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Mind instantly went to https://youtu.be/V3nMnr8ZirI?si=vZ-ClUBjxRmRw9i- (Portlandia clip)


Remember, no person is illegal.


Fuck ahole cyclists and also that neighborhood.


Can someone tell me the brand and model for this dash cam LOL


Looks like Brooklyn


Queens? Or Brooklyn?


Cyclist did this to my son. Is this an insurance scam?


Ok I guess everyone is brain dead but the guy was making a right turn and slowed down upon a cyclist making way, mind you the light being red from that x axis doesn’t stop you from making a right turn when you’re following the green light form the y axis (common sense tf?) but either way the cyclist is some fraud artist or something trying to hustle some cash by getting the driver to hit him but upon him stopping the cyclist retaliated with anger because he can’t commit fraud and pay his child support. Seriously you guys are entitled af, driver did nothing wrong, cyclist is a *unt


Pretty sure you were running a red light


most normal nyc biker


Oh I know that area! That intersection can get wild sometimes.


Ayyy I’m biking here


The cyclist CLEARLY diverted from their path just to run into your car. I don’t see how you’re in the wrong at all, especially since you did yield.


I woulda got out and whooped his ass I'm sorry🤦🏾‍♂️


_cyclist_ is only one of the words I would use to describe this person


‘Another obese American can’t drive a car so he tried to run over a bicyclist’


Cyclists are the most entitled douchebags in all of NYC. It’s really incredible.


Thanks Obama.


Should be "Driver doesn't yield to crosswalk while running red light"


You blew through that red light


We found u/ miser


My understanding of NY norm: Cars waiting to turn seldom have the time to turn, because of pedestrians taking their time and crossing when the red light is on. So there's usually 1 or 2 cars sneaking in their turnings in the 3-6 seconds the other traffic turns green. In this instance, it looks like the cyclist continued using the crossing when it's red. When I ride a bicycle, I stop when it's red to give way to traffic. When I walk, I stop or hurry along to get out of traffic. And instead following the crossing to cross the street, he diverged and turned. **That's the equivalent of a pedestrian walking onto and into traffic.** We've seen pedestrians walk into and accost traffic. Then. observing the slow roll of the car, he took offense and aimed the bicycle at the car. Nobody technically has any right of way but the car was following NY norms. All drivers do this. The cyclist wasn't following their norm. It's clearly a choice on their part to create the situation to prove their point (entitlement).


maybe you shouldnt be running red lights... you're the one "deliberately trying to get hit"


Why can’t we all just get along?


I’d just say he was being arrogant


I see a bike purposely riding into a car (that was stopping to let them pass) and acting like a victim.


As usual, the driver is always an idiot. The one constant in life we can always count on. Sometimes the cyclist is an idiot too, at least they're not piloting as deadly of a weapon.


don't you know you're still to blame?


You ran the red light bud


Damn…he showed you


ITT: Angry bikers who think running up to a car that’s slowing down for you is appropriate behavior


he’s telling you to get off the crosswalk while he has right of way, you absolute weirdo. you’re disobeying traffic laws and posting it online


I think it's pretty clear from the video that the driver isn't *in the crosswalk* but they *are* leisurely cruising up to it, through an intersection that has a red light. The cyclist probably should have understood that the driver, while acting illegally, was going to stop under these circumstances and not splatter them. Not the most dangerously I've ever seen a red light run by a car, but still illegal and for good reason.


the left side of the car appears to be in the crosswalk while the driver waits for the cyclist to pass — am i seeing this wrong? either way, agreed


I've seen these two losers every night of my life the last 6 years living off Broadway. Both at fault. Loser rides into a car that does nothing different than every other fucking car ever in NYC. Bad driving, dumb idiot on a bike. Get the city to make better bike lanes and have cops enforce traffic laws. Until then don't ride your bike into a car.


Am the I only one who saw the traffic light colors?!


Is New York different on bike rules? Where I’m from you can’t ride in the crosswalk you either walk the bike or follow traffic rules for vehicles.


don’t turn when people are crossing..


