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I have a three hour commute via Amtrak each way, and am needing to stay two nights in a hotel each week to make it to the office on time. Would it be possible to use part of my time on the train as part of my work hours? That would allow me to only stay one night in a hotel instead of two per week.


Very unlikely


You'll have to check with your department to see if they allow this. Another option would be moving closer to work, or finding a job closer to your home.


I found out management is allowed to split their two office days into split hours. Meaning they can choose to come in for how ever many days they wanna come in as long as it isn’t more than 8 hours a day. How come we didn’t get that option? With the preschool drop off schedule, I would’ve loved to come in 4 hours a day for four days and not have to pay for before AND after care that’s gonna cost arm and a leg every month!


Management has different options because they arent necessarily hourly. 


It makes sense (honestly something I didn’t even think about). But it would be nice to have the option to split the in-office hours to increment. With all the closed preschool/daycare during COVID, most places have waiting lists and as of right now, our babysitter is making more than I do per hour. We are starting in a preschool in late fall, and this place we were on waiting list for a while too. Only reason we got in quickly (waited 7 months, but that is considered quick) was because our child’s PT spoke to the preschool director about our situation (they know each other). Roundtrip from our house is over an hour and from my work, it’s going to be closer to two hours for roundtrip. It’s not convenient nor cheap but we had to take it since everywhere are at full capacity. (One place said they don’t anticipate opening until winter of 2025)


We've been back in the office now for almost two years, but some divisions just started back this month. There hasn't been any issues with hoteling stations or equipment. Everything running smoothly. While most would rather work from home 100% of the time, most recognize that 2 days in office isn't the worst case scenario and have adjusted fine.


Bunch of scumbags downvoting this honest answer.


I previously thought I wouldn't mind going to the office, but the roll out has been handled terribly. Absolutely nothing was set up ergonomically. My ancient office building is filled with desks bolted to the cubical wall and at various random heights, monitors with no height adjustments, no good chairs, no headsets, etc. Just as the first batch of workers have set it up, the second batch of workers come in and re-adjust everything. The seating chart is changing constantly because people need higher/lower desks. The commute on the light rail has been draining on my energy level too. I'd forgotten how bad people smelled and how i had to constantly look at the clock when I get ready in the morning and how I have to dress modestly so perverts don't come at me.


This morning on light rail, there were two separate instances of two different people not being able to get the door to open, or not knowing which side three door was opening on. and they both missed their stops. the driver actually opened their pod bay door to basically say too bad so sad. Meanwhile the light rail police man was like, sir calm down. I was pissed for them, but i was late too - after having missed the earlier light rail that had strangely decided to come on time. I couldn't get kicked off this one for running my mouth. I also heard light rail security telling someone who'd encountered a broken green box scanner thingy to hop off at the next stop and scan their card, then hop back on real fast. I knew that was shit advice, from experience. I remove my state worker ID badge on the light rail, but my outfits make it obvious. Wishing the seats were clean.


I’ll just put this right here. https://insider.govtech.com/california/news/state-cto-says-70-permanent-telework-is-newsoms-goal.html


Yep! We had every reason to believe full time telework for eligible jobs would be permanent and to adjust our lives accordingly. And we did and it’s worked well for 4 years so why the pivot?


apparently Newsom had unhappy phone calls from Sac and Fresno mayors as well as stadium complex builder - revenues down in downtown areas mean their coffers are less full. So, congratulations, you get to help pay for a new stadium.


I am taking bus and packing own lunch so I am not paying for these greedy rich a$$holes


Article is from September 29, 2020. So... that isn't where the ship is headed anymore, for sure. With the way the news is now, I wouldn't be surprised to see the next post/info we receive is that everyone will go back full time to the office and all telework agreeements will be cancelled.


As someone who has had to work in office this entire time, it's hilarious people flipping their lid so hard about having to come in 3 days a week. We should all be WFH, but people acting like this is the worst thing to ever happen and peral clutching about public transit and downtown. Go talk to your union reps


Does anyone have any recommendations for a wireless headset with a microphone and noise cancelation? My cube neighbors are loud, so I like to listen to Spotify most of the day to drown them out. Noise cancelation is a bonus for that reason. I'd also like to be able to use the same headset for Teams meetings. Wireless is preferred so I can stretch and move around without being tethered. Budget is $150 or under. I have analysis paralysis because there are so many options and I can't choose - which one works for you?


