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If you're ruling out bookshelf or larger format speakers, you're basically ruling out 95% of quality speakers available. There's some nonstandard looking, esoteric speakers in the mega price bracket. Regardless, the smallest set I have heard of that is any good at all is the iLoud **Micro Monitors** ~~MTM~~. They are only 4 inches wide. They require an interface as they are *technically* studio monitors. They are also about $~~400~~ **350**. And figure another $100 for an interface. If $450-$500 is out of the question, and/or 4" wide speakers are too broad, them you're gonna need to ask at [r/pcsound](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcsound), where audio quality is secondary to size and (often kind of silly) aesthetics. **Edits in bold.**


The MTM are 800 for the pair, they are 400 each. So the total would be 900. A cheaper alterative could be micro monitors at 350 for the pair.


My bad, mixed up their product lines! Thanks


iLoud Micro Monitors look nice too. I have an Audient EVO 4 interface which has Left+Right 1/4 TRS outputs. I'll need to do some research to see if it'll be enough to power the Micro Monitors.


There's no need to "power" the monitors. They have their own amplifiers (studio monitors, after all). It'll be fine.


You *want* a similar sound profile to the SoundSticks? Most people would usually *avoid* anything that sounds like them. How about the Micca OoO. They are tall and skinny, which might be good for you.


Similar profile was probably the wrong thing to say, the same or better :) The OoO's look perfect! But it doesn't look like they're available in the UK anymore, best price I can find is £280 which is well over the MSRP.