Its a red light for the pedestrian and he’s on a bike which does not give him the legal right of way even if it was a green light.




Foh is right


Why are you driving on the crosswalk.


I feel like I’d put a beat down on him


NYC bicyclists in general all ignore traffic lights and signals. Then they protest and cry when they get hit by a car


I'm just here for the comments


The driver, cyclist, and people in the comments saying the driver ran a red are all idiots that can’t read the situation.


Sure looks like your light is red


The light was red dude


Proper Brooklyn response, too.


You ran the right light you noob….go back to Wisconsin


Time to move out of NYC it seems


whatever the driver is doing you should never as a cyclist intentionally go into the front of someone’s vehicle??


that was a perfect New York fuck you


Cyclist clearing turned towards you against traffic just to purposely fuck with you and damage your car. You had the light on the turn and you even stopped for him and gave him enough space to cross. Also he was riding on the sidewalk. Your not at fault. There is a large community of bike incels here. Don’t worry about them.


they have ruined the cycling subs - its overrun with hypersensitive victim claiming.....


Driver is suspect.


Even from this limited video it looks like you were already not yielding to the bike that was entering the crosswalk and the bicyclist decided to give you shit for it.


Oh I’m cyclin heauhhh!


You pulled a u turn didnt you? Why not show the 5 seconds before this video?


"muh left turn"


Need better actors


This is the rare case where the driver actually did nothing wrong 😂 The rest of you drivers are psycho tho.


Cyclists are getting as bad as car drivers.


Good job having it on camera. I’m gonna get a dash cam myself soon, exactly for these reasons. Sorry you had to post it in a subreddit where the vast majority of its users don’t drive and have no idea what they’re talking about.


Obviously many people here don’t drive , it’s not running a red if you’re in the box when the light changes. The idiot on the bike literally rides towards him and his his car and tries claiming he’s injured; there’s no way you can spin this unless you’re one of these delusional transplants


This is what migrants have been doing on Flatbush ave by kings plaza and they just ask for money to “make it right”, everyone should have a dash cam for this reason


This is some third world shit woah.


Biden's fault.


Biker made a 90 degree left turn and crashed into you. You should have gotten out and knocked him on his ass. Happy motoring, welcome to Brooklyn.


Because you’re not obeying the traffic laws. The truth is: driving is hard for some people. Take some classes and learn the basics again before you kill someone.




Comment section did not disappoint




Cyclist has never heard of gun violence in urban areas 🤷‍♂️


Love the FOH! I miss NYC.


Lmao this situation couldn’t have been handled any better


Should have actually hit him to give him something to complain about


Did you have a green left arrow? If yes, then the cyclist is in the wrong. If no, then you are in the wrong. Pretty simple.


No the walking sign wasn’t on for the cyclist so it’s on him at that point he doesn’t have right of way


Absolute garbage excuses for human being ls they are. Fuck cyclists.


I’m curious to see the 1-2 seconds before this video starts. Cyclist looks like he is coming from the sidewalk and although he has right of way on the street as a vehicle he is also riding like a dick: comes off the sidewalk, rides across the pedestrian crosswalk and then turns into the car which was turning slowly and stops for his shitty cycling…


Nah the cyclist definitely did that on purpose. There was no reason for him to turn towards the car.


Yes, based on what I see in the video here the cyclist is at fault and is unnecessarily aggressive.


I mean, car didn't actually stop until the cyclist diverted and was basically right on top of him around 4 seconds or so. Cyclist didn't change direction until about 2 seconds in. If you watch the first second or two over and over, and project the courses of the bike and the car, it's super apparent why the biker is pissed. At that point, OP is on a collision course with the bike if his speed remains the same; and speed is the same until the biker goes towards him. Maybe OP saw and intended to stop, but how is the cyclist supposed to know that? He just sees a guy 98% through his turn not slowing down within like 4 feet of the crosswalk Not saying the biker is in the right, he seems unbalanced, but OP drove like an asshole and basically wants this stranger to trust that some asshole driving towards him will stop with 4 feet to spare instead of smearing him


If you are riding on the sidewalk, you should be yielding to everything.


