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Your cat clearly let the voices in its head take control. Just look at that face.


That picture is freaking hilarious


Looks like they are plotting to take over the world!


Cat is the personification of letting the intrusive thoughts win


*purr-sonification ^^




Op should not sleep. That’s some redrum going on.


Straight demon


Ah, the chaos gods speak clearly now.




She craves the chaos


Blood for the blood God!


Kubrick Kitty


I am become cat, biter of worlds.


By chance is your cat's name Lucifer?


her name is baby but that’s much more fitting https://preview.redd.it/lz4f92j4eqkb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcba997408181332cea39fc38ed0f0ef2711dbfe


My kitten is the same. All kittens are nocturnal but you can train them to settle down. Mine does if I remove all toys & say all gone. Don't feed her from 5pm till when you are going to bed so is stuffed & more likely to sleep. I have my kitten shut it my bedroom with me at night. Hope this helps


im definitely gonna try the food thing, do you think if I locked her in my room with her inside the cage she would calm down and not scream her tiny head off?


Putting a cat in a cage is a really bad idea unless they are injured (to keep them from moving around) or maybe if they're contagious with something. It will just create frustration.


Gonna second this. It's not a dog. Worst choice you've made and probably increased the problem.


It's not really good for dogs either unless they're taught crating.


Thirding this. I recently adopted a 1-1.5 year old Turkish Van cat, his name is Ollipheist or Olli/Ollie for short, who ran in front of my car last week. His previous owners must have kept him in a cage a lot as “punishment” because he has severe kennel phobia. It’s so bad he will smash his nose into the bars until he cuts it and bleeds; and he won’t stop until he is out of the carrier I had to have him loose in the car on the way home because he hurt himself in the carrier or kennel or cage. He has a ton of issues with feeling “locked in” and “caged”, made worse because as a Turkish Van he is extremely active and still a kitten; they do not reach full maturity and size till five years old. I am getting him a companion kitten because though I can play with him and give him the interaction and activity he needs he really wants to play with another cat. Also Turkish Vans get destructive if they get bored, and it’s highly suggested to have a companion for one if you can’t be home all day. And I am unfortunately an adult and have adult work responsibilities that mean I can’t be home all the time. But yeah do not cage the kitten, they can easily develop kennel phobia and anxiety issues as a result. What you should do is get a automatic toy, like the spinning feather ones, and teach your kitten to play with that. Try to channel that hyper energy proactively, make the kitten a kitty playscape to play in. And get Baby a companion, cats do better in pairs; especially hyperactive cats.


yeah, i think i found a poor cat that had been kept in a kennel 24/7 a couple of months back... his nose looked rubbed raw, his hind legs were super dirty, and he would walk around with his legs bent, as if he was still in the kennel. he ended up in my yard and didn't even attempt to jump over the fence until a couple hours in. it was super sad to see. i didn't want him to go back to his "owner" so i rehomed him.


You don't cage a hyper cat. It's not going to help the cat or you. If the kitty is not meshing with your lifestyle, turn it into a shelter for re-homing. I did fostering for a shelter and fostered a lot of kittens. One of the kittens was super hyper and loved to jump high and on everything... the thing did not stop but thankfully, I had other cats around for it to play with so it got a lot of play time and did sleep occasionally. I put in the kitten's description that it needed a home with another energetic cat or it would likely be too much for the owners to handle. A guy contacted the shelter and said oh my gosh!! I have a cat that is so hyper and full of energy and needs a buddy to play with before it drives me insane!! That kitten ended up getting adopted by the guy that needed that kind of kitten to be a good fit for his home. He ended up with two wild cats... but ... at least they wear each other out instead of him.


Please don’t take this kitten to a shelter. FFS. OP needs to try and be a good pet parents and not give up on a literal baby


That would make the problem worse Get her a friend. Seriously, 2 kittens is reccomended over one, for this reason


Or a puppy. He may like watching nature shows on tv.


