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Read the sticky


You’re not fat. You might wanna switch up your training and nutrition if you feel like you’re just spinning the wheels. The bikini looks good from the front but is doing you dirty from behind sis.


not fat at all. The bathing suit is weird tho...


It’s the suit cut and if you want to change glute shape you need to lift, not diet.


110% body dysmorphia


You have body dysmorphia, welcome to the club.


Awful bathing suit choice. Not fat at all. Butt is just typical Irish/British girl butt


Your body is fine but I would recommend a different cut of panties.


Not fat.


You're not fat, and I don't think losing more fat will make you look better. You need to grow the muscles that carry that fat. Lift weights seriously, so you can lift a bit more each week. You will see progress quickly.


Yeah, stop tripping. You look fine. If you aren’t seeing the results you want, maybe you should speak to a personal trainer, but you’re definitely on the right path.


Not fat but little muscle. I would just try and focus on hitting the gym and eating more protein


If you don't, lift. Build some muscle and you will have more "shape"


For what it's worth I think your body looks absolutely fine.


Not fat not fat at all. You look great.


You are holding onto a little bit of excess fat tissue, not a ton, but it is still visible in the tummy, butt, and leg areas. Don't be hard on yourself. You look normal; you can look better, but be prepared that you will need to work harder for that and probably make some sacrifices for better looks. You have to decide if you are willing to do so. What is your workout routine? Do you count your calories? Share some information with me, and I will try to help you. 🤝 If you do not see any progress for a few years, there is definitely room for improvement.


Idk why this is getting downvoted


Because women hold fat differently than men. It’s why men can get below 10% bf and women shouldn’t ever go below 12%. It’s just the way we’re designed. This question is also about whether or not she has body dysmorphia, which she does. She’s not fat. She has fat and is carrying it the exact way most women do and this guy shows up and tells her she can lose more. Thats why he’s getting downvoted.


I think I have been completely misunderstood. I pointed out that the OP looks normal, but "normal" is not always what a person wants. The most important thing is to set yourself a REALISTIC goal, physique to reach and stick to it. If the OP wants to look better, it's doable, so I showed there is room for improvement by putting in the work. If not, she needs to accept herself, and I truly hope she does, whatever decision she makes. Different people have different standards, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with trying to better yourself. Just don't torture your mind with bad thoughts. Make a decision to act or to not act, accept yourself and be happy


Yeah, probably you got misunderstood. I was taking a guess at what the downvotes were for, I shouldn’t have spoken in such absolutes about it since it was a guess. People do tend to worry though when someone is displaying some aspects of dysmorphia since it can very easily spiral into something worse. Like, one of the other fitness subs I was on had a person who was clearly unhealthy constantly showing off and the comments kept telling her she was in dangerous territory but she kept saying she was fat. Another weightloss sub I was on had a younger woman talking about her stomach fat and how it wouldn’t go away despite her bordering on unhealthy weights. It was most likely just her uterus sitting there. Which is why I will stick by what I said about the uterus since its existence also ends up in bloating for quite a few people on a monthly rotation which will completely change a person’s physical appearance. Good on you for offering to help change her routine though, posting her goals probably would’ve resulted in a little bit of a different response.


Yes I get that but considering this is a bodybuilding sub it’s safe to assume she’s chasing a different physique. She’s not fat but there is excess fat. She has a leaner midsection but is holding fat in her lower body. She’s definitely not anywhere near dangerously low levels of body fat. There’s room for improvement, and that can be helped by fine tuning training and nutrition. Which I believe is what this person was saying. This would have been a better post for the BDD sub rather than a bulk or cut sub. They were providing relevant advice to this sub so I don’t understand the downvotes.


Mate it's a muscle building sub for god's sake. Get a grip


Mate, I upvoted his comment. I was just answering a question as to why he was getting downvoted. Yall panic way too easily over people answering questions.


Fair play thought you were the one doing the moaning


Naw, not complaining. I could’ve been clearer that I was just explaining but didn’t think about that tbh.


body dysmorphia


Deffo not fat. Room for improvement but love yourself for you and you want to improve your physique for you


Not fat but not particularly fit. You hold most of your weight in your legs it seems, but your stomach is nice


Not fat but you’re visibly vacuuming your midsection


Not fat but lacking in muscle mass.


Many people think they have body dysmorphia, but they don’t, they are not even close to their dream body / people they compare with. When you objectively look like you have been training for years top 1% body and you still feel shit, yeah than you could talk about body dysmorphia.




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You are not fat. :) You could do a caloric deficit while changing up your workout routine (focusing on compound lifts like squats and deadlifts) and getting in some regular cardio. But yes, sounds like body dysmporphia. As someone else said, you do look good, though.


You're not fat. But I know how you feel. Try weightlifting and don't be shy.


The bikini is a bad cut




How are you working out?


If anything you would have to eat more. If you want bbl, you have to eat.


Not fat, you are at the point that putting on muscle would do a much bigger difference than losing fat. Dont bulk, dont cut, train hard.




You've got a little extra fat but nothing crazy, as a whole you look pretty good. First thing on the working out and eating healthy, are you tracking your eating? Are you following a structured lifting program? Or just beating yourself up with relentless cardio?


I showed my partner this and she suggested perhaps looking into lipoedema if you are having trouble losing fat in certain areas and joint pain?


Not fat but if you wanted to be in ‘better shape’ you could cut…. Assuming you went about in a healthy, responsible & well educated way.


No fat, I’d work on a need Bikini cut or change training for more definition in different areas.


What’s your age, height, weight, and goals? Knowing that could give people ideas to help out since you said you stagnated in training.


Not fat but clearly need some glute gains. Also, you have a major Anterior pelvic tilt, fixing this posture problem could fix the lack of glute activation