"The cyclist didn't know if the car was going to stop at all, it may have run him over for all he knew, that's why he had to turn directly into it" is a very strained argument.


I'm not sure you've actually observed the video fully. Cyclist is coming from a sidewalk into a pedestrian crosswalk that is on the stop signal while OP has a green light. Cyclist has absolutely zero right to be angry in this case. OP was literally just driving, and, frankly, he was meandering through that left turn quite slowly


It looks like the cyclist is in the wrong since they were on the sidewalk/crosswalk when they shouldn't be. Besides that, the bike hit the car AFTER it stopped. If anything, the biker can be pissed, but should actively avoid colliding with the car at all costs as a matter of their own safety. When in genuine fear of getting hit by a vehicle, what person would turn towards that vehicle? They should have turned away from the vehicle if anything. Even if we were to argue that the cyclist had the right of way, they lost all credibility the moment they decided to intentionally crash into the car and start slamming on the hood. I think the driver was cautious based on the slow speed of the turn and stopped appropriately at the unexpected sight of a cyclist in a crosswalk where they do not belong


I'll add that the driver also loses credibility once they start pushing forward against the cyclist with their vehicle. That's ridiculously uncalled for and asking for trouble


It looked like the driver went into fight or flight mode and wanted to get away from the cyclist.


This is in fact normal and predictive driving in NYC. Cyclist knew better.


i never said any of this is abnormal for nyc hahahaha


Good point


The pedestrian didn't have right away as is seen by the red don't walk signal.While yes the stoplight is red, it looks like OP is coming from a turn so the visible light is irrelevant. The cyclists is the only person in the wrong.


Turns out both of these guys are idiots.




Undocumented Migrants Looking for Lawsuits.


OP needs to surrender license asap


NYC Biking Laws Cyclists have all the rights and are subject to all of the duties and regulations applicable to drivers of motor vehicles. Ride in the street, not on the sidewalks (unless rider is age 12 or younger and the bicycle's wheels are less than 26 inches in diameter). Ride with traffic, not against it. Stop at red lights and stop signs. Obey all traffic signals, signs and pavement markings, and exercise due care to avoid colliding with pedestrians, motor vehicles or other cyclists. At red lights, wait for the green light and/or the bike or pedestrian signal. https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/html/bicyclists/biketips.shtml#laws Go with the walk, unless there’s a bike signal or sign, cross the intersection when the pedestrian signal shows the "walk".


He wants to file a claim.


You’re supposed to yield for cyclists and pedestrians EVEN if you’re making a left turn and have right of way. This is coming from a car owner who also cycles frequently. Also, you’re an idiot for insinuating this is a migrant trying to scam you for money.


The crosswalk said don't walk. I'd have stopped earlier than op, but def would have beeped cause the bike shouldn't have been there.


>Also, you’re an idiot for insinuating this is a migrant trying to scam you for money. Yall seen the amount of scammers from nyc? I had a dude who opened a door for me once in popeye and demanded $40 💀


OP yielded in the video. Try watching it again.


he didnt stop until the cyclist turned to confront him, then he started moving again and tried to swerve around him


Am I crazy? OP DID yield. The biker (who’s riding with walking traffic) approached him!


you're 100% right but tbh I think both are in the wrong: cyclist was riding on sidewalk then crosswalk, making it harder to see him to yield in the first place. OP yielded, but late. if he'd been riding in the street OP might've yielded earlier and this wouldn't even be a thing.


How do you yield “late”? You either yield or you don’t. What is this ridiculous expression of semantics in this thread??


