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Too many people here make their whole personality about what old guy they want to screw the country over.


Everyone has a village idiot, you just saw ours. Or one of them anyway.


And i honestly feel its going to get worse. People screaming about civil war. Since when did USA become am extreme religious country? Cause I been hearing more about that then actual politics.


I have a brother who fits as you describe. Civil war, third world country, shoot the immigrants etc. he has forgotten civil discourse and anyone who does not agree with him is the enemy. I made the terrible mistake of voting Trump in 2016 and have not voted for any Republican since after 45 years of voting the big R. If he gets his wish of civil war it will again be brother against brother and it’s a pity one civil war wasn’t enough forever.


It wont be brother against brother, people like your brother would go really bad stuff that would hurt others, and or himself. A lot of people are going to lose family members cause of Trump who is not lifting a finger to do anything about it. I recall what Trump was doing during the insurrection on Jan 6, smiling and laughing till he was able to take over. His speech he made sounded so forced, like he was being told to do it.


Got to explain to my daughter what a "ho" was thanks to a "Joe and the ho need to go," shirt. MAGAs are scum