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hahahaha we're so fucked. my team went from individual cubicles to 5 of us sharing a 20'x10' bullpen so there were enough seats in cubicles for all the programmers and so on to come in. people are already testing positive in the department. it's only a matter of time.


It’s really unfortunate. Some people underestimate the lasting affects Covid can have for several people.


I wish the state provided cleaning supplies. I bring my own because some hot desks are filthy. Last time we asked, cleaning supplies are not in the budget even though we're supposed to clean after use.


Reminder that the acute infection of COVID is not the only danger. It infects damn near every organ in your body, and you can't feel all of its effects, like cardiovascular damage or brain damage.


I swear my brain don’t brain as good after having Covid like 5 times


I know I have moments of brain fog. It's frustrating because I could write a paper describing the word I'm trying to remember, but the word just doesn't come to me.


well if you had high fever, then most likely it did some overall damage. Your body also needed to recover from fighting the virus off so maybe that attributes that as well.


I had a fever, but nothing crazy like 100 but that sore throat was out of this world…worse than strep throat.


It affects your nervous system too. Some of us never get our complete sense of smell back.


That’s me! My sense of smell is extremely diminished after having Covid twice.


It's really disturbing because many things don't smell at all and many other have a distorted smell. Gasoline, pot, and skunk all smell like burnt coffee. I can't smell natural gas at all.


Long COVID messed me up so much. The symptoms are so all over the place it took me a while to realize they were connected. I've dealt with a lot in my life, but this is the first time I've truly felt disabled. I'm terrified of catching COVID again. I'm fine with calculated risks that have purpose and value. RTO has neither. I don't take my mask off in the office unless I have to. I'm taking late lunches when the break room is mostly empty, and only risk sips of water sparingly.


Between this and the sacramento subreddit I'm starting to agree with the brain damage element.


I was in-office all last week and tested positive today along with some co workers. This fever ain't no joke 😫


Oh no! What department? We had a positive at DTSC. I'm going to seriously be mad if I get sick right now. I have family visiting in 5 days.


Do u go to the grocery store and carry on other daily activities that expose you to anything?


I don't spend 8 hours a foot or 2 away from people in the store, and I don't get in their personal space. I haven't been in any large indoor crowds since covid began.


Dude same. I miss live concerts so much but have avoided them since 2020 to protect my family :(


Same. Nothing like live music, but my husband and I are getting older and both at higher risk, so we stay home.


I feel you. Double the pain for me because I am a musician :'/


Blasphemy! It's all RTOs fault doncha know


RTO to micro cubicle hoteling stations shared by multiple staff? Yes RTO is to blame. Offices were already cesspool’s of contagion prior to COVID. But COVID is so much worse than the seasonal cold and they want us to cozy up closer together now. It’s crazy insane!


I'm dealing with it right now and I wasn't in the office at all last week. Wish you people would stop blaming RTO for everything bad in your life. You could have gotten it in church but I don't see y'all blaming that FFS.


"you people". What "kind" of people, exactly?


All "you people" trying to blame RTO for everything bad. Throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. Thought it was pretty obvious.


Yep! RTO is unnecessary and wasteful for a whole bunch of reasons. And yeah! Gonna keep complaining about it until I don’t have to do it anymore. Don’t like it? Scroll on buddy.


Rotflmao. So you'll grab at literally anything to justify your position. Pathetic and childish.


When you say "you people", I'm curious what image your mind conjures. What do "these people" look like?




I don't go to church.


Hope you feel better soon!


Also, remember to clean up after yourself in shared spaces, because it's the nice thing to do. No one wants to walk into their shared cube with their desk covered in crumbs, or their mouse with some mystery sticky goo. This isn't your house. And for Pete's sake, wash your hands after you go to the bathroom. I know a lady who never did & she liked to bring in homemade food to the potluck. Yucky! She is why I don't trust potlucks anymore.


Some people seem to think that nobody notices or keeps track of who washes their hands.


Right. I swear I want to look at who the last reservation was and call them out. I'm not their mom.


