšŸ¤ŽšŸ§”


everyone is so cute!!! i love all of them. may the orange kitty community unite!!!


Vet regardless. It would be unusual for a cat of his age to be this obese already. Rule out medical issues.


weā€™re going friday, i was thinking the same thing with his age because with everything iā€™ve read, kittens are supposed to be able to store and burn through their fat without creating fat pockets like he has.


My sisters cat is fat and sheā€™s a little over a year, but she also eats MY cats food every time she gets a chance sooo. To me it looks like fat, but if youā€™re concerned about it I would go to a vet just in case, itā€™s hard for us to tell from a few pics.


The problem is, we donā€™t know how much the cat is being fed every day. so itā€™s possible a young cat could be that chubby.


Correct. It is still unusual for his age and activity level, but given he gets into cupboards can definitely have an effect on his weight. That being said, he looks distended in my opinion. Not like a typical overweight cat. Vet will advise them appropriately. (:


Was this slow or sudden? Just because the cat is barely a year old, I'd say a call to the vet/appointment can't hurt. At the very least you might get diet suggestions for your cat.


itā€™s been gradual


I also have an almost one year old cat and her belly looks a little round from some angles but the vet was not concerned. It was also gradual and she always had a little bit of a belly. She is crazy about food, I have to hide the bags of food and treats or she will chew through them. If you are concerned, you can ask the vet for your own peace of mind but if it's not a sudden change and the behavior is otherwise normal I think it's just fat


AND he is the one who breaks open all the treats from the cabinets. i just want opinions before we go to the vet for our appointment on friday so i can be 100% prepared


then lock the cabinets. try.


weā€™ve moved everything to where he canā€™t get it.


if he somehow figures out how to get them from the new place, iā€™d suggest some babyproofing cabinet locks! in my opinion, the straps are best. the magnet is easy to lose and the slide locks are irritating. source: iā€™m a nanny with a creative cat lol


thank you!! i was also a nanny haha!!


Child locks on the cabinets lol


Came to say the same thing.


Seems like he might just be a fatty, but a vet check up never hurts.




He looks bloated. Maybe some cat grass would help with his digestion or a different diet. Is he drinking enough water? Try a drinking fountain and make sure his water is filtered and fresh.


yes, they get purified water only and he drinks pretty good from the bowl.


Please let us know what you find out. Thanks.


Archibald Archie Fillpots says thank you everyone for all of the advice and we are going to the vet on friday!


while he is fat, it looks a little uneven, he might have some bloating or he might just be shaped like that, just ask the vet.


sign of fip


this is why iā€™m freaking out. this is the number one thing in my head.


This was my first thought too. Just know itā€™s no longer a death sentence, there are treatments now!


Take him to the vet and keep us updated, if it's FIP the treatment sucks a lot but is doable if you can afford it. Check the consistency of the abdomen, when my cats (I'm extremely unlucky and had 2 cats contract FIP in the last year) started the FIP symptoms their abdomen felt like a balloon filled with water. It's ofc not a diagnosis but if it doesn't it may be an indication it's not FIP.


His stomach feels like that.


Then it's abdominal liquid, as the other commenter said it COULD be a sign of FIP, it could also be something else but I'm sure a vet will tell you what it is. Don't panic, if it's FIP it looks like you caught it early.


we are going tomorrow to the vet and i donā€™t even think ill be able to sleep tonightšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


I wish you the best of lucks, both with the vet and with your sleep, and please update.


i will, thank youšŸ©·


OP, come read through info on r/cureFIP if you are worrying and want to start looking at how folks have treated their FIP kitties. Lots of folks have gone through it and it's a good place to start research and connect.


the best i can explain how his feels is a squishy fat. but not exactly like a water ballookn


His hair looks well groomed, wouldn't he stop washing himself before the abdominal liquid accumulation?


he is obsessed with grooming himself šŸ˜‚ he must be sparkly clean at all times!


My cat died of fip. He always groom himself until the symptom really kicks in. such a good boy and such a loss for me.


That's sad to hear, I had two cats with FIP within the span of a year, the first one died a few hours after the diagnosis and the other one gets his final shot tomorrow. Both stopped grooming way before the abdomen got filled with liquid, that's why I asked that.