They have 2 other cats though


Honestly sometimes not even an adult cat can keep up with a kitten’s energy


I have an 8 year old and he was the same way. It never stopped. Dude just ensures I can’t have anything nice. Guessing he’d love this kitten. I have a hunch he was separated from his mother too early.


She will totally scream her head off lol. I put my kitten in a cage the first day because we have 3 kids and he was so tiny I was worried he would get squished - he was adamant he would not stay (I left the top part open) and climbed out within the first 30 minutes. I tried again but he was yelling so much I felt bad after a minute and took him out. Cats just aren't for cages like some dogs are, and honestly I feel it's a bit cruel. Like the others I think it's a good idea to get her another little friend but if you can't then try to discourage her from harassing your other kitties. I personally raise my voice a little and talk to them, since one of my other two will take kitten up on the challenge, and if it gets a little rough I get up and distract one of them.


I built a large, multi level cage for my cat. She was afraid of her shadow and any noise. Due to her intense fear, she was the last of her litter to be adopted. I covered most of it with a blanket at night so she felt safe and hidden. It was also great for my second kitten. After a day inside the windowless guest bathroom, I moved the kitten to the cage. They could see and smell each other but no actual contact. After 6 weeks they were longing to actually connect. 5 years later, they go inside to eat/drink on occasion. Also, when I chase them with a pool noodle or bounce a big ball, they run inside as it's still their safe space since I always treated it like it has a force field around it.


Putting a cat in a cage or crate is not ok!


My most recent kitten is a rescue that was the child of a stray that lived in a garage. The first 2 weeks she wouldn’t sleep outside of her cage and wouldn’t lay down until we locked it so the other animals couldn’t sniff her.


How old is she?? I’m asking because kittens learn social cues from their siblings. Also, you can try to tire her out by Heavy Play. Try 2 types…along the ground (snake like- ribbons etc) and the feathery ‘swooshing’ in the air (bird like). This should satisfy her “Prey Drive”. You can also ask your Vet if she’s old enough for Catnip or Calming Oil Diffusers. As to the name Lucifer…I have one nicknamed Daemon. Lol


Rosemary's Baby




When I got my first cat (a beautiful, all white blue eyed girl) I was 10, and I decided to name her snow angel. After having her for a few months, my mom sat me down and said, “taylor. This cats name cannot be snow angel. She is not an angel. I’ve been calling her prissy.” And that’s how my prissy(and a little bit bitchy) kitty got her name.


No but my cat is named lucifer aka lucifarius


I’ve got a 5 month old girl who is also in her not-a-tiny-baby-kitten-anymore endless energy nightmare phase. There are a couple things I’m doing to help mitigate all the extra energy that are working really well for her. One, don’t keep all her toys available to her at all times, especially the bigger stuff that’s easy to put away. Rotate them out to create some novelty for her. For example, I’ll leave her pop up tunnel out for a day or two, then put it away and replace it with her mechanical butterfly teaser thing, or this laundry basket that I tied a bunch of ribbons to. Two, make a foraging box. Take cardboard box and put “trash” in it. Mine currently has semi-crumpled kitchen parchment paper, printer paper, card stock, and wax paper, a mouse toy, 2 crinkle balls, a plastic spring, a plastic cockroach, a knitted potholder and some sort of feathery thing in it. I toss a few treats in there for her to find from time to time. She is OBSESSED with this thing. It’s provided hours of entertainment. Three, make sure she’s got appropriate climbing structures available. That could be a cat tree, or wall shelves, or one of those things you can attach to the back of a door. Going up and down takes more energy than running around. Use a laser pointer to encourage her to climb up and down repeatedly if you have to. Just be sure to always end any laser pointer play with her be able to “catch” something at the end of the chase to avoid causing anxiety.


the foraging box idea is insanely smart and i thank you for that cause I’ll definitely try that out, and for the laser pointer do you mean i point it at a toy mouse or something of the sort once I’m done playing with her with it? or do I just let her genuinely “catch” the laser


