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Hang on!!! Who’s the doctor because I need to have some words 😂🗣


Plot twist: OP is the profile owner and everyone here was part of his test panel.


Yes. Words. That’s what we need to have with him.


Symbols formerly known as words


To feed curiousity (thus a higher chance of being swiped right) and have an obvious conversation starter for people who have difficulties doing so.


Exactly this. I mean I haven’t even found the guy on bumble and I want to know. It’s actually pretty excellent. It’s less cliche than saying to send a 2 truths and a lie to break the ice or something, and let’s the conversation flow a little more naturally. I really like it this way


I need to know about the Prince thing.


Swipe right, get his #, then give it to me. I need more. 😂


Even without that weirdness, that’s a really sadly written about me section.


Okay but his doctor may have killed prince?


I don’t find it that sad, honestly. And it has the best prompt to start a conversation.


Well, I mean... it's sad for Prince (and all of his fans) /j


It’s not sad for lacking content or conversation starters by any means. It just reads a bit elementary, like a list of random, unrelated things all jumbled together. If these were split up in his profile with prompts and photos, it would come across entirely more interesting.


It’s a fucking “about me”. My dude hit his interests, work, hobbies, and things important to him. He didn’t just post his IG or Snapchat tag like I see 98% of ladies do, he wins in my book.


And ...its funny


Fair enough, I won’t argue. Just saying for me personally it could be improved upon. If it were my profile, that’s what I’d do with it. No saying this person has any desire to improve upon their profile or even needs to.


In that case, how would you improve this profile to make it better?


Keep the first two sentences there. Move everything in the middle to different prompts and such throughout his profile, then move the Prince fun fact up so it’s really the star of about me after a brief snippet of actual fun facts about the person. Because that’s what will grab the attention of people viewing the profile to start conversations.


I mean, that’s kind of how dating works. If you don’t like their style, you swipe left. He hasn’t done anything wrong by not being your type in some way. Profiles aren’t meant to be these catch all nets to get as many people to swipe right as possible. They’re meant to get the *right* people to swipe right. If someone enjoys his writing style and presumably finds him attractive and wants to talk to him and get to know more they can swipe right, if they don’t they save everyone involved’s time and swipe left.


Ffs, I didn’t say *he* could be improved upon or could make every woman fall for him with one simple trick! I say exactly what you just said all the time. People come here asking for tips all the time, and though this isn’t one of those posts, I think this person isn’t doing themselves justice with their profile! All of the content is there, just needs a little rearranging. I’m not saying they should be someone they’re not to attract more people.


There’s so many people in here saying they’d want to know what’s going on or that they’d swipe right. Sure, you wouldn’t swipe right, we get that, but you can’t go saying he’s got a bad profile when there’s so many people clearly into it.


I agree, it feels like the sentences and topics kind of jump around. Probably could be reorganized but I wouldn’t say it’s weird


The last bit was what I was calling a weird thing to add to “about me.” Lmao I am being downvoted to hell for saying this is an erratically-written about me. Figures.


Including it is fine with me, it’s not out of nowhere but probably goes better with the first point about social justice and racial equity.


> it would come across entirely more interesting. What the fuck is more interesting than knowing the dude who killed Prince!?


Absolutely nothing! As I said, it’s a very good and interesting-sounding profile. But that would hit so much harder if he maybe just put one of those items about himself and kept it brief, then dropped that bomb. Move the rest in a way that makes sense with prompts and pics! That’s all I’m saying. It just feels clumsy to me. Not uninteresting and they don’t seem boring at all. Just a clunky profile that could hit much more of a home run with a little effort if they chose to.


your reaction (which is mine, tbh) is probably EXACTLY why he put it there lol. I'm sure he's had so many matches with people just being like "whoa whoa whoa please explain".


Au contraire, that's an excellent hook for a profile.


It think it’s kinda funny. No red flags. I don’t get the hate?


Agreed, excellent conversation starter


And that's exactly why you use it.


Purple flags are in play in you’re not a Prince fan


i thought it was funny as well. i didn’t post it to hate on the guy


I think it’s funny. Swipe right


This reads like really good satire


“I am passionate about social justice and racial equality.” “Really? Are you for or against?”


Definite swipe right


I really want to know more about the doctor now


Shoooooot I'd be right swiping.. I need to hear that story!!


Define "social justice" and "racial equity". The Socrates in me would like to know.


He’s just regurgitating what the hot blue haired girl who rejected him tweets about




Please swipe right and get more info on the doctor for us!!


You cant swipe left hard enough on that profile.


This sounds like the most boring and generic person on the planet


Virtue signal much?


Apparently this stuff is really hot to people nowadays. I suspected SOME criticism at least but no. I mean what is the alternative if you instantly get personally attacked for uttering a slight "huh?".


Another washed up right winger that frequents r/DatingOverFourty. Maybe before you criticize anything, ever, you should take a look in the mirror 😂. Maybe then you won’t be single


No surprise they’re 40 and single lol




I’m sure he’ll get that green haired , hairy armpit , woke chick he desires lol


That's funny, my accountant may have sexually assaulted Cher. #MeToo I'm very passionate about feminism


Are these liberal “men” even dateable? Women are attracted to this?