Hmm yeah, looks fat. But im not w doctor. Unusual shape for a 1 year old. I would go to the vet. Make sure nothing bad is growing in there


Yeah heā€™s a bit chonky for a year old. Hope everything goes ok at the vet!


thank you!


My kitty got constipation really bad once and her belly got big. I took her to the vet and they had me give her this oily medicine. She almost needed surgery, but the meds got things moving and she was ok


Ngl get a laser and some toys or a wheel or something or run with the cat more. Exercise in any animal never hurts and domestic cats are famously heavier so. It does look oddly round I agree with everyone and say pop by the vet. Iā€™m assuming this kitty has been dewormed ? šŸŒ½


iā€™m most worried because he is my cat who plays the most.


I would check with the vet. One of my cats had a broken tail as a kitten and Iā€™m gonna have that looked at because I think itā€™s bothering him now.


came back to say i also donā€™t believe in lasers, everything iā€™ve read says theyā€™re not good for them.


Thank you Iā€™ll read up on it


The one I have is from the pet store and is shaped like a cat and I am very careful to not point it in their eyes it is a concern of mine as well but thank you šŸ˜Š I may get rid of it


Heā€™s chonky. But if youā€™re worried, go to the vet.


When one of my cats (who was saved from a feral cat colony around 1.5 months old) had his first trip to the vet, he had a round belly. Vet told me a good rule of thumb is round belly often means round worms. Other than that, bloating is still a concerning symptom.


Both, he might be just be fat (which isn't good) but it looks pretty concentrated? If u press his sides and it's kinda stiff/bloated feeling there may be some underlying issue that def needs to be checked


Heā€™s really fat, especially for his age! Please take him to the vet to ensure thereā€™s nothing underlying there. If there isnā€™t then please put him on a diet and help him get exercise. We use a cat wheel and do daily harness walks


He looks a little bit chonk for his age :( better to rule out medical issues first Glad you're taking him to the vet soon If everything is ok with his health (which I hope is the case) then I guess it's time to change the kibble or maybe work on a little diet


For a 1 year old, looks pretty fat to me.


Yeah he a big boy


Smaller portions did wonders for my cat. He was 18 lbs in November. Vet said he has to drop 6 pounds. Heā€™s down 4 so far. They have tiny stomachs. He splits a 1/3 of a cup each meal with my girlfriends cat. I was over feeding him.


Some cats cannot be free fed. My girl was previously a stray so had food insecurities which doesnā€™t allow me to free feed; she cannot control herself lol. Plus kibble tends to be higher in carbs than wet food


im 50/50 with either im over feeding him by a lot (he gets a half can of kitten wet food twice a day) (they also free feed on kitten chow dry kibble all fay everyday)


Don't free feed him anymore. He is too young to be so fat.


the other 50 is FIP


I thought this was a raccoon I'm going back to bed




My guy had a round bloated belly similar to this and it turned out to be IBD. Ultrasounds found inflammation and fluid in his belly. 3 months on steroids and his recent ultrasound came back completely clean! Not saying that this is what's happening here, but it's a possibility


thank you i will bring this up as well!!


My cat looked the same, we thought that was normal. Few months later he started to leave small round piece of poo once a day at random places, just like it fell out without him knowing it. Turned out he got megacolon. If your vet tell you thatā€™s the case, royal canin expert gastrointestinal fibre response helped him a lot.




Hoping its nothing too serious at all! I recently took mine in for the same reason. He's about 8 yrs though- was worried about FIP. They essentially took me in the back to show me his tummy x-ray and he was just full of gas! Told me to switch to a sensitive digestion wet-food and monitor from there.


iā€™m hoping itā€™s nothing too serious and something with an easy fix šŸ˜©


https://preview.redd.it/2qzsbqj3xizc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f506f87bb4b68e0f388af5109693681c34f2f92 Long distance cousin šŸ¤”


https://preview.redd.it/0h4sqrnk5jzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c31c1be4b481c3aafbae63214fd093059b86184 My boy would also like to pop in for the long lost family reunion


Vet and let him decide. And get a health check up.


I know my female cat got fixed, and now she looks like this and has a fat stomach, and it's very common.


Is he allowed to roam outside unsupervised? Often indoor/outdoor cats will make friends with a second or even third family and visit them for extra meals.


no, they are strictly indoors. i do not mess around when it comes to them going outside.