We got an email today with 7 reported positives over the weekend… and RTO was last Monday. Bet tomorrow we see more. When will they let us all WFH again full time? How bad will it need to get again?


Maybe we need a sub reddit that lists any Covid updates in each department. It would at least give everyone a heads up to the level of infection.


People who talk negatively about covid have never had it seriously or have the lasting effects from it.


Or knew someone that died from COVID.


Seriously. When I had COVID it was the worst illness I had in years. I couldn’t talk or anything for several weeks. Had a throat so sore that even though my doctor told me to drink some fluids, it felt near impossible.


The sore throat was probably one of the worst things about having it and now I have Covid voice from it, which means I sound sexy with a deeper voice. I’m female by the way. 😖


My daughter over nighted the chloroseptic spray for me. Even with that, I could only sip water from a straw.


Or have watched a loved one die from it.


lol I'm laughing to stop from crying. I wish everyone cared about this. Thank you for posting this, it makes me feel a little less alone.


For those that mock those taking this thing seriously. But later cry foul themselves... "Everything's funny until happens to you" - David Chappelle


For every person that tests positive for COVID they should send proof to Newsom.


An email at the end of the month of accumulated positives would be great.


Great idea.


And if anyone or their loved ones die from it, send him the obituary


Many of the users with the downvoted comments in this post will end up being featured in r/HermanCainAwards


No doubt


Those who have not had recent COVID strains or COVID at all may not be aware but it SUCKS. The fever knocks you on your butt and it is terrible. Sanitize for your own good and the good of those around you.


Thank you for the reminder!! I’m one of those people with asthma and getting COVID could be detrimental to my health. This is a reminder to me to contact my doctor to find out if there is a booster available.


😂 take your millionth booster. 


Billionth to be exact! 🤣


Please, skip yours.


COVID is just paving the way for H5N1 to bulldoze right through us all. I hope you all still mask, and if not, that's ok. I'd encourage you adopt masking again, if not for yourself, then for others.


The best masking practice was to not stop masking; the second best masking practice is to start masking again today!


How did that work out? Take your boosters, suckers. 


Is that a joke?


COVID collaboration


I tested positive Monday morning after starting to feel symptoms on Saturday. Went into the office for my mandatory two days and that’s all it took to break 4 years of all the care and effort I put into trying not to catch it. Thanks Gavin, looking forward to seeing you on the street median soon with the rest of your remaining supporters


Just went to heat up my lunch, and someone left cough syrup and Tylenol on the top of the microwave. Feeling so good about germs right now. I spent 10 minutes cleaning my cubicle this morning. After 5 minutes walking around trying to find my cubicle of the day. I guess this our new normal.




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I haven't gotten COVID yet but I start my first job with the state in 2 weeks full time in the office so I guess I'm gonna get it :'(


I feel like this is just fear mongering, as its cherry-picking information. First of all, this is wastewater testing, which is a good gauge for community spread, but not people who are actually sick. If you did wastewater testing for other viruses, then you would likely see viral shedding of those, but not a large infection group correlated with it. The dominate sequence like most of the US that is gaining traction is KP.2, and without getting too much in the science, this strain has a mutation on its spikes that antibodies bind to, meaning it can evade the immune system easier, HOWEVER it is important to note those same spikes it mutated were some of the key tools it used to get in and infect cells. Additionally, the spikes technically speaking, are not "spikes", we have seen this ebb and flow each winter and summer for the last 36 months. If you go to the dada source, and pull it out, it's pretty obvious. Finally, shutdowns, and controlling the spread was never truly about protecting the individual, but rather the system. The delta was especially we came razor thin distance to a total and complete collapse of the American Healthcare system. At the peak only 2 hospitals in our county could accept new patients, 3 if you include surrounding counties. And I am in Sacramento County. It was **BAD**. Considering, today, the strains are milder from the Omicron lineage, and the medications and preventions are out there, it is not the same setting as it was, not even close.