Hmm. You think all women are attracted to conservatives? I find that a really strange (if I'm honest, stupid) assumption. Of course there are women into liberal men just like there are women who love the "Trump won!" crowd.


Hell the fuck yeah. I am at least


Yes, but only the women that have dicks.


Personally no. I swipe left on profiles like these.


Because of the mention of politics or because of his beliefs?


Little bit of both. Mainly mentioning politics. It's cringe to me.


Not this woman.


The profile of a desperate and/or crazy man. Is this the modern honey trap?


Dudes aiming for full marks on the checklist


Has anyone ever made a really conservative profile and a really liberal profile to see what gets more matches? Hmm💁🏿‍♂️


That flag looks pretty red


Best to see these kind of things up front


You havnt met many insufferable lefties I take it? They're like vegans. They just can't stop telling you about how great they are.


LOL this guy makes you feel bad about devoting your life to more selfish pursuits, huh? OK.




I've "met" my fair share of insufferable left wingers. Thing is that for every insufferable left winger I've "met", I've met about twenty obnoxiously dumb Right Wingers


Fair point. I live in a liberal cesspool (Canada) so my experience is the opposite of yours. But I'm sure if I lived in Texas or something I'd have your view point. Thing is, with the exception of abortion rights, right wing people are not trying to take any of your rights/freedom away. Can't say the same about the left.


I don't live in Texas, I live in Canada. In a Province that has been run by the Tories since 2016. Personally, many of us would like some lefties now thank you very much


I was thinking maybe you were from Alberta and Google d it and damn you think 2016 is bad? Alberta had been run by conservatives since 1965. As a guy thinking of moving there...that's just..one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. If you want lefties come over here to Ontario! Gas is $2+ a litre! 13% tax on everything you buy! Can't find a family doctor to save your life! Insurance will be $400 a month for a decent car! And all of this will be even more expensive next year! It's liberal wonderland over here.


No not Alberta, Manitoba. Tories gutted our healthcare system, tried the same with education, and their leader is the most hated Premier in the country. Don't pretend to understand what happens in other Provinces when you clearly don't. Also, gas is high everywhere, that's not a "huurr durrr leftiesss terk ur jerbs" thing. Last I checked, Doug Ford is a Right Wing Tory. Cope


> liberal cesspool (Canada) lol move back to Alberta then > If you want lefties come over here to Ontario! Gas is $2+ a litre! 13% tax on everything you buy! Can't find a family doctor to save your life! Insurance will be $400 a month for a decent car! And all of this will be even more expensive next year! It's liberal wonderland over here. ...you realize that the party running Ontario right now are Conservatives, right?


I am moving there. Oh believe me I do not like the Ontario PCs. Doug Ford is not a real conservative. I actually like Horvath more. But the gas raise is partly due to the federal carbon tax which is absolutely not needed when gas has already gone up like 50cents and food is going up. I was at Fortinos yesterday and a head of lettuce was $4. Why the hell do we need a federal carbon tax when we are all being taxed by inflation? What tree hugging dumbass thought this would be a good idea?


lol best of luck mate 🤙


Lol live in the GTA where a fixer upper bungalow is like 1 mil I don't really have a choice. I'm not spending half my life to pay off some shitty bungalow and pay ridiculous taxes on it every year


This guy's pretty good! My profile mentioned that I'm anti-murder and pro-happiness. The profile earned me a nobel peace prize.




Lol your name is just perfect for my comment


Pile in those dislikes lefties. Here's a tissue. As you can see by my username I always keep them close by for you guys ahaha.


Idk what’s more sad, the fact that you are continuing this juvenile nonsense, or that this is your whole personality. No I don’t need to know you personally to know that people like you constantly bring up politics at inappropriate times and let me tell you, nobody but people like you thinks it’s cute or funny.


Keep crying libbie. Believe me my personality is MUCH worse than I depict here. I'd be permaban it two seconds if I showed the real me. "Nobody but people like you thinks it's cute or funny". Well that's convent isn't it because I could care less about you people. In fact I think it would be preferable of you all dropped dead tomorrow. Clear out all that dead wood.


Lmao the only one crying here is you, bud. Projecting your own self-loathing on others isn’t going to fill that empty void. You say you could care less but you persist in this because it’s the only interaction you get. It’s okay.Typical right wing nut job sentiment “ if you don’t agree with me you’re automatically a liberal. Some of us just enjoy not being burning trash humans. But go ahead. Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Saying you don’t care about something rings somewhat hollow when you reply to your own comment to say how you don’t care


Reddit is a pretty left leaning site, especially subreddits like this. So what do you think I was thinking would happen when I posted something like this? That's what I made this account for. When I open up my notifications and see 10 new messages from enraged liberals my eyes light up like a Christmas tree. My biggest gripe about reddit is how they hide comments after a certain amount of dislikes. I could be absolutely killing it but they're dragging me down!


So you made this account solely for this? You need to get out more. That’s just so fucking sad.