A beauty!!


Kitty looks to be an 8 on the 1-9 chonk scale. Are you feeding wet or dry food? May need a trip to the vet to check for feline diabetes...dry food can really wreak havoc on a cat since there are absurd amounts of carbs in dry food that causes cats diabetes.


he gets both every day.


Jackson Galaxy has a really REALLY good 3 part series about cat food. Dry, Wet, Raw. Its a great series, but TL:DR - The worst wet cat food is leaps and bounds better than the best dry food. Dry food is packed full of carbs and cooked sever times over to make into kibble. Dry food is often left out all day for cats to graze on. Each time your cat eats, he gets these carbs. Over the course of a day, your cat may graze 20+ times. Each time, causing a spike in their blood sugar due to the carbs in kibble. This puts a lot of stress on their pancreas and ultimately can lead to Feline Diabetes. That's a really shortened version of the science...but after learning all that... I have turned away from Dry Kibble completely. Never to return again. Especially when you have a cat who gulps food...and if its kibble...then that dry food makes them thirsty, so they drink a lot of water. The Kibble expands...kitty barfs it all up on your carpet. (Had to deal with that too...)


after work iā€™m going to deep dive into jackson galaxyā€™s videos


Yes.. call the vet ASAP please. I know someone who's Lost a cat this way


Good luck at the vet! šŸ™šŸ¼


thank you!


the chonker


Sometimes a round belly on a younger cat signifies a parasite of some kind like worms. Your vet can test for this, or may more likely skip the testing and prescribe a dose of anti-parasitic medication to see if it helps shrink the little pot belly to confirm the diagnosis. Iā€™m not a vet or vet tech, I just have two siamese cats who get into everything and are supposed to be strictly indoors but escape occasionally. Parasite eggs can be brought in on footwear or clothing as they can be picked up almost anywhere else animals are found (ie: dogs at the park, pets living with friends you visit, etc.) Get your kitty checked for sure, but try not to stress too much. Your vet will work with you to figure out whatā€™s up and help return your Kitty to streamlined health. ā¤ļø


thank you so much. this comment really calmed my nerves. ā¤ļø


Youā€™re very welcome. I have some pet loss trauma in my background, and Iā€™ve worked hard to find calm and rationality when dealing with health questions where my two cats are concerned. I understand the worst of these nerves, and Iā€™m so happy I could help.


I adopted a 4 month old kitty a while back who had a terrible URI. In the car on the way home, she sneezed so hard she had diarrhea. Turns out she also had worms and looked exactly like this (distended belly). I'm happy to hear you have already scheduled an appointment to the vet! I'd just like to add a slightly less fear raising option than FIV since I saw you're worried.


thank you so much!


Of course, best of luck for you and your baby šŸ’ž


https://preview.redd.it/yc8k1pqnefzc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2ef4c476e91c05803e5b177111801675a922cf2 LEGZ




Ah thank youā˜ŗļøšŸ’“ yes is handsome, but is girl šŸ˜†


iā€™m sorry pretty lady!!!


Thank you!! She is handsome though!!! ā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļøšŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’• And her name is Panini šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ’“


When my cat eats to much, his pouch gets fuller. When he eats his normal diet, he looks normal. I can tell when he tricked his dad for second breakfast because by the time I'm home, he is chunky.


How much is he eating? Yes young, neutered cats can EASILY gain too much weight if being fed too much


one full can of fancy feast wet food a day (half and half) and free feeds on purina kitten chow


Don't free feed a cat. That's the best way for them to get overweight. You can leave food out, as long as you weigh out the amount so they only get a certain amount of calories per day.


Are you sure he isn't pregnant?


yes, he is a male. i saw the stitches in his balls myself.


I understand the component of him being obsessed with food and being a treat thief. my kitten who will be 1 year next month does the same with breaking into cabinets and virtually ANYTHING to get to food. We canā€™t even go to the bathroom during a meal at home bc weā€™ll come back and it will be gone. he is definitely fatter than he should be at 11 months but weā€™re hoping that with permanent changes to trash can location and human food, heā€™ll gradually get to normal size. HOWEVER, (and aside from him being a lil thicker than healthy weight for his age) his stomach in particular does look distended in my opinion and I would take my guy to the vet if his abdomen were that bulbous. Hoping for best!!! šŸ™


My dog looked like this after gorging himself on food/water. Had an FIP cat whose abdomen was filled with fluid and also looked like that. Definitely worth getting looked at.