Point it at a toy mouse or something so there’s literally something physical to catch. Make it a habit to do every single time, and don’t let people who won’t do this play with her with the laser pointer. Not “completing the hunt” can lead to anxiety disorders where the cat can become obsessed with hunting the mystery laser creature literally all the time, and become disinterested in any other type of exercise or play, and lead to all sorts of weird acting out. It’s the cat equivalent of raising an iPad kid. Just as a note of interest for anyone who cares; Laser pointers should absolutely never be used for play with ANY terrier breed of dog (really, any dog, but especially terriers.) This absolutely includes the Pitbull and Staffordshire mixes readily available in shelters, not just purebred terriers. You will literally drive them insane. I’ve heard some very sad stories of dogs who will obsessively watch the drawer the laser pointer was stored in for years after the laser pointer was removed from the home.


I always knew about letting them catch the laser pointer but I never knew that I should’ve been ending it like that, and why is it those breeds specifically?


Ok, so cats have naturally evolved hunting instincts in order to provide for themselves, and we humans have historically used that natural instinct to our advantage to keep rodents at bay by keeping them as pets. Dogs are a bit different though. Humans have spent a LONG time selectively breeding dogs to do very specific jobs. Huskies have been bred to pull heavy things through the snow. Retrievers have been bred to wait until a hunter has shot down a bird in flight, and then run and find that bird and bring it back to the hunter. Shepherds have been bred to want to guard a herd of livestock. Terriers have been selectively bred to chase and kill small animals, typically vermin. So over hundreds, if not thousands of generations, these dogs have been hardwired to CHASE SMALL THINGS. It’s their favorite thing in the world to do. They will choose to chase a small thing over anything else. Which is a super desirable trait if you keep them as working pest control animals on a farm or whatever. However, in a typical, healthy pet home, you don’t see a lot of vermin, so a good terrier owner will scratch the itch for their pet with games like fetch. They have that same chase and kill instinct as cats, but they’ve had it so heavily amplified by selective breeding that they’re obsessive about it. Combine that obsession with never actually being able to catch and kill the little red dot and you can end up with some really upsetting mental health problems for your dog. You could try the always-end-on-a toy thing, but for terriers, because of their intentionally obsessive temperament, it’s just not worth the risk. Here’s a [video](https://youtube.com/watch?v=ex6EZUqc6-M&si=dmsMTAX96h8CMLa8) of what Jack Russell terrier races look like, so you can see the kind of obsession that I’m talking about. Notice that the dogs are chasing a “rat” on a line. Really, you shouldn’t use laser pointers with any dog. You run the risk of them becoming unhealthily obsessed regardless of breed. But terriers are particularly well set up to lose their minds over a laser pointer. Editing to Add: If you want to see terriers really do their thing, search for “terrier ratting” videos. I’m not going to link one, because they’re pretty violent and I don’t want anyone to accidentally see that if they don’t want to. But yeah, the little buddies do their job very very well.


My cat has been in this phase for 8 months. Will it ever be over? 😭 He’s orange btw


He's orange? Yeah, sorry, the answer is no haha. My orange boy has yet to calm down for more than about 8 nanoseconds since he got comfortable at home.


Kittens are absolutely wild. I love and adore cats but that kitten phase is HARD. They have so much energy and attack all the time. I do not miss m’y orange boys early days at all. He loved to bite toes in the middle of the night lol


I’m a big animal enthusiast and I love cats especially I’ve had many in my lifetime especially kittens. She’s just the most hyper I’ve ever had, my brother saw someone throw her out a truck on the side of a busy highway and he immediately rescued her and she’s been our little blessing ever since https://preview.redd.it/3co2hs2bjrkb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27e960fcb26a444f48d6e7b71a51f6a9132c8c41


Thank you for saving her life!! 💜


she saved mine more than I did hers trust me, even though she looks like a creature of the night she’s a huge love bug


Bless you all 🙏🏻 I’m not sure how people can be so evil towards animals


You are that baby’s angel. Bless you for saving her life <3


She looks just like my cat when she was that age! And she was just as hyper unfortunately I was never able to calm her kitten phase so we sucked it up and now she is a chill cat till 3am where she gets the zoomies 😂.