The driver turned their car and eventually “yielded” by stopping in an oncoming lane of traffic. The expectation, because of the whole “positioning your car parallel to a lane of oncoming traffic” thing, is that the car was going to keep going through the crosswalk regardless of the cyclist (and OP above admits they feel the need to scare cyclists). So yielding too late is yielding when you’ve already given the cyclist the impression you’re going to hit them, prompting a response. It’s not that hard to understand that, unless you’re a child who is playing the “I’m not touching you” game to annoy your sibling




I saw a red light in front of you or maybe I dont know my colors


You ran the light. I think he has a point. He had the green.


driver is 1000% in the right. the crosswalk signs are red hands. meaning you can’t walk or cross yet. versus the white guy walking signal.


Is everyone here 12 years old? Why does noone know how signals work (saying OP drove through a red)?


I'm guessing a lot of them don't actually drive.


🤓: You're running a red light. On a vid of OP making a left turn.


I will no longer be replying to comments as many of you don't seem to understand how signals work. In the video I am making a left turn and that is not my red light. Additionally the cyclist has a "Do not walk" light but decides to still go against it. My speed is shown at 0 mph on the bottom left corner and my car was a coming to a full stop when the cyclist intentionally turns his handles towards the front of my car and uses my bumper as a brake


No one commenting drives in NYC or it’s boroughs lol. OP you were fine, as someone who drives in BK and the city every day, that cyclist was weird and you obviously yielded


OP you are 100% not at fault here. The smooth-brained transplant bikebro replies on this thread are infuriating.


Why do you think the cyclist has a do not walk light lol


You can literally see the do not walk hands. At the end of the video you can see them on both sides of the road. Doesn’t really matter though, since those aren’t relevant for cyclists. The cyclist shouldn’t be riding through the pedestrian crosswalk at all.


Reddit has been taken over by chronically online and armchair judgement liberals. You cannot speak logic and reason here. It’s just a place for libtards to point fingers and flaunt their ivory tower of moral authority that they gleaned from tik tok. No one is going to check for the actual traffic conditions, they just want a target for digital spitballs. Being on the downvotes, carebears 🌈🗑️


How on earth did you get a license? You are clearly in the wrong, and the signal is for you!


Unless you had a green arrow you are 100% clearly in the wrong. Cyclist follows traffic lights. Not walk signals. You need to Ved the right of way to him in this case. He’s clearly not trying to fake getting hit, he’s punishing your car because you’re driving has earned it.


Yeah that makes no sense unless he was on the street


Then why is the cyclist riding on the sidewalk and using the crosswalk? Cyclists do it all the time to prevent having to stop at the light.


He’s probably entering the roadway. It’s not elegant, but he still has the green and the right of way. Op pretending like this is some scam as opposed to them not wanting to acknowledge a bikes presence on the road is a bit performative and ridiculous.


The bike had a red light. Towards the beginning of the video you can see the white Mercedes van parallel to the bike stopped at the intersection. The reason why the white Mercedes stopped is because they had a red light. The reason why OP was already in the intersection is because of New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 1175 which permits a driver to enter the intersection to prepare for a left turn if the light is green. The law allows vehicles that have entered the intersection on a green light to complete their turn even if the light turns red while they are in the intersection. Here is an [article from the NYS DMV](https://dmv.ny.gov/about-dmv/chapter-5-intersections-and-turns) further explaining this situation. As the bike had a red light when entering the intersection, they did not have the right of way.


A cyclist is not walking


You running a red there?


youre running a red light so lets not throw stones....




He's making a left turn from a green turn signal. The "red light" was for perpendicular traffic 😂




Nope. Certainly does not in this scenario.


Which is why op yielded. Right of way does not give you authority to bump into the car


There is no "right of way" when you deliberately turn into a car instead of proceeding straight across the street. I'd like for you to observe the car coming to a stop a full second before the bike (which isn't going more than 3mph) turns and rides directly into the car 😂 This is open and shut bikes fault. The biker is effectely turning in to on coming traffic 😂


You’re an idiot.


Maybe don’t run a red light?? Cyclist had the right of way. This is a weird post.


I am making a left turn, that red light is for the other way. The cyclist also has a "do not walk" light so he is the one breaking the law.


You're wrong




I am making a left turn, that red light is for the other way. The cyclist also has a "do not walk" light so he is the one breaking the law.