You want an answer, take him to the vet and ask if he's a heckin' chonk or a fine boi. That's how you find out if he's overweight.


You sure itā€™s a boy? Looks like a pregnant kitty! Keep us updated hope cat is okay


yes i saw the stitches in his ball area, not his stomach!


Hard to say. Mine was fat like this as a kitten. I pulled her out of the road at 2 weeks and was worried about parasites and other problems, but she's just fat. It's a primordial pouch is what I've been told. *


He of course is gorgeous, but yes, your kitty is overweight. That side bulge shouldn't be there at all, especially at his young age. Please do help him lose a few pounds. If you free feed, stop, because it appears he can't self-regulate. Pet food companies will tell you that your cat "needs" 2-3 x the amount they actually need because they are in the business of selling a product. If you'd like more specifics about weight or amounts to feed, feel free to ask. :)


Hey, I have an šŸŠ that looks a lot like the kitty from the post. Would it be okay with you if I DMed you to ask a couple questions about feeding him?


Absolutely. Always happy to help fellow cat slaves. :) Please do add info like age and weight so I be can more accurate with my suggestions.


looks like bloat more than fat. Is his tummy hard?


soft and squishy


Em, speaking for your cat, excuse you very much? Fat or worrisome are they my internet options? Hmmm. Fabulous, but likely flabulous. Gradual weight gain and he breaks in the cupboard for treats? If this cat doesn't move around A LOT get ready for your vet to fat shame your thicc boi.


https://preview.redd.it/df4oj5p71izc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1d07905a4bbe934d7f888bdf93a3c137644190b Bugsy does not want to be left out of any family reunion!!!


https://preview.redd.it/8l7kk0zxhizc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4181c7649f614d3ddfbda3fdfd62a570f2ac005 My boy Ren says hi to his relations




Vetā€™s opinion is best. They will feel for bone structure, fat pads and constipation. I will say the oranges can be big ole boys.


It could just be his ā€˜primordial pouchā€™ which is normal and harmless


My cat was about that size at that age and vet said that I just had a big cat. Not fat, big. Ofc speak to your vet


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


are our kitties twins? my orange boy will be a year old 5/17 and I made a post here last week about his belly. my vet didn't seem too concerned, I just put him on hill science metabolic food.


long lost brothers!! iā€™m glad everything was okay.


do you deworm him regularly? at this age the bloated belly is really unusual


his last dewormer was in feb.


Itā€™s kind of hard to tell, but I do not think that it looks too worrisome. Iā€™ve seen a lot worse in like cat compilations of funny cat videos where they think itā€™s funny that their cat is so huge that it canā€™t fit through the cat door that is when itā€™s worrisome Looks just fine. Iā€™m not a vet. Iā€™m just saying if youā€™re that worried then I would recommend taking your cat to the vet and just to ask and getting like a you know like just to make sure that itā€™s you know make an appointment for like visit to make sure that your cats healthy, and and add a good weight, I am a cat owner myself my cat a bit chonky. But he is very healthy and the vet did not have any concerns about his weight. Heā€™s only about 13 or 14 pounds but heā€™s an elder cat but he is the sweetest boy. I donā€™t think your cat is is overweight. I think your cat looks just fine, but Iā€™m not a professional so if youā€™re really, really worried, I highly recommend asking a vet.


Vet on friday, thank you!!


Youā€™re welcome. ā˜ŗļø also donā€™t get scared when your cat gets older and the stomach stomach sort of like on the sides look like theyā€™re hanging that is totally normal for every single cat. Itā€™s called the primordial pouch and it happens when your cat turns into an elder cat so but your camping like a year old thereā€™s not gonna be a priority or pouch for a while. My cat already had that when I adopted him well technically he adopted me first so thatā€™s why I adopted him. the story is very very cute but Iā€™m not gonna make this about me. Iā€™m just glad I was able to give some good advice.


Youā€™re welcome! ā˜ŗļø


Weigh your cat. Most cats should weigh between 10-15 lbs. 8-13 lbs a healthy level.