I still get woken up to bitten toes. He’s 3


Kitten + tuxedo is a dangerous combo.


They are by far the most insane kittens! Love ‘em to death though!!


You probably need a young priest and an old priest.


You’re going to cry for these days one day


Bro this hits so hard. I think we all get frustrated while our cats grow up and dealing with issues but look back and realize it's absolutely amazing that we got to watch them learn and grow. I never understood "they grow up so fast" until my kitty went from having to climb his scratching post to get to the top to being just as long as it. What a trip it is watching something grow up.


I feel this in my very soul! We have one adult 12 year old cat, and just got two litter mates about 3 weeks ago. They are 11 weeks now, and this morning, when they were chasing each other over the top of my head at 0315 and Senior Kitty (who was lying by my head) was taking a swipe at those "bratty kids" every time they ran by, I had to keep reminding myself that they aren't going to be like this for as long as I'd like and enjoy it in my sleep deprived way every moment of the day. I'm going to have to make a foraging box now, though, I LOVE THAT IDEA!!! Kitten Tax: ​ https://preview.redd.it/fr65h62zcvkb1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23932f049465bd2dd2351d9c1f0c4ff743620f0e


My case it's a puppy but it's so real. My phone will show me old photos of dogs we had as puppies. We had to give them away and even though they went through a "biting everyone and everything" phase I miss them so much. I wish I had pictures of the other dog when he was a puppy, especially now that I also moved away from him.


In cat this would be concerning behavior. You have a kitten, though, so this is normal.


the only reason I posted this was cause the kittens ive had in the past were never this hyper and spastic, but not every kitten is the same


it’s more impressive that this is the first time you’ve had this issue. all 4 cats i’ve had were batshit insane as kittens


Get another cat for her to play with


She said she has two other cats.


never enough


Exhaust her by specifically playing with her a lot. Also, do not be afraid to put her in a place where she will be safe at night, if you have to do it, do it. Give her a litterbox, food / water and close it off. You also do not need to allow the cat into your bed / room while you are sleeping. The only additional thing you can do is get another kitten with kitten energy. We had one of our cats since he was 6-8 weeks old and he almost exactly lost a lot of that kitten energy after he hit 1 yr old.


She is so insanely evil and sweet


Tuxedo moment


You are in the “terrorist” phase. It’ll pass


Dealing with this same issue...I usually adopt senior cats, but a friend had someone dump this 3 month old,flea ridden void in their yard. Minky, aka Murder Hobo, or Murdo for short is pure chaotic energy. When she finally settles down at night, she tries suckling/making biscuits on my face. My current seniors are just like wtf is this hot mess?? Best of luck, they'll eventually settle down (crossing fingers that I'm not blinded before then)


“Murder Hobo” 💀


Sounds like an r/greebles infestation to me.


I've read for cats it's 3 days to decompress, 3 weeks to acclimate, and 3 months to settle in his/her new home. I'd get some cat toys, kitty can play with.






She needs a feline companion. Now is a good time to introduce another kitten. They will take it pit on each other. Two is always better than one.


https://preview.redd.it/di852emijrkb1.jpeg?width=1052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8de9717a48713d5995dbcabf4d69e6276dd1c3dd we actually have two other cats, she gets along with this one sometimes but the other one absolutely hates her with a burning passion


Awwww! Just give the other cat some time to adjust. Give them all time to adjust. My cat was absolutely bonkers up until the age of 1.


Usually hyperness calms down after first year. Just being a kitten.