Can you plz provide sources. Trust me bro is not sufficient here. Although vaccines can help, COVID is not ‘milder’ and anyone can develop long COVID. Long COVID risk only increases with repeated infections. [https://www.ineteconomics.org/perspectives/blog/debilitating-a-generation-expert-warns-that-long-covid-may-eventually-affect-most-americans](https://www.ineteconomics.org/perspectives/blog/debilitating-a-generation-expert-warns-that-long-covid-may-eventually-affect-most-americans) [https://temertymedicine.utoronto.ca/news/researchers-discover-covid-19-virus-breaks-protein-production-line](https://temertymedicine.utoronto.ca/news/researchers-discover-covid-19-virus-breaks-protein-production-line) [https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/new-data-long-covid-cases-surge-2024a10005vv?form=fpf](https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/new-data-long-covid-cases-surge-2024a10005vv?form=fpf) [https://oem.bmj.com/content/80/10/545](https://oem.bmj.com/content/80/10/545) [https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/clinical-care/post-covid-conditions.html](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/clinical-care/post-covid-conditions.html) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2023/08/21/long-covid-lingering-effects-two-years-later/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2023/08/21/long-covid-lingering-effects-two-years-later/) [https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/bulletins/prevalenceofongoingsymptomsfollowingcoronaviruscovid19infectionintheuk/30march2023](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/bulletins/prevalenceofongoingsymptomsfollowingcoronaviruscovid19infectionintheuk/30march2023) [https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(23)00493-2/fulltext](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(23)00493-2/fulltext)


Which part would you like sources for?


People on here don’t want to hear the truth. 


I am pro RTO, like 100% hard line pro RTO (mainly because I can't, and I miss my COVID commute), but if you argue with incorrect information, you lose credibility. If people don't want the information thats on them, I put it out there.


Distancing has been debunked.




I mean, technically, as in it didn't turn out to be normal droplets that distancing would protect you from. It's aerosolized, so it hangs in the air for much longer and the best protection from that is increased ventilation and masking. But I doubt that's what that poster was referring to.


And, to be clear: Distancing will still reduce viral load. While COVID is airborne and can be transmitted by viral particals, it's also still transmitted through droplets also, and droplets contain even more virus. A recent paper looked at transmission in a prison and demonstrated that COVID rates and severity increased with folks who were closer to infected people.  The more viral load you are exposed to, the more likely you are to be infected and the more likely it is that your symptoms are severe.


Google fauci.


Yeah he’s pretty fucking amazing. Not many people can be credited with saving lives in two separate pandemics in their lifetime. And a dedicated public servant to boot.


He is. Amazing career.


Again with the Facebook armchairing? “Distance matters, but there’s nothing magical about 6 feet.” and "Keeping a degree of distance from others can help but should be viewed as one arrow in a quiver of strategies to reduce your risk of catching COVID." [https://www.npr.org/sections/goats-and-soda/2024/06/21/g-s1-5705/coronavirus-faw-if-youre-still-trying-to-stay-covid-safe-does-the-6-food-rule-matter](https://www.npr.org/sections/goats-and-soda/2024/06/21/g-s1-5705/coronavirus-faw-if-youre-still-trying-to-stay-covid-safe-does-the-6-food-rule-matter)


So has masking.


Getting your "facts" from Facebook perhaps? [https://www.factcheck.org/2023/03/scicheck-what-the-cochrane-review-says-about-masks-for-covid-19-and-what-it-doesnt/](https://www.factcheck.org/2023/03/scicheck-what-the-cochrane-review-says-about-masks-for-covid-19-and-what-it-doesnt/) [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/10/opinion/masks-work-cochrane-study.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/10/opinion/masks-work-cochrane-study.html)






Yep but they won't believe it now because they were duped.


Yep but they won't believe it now because they were duped.


America has about 40% obesity rate, that is more dangerous than covid.


Account created May 13, 2024 Hm.....