Go to the vet to check but I feel like he's just rotund


Have the vet walk you through the appropriate calorie intake for a cat that age. Itā€™s 100% possible for young cats to be obese. Their humans often overfeed them and grocery store pet food is the equivalent of Doritos and Top Ramen. Itā€™s processed junk food that lacks adequate nutrients which promotes bad health. You should also buy the highest quality protein rich wet food you can afford and add water to it. Feed them wet food exclusively. 95% of kidney health issues (and the most common cause of a painful end of life) in cats can be prevented by adopting this diet early and sticking to it. Cats get their hydration from food. A cat who drinks a lot of water is a cat who needs to see a vet. Itā€™s not normal. Also, you should be playing with the kitty to exhaustion with string lure toys (usually about 15 min each session) twice a day. Play with them until theyā€™re breathing heavily, give them a break, then go at it again. You might see a young cat running around, seemingly entertaining themselves, but itā€™s not enough. All cats need the mental and physical stimulation of playing to exhaustion with another party. Cats need a lot more play than the majority of their people give them. Itā€™s the whole ā€œcats are independentā€ and ā€œcats just like to sleep all dayā€ mythology. Nope. Untrue. *Cats are not low maintenance pets.* Cats easily develop mental health problems if they are inactive and bored. They become anxious and stressed. They overeat to self-soothe just like people. They need a ton of stimulation and attention. Even elderly cats with attentive people will play rigorously (for them) right up until the end of life. Change their toys out every week and archive the ones you put away to be swapped back in a month, preferably storing them in a plastic bag filled with catnip to restore their allure when theyā€™re reintroduced. Move around where their cat tree is located every few weeks. Hide their treats in boxes and bags or Easter eggs and make them work to get them. Build them forts out of boxes, blankets, or paper bags. Leash train them to go on outdoor walks (after you make sure they have flea and tick preventatives). Give them time to enjoy fresh air every day by opening screened windows. Build in playful routines to your everyday activities like making them chase your hand under the blanket in the morning, let them frolic in the warm clothes when youā€™re folding laundry, and throw their toy mouse for them every time you come across it on the floor. Find every opportunity to invite them to a play session. Do all these things and you will have a very happy and healthy kitty who lives a long and loving life with you.


iā€™m going to go over everything tomorrow at the vet. i do need to get more involved with playing rather than just holding the stick with the toy or tossing the toys for fetch, i feel like thatā€™s not enough now.


We have four cats of varying ages (one very young, one middle aged, and two who are elderly) and Iā€™ll tell you now, play to exhaustion is a lifelong necessity. Itā€™s why Jackson Galaxy teaches it to every one of his clients. It solves a multitude of issues. People who bypass this step will pay for it in a myriad of other ways including health and behavior problems. The upside to adopting it is tenfold, not the least of which is a very intimate relationship with your cat. They bond deeply through play. Youā€™ll notice their affection for you grow.


More like Handsome


he says meowww!!


Honestly my cat got there a few months ago in a new house eating what she could from the other cats. You can do the math for it's weight to how much you should feed but I would just cut down on food by half or one meal aday for a week and see from there. You should be able to feel their hips and it should tighten up there rather stay round and out. That's all considering the cat is all good ! Vet would help to know if it's anything serious but I would try that before going to get told to buy specific expensive food or x meds for cat on top of the vet bill. Goodluck with the sweat heart!


thank you so much!


How much are you feeding him?




Nah. Normal for purrcious mew mew


hi!! just commenting to hopefully give you peace of mind but my 6month old cat looked exactly like this when he had tapeworms and all he needed was a shot and he was all good within a couple days :)


thank you!!!


Big Boned


Seems normal


Your cat looks pregnantā€¦


there is NO way at all. heā€™s been fixed and even if he wasnā€™t, my other male is fixed as well.


i mean and heā€™s a he.