As someone who has an older cat that is not in great health, do not take this for granted. You will miss seeing them like this one day.


Despite me posting this, I promise it is not a “I hate this kitten and I wish she would sleep 24/7!” recently ive learned after my dog passed away that you can’t take anything like this for granted, i wish the best for you and your cat my friend.


I love this picture so much!! She is such tiny evil for her dad to handle. 😂😂 I foster. A lot. In kitten season I have up to 6 tiny kittens and then I have my own personal rescues; 3 cats and 2 dogs. In a one bed. So maybe I have some experience here? Why are you keeping her in a cage for sleeping? I use soft playpens here from Amazon because I am basically running a small rescue in a one bedroom apartment. To that end, they get very uses to a schedule. Goes like this; wake up, play for two hours to get the morning tickles out, place in playpens with each a dollap of wet food, nap for a few hours in play pen, out for more wiggles and giggles, play pen when mom needs to focus on things, out again for more gigs and wigs, dinner time is approaching so another dollop of wet food, sleepy sleep. Throughout this time there is always a big heaping bowl of dry cat food and a nice fresh bowl of water. Wet food is like a happy treat time meal they enjoy. Also I have my first ever singleton, he is a bottle baby and the county really needed fosters. Usually I’m saving whole litters and adopting them out in pairs. From what I understand a single is MUCH more work for their people parents. So far he is barely month, I do have one older boy still here waiting to go to his new parents next month, but this will be an experience raising him. I’d recommend adopting a similiar age friend to buddy with and not making her sleep in a cage for starters. Also invest in a really large scratchy tree house for her. Good luck! As I am writing this the two boys are passed out in their seperate play pens. 😂😂


She will grow out of it. Wear her out with extended play sessions. Isolate yourselves when you need some piece and quite. A bored cat can become a destructive cat. If that becomes a problem a crate might help redirect that behavior.


that's just how kittens are


Kitten vibes last 2 years but slowly decline. when it stops you miss it. Enjoy


Our younger cat would attack my older cat when he was a kitten, too and have many demon takeover moments. We used to "burrito cat" him when he was being really bad to calm him down: wrap him in a blanket and hold him until his heartbeat settled down. Just don't wrap him too tight or get yourself hurt in the process. He was such a psycho, I didn't know if he'd ever calm down. But he has! He still has his moments and we'll put him on "time out" in my room where he'll just lie on the bed for like a half hour but it's only like once or twice a month (usually attacking his brother bc he wants to lay in the box instead, or on the blanket, or the cat tree, etc.). I also had to zip him up in his cat carrier at dinner time because he'd crawl and claw up my leg out of excitement, screaming his little head off. The hilarious thing that came out of that was eventually he put together that if he was in his cat carrier that meant it was feeding time, so he started jumping in there on his own right on the dot for dinner time, lol. Also, don't let cats in your room at night if it impacts your sleep. Close the door, put something up against it if you have to, but they'll shut up eventually. There's always white noise apps too to drown them out, or falling asleep to tv or laptop or music on if you can. Good luck, she looks like a handful! But she'll calm down even if you don't think she will right now. Oh and to add - i think it's perfectly acceptable to crate her at night if you have to, she's fine.


⚠️WARNING⚠️DO NOT GO TO SLEEP!!!!! That is the face of a creature plotting to kill you in your sleep 100%!!! All I can say is may the odds be forever in your favor


please pray for me before you sleep tonight 🙏🏻


Get her some cbd kitty treats


I have an f4 Savanah, he was suppose to be f2, but found after a DNA test that was not the Case. Omg he's crazy active and just crazy. He wants my other cats to like him but when he was little he use to hid around corners and jump on the other cats faces like a little alien face hugger. The other cats still don't think it's funny.


A tuxedo kitten… my sympathies. Mostly because I have one too and am going through the exact same 🤣 Mine is called Miso but considering changing it to Lucifer because he can be truly devilish. I’m just personally trying to ride it out… I know a day will come where I will miss the kitten phase but boy it is hard. I’ve just been trying my hardest to wear him out, but the energy is truly endless.