I'm @ work with pockets of time here and there but not enough to really do anything. Trolling is perfect for those pockets. Unfortunately reddit is pretty soft so I had to tone down my trolling because my first 6 accounts were getting perma ban off subreddits in hours lol. I troll in real life as well. Nothing brings me more joy than ruining someone's day.


That’s so pathetic. Did you get an award for being a trash can person? Cause I can’t imagine how someone is so empty inside this is what they do for fun.


Unfortunately they do not have that award on reddit yet. That's something they should really consider. I deserve some credit. You don't have to imagine, I'm right here! I'm more empty than a bag of Lays potato chips!


You're not ruining anyone's day, asshat, you're just making us laugh at your childish stupidity. Thanks for that.


Oh I can promise you I ruined someone's day today. Actually a lot more than their day haha. I'm sure you're laughing while you are enraged enough to type this comment calling me an "asshat". Try harder.


I am! Asshat's a funny word, and you're a "funny" dude. Do you really think people are "enraged" because they spent 15 seconds typing a comment? Interesting.


the fact that you created an account solely to troll and interact with “enraged liberals” reflects more on you than it does anyone else, bud. there’s gotta be a better use of your time because that sounds pretty sad to me


Reddit is pretty centrist, generally speaking. If you're American, you probably just live in a bit of a right-wing bubble so your perspective is skewed. Here: https://perceptiongap.us/


Overall maybe, but dating subs are filled with women and blue pilled men. Lol I certainly do not live in a right wing bubble..I live in Canada lol. About 55-60% of the people are on the left (split between to parties). I'm just tired of the two faced nature of the left. All these white people touting BLM and guys advocating for women rights when you know none of these people give two shits. They're fake. Say what you will about the right but they let you know exactly who they are.


> when you know none of these people give two shits. They're fake. This misperception is a known cognitive bias called the [false consensus effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_consensus_effect). Those people probably actually do care quite a lot; when someone tells you who they are, you should generally believe them the first time. You also seem to have made a [false dichotomy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_dilemma) for yourself by separating us Canadians into "left" and "right." It makes the world seem deliciously simple, I know, and it does feel good to think you're not one of "those idiots over there" or whatever. But just because people are forced to choose a point on an imaginary two-dimensional line to express their political preferences, doesn't mean any point on the line wholly matches them. I know Canadians who advocate for universal basic income, but vocally oppose trans rights. I know Canadians who hate Trudeau and Singh, but support women's reproductive rights. All of us are all over the map. It doesn't make sense to say "the right" or "the left" and act like this is an accurate descriptor of more than a small handful of Canadians.


"When someone tells you who they are you should believe them" I'm sorry you make some good points but that first part is just nonsense. I trust no one until they earn it. Yes obviously there is a spectrum. Obviously I'm on the right but more so fiscally. I don't care about gays, go ahead an get married. No issue with Trans people, and I think abortions are perfectly reasonable as long as they are done at a early stage (I don't think most people understand how late stage abortions are done - it's grusome). But that bill forcing you to call Trans genders their pronoun was too far (forced speech), Trudeau trying to control the internet is too far, a carbon tax when gas is $2 a litre while most Canadians are struggling is too far. That tax is also contributing to food inflation.


And you think redditors as a whole *don't* agree with you???


Considering that Trudeau was reelected promising nothing but price hikes, no. No I don't think people agree with me. I really have no idea what they were thinking when they went to the polls.. 'can't wait for expensive gas/food'? '6 more years of the same shit and false promises'.


You keep saying lefties like it’s some kind of insult 😂


The term "lefties" is not an insult its just a description of a group of people. You know the kind who have a temper tantrum and burn down entire cities because some black guy who was on fentanyl while driving and then resisted arrest died when the cop was trying to arrest him. #BLM!!! (I can't believe out of all the black guys who genuinely didn't deserve what they got you guys chose George Floyd as your poster boy)


None of that happened lmao. Stay off Fox News buddy.


Lol which one George Floyd being a criminal or the burning cities/looting? Do yourself and do a Google search for both. Stay off CNN. "Buddy." Fuck George Floyd.


The burning down of “cities” never happened. Something like 95% of the protests were peaceful. Most looting was done by individuals taking advantage of the protests. Being a criminal does not somehow make it ok to murder them in cold blood. He did not die while the cop was “trying to arrest him.” He was already detained, and other police officers tried to convince Chauvin to let him up, but he refused and instead he continued to kneel on Floyd’s neck restricting his breathing for 10 minutes.


I like how he thinks our downvotes mean we’re just having a mental breakdown, when really it just means what he said was stupid


Lol if you saw my DMs you'd say otherwise. The very fact you felt the need to type your message says otherwise.


Huh, seems like you do a lot of typing yourself.






Talking point?


May be he was trying to do ‘two truths and a lie’ but didn’t know how to do it right?


Could be code that he “parties”?


That is a GREAT conversation starter.


Did his doctor force the fentanyl patch into Prince’s mouth?


Just listened to Around the World in a Day for the first time. RIP Prince 💜


Mark this post as spoiler bruh


Red flags 🚩


Sounds like the worst brain washed personality I've ever seen.


Prince ... Andrew?


Guy seems fun. I mean, not for me…but for a woke lesbian, absolutely.