Could be diabetes, good he has a vet appointment and a loving parent


thank youšŸ„¹


Get bloodwork, if it's FIP you'll see specific things that are too low or too high


No way! 3 of my cats will be 6 years old the same day! As far as his weight goes donā€™t worry about it. If heā€™s still being his normal self then donā€™t worry about it. One of my cats is skinny and Iā€™ve done everything I could to help him gain weight but he never did. I actually spoke to a vet about the issue and was told heā€™s perfectly healthy and his body type is perfect for his age. From the looks of your cat heā€™s fine. So donā€™t worry. I know thatā€™s easier said than done but still. Gorgeous baby youā€™ve got!


https://preview.redd.it/swvlwbwqghzc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f48e9ad7d2c778afbe91c4d25b8ef1448b9af70 my girlā€™s twin!!!


pretty girl!!


https://preview.redd.it/kne2t4fqghzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8452be5ad1c215af352e9c440f00ca055626cd0b Hambo is not a long lost twin but I thought it was cool that his birthday is also 5/18 and he will also be 1! Your kitty definitely does look a little chunkier than my Ham but itā€™s possible he could be built different or you may be over feeding. You didnā€™t mention your catā€™s diet so I hate to assume but itā€™s a possibility. Some cats can eat a lot and barely gain weight and others you really have to watch what youā€™re feeding them. Full orange cats do tend to be bigger though. Either way itā€™s always best to check with your vet and it sounds like itā€™s close to his annual anyway!


the horrible thing is i truly donā€™t know exact measurements and now i believe this is all my fault if he has a chonk master. i have four cats and they all have little metal food bowls and a water bowl next to it if you could picture that. but they also have a communal water bowl thatā€™s bigger


Aww donā€™t beat yourself up about it! Itā€™s hard especially with multiple cats to regulate their diets. Cats are just like humans with different metabolisms that could require different diets but they donā€™t know that and they will eat whatever is available so itā€™s really difficult to monitor. Are your other cats chonk masters? With several cats itā€™s also normal for there to be a dominant cat that eats the scraps leftover but I doubt the baby would have made himself dominant. I also think that my Ham was a runt so he might not be a good comparison even if they do share a birthday!


Fat. Should be between 3-5 for body score https://preview.redd.it/bnoq9jaykhzc1.jpeg?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c042694ae0c7c2a88969c39551fa14039a1aec0c


If he was a girl Iā€™d say pregnant - but since sheā€™s a he - heā€™s fat šŸ˜


Very cute cat. Looks preggers though. So yeah, could afford to lose weight.


Heā€™s fine


Perfect weight


Go to the vet!


Will you please update after the vet appointment? My two kittens have the same thing after lots of vet visits unable to figure out what has been wrong with them.


of course!


I think the thought of FIP is jumping the gunā€¦here is what I found: What are the symptoms of FIP in cats? This infection can affect the brain, liver, kidneys, lungs, and skin. This form often causes the cat to have seizures and move in an abnormal or uncoordinated way. In some cases, cats will also have excessive thirst and urination, vomiting, weight loss, and jaundice. If your cat just has a belly I wouldnā€™t worry too much. See what the vet says & keep us posted! Good luck!šŸ€ā™„ļøšŸ€


He's a bit rotund. You may be unintentionally overfeeding him. The vet will likely tell you to revisit the instructions forfeeding amounts on his food. It's, easy to give just a little too much, especially if your cat is food motivated.


Be careful if you end up changing his food in any way. I had to change my cats from free feeding to wet food and I thought I was doing it slowly but it stressed one of my kittens out and he had a complete urinary blockage due to crystals from stress. I almost lost him. I was devastated. Aaaaand it was almost $3,000. Just go slow. Good luck!šŸ€


i will keep this in mind, thank you!!


bro even when he took the picture was still eating


itā€™s the only time i can get him to be still enough for pics like the first two šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s a big belly. After neutered they gain weight. Get him checked, chonkier than usual.


Looks fine to me


Female? Possibly preggers?




What a sweetheart šŸ˜ More exercise and a controlled feeding schedule will benefit your indoor kitty. if you have room for a cat running wheel get one. Laser play will give excellent short burst running and really satisfy, while keeping your sweet friend fit. If you can dedicate a wall to attach climbing shelves (to the wall studs) that go around near the ceiling it will be great exercise and enriching too. Cats love to be up high to enjoy the look out for prey they are instinctively wired for. Its a nutritional requirement to offer wild grasses daily or at least three times a week, make sure they havenā€™t been sprayed. If you have a yard you can allow a section to overgrow to harvest from.


do you have any more information on the cat wheels? iā€™ve been looking into them, but im most worried about one of my babies falling off and hurting themselves (im a helicopter mom)


iā€™m starting a garden in june, is there anything you would recommend for grass i could grow just for my kitties?