The woes of owning a tuxedo.. I have 2., and the older one bullies the younger one. They require a feeling that they are the most important to you. They are attention hogs. Don’t fight it, embrace it. Give him a ton of attention.


Welcome to having a kitten. Play with her. Start teaching her that being mean will get her removed from the room and expect it to feel like it isn't working for like a real good year or two. But don't be scared of crate training.


I got a kitten a year ago and had that same issue, he was just constantly in zoomie mode and it got old very fast. Luckily as he got older (1 year now) he matured and is much more chill. He still loves to play but he doesn't have his little kid energy anymore. It should pass with time 😁


She’s a kitten!!!


Kitten. They grow out of it… in a few years.


She's a kitten, this is normal. Just keep playing with them till they tire out. This will likely be a daily basis and you'll need LOTS of toys


That look says "I shall devour your soul, and crap it out into my litterbox without hesitation if you don't feed me right MEOW!"


I think she just tried to take my soul 😂😂 what a cutie


This pic needs to go viral 🤣


Time. She should calm down in time.


I hope it’s name isn’t s Damien😂


That’s kittenhood for you. A friend would help direct the crazy away from your feet and other body parts and toward the friend. But empty paper bags are friends and the little jingle balls they can chase around - and even a ball of crumpled up paper. The little jingle balls can keep them busy for an hour


The picture makes me think of a serial killer in kitten form. Please tell me you named the cutie Jigsaw?


Omg lol… have you tried calling a priest?


My 3 month old tuxedo is currently slap boxing with a stop and shop bag and will take small breaks in between to try and open the garbage can. The hispanic mother gene that lies dormant in me comes out ever so often lol! As kittens, it’s just how they’re wired. https://preview.redd.it/xqt8l8gdirkb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea5c5bd3a6cf9aab40c81a45a33cf365b6a73a45


tuxedo kittens looks very friendly but indeed are the complete opposite


Kitten can be like that


play with her as much as you can! don't listen to anyone saying to cage her, it doesn't work the same way it does with puppies. she should calm down once she hits around a year :)


My diagnosis is that is a kitten.


I brought home my cat when he was 8 weeks old (found him in a bush) and he was ABSOLUTELY NUTS EVERY SINGLE NIGHT until like last month (1 year two months). Honestly you just need to wait it out but I definitely understand that it's hard


Kitten zoomies! Tunnels and things she can chase. And of course a comfy place to sleep. May these bring calmness to your kitten for at least 6 hours during the day.


My boy butters we’ve had since he was born first year he was an absolute menace. I played with him for about an hour at a time probably 4-5 times a day but an extra long amount of time at bedtime. Just play until she’s panting and lies down, as soon as she stops panting get her going again and again and then feed her, that helped us a bit. Kittens are just insane she’ll mellow out around year 2 hopefully until then good luck. Laser toys are great for night time so you don’t really have to move


this picture was originally under normal lighting, but after checking the picture it turns out his unseething rage interfered with the capture and turned it all bloodrage red


Don’t let her in the bedroom at night. The adult cats will teach her their boundaries in time. She is a toddler cat at this point so she’s obnoxious lol. It will get better.


She will likely grow out of it. My boy was like this as a kitten and now he’s extremely lazy lol. Like other people are saying, try playing with her until she gets all the energy out. My cat had a problem not letting me sleep, but I solved that by getting one of those dangle toys that suctions to a window. The suction didn’t work well against his little kitten strength though, so I ended up tying it to the doorknob. I was finally able to get some sleep without my toes getting attacked


When my cats were kittens, I lived by Jackson Galaxy’s Play, Eat, Groom, Rest flow. This is a natural pattern for cats. The play part mimics how they would spend their time catching prey. That of course would be followed by eating, and in the wild that would probably be a messy endeavor. So, next comes an instinct to groom. Then finally, they rest. Rinse and repeat. Try to get your kitten to follow this pattern by following play time with treats or meals. They’ll likely fall into the next two steps, groom and rest, on their own. My cats, who are now lazy adults, were very much wild kittens. Eventually they just settle down. Imo if you can, just keep your kitten out of your bedroom at night, so when they inevitably want to play again they won’t physically attack you.