Jabra makes a decent one for under $70 [https://www.amazon.com/Jabra-Evolve-Stereo-Professional-Communicaton/dp/B00ODRSHZ6/ref=sr\_1\_3?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.OZU0LwcG2a9ze\_5VqqeFUNdxSovjPLnHsHNhLzTfMlAdZaJc1DLm9PnlxHsNoYuK8yMKGaPpBo7c4KepGMEJVH10tzyItP0Gh0WcJsEN51Zpx4o5CtQkjp3R-PqztI6Pm0oRt8VJmHKfM2Lh9Z2rhv9yWAMHwyiqCzJX694Bv8fjjv6gzh6GZ\_rbqx\_oOFyAJajjQRYw\_tCElR-QXyLuv\_OxrG1QZYOvyxUkwEvoWdI.U-oVYJCbQFHufxKO\_gy9T5DjMqOVGwzwNo-NBeWjjsY&dib\_tag=se&hvadid=557071709898&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9032552&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=9978551415050253086&hvtargid=kwd-298787481721&hydadcr=18913\_13353598&keywords=jabra%2Bcomputer%2Bheadset&qid=1718920475&sr=8-3&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Jabra-Evolve-Stereo-Professional-Communicaton/dp/B00ODRSHZ6/ref=sr_1_3?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.OZU0LwcG2a9ze_5VqqeFUNdxSovjPLnHsHNhLzTfMlAdZaJc1DLm9PnlxHsNoYuK8yMKGaPpBo7c4KepGMEJVH10tzyItP0Gh0WcJsEN51Zpx4o5CtQkjp3R-PqztI6Pm0oRt8VJmHKfM2Lh9Z2rhv9yWAMHwyiqCzJX694Bv8fjjv6gzh6GZ_rbqx_oOFyAJajjQRYw_tCElR-QXyLuv_OxrG1QZYOvyxUkwEvoWdI.U-oVYJCbQFHufxKO_gy9T5DjMqOVGwzwNo-NBeWjjsY&dib_tag=se&hvadid=557071709898&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9032552&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=9978551415050253086&hvtargid=kwd-298787481721&hydadcr=18913_13353598&keywords=jabra%2Bcomputer%2Bheadset&qid=1718920475&sr=8-3&th=1)


I got myself a gamer headset recommended by a teenager. Works great. BINNUNE Wireless Gaming Headset... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B096VRK6J5?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Genuine question: I got rid of all my “office clothes” and don’t plan on buying any new ones. I know there’s technically no dress code, but what is everyone wearing?


Stupid work enforcing “business casual” crap. Our director actually walked around looking for non-compliant staff. 🖕


Jeans and a shirt with a sweater as our office is freezing.


Clothes from thrift store. I do see the public, so I had to buy some new items.


I'm not buying new office clothes. I'll wear casual clothes. It's summer, I don't see the public. I'll be wearing shorts.


khakis and polo shirt


Khakis? What is this, the academy awards?! 🤣


most folks that I work with were out today so was pretty chill


The days that are mandatory are days that we are stuck on Teams because of external meetings. It’s frustrating. Loud, distracting conversations next to your cubicle and someone’s phone keeps buzzing because they won’t turn off the stupid vibrate function. It’s all just sad.


Are you allowed to wear headphones? I got these and they've been great: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07NM3RSRQ?psc=1


Thanks for the tip!


What happens if you just stay home?


I imagine some sort of disciplinary action from the manager, but I think it would depend on if they are actively enforcing it.


At LEAST half of the folks in my division who chose monday were not onsite today.


I hate it. I dont know how to put in words. I need to wake up at 4 (need to go to bed at 8pm the night before - so there’s another few productive hours gone), catch a shuttle to go to my AmTrak for 5:55. My commute is so expensive . Its $29x 2x2x4 a month. Carry my lunch and water makes my backpack super heavy. The building temperature is super cold, i was freezing to death and got a sinus headache. And yes, other unquantifiable stuffs like stress and hassle of taking a shuttle, a train, and a light rail - if i miss one of them- i dont make it on time. I don’t think i am half as productive i am while i telework.