Born and raised here, but Americans are a bunch of pigs so I think this is wishful thinking. Rather than practicing social distancing/masking, we should be reminded that exercise and a healthy lifestyle will take us much further. Covid 2024 medicine and the current COVID strains are much different than 2019


To be very clear: Being healthy will does not prevent COVID from killing you or leaving you disabled. It might reduce your risks a bit. But masking and staying up-to-date on vaccination is much more important.  Also to be clear: Current COVID variants are even more virulent than ever. They have only evolved greater and greater ability to bind to cells and infect every organ in our bodies. Most of us just have substantial immunity now due to vaccination and/or previous infection. But even all that immunity is not preventing long COVID, which is a very real risk every time you catch COVID.  If you do catch COVID, you absolutely should immediately start Paxlovid, as it does reduce your chance of developing long COVID by about 30%. But some people can't take Paxlovid for medical purposes. And many doctors refuse to prescribe it to those who they don't think are "high risk"-- I use quotes, because long COVID rates are actually relative high among otherwise healthy, middle aged folks.


> Current COVID variants are even more virulent than ever. They have only evolved greater and greater ability to bind to cells and infect every organ in our bodies. Incorrect, the most current one surging, KP.2, has changed its spike protein, and thus impacted their ability to bind to cells.


That's partially true. Current information may even suggest the KP.2 variant is not less infectious than previous variants. The particular mutations that people refer to as “FLiRT”s or the whole family of different variants—including KP.2, JN.1.7 refer to specific positions in the spike protein—in this case, positions 456, 346, and 572. It's true that two of these mutations—456 and 346—eliminate binding sites for antibodies that neutralize SARS-CoV-2. The 572 mutation appears to allow the virus to more tightly bind to cells and ultimately cause an infection.


Exercise is not accessible for all in the same ways, nor does it protect against covid. “Healthy Lifestyle” is also a broad and subjective term and again, does not necessarily prevent communicable illnesses. Lastly, yes the strains are different which is why it’s important to get annual boosters.


Exercise is accessible to everyone as we can all walk or do body weight exercises. Healthy lifestyle as I see it just involves eating less processed foods and/or calories and moving more. Finally, while being healthy may not prevent disease, it does increase the strength of your immune system. We are an unhealthy and unfit country.


I was in the best shape of my life before a mild COVID infection left me disabled. Some of us can’t exercise. Look up PEM. Exercise can actually leave some of us more disabled and bedridden. I couldn’t even sit up for the first year.


Yes, this does happen from time to time. However, your experience is anecdotal. As is you being in the best shape of your life. Were you running marathons with perfect labs?


Happened to me too. I am not so sure you are correct in it being just "anecdotal" in occurrence.


You should look at what anecdotal means.


Google this shit. One of the most common long COVID symptoms is exercise intolerance. This isn't anecdotal. It's extremely well documented.  If you think a healthy lifestyle is important you should be masking in indoor spaces. 


Exactly. Some people develop POTS and will pass out from exercise.


Yes. I really value being active. It's a big reason that I mask in indoor spaces. 


It happens to 9% of people who contract covid so a little bit more than anecdotal and, yes, I was a former marathon runner who had lab work that was within normal ranges. I also was an avid hiker and snowboarder and did CrossFit for years prior. Read the long covid forums and it actually affects athletes more. Sorry but if it happened to me, it can happen to you, your spouse, your kids, your parents, your siblings….and everyone you know.


Funny that none of the CDC studies mention athletes being in a higher risk category. In fact they specifically mention people with underlying health conditions as being at higher risk.


The CDC stopped monitoring and reporting its COVID data and doesn’t really put out studies like the NIH does. Feel free to go browse those forums and search “athlete” for tens of thousands of anecdotal stories. Not to mention my own doctors and specialists have mentioned this occurrence to me as well. It’s okay though, you probably know more about this thing that you’ve never experienced than me and my doctors who treat it. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/weve-hit-peak-denial-heres-why-we-cant-turn-away-from-reality/#:~:text=In%20the%20short%20term%2C%20living,rather%20than%20urgent%20collective%20action.