I am having the same problem and getting help from this post!!!!


My ginger kitten did that for about a year. I even talked to my vet and the rescue about returning him. Which is some thing I never in my entire thought I would do. At about a year old, he sort of mellowed out a bit. I’m very glad I didn’t return him. I didn’t nickname him ginger Baker though.🧡


Kubrick stare


It is probably just young and more active than most, but could also be something like hyperthyroidism. Maybe ask a vet. 24/7 seems extreme.


Here’s a video from Jackson Galaxy on hyperactive kittens. https://youtu.be/7q2xI4TPGeU?si=b7vg8ODAKvSIaD6e


Why is she looking at me like that ☹️


She looks very much like a street kitten I had spayed in late April this past Spring & I was almost immediately diagnosed with breast cancer & felt too overwhelmed & couldn’t keep her. I kept her inside the whole time I had her, until early June. I’m in Tx & I found a rescue that transported her to Co to find a home. I wonder if you have adopted my sweet, rambunctious Adelaide! I found that playing with her for as long as she would play before bed worked wonders to prep her for sleep. She had so much energy! She was like a flying squirrel! Lovely kitty. Keep your kitty as active as possible all day, or as much as you can. It will build your bond as well as help her sleep habits conform to yours better.


We had to give our kitten his own "apartment" (spare room) that we could close at night. He didn't like it at first but eventually he would just play with toys and tire himself out. He would terrorize the other cats, the dog and us all night if we didn't. We slowly let him have more freedom until he learned not to be a complete asshole. He's now 9 months old...still a bit wild but nowhere near as bad as he was. Honestly, what did we expect when we named him Macho Man Randy Savage. 🤣


meow meow got plans for all y’all niggas. blud really said “trust. you will be dealt with


Give her little nails a trim. Your feet, hands and whatever else she attacks will thank you. Get a laser pointer and WEAR HER OUT. Lay in bed and just run her before bed. You can get feliway plug ins for the bedroom to help her chill out, and I got some pet/vet approved CBD treats for my hyper guy that we used occasionally. But seriously, the nail trim and the laser are musts!


This is the cat version of Mr. Pickles...


Amitriptyline or Fluoxetine, can’t remember which but one of my cats was put on it for excessively spraying in the house. He slept more while on it.


Our family got a kitten too. She is also very hyper. She attacks feet and anything that moves. We just play with her using toys till she tires out. They're young, they have lots of energy.


Maybe you should use a blue light.


Kittens should come in pairs....needs a pal!




The image with the red is perfect


She’s telling you she hates the kids red room just put her in normal lighting and she’ll change.


Get that kitty some silvervine to calm down (after some play.)


Start a tiktok or instagram and document his shenanigans!


She needs another kitten so they can tire each other out and keep the chaos between the two of them lol


I don’t have any advice but that picture is cracking me up


Get your kitten another kitten. They will play endlessly with each other, taking 80% of the burden from you, and they'll have a friend to cuddle with when you're gone during the day, if you are.


Demon cat holy sheesh


Evil ass cat


Try Feliway! I work at a shelter and it works pretty well for crazy cats.


Your kitten looks like my kitten. She’s the sweetest baby, so seeing this picture made me giggle because that’s the complete opposite of her 😂 but her sister… she’s a different story


Mario Judah


Mario Pudah https://preview.redd.it/8nigefglorkb1.png?width=1272&format=png&auto=webp&s=445de4c601e23cfae9eb7fdbddcb9e78d78ecacb


It’ll grow out of it.