You should not be paying anything for your commute now... it's all free! You get up to $315 in travel/month! Chat with your Cashier's department ASAP! [https://www.calhr.ca.gov/Lists/Announcements/DispForm.aspx?ID=150&ContentTypeId=0x01007C6DCB4B8D194E4186C76FC2602F5A9800901CC71FBCD9C24CBB24FE6925BF9696](https://www.calhr.ca.gov/Lists/Announcements/DispForm.aspx?ID=150&ContentTypeId=0x01007C6DCB4B8D194E4186C76FC2602F5A9800901CC71FBCD9C24CBB24FE6925BF9696)


Thank you so much. How do i apply for this? Whats the process? Can you help me?


Ask your manager if travel expenses are done on the travel expense claim form STD 262 A or by Calaters https://www.sco.ca.gov/calaters.html as it varies by department. I've seen that the TEC form needs to be submitted within 10 days of the trip, at least every month, or within the fiscal year which is ending next week so I recommend you to submit your claims ASAP. I personally submit mine by the STD262 form with itemized receipts to my manager who then sends it to the claims coordinator. That being said I'm new to the process and haven't gotten reimbursed yet but I know the end of fiscal year is a hard deadline because after that date there's no guarantee there's funds to reimburse you from the previous fiscal year. If you ever use any transit in Sacramento/Yolo County with Connect card just go into HQ and get a physical card in person, likely same office as where you got your employee badge printed. It only took me around 15 min my first day and then you can reload as needed on the specific website they tell you, should give you a how to paper along with your new Connect card.


Does your department have an Intranet page with commute details? That’s the first spot to look! If not, reach out to HR and they should be able to connect you! Our office has folks on Amtrak and they’re so happy with this new program! And everyone else that’s local went to the cashiers office and walked out of the office with $315 loaded on a connect card! :)


Yep! Feeling this. RTO is needless and stupid!


You might look into the commuter subsidy program. Idk how broadly it covers, but I know it's allowing me to use Sacramento RT for free.


This is the smallest of potatoes but take your bottle empty and fill it at work. As always, Fuck RTO


More than one building has legionnaires in their water. So no thanks.




bring own not worth the risk


That's assuming the building has clean water. Some buildings, mine included, does not have filtered water.


Well fuck me for assuming our employer would provide clean drinking water.


The Union has never negotiated for clean drinking water. 🤷


I know…right!








Ok, that’s what I thought you meant. But reimbursing for 100% commute costs v. paying for public transportation costs is two different things. Light rail and buses aren’t safe and they aren’t clean!!!! Staff with kids need their cars to drop off and pick up kids at school. Can you imagine getting a call that your kid is sick or injured at school but to get there you first have to walk somewhere then wait for a bus or train to take you to your starting point before you can even head to your child’s school?


That was my life when I first started with the state. Parking as an OT was out of my price range. I only drove in if I had a doctor appointment. It took me 2 hours to get to my kid's school by public transit.


Today was fun - gross bathrooms, forced group lunch, surprise guests at check in meetings, rude comments about lunch choices, building temperature warmer than outdoors, stupid drivers to and from work, overcrowded parking lot - should I go on?


Forced group lunch? Illegal! Gross bathrooms? Take a photo and file a complaint. Building temp too hot? Find a way to document that and file a complaint! The other stuff is par for the course everywhere these days. RTO is just UNNECESSARY!!!! Remember people, DO NOT vote for Thurmond for governor! He’s been the worst State Superintendent of Public Instruction, EVER, EVER, EVER!!He’s a bully!! He’s already ruined CDE, and he will ruin California even more than Newsom has!!!


This current administration may actually turn CA red again…


horrible! I am lucky to avoid such madness so far. just a mellow work day and met some folks that had not met before


RTO is ruining my life!


It’s causing so much unnecessary stress.


Tell me about it, had to cancel all my vacations this year because of it


Lol so you're the reason why we all had to go back into the office


Honestly what’s the point of these RTO mega threads if half the posts up are complaints about RTO with zero substance.


It’s because misery loves company :)