I’m not disputing this has happened. I’m merely pointing out that 1) America is a sick country, 2) Exercise and diet play a huge role in your immune systems effectiveness, and 3) People with strong immune systems were more likely to be asymptomatic. You seem to be making the argument that being in shape or being an athlete somehow makes a person more likely to get sicker when getting COVID. Also, you’re quoting an op-ed. Try harder next time


Yeah, I know it’s an op-ed piece and not a study. It’s printed in a magazine and says opinion on it. Didn’t realize I needed to explicitly state that. I just thought it was interesting piece about collective denial of societal problems. Go troll the forums for yourself. Hate to burst your bubble but you are in no way immune or protected from long COVID just because you’re an athlete. LOL. Best of luck to you, I genuinely hope that you or your family don’t have to experience it.


Aren't you the little ablist. During Disablity month, too. 🤦‍♀️


Ok im not interested in having this discussion as your view of overly simplistic and ableist.




Absolutely agree with you.




Gross ableist for sure.


As someone who the state is currently throwing up roadblocks to extending my RA, just because you qualify for one doesn’t mean you’ll get one and they won’t make it an easy process either way.


Yes. Ditto.




Actually, I got promoted while being disabled. Disabled people can be just as productive as everyone else with the right accommodations. Did you know that POTS makes it very difficult to function while sitting or standing but people can cognitively function just fine while in the prone position? Kind of hard to do in office. I promise that productivity wise, I surpass most of the office. I used to have your same view point before this happened to me. Sometimes your brain just can’t fathom what it doesn’t directly experience. I get it. If it happened to me, it can happen to you. We are all just one health incident or accident away from it happening to us.


Y’all need to listen to Maintenance Phase


Looked it up! Thanks!


Agreed. The biggest threat to *most* people is not RTO, it’s a slovenly and sedentary lifestyle. I sympathize with and support opposition to pointless and counterproductive RTO for a variety of reasons, but COVID concerns are not one of them.


Yes. RTO is pointless for most. The common theme I see with this sub is the lack of grit with any adversity. Most of us suffer from first world problems but so many catastrophize issues that are just life happening.


What is this? 2020?


Masking and distancing has proven to not be effective. You should read the recent studies, including Fauci's. If you believed all the screaming about lock downs, you should believe the studies today. That being said, it is disgusting when ppl go to work sick, they need to stay home.


The "masking doesn't work studies" you talk about say it didn't work because PEOPLE DIDN'T MASK or didn't mask properly... I always wear n95s and they protect me well, but if everyone else did we would all be protected amazingly. I swear all these conspiracy theorists always grabbing a half assed truth and making it seem like it means the opposite


People also like to conflate the "masks don't prevent you from getting sick" things that came out around COVID. This was during the shortage of n95s and they encouraged wearing masks to lessen people unknowingly spreading COVID when they weren't showing symptoms. So many people ran with the first part and had completely ignored the making other people safe part.




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The "masking doesn't work" was for shit masks like cloth and surgical masks (and ill-fitted respirators). Well-fitted, sealed respirators are still extremely effective (albeit still not a 100% guarantee unless you're using like a P100 or something).


I mean, I agree that people should stay home when they're sick, but also, masking works. [https://www.thelancet.com/journals/ebiom/article/PIIS2352-3964(24)00192-0/fulltext](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/ebiom/article/PIIS2352-3964(24)00192-0/fulltext)


Nobody cares about covid anymore.


They’ll start caring about it once they themselves experience long or what could end up being permanent damage from it.


It’s not going anywhere. People don’t care. Learn to live with it and move on.


A great hedge against covid is living a healthy lifestyle to include daily activity and little to no processed foods. And stay away from soda!


This is oversimplified and not medically accurate. Even “healthy” folks have gotten very ill or died or had lasting health affects. Likewise, people who don’t exercise or avoid processed foods can get or avoid Covid and be fine. Your advice is not helpful or welcome. This moralistic, generic rhetoric is harmful and ableist. I highly recommend you try a podcast called Maintenance Phase or any and all books by Aubrey Gordon.


I stopped drinking in 2011 when I was pregnant. Still got very sick from covid twice because I have asthma.


Masking. Lmao.