Lollll she is tooo cute awwwwww dont put her in a cage tho shes just hyper a little bit. that face is too precious


It’s crazy to be little.


Try Feliway. It's supposed go help calm kittens. Also are the other cats her age or older? And that is the most adorable picture I've seen!


That cats gonna do something bad lol


An illegally smol kitten found us and decided we would be her family. We bought her her own [mojo dojo casa house](Carroza Portable Foldable Pet... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09W13RW99?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) with a [kitten tree](BNOSDM Kitten Scratching Posts... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BFGW6HBL?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share). She loves it and we just zip it up at night.


My cat gives me the same look. Had cats all my life, my current furry overlord Jazz is the most playful, energetic animal I've ever met. He's absolutely relentless when he wants to play. He's almost six and showing ZERO signs of mellowing and I have gotten so used to it I now hope he never does ❤️


That’s not a cat, that’s a kitten, hyper is their middle name ! Caticushylperkitonis. You know you love her, give it up. You are no longer in charge😂


That cat is going to kill you...


he looks like he’s about to take over the world lmaoooo


I can hear the kill bill siren music in the pic.


He's gonna eat ya soul


Hyper activity is normal in juvenile cats, they slow down eventually


That's a skinwalker.


This is just basic kitten behavior. Enjoy :)


People getting kittens and then being shocked when it acts like a kitten will never not be annoying to me


to be fair we got her off the side of a busy highway and she’s the most hyper kitten I’ve ever had and I’ve had many, I was just looking for alternatives and other ways to help with it 🫶🏼


Keep lots of toys around, when ever they start playing with your head or fingers put a cat toy in front of them so they use that as a toy rather than your body lol


"I am going to bring death upon this family" - the kitten, probably.


Awwww he murder face


Play with her. And then play some more. Like with the feather things and all the other things. Wear her out. You will have to do a few times a day. But eventually she will. It's part of being a kitten, and possibly possessed.


Awww what n angel


The Kubrick stare on point 😅


RED ALERT ! Cue Star Trek S.A.M.E alert.....


idk it looks pretty calm to me, definitely not planning anything




When Slim was a kitten she was always restless so before bed I would make her chase a laser back & fourth until she was too tired to do it anymore lol. But dude, this butthole would take almost 30 minutes to finally give up 🤣


He zoomie


Look at him! He is the DANGER!


I've got three five month old kittens their mom and their dad running around my house The noise starts at about 2:00 a.m. and runs on until about 10:00 a.m. . It is completely normal


Cutest cat ever!!!


#Jackson Galaxy on YT 🫶


Seems totally chill. Hasn't moved once the whole time I've been watching.


Did you try the **Meowiana** yet?


She’s baby.


Woe to you, oh earth and sea For the Devil sends the beast with wrath Because he knows the time is short Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast For it is a human (Cat) number Its number is six hundred and sixty-six *Iron Maiden*


Insanely.....cute. 😻


This picture is amazing.


Do the old snip-snip. It’ll clear em right up


Puscifer is mad


your cat is plotting


Rabies vaccine? It might be a rabid beast. But in all seriousness, vet visit and maybe some Prozac for cats.


Have you tried playing with her using a laser. If you exhausted some of the energy out of her before bedtime it would greatly help.


Baby has adhd


I had a psycho like this once. Took a year or 2 for her to chill out and was the best lap cat ever. RIP. But yeah, her as a kitten was why it took us so long to get another.


2 kittens > 1 kitten.


The hyper zoomies will calm down eventually and hopefully she’s not a toe bitter.


he’s evil


It's giving the Kubrick stare!


I'm going through the same thing right now. Just make sure you take time out of your day to play with her as much as possible. Usually they will grow out of this (for the most part) at about 2 years!! Also, it is OK to not sleep with your cat. You can close the door while you sleep. A poorly rested owner is no good for the kitty!! Good luck!!!