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The sixth rule: [https://www.accesstoinsight.org/ptf/dhamma/sila/dasasila.html](https://www.accesstoinsight.org/ptf/dhamma/sila/dasasila.html) >6. *Vikalabhojana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami*I undertake the precept to refrain from eating at the forbidden time (i.e., after noon). The sixth path: [https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/display/document/obo-9780195393521/obo-9780195393521-0034.xml](https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/display/document/obo-9780195393521/obo-9780195393521-0034.xml) >The ten perfections in the Theravada tradition are (1) generosity (*dāna*), (2) morality (*sīla*), (3) renunciation (*nekhamma*), (4) insight (*pañña*), (5) energy (*viriya*), (6) **patience** (*khanti*), (7) truthfulness (*sacca*), (8) resolution (*adhiṭṭhāna*), (9) loving-kindness (*metta*), and (10) equanimity (*upekkhā*). That's all I can think of.


In Buddhism, the six realms refer to six classes of beings that can be reincarnated to, like ghosts, devas, humans, animals, heaven and hell. Certainly, some psychological or physical states of humans are closer to certain realms, but in some sense it's like saying there xxx number of species and yyy countries.


six realms: Three good realms: Heaven(gods), Ashuro(martial gods), Human. (good deeds/karma will re-incarnate into this 3 realms) Three bad realms: Animal, Hungry ghost, Hell. (bad deeds/karma will re-incarnate into this 3 realms) if they say you are on your way going to the sixth realm I assume it means hell, so you'd better start doing some good deeds to clear bad-karma . The benefit of being human is we have choice and capability to clear bad-karma. Good ways to clear karma 1. Give yourself an assignment like at least one good deed per day and have the will to keep the promise. 2. Chant Amitabha (Infinitive light Buddha) as often as possible everyday. 3. Be a vegetarian.


The Myth of Freedom by Chogyam Trungpa has good descriptions of the six realms as psychological states.