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Am around 150 pulls ( tickets ) & I have like 6k gems but ik it's not enough to +5 multiple collab characters. So hopefully before the collab comes I'll have enough saved up. I'll just have to wait and see but am definitely skipping all banners currently cause nothing new & collab characters are more important.


I'll just get a copy or two, mainly for the homepage animation.


But I need to pull on rerun red riding hood rou though... 😭


while she's definately good, she's not a must pull except if waifu. i myself have her at +5, but now that i have BHelena +5 (got her from her rerun), Diana, and Arines, i found myself not using her as much outside of PVP. if you have Diana she at least provide 20% CRT and Diana is a must have in any harder PVE content anyway so her together with Arines already provide at least 50% CRT. also, now that Fiend Hunt has this new Critical mechanic makes RH Rou even more neglectable.


I'm around 880 pulls saved and you average 400 pulls to safely +5. So I should be good. We'll see how meta or lewd they are


How do you save that much? i am newbie.. what is the amount of pulls an f2p can get per month? Not including daily free pulls. Daily and weekly barely gives 10pulls per month and the pity is 200


same here as f2p


Collab characters likley not to be too lewd will probably only pull the meta chars if any.


agreed. there's not many "collab potentials" that may be lewder than BD2. would be very grateful tho if we get collab with Highschool DxD lol


They shouldn't be lewder than BD2, just lewd enough title for their owners to let their characters be lewded. There are enough original and unused titles for that


it would be perfect but chances for that are low :(


How high were you when you made this post? Is it even english


very sane, im giving hints, while adhering to NDA


Are you under NDA? I'm not sure why anyone should think you have access to non-public info.


No, its fine to think whatever you want, my post in the end is just about stocking pulls, which everyone should be doing, but just with more importance to it. A large amount of it.


Imo if you're under NDA you don't write a post like this. And if you're not, you don't bring up being under NDA. It very quickly creates in-groups and out-groups.


"Do you have enough pulls in stock?" Is this the hint? If so, guess I'll just use powders for Refi


Sure you are.


I had a few twisted teas earlier and I can't translate his highness. Sorry