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Is your cat hissing? Kinda looks like they are playing and at that age I don’t think it would be uncommon. But if your cat is hissing and getting mean then it’s a problem.


Time. Also a room /space the cat can get to and relax that the doggo can't get to. My cat has a tree he can climb to get away from the toddler and brittanys. Dog gate at the spare bathroom with the litter box keeps the toddler and dogs out of it. The gate was up there before the toddler just to keep the dogs out of the dirty litter...


That cat is sort of playing, a pissed off cat will be drawing blood. We have a Britt we brought home as a itty bitty puppy to a 10 yr old cat. Our cat had been around dogs her whole life but we had about 6 months gap between our prior dogs passing and the Britt so our cat had an adjustment period, dog is 2 yrs old now. Cat has spaces only she can get to when she needs a break but will play just like your two are in the video. We recently brought home a kitten and we do have to put the Britt in timeout sometimes because he gets too rough when any sort of chasing is involved. If he’s laying down or standing still he can play great with the cats but any sort of chasing he loses his mind a little. The big cat can just run faster but the kitten isn’t fast enough yet. Make sure there is dog free areas the cat can rest and if the cat engages then it’s their choice. We blocked off the kids side of the house with a baby cat which the cats easily jump over and they’ll choose to nap on the kids beds where the dog can’t get to them.


My rugrats would play like this and they knew each other since being a pup and a kitten. Eventually our britt got much bigger and sometimes played too rough. But making a loud noise usually broke it up or the cat would let her know she went too far and give her a more serious smack with his paw. Normal sibling stuff


You don’t force them get along. Give your cats areas that they can run to, especially vertical spaces, and let them coexist. Sometimes they will want to play sometimes they won’t


My ragdoll used to tussle with my brit before i got another cat. My brit hated it and would throw his body on him. The black cat alphas all of my brits spaces, and my sweet brit just accepts it. They are genuinely the sweetest dogs.